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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1907)
be atlp flebraeltan r tKni( OLIVER THEATRE Sttttattatt)M)i rP 1 A V MATINEE, 2:30 t I VITk I TONIGHT, 8:15 i PECK'S BAD BOY MAT. 20 & 10o. NIGHT 50, 30, 320 TUE8DAY NIGHT, FEB. 19. R08E MELVILLE SIS HOPKINS r WED. MAT. & EVE., FEB. 20. THE ROYAL CHEE ..LYRIC THEATRE.. mtttttt OVERTURE "San Antonio" MAJOR CAILLOUETTE JOHN J. WILDE HAIGH ANP THOMAS RAND AND BYRON HARRY HARVEY J C. NUGENT, assisted by GRACE FERTIG LYR08COPE The BIJOU 3 SHOW8 DAILY 7:45 and 9 p. m. 10c and 15c, Mat., 10c. MODERN VAUDEVILLE PROGRAM OVERTURE JITSUE WIORE TROUPE DAN LAMONT Australian Animal Traln'er ELLSWORTH AND BURT L. J. JOHN80N H. R. MANELL "A Little Child Shall Lead Them" BIOGRAPH THE ELITE OCXDOOOOOOCOCOO(:COOOOOOOOO Program for Thurs., Frl. and Sat. THE FLY MANIAC THE GRAFTER REHAB.ITIATION f: THE DETERMINED CREDITOR y. THE BAD MAN MOONLIGHT DREAM ILLUSTRATED 80NG8 Sung by PER8I8 R. GARDNER m 'In the Cod Gray Dawn" r ."Sing" Me a 8ong of the South" Continuous Shows from 1:30 to 5:30 and 7:00 4o 10:30 p. m. r iUiltjU DEBATING NEW8. (Continued from pago 1.) along debating Hnetf and many havo4' angular League, composed of Drown, Williams, and Dartmouth, tho question to bo considered is: "Resolved, That armed intervention is not justifiable on the part of any nation to collect, in behalf of private Individuals, claims against any American nation." For Pennsylvania, tho teams have already been chosen. The question to bo do bated by these two is: "Resolved, That immigration into tho United States should too further restricted by an educational test." Princeton will debate Harvard at Princeton and Yalo at Now Haven on tho same subject on March 22. The subject hero will bo submitted by Yale to Princeton and by Princeton to Harvard. Interest in do bating in tho East is becoming more and more intense as evidenced by a .recent proposal from . tho Freshmen class of Harvard to debate with that class at Yale. The proposal has boon accepted. UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. February. Saturday, 1G. Dr. Charles S. Minot before Medical College, M. 301, 11:00 a. m. Medical Society meet in M. 301, 8:00 p. m. Address by C. W. M. Poyn- tor. Chemical Club meets in Chem. Lab. Annual Sigma Xi address by Dr. Chas. Sedgwick Minot, Art Hall, 8:00 p. m. Students' Debating Club social "blow out," 8:00 p. m. Palladlan Society new members' program, 8:30 p. m. Thursday, 21. Junior Class meeting, Mem. Hall, at 11:30 a. m. Friday, 22. Convocation. Ralph W. Brecken ridge of Omaha, "Tho Spirit of American History." Tuesday, 26. First annual gymnastic contest. March. Friday, 1. Denver University vs. Nebraska; basket-ball and dance. Saturday, 16. Non Com Hop. MIsb A. E. Soukup, Dressmaker. Special attention given to students. 1136 O St. Auto 4603. Green's barber shopB excel all. other la the west.. Entirely modern and the best work assured. If you have dance programs, tickets or posters to be printed, go to Mc Vey's, 125 No. 12th St. There is no time like Harris' time. If your watch Isn't up to date you bet ter see Harris, the watch doctor, 1137 O St. TOMMY For refreshments and light catering work see ."TOMMY" at Miller & Paine's. Kit A W '"evwsBHHB nraTTltMsHlfliii V- i '&,wffc;tz'-iM BY --lm7fi ilfllliWl DAY CELEBRATED. (Contlnuod from pago 1.) 25-yard Dash. First boat Craig, flm; ond. Time, 3 2-5 seconds. Second heat Coo, first; ond. Time, 3 3-5seconds. Final heat Coo, first; ond. Time, 3 1-5 seconds. Minor, sec Cook, BOC Craig, boc- Fence Vault. Chaloupka, first. 6 feet 7 inches. Dunlap, second. 6 feet 3 inchos. Shot Put. Collins, first. 43 feet 5 Inchos. Chaloupka, second. 42 feet 7 inchos. Pole Vault. McDonald, first. 0 feet 0 Inches. McMastors, second. 9 feet 6 Inchos. High Jump. Anthes, first. 5 feet 11 Inches. Knode, second. High Kick. Anthes, first. 8 feet 9 inchos. Fleming, second. 8 feet 6 Inchos. Rope Climb, Purcoll, firBt 7 3-5 seconds. Nolder, second. - Relay Race. Phi Psl, first. 