The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 16, 1907, Image 4
Gbe Dalle Debraeftan NEW WINDSOR HOTEL CLUB BREAKFASTS 6:30 a. m. to 2:00 p. m. 1 Two Eggs, Dry TonHt nnd Coffoo, Tea or Milk 15c 2 Sllco of Bncon, Ono Egg, Hnrd ItollB, PotntooH, Hot Cukes (2) with Syrup, and Coffoo, Toa or Milk 20c 3 Broultfust Food with Crenm, Sllco of Bacon, Ono Egg, Pota toes, Hard Rolls and Coffoo, Toa or Milk 25c 4 Hot Cakos (3) Strlpnod with Bacon rind Coffoo, Toa or Milk . . 15c B Plain Steak, Potatoos, Rolls, Hot Cakes (2) with Syrup and Coffee, Tea or Milk 25c C Plain Omelet, Rasher of Baoon, Rolls, Potatoes, and Coffee, Tea or Milk 30c 7 Hani or Bacon and Eggs, Rolls, Potatoos, Toast, Hot Cakes (2) with Syrup and Coffee, Toa or Milk , 35c 8 'Brookflolds Farm Sausago, Pota toes, Rolls, Hot Cakes (2) with Syrup and Coffeo, Toa or Milk.. 30c '0 "Windsor" Steak, Rasher of Ba con, Potatoes, Rolls, Hot Cakos (2) with Syrup and Coffee, Toa or Milk 35c 10 Mutton Chops (2), Rasher of Bacon, Rolls, and Coffoo, Tea or Milk 30c Changes mado In our Club Break fast will ho chockod from the regular Menu. Special attention to students. 10 por cent off on all meal tickets. WHEN STUDENT WANTS PRINTING THERE IS NO DENYING THAT HE WANTS IT PHINTED IN MODERN STYLE The New Century Printers 1241 N STREET ord of Its ovor having h'een completed. A two-days' colouration commemor ated tho twenty-fifth anniversary of tho chartering In 1804. Somo of tho features at this time wore tho Installa tion of Chancellor McLain, an address by Professor Qeorgo Elliott Howard of Loland Stanford, and a banquet in the Armory In tho evening. Invita tions wore also sent to all members of tho legislature of 18G9, to tho governor nnd all ox-governors of tho state, to tho ex-regents and other state officials. In 1898 tho growing number of stu dents mado mid-winter commence ment necessary and the first of these exorcises was held that year. Tho Charter Day meeting was ch&sen ns an appropriate time for tho graduation exorcises and thus charter day and mid-winter commencement fall on tho same day. Later it was decided to throw open all departments of the school for inspection on this day, so that now tho day has como to repre sent a complication of ovents, tho annual indoor athletic contests, re gents' meeting, conferring of degrees, and pu'bllc exhibition of tho State Museum and Historical Society Museum. Tho University of Nebraska was chartered after a week's legislation in both house and Benate. A bill pro viding for tho chartering of a univer sity was Introduced in tho senate by Senator Cunlngham, February 11, 18G9. On tho 13th It had passed the senate and was Introduced in the hoiiBO. February 15 It went to Gov ernor Butler nnd was signed tho Bame day. Tho erection of what is- now known ns University Hnll was begun tho Bamo yenr, completed In 1870, and wns for years the sole building on tho campus. . .ENGINEERING N0TE8. Professor Chatburn lias announced a now course in graphical statics for Senior engineers. Ray Findloy, C. E., '07, has accepted a position with tho Omaha Street Rail way Company, and will not bo In school this semester. L. J. HERZQG The University Man's Taller 'THE FINEST WORK DONE AND PRICES RlBHT 1230 O S fREET QoodCrub DEL PRADO I4th A. O Swollest Lunch Car In tho Wost. I sorvo bettor quality than any lunoh car In tho city. W.P.Kemp, Gatorer L. N, Baker, W. E. Standeven, John Woller, and F. W. Hrubesky have been appointed as assistant Instructors in Mechanical Drawing 2. They are all Seniors with considerable draughting experience. Arthur Fonlon, who graduates at the Mld-Wlnter