! m v f ttbeDail? flebraeftan oopoocooocoocoool 8 Sk S. F. Westerlield Q K'''Tm PiopiLlw 0 0 l1!'1 Snoclal Sorvico to W of 8 jjXtfMgj PARTIES b Q Q llellPhohe 380 X Q Auto J395 Q R A Specially In Oysters in Season 8 8 117-19-21 No. 13th St. 8 fiooooooooooooofyyTOOOOOOOoo ' BOLTON AT CONVOCATION. WHEN STUDENT WMTS PRINTING THERE IS HO DEHYIHO THAT HE WANTS IT PRINTED IN MODERN- STYLE The New Century Printers 1241 N STREET ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON on ' AFTER THE DANCE CALL UP The Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Company Fo- Good, Prompt LIVERY SERVICE UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS 136 North Eleventh Bell 348. Auto 3881 Discussed .Laws of Growth and Devel opment of Personality. Dr. IU)1 ton gnve an Interesting find Homowluit nnuiBlng talk tit Convoca tion yesterday morning on the subject "Some Aspects of Personal Growth' showing how wo come to at tuln an Idea of our own self-respect and tako on a personality. Wo learn these psychological facts by studying children and primitive men, and there are three laws govern ing the growth and development of personality. Under the. first law every Individual struggles to exalt himself, I to intensify self, and this is shown in a variety of forms, in feelings of triumph, excellence or self-will. When 1 small boys play they are men, or act ing "big and Bmart," it is chaructorls- I tic for them to be stilted and unnnt- ! ural when under the gaze of other peo- pie. It bIiowb Itself In boasting, brag I glng, telling storloB to excite interest, 1 in cruelty to animals or people. Solf- ; importance crops out in a desire to , break windows or make a groat deal I of commotion. I People, In order to lise above the situation or tho common level, tuke on some affectation, either In form of I i language or attitude, as In talking to babies or to animals tho voice is pitched higher. Gaines also show the there is a certain triumph enjoyed over other people. I The second law Is manifest when others attempt to exalt and we try to avoid the rebuff or strike off the blow. There Is a sacrcdness of personality to be guarded when one is called names and he resorts to incantations and j rhymes to get even. People often lie when they mean the truth, as a child . ill say he "doesn't care for jelly on bread." Thus wo toll lies to children, to sick people, to enemies or strangers and do not consider them lies unless they are found out. Mean tricks nre played on April 1, on St. Valentino's day and Hallowe'en. Dr. Bolton BayB the Cornhusker is the means the stu dents tako to pay theli' respects to tho Faculty. Wo consider no harm is i dono If an apology 1b made, but apolo gies are a terrible scourge to society. O C You are wearing better clothes than formerly. YES, and for less money. Dresher, The Tailor 143 South 12th, Lincoln, makes my clothes now. Where Can I Get a fiacK? At the Forbes Stables, of course AUTO 1550 DELL 5S0 BREAD, PIES AND CAKES JGCCOOOOOOOQOCOOOOOCOO HAVE The Evans Do Your Washing ioooooooooooooo L I ELLIOTT BROS. TAILORS t. !.... i ,i 1210 O Str. i THE TINE CANDIES rULiMJlVl assortment of candles COME IN of.our own make. PONT BE A CHUMP i i i. ii ii im If you want to go out in society dress right. We make clothes to fit you. Not made for a dum my and altered to fit you. Dress Suits or Tuxedo Suits to order $30.00 up. Suits and Overcoats to order $20.00 up. Latest Eastern Styles J Makers of GAPS, 60WHS and HOODS To ths Annrlcan tallages and Unlverslllas. CLASS CONTRACTS A SPECIALTT Rilliblt Materials RiasonablB Pricii 4 Professor Harbour and Roy Pepper berg last Friday visited the coal mine at Peru, Nebr., and were very much pleased with the results of tho trip. The mine consists of a bed of coal over thirty Inches thick, and It Is now i being worked by a force of about eight i men. So far about one thousand tons I have been removed. Samples were i brought back to be analyzed and a re-, port will be made to tlie governor. This is the only coal mine In operation 1 In tho state. The IVY PRESS Ha te PRINTING Why Not Let Them Do It Now? NEW LOOATION-212 8. 12th. BOTH PHONES Mrs. Maria Musson of Champaign, Illinois who has been spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. G. W. A. Luckey, will leavo next Friday ovenlng. She starts for homo now In order that she may bo accompanied as far aB Chicago by Professor Luckey who after a few days spent In Chicago will continue his trip to Europe. I UNION COLLEGE i TAILORS . Main College BUILDING For First Glass Tailor ing at Low Prices , . . Auto, 48 College View ew & fDEL PRADO I4th &. O Swellest Lunch Car In I serve bettor qoautt than any lunch car la the city, aood drub W.P.Komp, Caterer Dr. Skinner haB succeeded in de tecting anomalous rotation and differ ential absorption of light In iron films placed in a magnetic Held. This refers to tho effect In tho absorption region of tho spectrum, In which tho effect Is "completely reversed by passing through that region. This phenomena has been discovered In sodium vapor and in one other substance, but has previously been looked for in vain In all other elements. ooooeoooooooo(xxx50ooooooaoooQOooa R B S U L TS TELL i i i i . . l.H. Wo claim to be the best CLEANERS and DYERS In Lincoln and are here to prove It Our methods and machinery are tho VERY LATEST and our workmen the best that money can secure. Wo clean the finest dreBses and robes without danger of fading or shrinking, and guarantee not to lnjuro them In any way. Wo also clean gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Goods called for and deliv ered. All goods' thoroughly storillzed. We do altering and repairing. Phone Bell 147 1320 N street Phono Auto 1203 Call or write for price list Lincoln, Nob. J. C. Wood & Company DOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooeoo o o o Gregory's Washed Goal $6.50 V -' - I ! I .- 4.' y?r 1 T" I I .--