1 minute 15 4-5 sec onds. ' Kappa Sigma, second. 1 minuto 17 4-5 seconds. IN THE EVENING. In the ovenlng John P. Irish of Oak land, California, addressed the gradu ates in Momorial Hall on tho subject "Is Goverment a Failure?" Mr. Irish is one of the prominent men of the coast state, whero he is engaged in tho banking business. Ho has taken an active part in tho public affairs of Cal ifornia, and is a strong advocate of clean politics and pure government. Mr. Irish took for his main theme the ownership of public utilities and treated it adversely so as to Bhow why it is a failure. He said that tho duty of tho government is to treat both tho artificial and the natural bodies indis criminately but held that this is impos sible under a public owonorshlp gov ernment. Tho name "artificial" Mr. Irish applied to private corporations. In embarking upon public owner ship the government, he said, could not fulfiill its political duty and hence failed to give administration to tho ar tificial and natural creations. As an illustration for this statement Mr. Irish pointed to tho proposed system of electing senators by popular vote, which would send men to the congress with very one-sided views, and showed how unjust tho government toward the corporations might bo. Ho hold that i representative government should be just in the administration of affairs both to tho individual and the massed wealth and said that tho present day government, not succeeding in this re spect, is a failure. IN THE PA8T . A detailed history of former charter day celebrations would make what Josh Billings would call "mighty in terestin' readln'." To read accounts of how the students behaved on holidays back in tho pioneer times of this state would bo euro to satisfy tho most sensational of literary tastes. It was not until the University was some ten or fifteen ears old that the anniversary of its chartering began to bo enthusiastically celebrated. In the year 1883, when the main hall was .the only building on tho campus and the student body was small and thoro ly democratic in spirit, tho Palladlan Literary Society closed tho Charter Day oxercjses with tho minstrel show that proved a matter of so much dis appointment, not to say disgust, to the State Journal. However much unfavorable comment this Ethiopian entertainment may havo occasioned from the press at that time, it seems to have been in thoro harmony with tho democratic spirit of the little pioneer college. This little vaudeville consisted of multitudes of jokes, puns and songs, stale and otherwise, of the burnt cork order, which called forth varying opinions concerning their mer its and demerits. Upon another occasion the burlesque entertainment that closed, the day's exorcises was brought to a sudden close by a heated dispute between 'the performers and a part of the audience. A fow members of the audience made bold to chargo the performers, who promptly vanished thru an upper story window, and descended by means of a rope previously arranged for such an emergency. The evdnlng's entertain ment ended hero and there is no fee- tS. F. WntofliM Special Service te Q i .N. Bell Phone jss Q Q Auto 3305 y R A Specialty In Oysters In Season X 8 117.19-21. No. 13th St. ft FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL 1400,000.00 Sarpltu ami ProAU,,,. 100,000.00 DEPOSITS 3,030,000.00 y mtttfffflgq)ftjMnmi)aflm I C0LUM1IA NATIONAL BANK I OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. I CANTAL - 100.000.00 liiniDWMWsaawsgsaal Gotrell & Leonard ALBANY, N. Y. Makers of CAPS, 60WNS and HOODS Te til AMrietn CellifH iH HbIwsIIIm. CUSS CMTRACTS A SPECIALTY Mllallt Mttttalf ifiiMiikti FrlcM H HUYLERTI koolatM tf Bon Worm. Wifd-liJMS' JTlii tout Ur. NEW STYI F "BARKER COLLAR" WARRANTED LINEN ASK YOUR DEALER WILLIAM BARKER CO. ' ' MAKERS OF COLLARS & CUFFS . The Evans j Po Your Washing i ,V Ctepeco 'Shrunk Qsartor SIm .CeHir I vfi X' Maktre of doctt md Monarch Bh'trt W lYl '.V !. - .'7J. varij" J it . M t f , ' ' V