Commencement, has re ceived an offer from the Burlington as draughtsman on a locating party. It Is very probablo that ho will accept tho position. Mr. W. B. Shaw of the B. F. Sturde vant Manufacturing Company will probably bo In Lincoln this spring to lecture boforo the engineering atu dents. Ho Is a very capable engineer and an entertaining talker. An effort Is bolng mado among a number of western univorsitlos to Induce him to vlBit this territory. WHEN "WALKOVERS GO ON W ... ' Law Notes. N. Jensen, Freshman Law, is given credit for tho following after Exam, week: "To know ybu flunked Is pretty bad. It's worse to know That they'll toll dad." iiMtfillu rl SPALDING ATHLETIC GOODS i ALWAYS PA88 BECAU8E THEY ARE KEPT UP TO -THE MARK AND NEVER FALL BELOW THE OFFICIAL 8TANDARD. Recognized Unlvorsally a Best for Athletes; SEND FOR THESE BOOKS NOW TEN CENTS PER COPT No. 238. Group XVI Muscle Building. By Dr. L. H. Gulick, Director of Physical Training, N. Y. Public Schools. No. 27. Group XII Collogo Athletics. By M. C. Murphy, the.woll- known Athletic Trainer, now With Univ. of Ponn. ' No. 246. Group XH Athletic Training for Schoolboys. By Geo. W. Orton of tho Univ. of Penn. and a famous athlete himself. A copy of our complete catalogue of athletic goods will be mailed upon request. ' MAIL ORDER DEPT. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 126 Nassau St., NEW YORK. 149 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO. John Burkett of Lincoln and E. T. Grunden of Lexington are new faces In tho library. Shoe Troubles Go Off. Rogers & Perkins 112 O Stret Louis B. Tobln, whoso brother was prominent in athletic circles in '01 and '02, has registered as a special.. Professor Ayres la going to conduct a seminary in Common Law Pleading for the benefit of tho first and second year classes. Miss Martha Clino has been appoint ed a scholar in the Department of American History and will assist Pro fessor Perslnger. Miss Cllne gradu ated in 1906 and is now specializing in American History. . Tho hat with letters "W. T." Inside which was ieft in the library Wednes day may bo secured at Nebraskan office. Please bring hat with letters "L, A. H." O C You are wearing batter clothes than formerly, YES, and for less money. Dresher, The Tailor 143 South 12th, Lincoln, makes my clothes now. I ELLIOTT BROS. TAILORS 1210 O Str. PONT BE A CHUMP iii i ii i i If you want to go out in' society dress right. We make clothes to fit you. Not made for a dum my and altered to fit you. Dress Suits or Tuxedo Suits to order $30.00 up. Suits and Overcoats to order $20.00 up. Latest Eastern Styles The IVY PRESS H" Z PRINTING Why Not Let Thorn Do It Now? NBW"LOOATION-S 8. lMh. BOTH PHONES I UNION COLLEGE i TAILORS Main College BUILDING For First Glass Taller Ing at Low Prices . . . Sft Auto, 48 Collaga View j OOOOOOOOOOOCXXXOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXX3eCXXXX!Wq RESUl, TS TELL I - - , .... lw-n1-rrrll--r,rl-rrrl,r-nT--- ... I Wo claim to be tho best CLEANERS and DYBR8 in Lincoln an! are here to prore it Our Methods and maohinery are tho VERY LATEBT and our workmen the best that money can seoure. We clean the finest dresses and robes without danger of fading or shrinking and guarantee not to injure them in any way. We also clean gentlemen's olothing all kfods. Goods callod for and deliv ered. All goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering and repairing. Phone Bell 147 1880 N street Phono Auto 18M Call or write for price list Lincoln, Neb. J. C. Wood & Company 6eoooooeooooooooooooooooooo Gregory's Semi-Anthracite $7 . A$k i 1"' n