Gbe ailp ttebrax0ltan Qreen Sale 1 1- rT Of Furnishing Goods Tag i 4 1 ,M ip NOTE WITH CARE EACH ITEM MENTIONED ON THI8 PAGE AND YOU WILL AGREE THAT WE ARE OFFERING ONLY DESIRABLE MERCHANDISE AND AT A SAVING WHICH IS SO SUBSTANTIAL THAT IT SHOULD APPEAL EVEN TO THE RECKLESS SPENDER, SAY NOTHING ABOUT THOSE WHO HAVE A CARE REGARDING THEIR EXPENDITURES. Fancy Dress Shirts $2.50 Grade De Luxe and Savoy Shlrt6 .' $1 .75 $2.00 Grade De Luxe and Savoy Shirts $1-49 $1.50 Grade De Luxe and Savoy Shlrto '.' $1.17 $1 .00 Grade Savoy and Inter-Ocean Shirts '. : 79c Fancy Madras Shirts, worth 75c and 506. . 39c Heavy Shirts We will give a straight 20 per cent discount on all Navy Blue and Fine Fancy Flannel Shirts, and will sell other heavy shirts as follows: $1.00 Grade-Heavy Bljie Jersey Shirts... 59c $1 .50 Blue Flannel Shirts, Corduroy trimmed ' '. 98c $1 .50 Broken Line of Fancy Flannel Shirts : . .79c 75c and 50c Grade Men's Work Shirts .' ; 39c Men's Fancy Washable and Dress Vests At about Half Price. The Vests here described are of the famous R. & W. make, the feet fitting vest known to the trade. They are made from Piques, Mercerized Silk, Worsteds and Fancy Flannels, worth In a regular way $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and We have taken upwards of 3,000 of these Vests and have divided two lots. "LOTi Is made iip of $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50 grades, and , we give choice. for , , . ., LOT 2 Is made up of $4.00, $3.50 and $3.00 grades, and we give choice for most per- Cheviots, They are ....$4.00 them Into ...98c $1.89 Outing Flannel Night Shirts $1.50 Grade Eiderdown Flannel $1.17 $1.25 Grade Eiderdown Flannel 98c $1 .00 Fleecy Outing Flannel , i . n 7.? 75c Fleecy Outing .Flannel 59c 50c Heavy Outing- Flannel - .. 39c Neckwear. 'One-half off In-all Foiir-ln-Hands, Ascots, Imperials and Puffs. SPECIAL. All Imperials worth $1.50 and $2.00, now. Men's Sweaters Alt $5.00 Grade Fancy Sweaters, roll neck $3.25 All $4.00 Grade' Fancy Sweaters, roll neck $2.50 All $3.50 Grade Fancy Sweaters, roll neck '..$2.25 All $3.00 Grade Fancy Sweaters, roll neck $2.00 All $2.50 Grade Fancy Sweaters, roll neck $1 .75 All $2.00 Grade Fancy Sweaters, roll neck $1.39 All $1.50 Grade Fancy Sweaters, roll neck 98c All $1 .00 Grade Fancy Sweaters, roll neck 65c All 75c and 50c Fancy Sweaters, roll neck 35c In addition to the above we place on sale all our high-grade Automobile Coat Style and V Front Sweaters, giving a discount of 20 per cent from the regular price. , . , Men's Under wear Bargains We are giving a discount on Men's Union Suits of 33 )-3 per cent. Tho biggest money saving event promoted In Underwear circles. Also 20 per cent discount on ail foreign and fancy Worsteds and Mercerized Goods In two 'pieces, and in addition to this we give 20 per cent dis count on all the famous Winsted Mills $1.00. $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 Natural Wool and Lamb's Wool Flat. Knit Garments. OUR SPECIAL LOTS OF UNDERWEAR ARE A8 FOLLOWS: $1.50 Grade Royal Silk Plush lined Shirts and Drawers $1.10 $1.50 Grade Dr. Wright's 8llk Fleeced Antl Rheumatic $1.17 $1.00 Grade Lamb's Down Fleece, lined Shirts and Drawers, .,. 73c $1.00 Grade All Wool Medicated Scarlet Shirts and Drawers 73c $1.00 Grade Broken lines Heavy Weight Shirts and Drawers 59c 75c Grade Hygiene Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers,.... 49c 50c Grade Best Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers. '. 37c Special Sweeteners 35 dozen broken lines 15c Linen Fiber Celluloid Collars..... 5c 12 dozen 75c fancy Silk Oxford Mufflers 25c 50 dozen regular 25c Silk Shield Bows, beautiful patterns 5c 20 dozen regular 25c Silk Shield Teck Ties in plain and fancy -colors. . .15c 75 dozen Men's Fine Unlaundered White Shirts 25b Broken lines fancy $1 .50, $2.00 and $2.50 Jersey Sweaters.- .79c ,75c $1 .00 Grade Four-ln-Hands and Ascots ...'.., . .) . .-. . . . v50c, rnL r I- c-..- I- U ,;i . J A4-nt . .. ! '. -.'. Y. K T. . .25c ,50c Grade iFour-in-Hands and Ascots. , Handkerchiefs .'. :riV" vn.f.i .. 50c Grade Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs ;;.'. .'. .". ...... :.'..,V t ." . . ,39c 25c Grade Fancy 8llk Handkerchiefs .,......;.. .., r'.. 19c 25c Grade Imported Irish Linen, white ..;". .-rs'l.V. .' :?. tti'h '. . , .1?c 15c Grade Whlte 8ea Island Cotton. , 10c 10c Grade White Liner) Cambric. , t. 5c 25 Dozen" Fancy Border Hemstitched. .', ...,,.......... k . 4c 21-Inch Turkey'red 3c, 5c Grade Cot. CambrlcwhlteV i ....".... '2c Hosiery Snaps Broken lines Regular 50c Grade Imported Lisle Half Hose..'. . ...35c i Broken lines 25c Moco and Lisle , : ;t ...19c Broken lines Fancy 15c Hosiery ., "J...11c 100 dozen Men's Fast Color, Brown or Black Half Hose.............. 7c 25c Grade Men's Wool Hose, 17c. Rockford Socks. . . , :.-.. .-.,; . 4c ' I I I . I I I I I , . (I - C ' Men's Suspenders Men's 50c Grade Lisle Thread and 'French Web... '.....,. .....35c 50c Grade Broken Lines Fancy Silk ..... 29c 25c Grade Heavy-Web, Pig Ends ....,...,.. 19c 26c Grade Heavy Web, Silk Ends. . , 15c Police and Firemen's Suspenders calf, ends, . : ...-.v. .-.-j-. ;; 19c Armstrong Clothing Company Good Clothes Merchants KmKmimimmmmmimmmmmmmmKa f- ju.1 . w-tf -- . VWi VT HI I iZk "K. fi?--S53.-