Gbe ails fUbraoftan r ' y ,imiiDiiiHi OLIVER THEATRE TONIGHT AT 0:15 ROSE MELVILLE IN :. SIS HOPKINS PRICES $1.00, 75, 50 & 25c. WED. MAT. & EVE., FEB. 20. ; THE ROYAL CHEE MAT $1.00 to 25c. EVE $1.50 to 50c THURSDAY NIGHT, FEB. 21. MORITZ ROSENTHAL ORC $1.50 & $1.00. BAL. $1.00. ifc)Utt)yywy it it it it it ..LYRIC THEATRE.. 1! It ( 41 I it f Hi kWk "H k k W H 4t OVERTURE , GEORGE ATKINSON . JOHN J. WILDE THE OTERA JAPANESE FAMILY CHARLES H. SANDERS DOROTHY VERNON MISS LILLIAN CHIEK LYROSCOPE The BIJOU 3 SHOWS DAILY 7:45 and 9 p. m. 10c and 15c, Mat., 10c. MODERN VAUDEVILLE PROGRAM BISON CITY TRIO TUSCANO BROTHERS TOM RIPLEY MA DELL AND CORBLEY COWLES FAMILY BIOGRAPH MANELL Illustrated Songs ELITE ocxx3cococococo:cocoococoo ) GOVERNES8. WANTED WILLIE VISITS HIS AUNT .' STREETS OF'CANTON MECHANICAL STATUE THE ARTFUL DODGER THE SCOUNDREL'S TRICKS & ' DREAM OF THE RARE0IT FIEND v "Farewell, Soldier Boy" f "Just One Word of Consolation' 8ung by i , PER8I8 GARDNER Continuous Shows from 1:30 to 5:30 5 and 7:00 to 10:30 p. m. . BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every XiOjral University Studeat la nrged to patronize them ! braakna tlvertliera, and to men tion the paper while doing ao. BARBER SHOPS Green's Palace. BATHE Chris', Grand Central. BOOKS & STATIONERY Co-op, Lin- coin Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Harry Porter. BAKERY-r-Potry Bakery Co. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. CAFE Sam Wostorflold, Don Cam-, eron, Windsor. CATERER "Tommy," at Mlllor & Patno's Fountain. CIGARS Lindsoy, Ed. Young. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma gee & Deemor, Tho Sterling. COAL Gregory, Whitobreast CONFECTIONERS Maxwoll, Tho Fol som. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Horpol sheimor, Rudgo & Guenzol. DRUGGISTS Rector, Rlggs. ENGRAVERS Cornell. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE Tho Benway Company, Hardy. HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Store. HAIRDRESSER Mrs. J. C. Boll. JEWELERS Tucker, Hallett, F. B. Harris, Horpolsholmor. LAUNDRY Yulo Bros. Evans. LIVERY Ensign, Forbes, Mcllck, LOCKSMITH T. J. Thorpe. PRINTING Now. Century, Gqorgo Bros., McVey, Simmons, Tho Ivy Press. MUSIC Curtice, Crancor. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe, Cam eron's. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per kins, Electric Shoo Co. SUITGRIUM J. C. Wood. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwlg, Horzog, Elliott Bros., Dresner. THEATERS Oliver, Lyric, Bijou. TYPEWRITERS Undorwood Typo writer Co. WAFFLES Mrs. Day, Sam's Cafe. Chapin Bros., Florists, 1.27 So. 12th. "Nebraska" embossed stationery at the Coop. - You will be satisfied with Camoron's Lunch Counter. Somothlng now in embossed station ery. The Co-op. v The best placo to eat In town Is at Don't Cafe, 114 So. lltlx St. The best place to eat in town is at Don's Cafe, 114 So., 11th St. Why not tako .your baths at Chris'" Bath House, corner 11 th and r sts.7 Tho best placo to eat in town Ib at Don's. 114 So. '11th Street. '" . Front room for r6nt, ground floor. Gentlemen only. 534 No. 12th. A good writing tablet Is a necessity. Get it at the Uni Book Store. Swell stationery, Low prices at the Coop. '"- ., Your writing always looks good on our fancy box paper at. the Unl Boole Store. ' Miss A. E. Soukup, Dressmaker. Special attention given to students. 113C O St.- Auto 4603. Green's barber shops excel all others in tho west. Entirely modern and the best work assured. If you have dance programs, tickets or posters to be printed, go to'Mc Vey's, 125 No.. 12th St. - : - You would not be ashamed to send a letter .written qn our neW embossed stationery. The Co-op. Don't spoil a good letter by using Lpopr paper, .wyyum yqupan get at dox or sucn pretty I stationery so 'cneaprat the co-op ? I : . ?n i or ? -1 TH U8EFULNE88 OF PHYSICAL TRAINING. View of a Chinese Girl on This Sub ject. Miss Graco Coppock, '05, who wont to China last October, sends tho fol lowing ns a specimen of tho work of a Chineso girl in English on physical training: "Long timo ago wo were hopo must have physical training in our school. But now already have, so wero very happy. Because it has great useful and Important. "One night wo havo n guests to come io our school, who is Miss Carblrt. And I thought supposo this toachor will help us a little. But I havo novor thought she will never taught us phys ical training. Henco ono week Miss Cnrbirt has came on Friday, Thon, Miss Waters asked us, 'Did you llko to exercise your body?' and I said,. 