The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 20, 1907, Image 1

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Vol.VI.TNo.89., ,
New Organization to Further Interest
Among College Students First
Paper' of Intercollegiate League.
Considerable Interest Is being
roused in the colleges thruput the'coiin
try In ari "intercollegiate Civic
'League" formod for the purposo of
spreading among college people a
closor Intimacy with timely and per
tinent questions relating to matters of
government. This league is represen
ted at Yale by the "Yale City Govern
ment Glub," at Michigan by the "Uni
versity of Michigan Civic Club," and
at a number of the other big Institu-
lion's, by " organizations of various
names. The officers of the league are
anxious to seo formed a .similar club
at Nebraska and If sufficient Interest
were manifested, there would be no
difficulties In .the way
Following Is part of an article
written by Representative De Armond
of Missouri on plans for the amend
ment of the constitution and written
for the Civic League:
It Is desirable to amend the Fed
eral Constitution? Is it deslrablo
even to consider the subject of amend
ing the Constitution?
"I will assume, as It appears to me
one "may safely assume, that a majority
of those who have thought about the
matter at all unite in the conclusion
that by amendment the Constitution
could be Improved.
"The Congress will not propose any
amendment of Importance a glance
at history and even a hurried view of
present conditions surely must banish
every doubt about that. It Is a gener
ation since the Congress proposed any
amendment, and yet thore has been
ceaseless agitation for. amendment.
"There Is but onoway to amend the
Constitution, or oven to fjfaVspbqr con
sideration of the subject of amend
ment, and that Is through the action
or State -Legislatures, moving upon
the' Congress for a Constitutional Con
ventlori. T'No amendment can be made- so
long as so many I might say few as
twelve . Slates withhold their indorse
ment. Should not this pregnant fact
aionVbo sufficient to banish the fears
of the timid; resolve the doubts of
those who are undlclded, and 'stimu
late the courage and.arouse the energy
of those who would' employ the living,
Instead of Invoicing' ever and 'only tlie
guidance of! the' dead?
"Even If the Convention were to
come and, go without a single chahgo in
the Constitution, still It would not
have: been created In valnt"A center
ing.,of "thought "Upon the "Constitution
nnd iipon propositions for amendment,
and their serious consideration, sure
to attend and .follow the amendment
movement, could hardly fall to bo pro
ductive of great goqd, Perhaps but
few amendments would bo proposed,
and fewer still would bo ratified. But
the entire field would be explored; ex
isting powers and limitations would
be better 'understood; wholesome leg
islation national' nnd state, would bo
(Continued on pagq 3.)
This building was, completed In 1887. It now contains the men's gym
nasium, the armory, and the offices of the departments' of Physical Educa
tion and of Military Science.
Nebraska. Basket-ball .Five .Takes
Hudson into Camp.
Scores of Games Played.
Nebraska, 34; Fort Dodge, 22.
Nebraska, 19; Minnesota, 20.
Nebraska, 18; Minnesota, 20.
Nebraska, 26; Hudson, 25.
With two or three players crippled
the Nebraska basket-ball five defeated
Company C at Hudson, Wisconsin,
In a hard fought game Monday night.
The Cornhuskers played the first
half with three substitutes Hoar,
Krako, and Jones In their line-up,
but were compelled to replace two of
these men by regular players In the
second half In order to win the con
test which the Hudson team, at the
close of the first half led by eight
points. '
"Billy" Hoar played during the
whole game, being at forward In the
first half and at guard In the second.
Paul Bell, did noi play In the contest.
. The Nebraska five played Marsh
field last night and tonight they play
Portage, Wisconsin. Line-up in the
Hudson game.
Nebraska. Hudson.
Hoar, Walsh Forward J. Ryan
Krake, Burrus. .Forward'. . .W. Ryan
Moser Center .... Anderson
P. Beii Guard Borge
Jones, Hoar Guard Bailey
Referee, Kaiser; Umpire, Clapp.
Convocation Friday.
Attention should be called to the ad
dress by Ralph W. Breckenrldgo of
Omaha on "The Spirit of American
History" to bo given at convocation
Friday afternoon. Mr. Breckenrldgo
will muke a special trip for the pur
pose of giving this address.
