tthe ail? TlebraaMn I OLIVER THEATRE l KANSAS OBJECTS. ' (Continued, from page .1.) filiation, Tor membevshlp in the confer-1 IE enro lmvn will rennnunend Aiiii-h. mid ' Xl I MlHKourl has already advocated the WiWWMW ! membership or Washington from that ' TONIGHT AT 8:15 .state. Since Nebraska, has no smaller MORITZ ' Institution which Hhe can recommend plete monopoly of educational affairs here, the other slates would have a ORC $1.50 & $1.00. BAL. $1.00. majority of votes in any council with - which rested tne regulation oi tne at- ROSENTHAL PRI.. SAT. & SAT. MAT.. FEB. 22-23' fairs' of the league, and Nobiuska THE FOUR MORTONS would then be In a position similar to that to which Michigan has come In the Musical Farce 1iim1, and Irom which she has threa' Rroalifin Ifltft CnriDtl l',1(311 t() xtricatu herself by with Dl CUMIILJ IlliU OULUHj drawing Irom the 'Big Nine1 entirely." MtnuTinn 9s,v mat. 50 & 25c. TIhm-i- was to have been a meeting The Burgiar and The Waif :::;'. of th Athletic Hoard last Thursdviy - ... ....n r, op oe morning, but after It was learned that MON. & TUES. EVEN'GS., FEB. 25-26 ,,, ",... , . ,.,., hm, llft wlth T .... , .- " r --.. -w . .. , - j- f .....i v- ,.-.. basket-ball team the same morn- It was not held. It is possible a deleu'.ilv would have been- sent to POPULAR PRICES u,0 Hoeond meeting at Kansas-City re- ' cently, but it is ujilikely Nebraska H-XnW1l would have entered the league, until 2 she saw more advantages than those S oifered at present. (wwi SPALDING ATHLETIC GOODS ALWAYS PASS BECAU8E THEY ARE KEPT UP TO THE MARK AND NEVER FALL BELOW THE OFFICIAL STANDARD. Recognized Universally as Best for Athletes. SEND FOR THESE BOOKS NOW TEN CENTS PER COPY No. 238. Group XVI MubcIo Building. By Dr. L. H. Gulick, Director of Physical Training, N. Y. Public Schools. No. 27. Group XII College Athletics. By M. C. Murphy, the well known Athlotlc Trainer, now with Univ. of Penn. No. 24C. Group XII Athlotlc Training for Schoolboys. By Geo. W. Orton of the Univ. of Penn. and a famous athlete himself. A copy of our complete catalogue of athletic goods will be mailed upon request. MAIL ORDER DEPT. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 126 Nassau St., NEW YORK. 149 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO. I ..LYRIC THEATRE.. HtHlHMWHMHH OVERTURE GEORGE ATKIN80N JOHN J. WILDE Notice. At the boxing class tonight will be the last opportunity for any to enter that wish to take the work this season. , The class will be too far advanced next week for any new men to take tip, the work. .JACK BEST. Where Can I Get a HacK? At the Forbes Stables, of course AUTO 1550 DELL 550 UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. THE OTERA JAPANESE FAMILY CHARLES H. SANDERS DOROTHY VERNON MI8S LILLIAN CHIEK LYROSCOPE The BIJOU i February. i Thursday, 21. ' , Convocation, 11:00 a. m. Symphony concert by Steckelberg .luartet. Junior Qlass meeting, Mem. Hall, at 1 11: HO a. in. ! Y. V. C. A. meeting, lr. IOC; r:00 p. m ' Y. V. ('. A. meeting. X Hr, -,.oo p. m. 1 BREAD, PltS AND CAKES THE FOLSOM COME IN f I N E CANDIES We have a delicious assortment of candies of .our own make. Chapln Hros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. "Nebraska" embossed stationary at the Co-op. You will bo satisfied with Cameron's Lunch Counter. 3 SHOWS DAILY 7:45 rfnd 9 p. m. 10c and 15c, Mat., 10c. Why not take your baths at Chris' MODERN VAUDEVILLE PROGRAM Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? BISON CITY TRIO Tho host placo to eat In town Is at Don's. Ill So. 11th Street. ELLIOTT BROS. TAILORS 1210 O Str. DON'T BE A CHUMP jon If you want to go out in society dress right. We make clothes to fit you. Not made for a dum my and altered to fit you. Dress Suits or Tuxedo Suits to order $30.00 up. Suits and Overcoats to order $20.00 up. i.atest Eastern Styles TUSCANO BROTHERS TOM RIPLEY ma dell and corbley cowles family- btqgraph I Front room for rent, ground- floor. I Gentlemen only. 534 No. 12th. A good, writing tablet Is a necessity. Get it at tho Unl Book Store. Swell stationery. Co-op. Low prices at the MANELL Illustrated Songs . Your writing always looks good on ' our fancy box paper at tho Unl Book I Store. The IVY PRESS PRINTING Has Done Your Why Not Let Them Do It Now? NBW LOOATION-812 8. 12th. BOTH PHONES QOCXXXXX?OOOCOOC)OOOOOCXXXX Miss A. K. Soukup, Dressmaker. Special attention given to students. liaG O St. Auto 1U03. I THE ELITE x q ureons barber snops excel all otners OOOOUQOjVUUUVUUlSJUMJUUVt woau januuj eiy muuum uuu me best woric assured. GOVERNESS WANTED WILLIE VISiTS HIS AUNT STREETS OF CANTON If you have dance programs, tickets i or posters to be printed, go to Mc 1 Voy's, 125 No. 12th St. I UNION COLLEGE t TAILORS Main College BUILDING For First Glass Tailor ing at Low Prloes tI Auto, 48 College View 3J MECHANICAL 8TATUE THE ARTFUL DODGER You would not be ashamed to send a letter written on our new embossed stationery. The Co-op, Gregory, the Coal Man THE SCOUNDREL'S TRICKS DREAM OF THE RAREBIT FIEND Lost Tuesday, a gold hatpin, with' fraternity coat-of-arms. Finder return to Nebraskan office. "Farewell, Soldier Boy" j Mt83 pUffer is again able to take "Just One Word of Consolation" ' csire of one of nor classes, the eight. Sung by o'clock section of Mathematics II. ' PERSIS GARDNER , Dont 8,)oU n g00(1 Iettei uy UHjng nonr mi nm- Whn von nun pet n lfhy Continuous Shows from 1:30 to 5:30 of 8ucn 1retty stntlon,ery so cheap at and 7:00 to 10:30 p. m. tho Co-op. UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS I36 North Eleventh Bill 348, Autt 388I Postponed. The Sophomore class meeting Is postponed uutll Tuesday at tl;30 a. m.l It will bo held in Memorial Hall. Found Fountain pen. Owner may obtain same by Identifying It and pay- i lng for this ad at-tho Dally Nebraskan oiuce. We . ; Would Like to be Your ' ! Launarymon. i YULE ERGS, fi i oo9ooooooooooooooooooooo Something haw In embossed station ery. Tho Coop. SIMMONS The Printer 3I7 South Twelfth St. have "h I TJie ivuns Do Your Washing The host place to eat in town is at Don's Cafe, 114 So., lltlv St. ' ,.-'.. ' . v ,;. N SK'- 1 ii Un ' ' i I, urn n in