Gbe H at l't flebraeftan -; U- -!- i ftbefflfllliglRebragftan TUB PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. LINCOLN) NKnnAflKA. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publication Office, 128 N. 14th St. Editor-in-chief J. Carroll Knodo, 'OS AHHOdnto Editor Clyde E. Elliott, 01) Managing Editor A. E. Long, 00 Athlotlcu .Hugh W. Craig, 07 aonornl News Stuart P. Dobbs, 09 Rovlows Oortnido Mooro, '07 Convocation I-iium nhoades, '08 AMfllstant AthlotlcH. Miller S. Benedict, '09 ABHt. Oen. Nowh Sidney O. EvnnB, '09 Departmental.... Paul II. Butler, '07 J. C. Elder, 07 Ouy Montgomery, '10 W. E. Standovon, '07 Alexander J. Dunlap, '09 C. C. Hickman. '07 BuHlncsfl Mannger. ...Byron E. Yodor, '08 Assistant Manager Gay Hardy, '03 Cliculator II. C. Robertson, '09 TELEPHONES: DAY Auto 1528. NIGHT 2365 and 4472 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable in Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL, NOTICES will bo charged for at the rato of 10 cents per Insertion for evory fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notlcos and Unlvorslty bulletins will Kindly bo publluhcd frco. Entered nt tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under thu Act of Congress of March 3, 1S79. THE "HOOP." Tho other' day floated In a sound lllto the faint tinkling of a sheep boll from a far green hill, just that softly and pleasantly, you know, and inter portod, It ran, "Tho Nobraskan staff has Jumpotl thru tho hoop; ha, the No braskan staff has Jumped thru the hoop." In ono aspect, this might give some body a swift pain, hut wo prefer tho funny side of It. Now tho UiughnlUo part HeH not In tho conception of the jumping, but In tho holding, once con ceive of tho hoop, and it 1b easy to fig ure In tho jump, but, oh, tho hoop! one may have tho ability to fun a class and may possess an appalling amount of knowledge, yet not be overly bur dened with a real personality. But even such people have their usefulness, nnd wo shall get what we have come for, presumably, by taking In recep tive spirit what' they have for us and paying no heed to the superfluous rot. j And further, even If there bo two or ' three such whom wo do not like aro wo forwlth to shy at all tho rest of tho body of Instructors? Wo wish to say right here (and no body gave us a quarter to do It, either) that some of tho strongest, broadest, and most nearly real men are to bo found on the faculties of our colleges nnd universities. And we can get at the real meaning of education only so far as wo get truth In sympathy with these men. Tliero Is hero nt Nebraska altogether tod much of a spirit on the part of some to stand back and eye tho fac ulty with suspicion as 'if they feared getting their head into a halter. Of courses, we are young and skittish yet, but one of these days wo shall grow up, maybe, and then wo shall look notions and smile. EVENTS OF FORMER YEARS. Happenings of other days as re cordod in the Nobraskan: Five Years Ago Today. . The resignation of Miss Smith, who had acted as Registrar of the Univer sity since 1882, accepted by the re gents. Four Years Ago Today. A very successful presentation of "Sally in Our Alley" by the Dramatic Club, at tho Oliver Theater. FRATS-, When in need of COAL call and see the WMITEBREAST CO. We will treat you right Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. GOOD WORD FOR ENGINEERS. Letter of Recommendation from Dawn ton. That the Engineering department of the University of Nebraska is second to none In the country is evident from a letter that recently enmo to ono of BUDDS COLLAR SENSATION I ii it I am selling Barker Collars at 3 for 25c or 99c a dozen this week. These are the collars you have always paid 1 5c for, or two for a quarter GET BUSY BUDD. $2.50 Hatter. 11410 )t February. Tuesday 19. Candy sale In Y. W. C. A. rooms, all day. Convocation. Prof. T. L. Bolton, "Somo Aspects of .Personal Growth." Chaplain: Dean C. E. Bessey. Senior class meeting in Mem. Hall, 11: HO p.m. Election of officers. Senior play cast meets In Union Hall, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday TO. Sem. Bot. meets, 8:00 p. m. In N 101. Thursday, 21. Junior Class meeting, Mem. Hall, nt 11:30 a. m. Y. W. C. A. meeting, N 105, 5.00 p. m. Friday, 22. Convocation. Ralph W. Brecken ridge of Omaha, "The Spirit of .American History." English Club meets with" Miss Con Garber, 8:30 p. m., 185 Washing ton. , Tuesday, 2G. First annual gymnastic contest. March. Friday, 1. ' Denver University vs. Nebraska; basket-ball and dance. Saturday, 16. Non Com Hop. April. Friday 5. Nebraska-Wisconsin debate, Mem.