I 3 Xt b e alls tflebraeftan t TUB PROPERTY OP TIII3 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nkhharka. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY IJY TUB STUDENT PUH. BOARD. Pabllcitlon Office, 126 H, 14th St. Kdltor-ln-chlof J. Carroll Knodo, OS ABsoclato Kdltoti Clyflo 13. Elliott, 0!) MftmiRlnff Editor. A. 13. Loup, 00 AthlctlcM Hugh W. Cmltf, 07 Ocnoml Nowh Stuart P. Dobbs, 'OD ItnvlowH Oortnidb Moore, '07 Convocation I.nurnRhondcB, '08 ABHlstnnt Athlotlcfl.MUlor H. Benedict, '09 ABHt. Con. Nowb SIdnoy Q. Evanb, 'OD nopnrtmcntal....Pau1 R. Butler, '07 J. C. Elder, 07 . Chiy Montgomery, '10 W. E. Stnndovon. '07 Alexander J. Dunlap, '09 C. C. Hickman. '07 BiiBluena MaiuiRcr. ...Byron IS. Yoder, '08 AsBlBtimt ManaRor Cay Hardy, '03 Circulator II. C. Robertson, '00 Rhoades Scholarship into which but ono representative ontercd wore of the sort that proved a man's scholarship, thut required real, thorough, deop-' grounded ability to think and grapple with problems, and one passing such a test lias won greater honor than onej holding every "olllco" on the schedule. I There are some real things In the, world and Bomo people who recognlzo ( them. Here's, to the man who, tho only a Sophomore, represented Ne braska so woll in tho Rhoades Schol iiialilti nvnmdinllnnal FRATS- When in need of COAL call and' see the WHITEBREAST CO. We will treat you right Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. ? TELEPHONES: O AY Auto 1528. NIQHT 2363 and 4472 Editorial and Business Offlcft: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Pyble In Advnc 8lnnlo Copies, 5 Cents Each, INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 contB per Inncrtlon for ovory fifteen words or fraction thorcof. Faculty notices and Unlvorslty bulletins will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nchraflka, iih bccoikI-cIuhh mall matter under tho Act of Congress pf March 3, 1879. THE REAL THING. It is ono thing to win claBS honors and social honors and athletic honors, and it is quite another thing tu earn honors along lines of scholarship. Or, putting it in another way, and, per haps, In a more nearly logical order, scholastic honorB are, presumably, and properly, the principal, central ones for tho collogo student, and all others bianch out from thoso in tho center, Ono is attending a university in tho first place to work and work hard. Then what honors come with tho re sults of tho work ought to stand beforo any others. Somo people, of course, EVENTS OF FORMER YEARS. Happenings of . other . days as re corded In The Nebraskan: Five Yearo Ago Today. First oppearance of Captain Smoko tho new commandant boforo the stu dent body. Three Years Ago Today. Evidence of strong feeling about the campus ngnlnst tho proposed action ol the regents in taking a part of the athletic field for the location of the present PhyBics building. Two Years Ago Today. Opening of bids for tho present Administration Building by the Re gents. At Convocation This Morning. The Steckelborg Quartet will render the following symphony program at Convocation this morning: Symphony D Major Beethoven Larghetto. Scherzo. Allegro Molto. Mib. Raymond at the organ. I C. A. TUCKER, Jewelir, i DR. S. S. SHEAN, Optician jj rf 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT 8 8 YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. OOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXX3 The GRAND CENTRAL BARBER SHOP & :: CIGAR STORE :: W.n.BAUTIIISLiMAN, Proprietor 134 So. Kloventli St. Etit Side New Guns. The' Military Department will soon have a complete new equipment of rifles and artillery. The old field pieces wero sent away some time ago, and two new Gatlln guns are oxpecte'd to arrive In tho immediate future. Tho final bonds for the Krags have been forwarded and tho up-to-date" guns will bo here probably by 'tho tlmo the Ba it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it Build's New Spring Stiffs i i i i i i - r Aii Eastern beauty," full crown, very flat sot. expect it to be tbe biggest hat hit 1 ever put out. $2.50. Why Pay More? BUDD. $2.50 Hatter. 