Ladles of the Black Masque Get the
The Black Masque swept everything
before It at the Senior class meeting
yesterdny morning, electing three of
Its members to the offices of vice-president,
treasurer and secretary. Miss
Zola Delleckor was elected vice-president,
Miss Fannie Graves, treasurer,
and Miss Florence Parmalee, secre
tary. It was only the fact, it Is said,
that men were required to fill the posi
tions of class attorney and sorgeant
at-arms that prevented these offlceB
from going also to the "magic thir
teen." Samuel Thompson was elected
at attorney and C. C. McWilllams as
Little business was done besides 'the'
elcctKms. On motion It. was voteditb
appoint a committee to arrange for
another class "stunt." It was also
urged that the basket-ball people "get
busy" In the matter of getting their
picture ready for the Cornhusker.
To Give Banquet.
The University Y. M. C. A. will hold
Its annual . banquet, at the Lindell
hotel Friday, March 8. The feast was
not given last year and the boys ex,
pect to make this one equul two An-,
nual banquets. A toast list is .being
prepared and will be announced In
The Nebraskan within a few days.
Tickets for the banquet will cost 75
Forest Club Elects.
At the recent ' business meeting of
the Forest Club, C. G. Bates was elect
ed president; G" B. McDonald, vice
president, and Claude R. Tlllotson, secretary-treasurer.
w -tft sss3HBa3E aeeasa !
: : 50 CENTS j
20, J907.
Price 5 Cents. jjf
Curiosities are Unique and Valuable
A. 'A. Nlclson and E. E. Black
man Interested.
Considerable lntorest has boon mani
fested during the last week In three
curios ,that are oil cxtbltlon at thd mu
seum of tho State Historical Society.
The curiosities wero recently turned
ovor to the authorities of tho museum
with much Interesting data regarding
how and by whom they wore found. .
Tho curios consist of a double bar
red cross, which the older Dorlcon,
one of tho loadors of tho Lewis and
Clr.rk expedition, is supposed to lmvo
possessed; a solid silver crucifix: and
a small figure In stono which has boon
christened tho "Little Saint John.'
M. S. Lane unearthed tho .crucifix
while working in Harlan county, near
Orleans, last May. Ho was engaged
In digging, when ho discovered tho
curio around the neck of a. skeleton.
The crucifix was pluccd In tho Unlvor
Blty Museum soon aftor It was found
nnd a few days ago attracted tho at
tention 'of A. A. Nlolson and 13. B.
Bluckman. Mr. Blackman had Rov.
M. A. Shine of the St. Theresa pro;
cathedral investigate the curio and tho '
two came to the conclusion that tho
crucifix may have been worn by tho
famous friar, Podllla -who was killed
many years ago while doing mluslou
ary work among the Indians. Beside
Rev, Shine, many- other. Catholics a to
interested in .the cross and the invest!
gallon; to'detorrairie tho'ejmct identity,
of the 'discovery wlll bo continue.
At the base of tho. cross which is
solid silver, rests n skull and cross
bones. The letters .on the 'crucifix,
Rev. Shine says, havo the meariing .
of Calvary. ;
Tho second curio Is . a double-barred
cross that was found on a grave
near Peru some years ago and presen
ted, to tho museum by th'o, late R. W.
Furnas, The fact that' thd letters
"O-R-I-O-N" uppear on u tree near
. . . '
tho spot where the cross was found
has led many to believe that the
curio was once the property of Pierre
Dorion. It Is supposed that the lot-
tor "D," having boon poorly made,
.was soon covered by the, growing
bark. Dorion suddenly disappeared
from the Lewis and Clark expedition
In 1804 and.nover was hoard of again.
Investigators bellevo that ho was.
buried nqar Poru and that the grave
on which tho cross was found, is his.
The. third curio is a figure cut in
stono four Inches in length and two
Inches wide. It was unearthed at
Tokamah a few' years ago. Tho fig,
ure is known as "Little Saint John"
and Is thought to havo been one of
the sacred relics of tho Indians. . ..
'. .Basket-ball Game. .
The freshmen basket-ball team, will
play the Y. M. C. A. Meteors tonight
at the" University Armory at 8:00 p. in.
Freshmen are urged to come out and
see their team in action.
Geology 18 meets at 9 o'clock Moh,
day In N. 4.
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