- Hall. Wyarit, '08, of Purdue has been elec ted captain of their football team for next season. Easter's the 31 st of March. Lud wlg wants to see you about your Easter clothes. it it ii ii it it it Professor Condra has just-flnlshed a paper for tho -American Geographical Magazine. H. It. Edwards, C. E., '04, now lo cated at Los Angeles, California, has i been visiting friends here for a few days. ' What have wo hero, anyway? A lot of grade-school children regarding tho teacher as a master and education as an oxorciso? Are wo hero becauso papa and mamma sent us to undergo a cruel course thru starch and rollers In order that thereby wo might get some thing of a gloss put on? And so, do wo fel tho moment wo cease struggling tho It may be, to this process, that wo aro surrendering our manliness and womanliness, and conducting our selves nfter tho .manner of whipped puppies? It Is natural to feel some thing of an antipathy toward those setting a task for us; nobody enjoys tho bidding to go to work. But tho ab surdity comes in just when we consid er our education a series of set tasks and our faculty an aggregation over ijs with tho solo purpose of seeing that certain Instructions nre fulfilled. . Now, of course, there are in every school somo two or three professors who like to run things, tfnfortunatoly, y , . .. the heads of that department from Mr. F. E. Stahl of Pittsburg "saying that the foreman of the Apprenticeship De partment of tho Westlnghouse Elec tric & Manufacturing Co. of that place is ready to take In as many of our engineers for tho two years apprentice ship course as tho department can rec cominend. Ho considers that tho train ing given at this Institution leaves nothing to be desired, and says ho' Is only too glad to speak a good word for the Nebraska engineers. The Kansan says that the Jay hawker team which was defeated here Saturday night, "attributes its defeat to tho unfavorable condition under which they played," a .result of their late arrival in Lincoln and consequent lack of time to get properly prepared for thq game. Howard Haner was a visitor on the campus Friday. . A Mr. E. (J. Woodruff, formerly of this Unlvorslty, Is nt present pursuing studies at Harvard under Professor Davis. Alpha Phi sororjty inltated the fol lowing girls Friday evening; Lucy Cotton , Mablo Benson, and Ouida Wlkson. Mr. E. T. Edwards, of Oklahoma University, is pursuing graduate studies in the Geography and Geology departments. Two Seniors, from the Electrical Engineering Department are erecting have been received In the Farm Me chanics Building. Two now gasoline engines, a sltf horse power nnd an eight horse power, have beeiureceiveded in the Farm Me chanics Department, ELECTRIC SHOE Repairing Factory! GOODYEAR SYSTEM The only up-to-date plant in tho city. Saves you timo and money 1220 "O" STREET OOOCOCOCOCOOOOXX5000000COO UNIVERSITY JEWELEH & OPTICIAN C. A. TUCKER, Jeweler, DR. S. S. SHEAN, Optician 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATR0NA6E SOLICITED. DOCOOOOOOOCOC To Speechify Thinking speaking on one's feet ' Some splendid books to aid you 20 ditcount to teao'tcrs How to Attract and Holtl nn Autflonio 1.0O lVntto'B bcionru and Ait of Elocution .vs OU'a Mow To Use tlm Voice 1.J5 dim HoivTo Uesture.., mo t! minion Krrors In Writing, Speaking a... .60 KiilforJ'a Composition and Jihutorlc 1,10 II li'a llio Worth of Words is l.tKiu and Opposite (R)nanyins nnd opp ) .M) - i iraotcr (oplifranw liy hundreds, Inhered).... ' 1.S0 IVtuand Cons (complete debates) 1.50 t.'Minincncernent I'nrU (at; occasions) SQ I'li-CM That Ilaxo Taken 1'rlzcs i 1.25 Tho llcat American Orations of Today 1.25 Mow to Study Literature .75 Intilantaneoun Parliamentary Uulde ,. .00 MINDS & NOBLE, Publishers 31.33.35 W. 15th St. New York City . Schoolbooki of all publishers at one store m There Is no time like Harris time. If your watch isn't up to date you bet ter see Harris, the watch doctor, 1137 O St. ALLEOREUI CHOCOLATES AT MORS n - i f j M , j, - fit, ,v