'Yes, Miss Waters, I llko It very much -because we wore hopo tho physical train ing for long time.' " And yet that is not' so very much ought." C. J. McNamaru, C. E '00, was a campus visitor last weok having re turned for tho annual Kappa Slgmn bunquot. Mr. McNamara has recolvdd a promotion In his work, arid Is now in Denver holding the position of ofllco engineer with tho Union Pacific. B. J. Arnold, '97, has recently been appointed superintendent of tho re construction of tho traction lines of Chicago. Something of tho Importance of tho position can bo realized whon 9 It Is known that he draws a salary of $30,000 a year. The Unlvorslty of Pennsylvaina Is to open a now course In gymnastics for the completion of which a degree of Bachelor of Athletics is to bo given. A high degree of athletic merit will be a requisite to obtain tho degree. About eighty girls havo been' quar antined in Harcn Hull, a dormitory at Syracuse University, as tho result of the discovery of a caso of scarlet fever in tho building. Professor A. R. Hill, formorly profes sor of Philosophy hero, has been en gaged to give a series of lectures in the Yale Summor School. He will direct the Summer School at Missouri later. Professor Crawford of Grand Island has been secured to teach "The History of Educntion" ajul "Educatipnnl Logic in the summor school. Father Dies. Word has been recolved of the death of Professor Skinnerts father, Profes sor Skinner was at home at the time. Chancollor Aylswbrth, or Cottnor University and PresldontWadsworth of Bollevuo College visited the Univer sity yesterday. i, oci Roman Archeology. Tho class In Roman Archeology will meet today In U 202 at the usual time. Dwlght E. Wilson, a freshman last year In tho six-year medical course, Is In town visiting friends. The German department is still, without Professor Fosslor, who Is not expected to be ready to take up his work for it least two weeks yet. The time of meeting of Geology has been set for 9 o'clock "Monday In N 4. NEW WINDSOR HOTEL CLUB BREAKFA8T8 6:30 a. m. to 2:00 p. m. 1 Two Eggs, Dry Toast and Coffoo, Tea or Milk 13c 2 Slice of Bacon, Ono Egg, Hard RoIIb, Potatoes, Hot.Cakos (2) with Syrup, and Cdffeo, Tea or Milk . . . . r 20c 3 Broakfast Food with Cream, Slice of Bacon, Ono Egg, Pota toes, Hard Rolls and Coffoo, Tea or Milk 25c 1 Hot Cakos C3) Stripped With Bacon nnd Corfoo, Ton or Milk..15o 5 Plain Steak, Potatoes, Rolls, Hot Cakos (2) with Syrup and Coffoo, Tea or Milk 20c G Plain Omelet, Rasher of Bnooji, Rolls, Potatoes, and Coffee, Tea or Milk 30c 7 Ham or Bacon nnd Eggs, Rolls, Potatoes, Toast, Hot Cakos (!!) with Syrup and Coffeo, Tea or , Milk 35c 8 Brookfloltls Farm Sausngn, Pota toes, Rolls, Hot Cakes ,'!) with Syrup and Coffee, Tea or MIlk..30o 9 "Windsor" Stoak, Rasher of Ba con, Potatoes, Rolls, Hot Cakos (2) with Syrup and Coffoo, Toa or Milk ., 35o 10 Mutton Chop's (2), Rashor of Bacon, Rolls, and Coffoo, Toa or - Milk ; 30c Changes mado In our Club Break fast will bo chocked from tho rogulnr Menu. Special attontlon to studonU 10 per cont off on all meal tickets, 8 OAPITAIj... 9400,000.00 Q HttrpluB.niul Profit..,, 100,()UO.() Q O D1SPOHITS 3,0!iO,()()().()o Q 0effli COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. I CAPITAL. - $00,000.00 . , fB0Il HUYLERW ChoctlaU and Bon Bins. Tk 6nu C-ttar. Ar etp. 'tm NEW'STVI P "BARKEfe.GOLLA.' WARRANTED LINEN ASKYO.UR DEALER f VWIUUIAIVI OHni LU. MAKERS OF COLLARS & CUFFS CLUPECO SHRUNK QUARTER SIZE COLLAR ?bc eeu. 'a rait aac CLUCTT, PCABODY & CO. 1 Vaktn ot Cloctt mJ Moaarch Shlrti i $ OCXX)COCOCOCX)COOOCX50COOOOO The Mm CENTRAL g BARBER SHOP & g 8 :: CI0AR STORE :: jj O W.II.BAHTIini,MAN, Proprietor 8 K 134 So. KloyeMtli St.-I-st Side Q til l--i--ll-----l V r ' liV? iF4 (rVi 'irBE- Ff X5-T T NEW'STVI P H' TTtv ' il I I H til V 7 r r I H I ti-i r-'-i --i-i!-i-'V fw --, JZl-Jv TARROWT - I I": ' K.' v iv . i 1 FT tf K I; ' lp ' 5