1141 O &oe3ooo& ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON on AFTER THE DANCE CALL UP The Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Company For Goodf Prompt LIVERY SERVICE K HUYLfiR Okoolts Bon Bns. Tkf irua Cull-. got side-tracked on tho other sort. It sounds i little better In their ears to bo called great in athletic or social circles, say, and they put their en ergies all to theBo ends to tho detri ment of their study. But the only sane view, purely, is that which makes these things mere accessories to tho ono big purpose in tho college life, to become a scholar. Now this is not meant as a whole sale denunciation of society and ath letics and class affairs. They are all right in their place. Tho trouble is simply this: some people make. these the. central aim of their college life and their study an accessory. They are. occupied first with tho pie and pastry end of the menu and too near ly, forgot the bread and butter part of their nourishment, Pie and pastry are all right to a certain degree, but an over-'indilgenco in that direction will very ilkejy; result in a fit of dyspepsia, . lf;oo be normally constituted. The recent examinations for tho talllon is ready to drill on tho campus. Y. ,W. C. A. Notice. All members of the Y. W. C. A. will please take notice that a meeting will bo held Friday, February 22, during the noon hour at the Y. W. C. A. rooms for the purpose of electing ofllcers for tho coming year. All members are urged to be present. W. Dwlght Pierce, '04, Is In Lincoln for a week or more, visiting IiIb fam ily and friends in the University. Mr. Pierce 1b In the division of Entomology and is located at Dallas, Texas, from Bprlng till winter, where he Is actively at work oh the cotton-boll weevel prob lem. He has just come from Washing ton, D. C, where his reports are usu ally written up. Ho has met many Nebraska men in Washington and would bo pleased to meet all men interested in this branch of work who would like to know something of its practical side. . o WHEN "WALKOVERS GO ON 93 r Mio Troubles Go Off. OOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXJOOOOOOOO SAM'S CAFE S. F. Weslerfleld Proprietor Spocial Sorvlco to PARTIES Bell Phone 355 Auto -3355 A Specialty in Oysters in Season 117-19-21 tyo. 13th St. NEW WINDSOR HOTEL CLUB BREAKFASTS 6:30 a. m. to 2:00. p. m. 1 Two Eggs, Dry Toast and Coffee, Tea or Milk 15c 2 Slice of Bacon, One Egg, Hard Rolls, Potatoes, Hot Cakes (2) with Syrup, and Coffee, Tea or Milk 20c 3 Breakfast Food with 'Cream, Slice of Bacon, One Egg, Pota toes, Hard Rolls and Coffee, Tea or Milk 25c 1 Hot Cakes (3) Stripped with Bacon and Coffee, Tea or Milk.. 15c 5 Plain Steak, Potatoes, Rolls, Hot Cakes (2) with Syrup and Coffee, Tea or Milk ....25c 6 Plain Omelet, Rasher of Bacon, Rolls, Potatoes, and Coffee, Tea or Milk ...: 30c 7 Ham or Bacon and Eggs, Rolls, Potatoes, ToaBt, Hot Cakes (2) with Syrup and Coffee, Tea or Milk 35c 8Brookflelds Farm Sausago, Pota- ' toes, 'Rolls, Hot Cakes (2) with Syrup and .Coffee, Tea or Milk.. 30c 9 "Windsor" Steak, Rasher of Ba con, Potatoes, Rolls, Hot Cakes (2) with Syrup and Coffee, Tea or Milk 35c 10 Mutton Chops (2), Rasher of ' Bacon, Rolls, and Coffee, Tea or Milk 30c Changes made In our Club Break fast will bo checked from the regular Menu. Special attention to students. 10 per cent off on all meal tickets. Rogers & Perkins 1129 O Street. 8 Repairing Factory! p 8 GOODYEAR SYSTEM b The only up-to-date plunt in the Q O city. Saves you time ond money O g 1220 "O" STREET OCOOCOCXXXXXDOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OP LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. 1 CAPITAL, - $100,000.00 The best place to eat In town Is at Don't Qafe, 114 So. 11th St. AUKRIITI CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS $ jW "- '