f l ZTbe Bailp IRebrasfean Vol. VI. No. 85. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY H, fe07. Price 5 Cents. ' CHARTER DAY ANNIVERSARY OF FOUNDING TO BE CELEBRATED TOMORROW. Pershing Drill Indoor Athletic Con test The Mid-winter Commence ment Names of Graduates. Tomorrow is Charter Day. To sonic that word has little meaning, but to those acquainted with University cus toms and traditions, It stands for the celebration of the day upon which was passed by the legislature the bill pro viding for the founding of this Insti tutionFebruary 15, 18G9. It has al ways been tho custom to observe this day as a holiday with the Indoor ath letic meet In the afternoon and In the evening are the .. regular mid-winter commencement exercises. Prepara tions have been made to observe the day as usual tomorrow, and the feature omitted last year, the Pershing Rifles drill, will also bo carried out. At 11:00 o'clock the Board of Re gents meets. In the afternoon at 2:00 o'clock all departments of the Univer sity are thrown open for Inspection. At-the same hour, also, begin the ex ercises In the Armory, the first part of the program consisting of music by the University Band. Immediately following the music comes a drill and speil-down by the Pershing Rifles. In terest In Uiis contest is Increasing and the competition for places promises to bo very sharp. At 3:00 o'clock be gins the annual Indoor athlotlc con test, consisting of seven events, in which men will contest for first and second places, tho former being awarded a silver, and the latter a bronze medal. This Is followed by a relay race among four fraternities. Last Saturday' tho tryouts for this meet were hold-tmd the number of con testants narrowed down to four In each event except tho 25-yard dash, where there will bo eight entries Those running In tho first heat of the dash will be Kroger, Minor, Craig, D. F.McDonald; those In tho second heat, Hughes, Dunlap, Coo, Cook. The other entries are as follows: Rope climb H. O. Bell, Purcell, Hawley, Nelder. Fence vault Chaloupka, Johnson, Nelder, Dunlap. High jump Anthes, Rathbone, Ha mel, Knodo. High' kick Anthes, Dunlap, Fleming, Hummel. Shot put Chaloupka, Kroger, Wei ler, G. B. McDonald. Pole vault Johnson, Phelps, G. B. McDonald, McMastevs. Last Tear all past records, save that In the high kick, wore broken. This year ' It Is not -probable many new marks will be reached. All those ex orcises are open to thejmbllc. The program for tho mid-winter commencement at Memorial Hall In the evening, 8:00 p. m., follows: Music Organ "Number March and Chorus from "Tannhauser," Wagner. Invocation Rev. Frank I. Roach, Chaplain of tho Eovenlng. Music Trio "Loreley" (Para phrase, Nesvadba. Charter Day Address "Is Govern ment n Failure?" Hon. John P. Irish of San Franplsco. (Continued on page 3.) ft MADOU MARCH NON-COM. HOP OLD FRATERNITY HALL PRICE $1.25 0OSQ0 0OOOOO0 O O MEN SHALL STAY. Minnesota Co-eds Refuse to Put Them Out. The women students at Minnesota held a clamorous mass meeting last week and discussed the question of permitting men to enter Shevln Hall, the women's dormitory recently opcnod. In voting on the question, 59 of the girls stood for total exclusion of men and Gl held that strong rules governing tho conduct of the mon should be made, but that tho other box should bo permitted to enter tho first floor of the dormitory. A few of the regulations drawn up follow: 1. No man shall bo admitted to the Alice Shevln Hall except on special occasions 2. The first floor of the hall shall be open to college women and their gen tlemen friends the first and third Tuesday evenings of every month from 8:00 to 10:00 o'clock. 3. Men onterlng tho building must pass thru the west door except on special occasions. 4. Men who shulLiyillat the building for any special purposeBhall be re stricted to tho use of Joan Martin Brown parlor! 5. Tho bell at the west door must be rung by men desiring admittance. Latin Club Elects.' The meeting of the Latin Club with fessor Sanford Tuesday evening was a decided success, every one of the twenty-five members being pros ent. The following very Interesting eating program was given: Miss Beatrice Clark "Dr. Hoffman's Inaugural Address at tho University of Berlin." Miss Annitf Chalken "The Roman Calendar for the Month of February." Professor Sanford "A Story" (told In Latin).- At the business meeting following the program, Lucllc Long was elected president: Annls Chalken, vice presi dent; Vera Molqulst, secretary-treasurer; Lois Fosslor and Adolph Voss, members of the executive committee. 'Splendid Drill. Last Tuesday evening enough Persh ing Rifles responded to the call for n meeting to make possible the formation of three squads, and tho mon wero put thru a splendid drill. Tonight at 7:15 is to come another such drill and every man Is urged to get out again lit order to Insure a reputable showing tomorrow afternoon. S. R. Williams, formerly an assistant In the Physics department, after two years residence In Germany, has taken his doctor's degree at Columbia where ho is now serving as an assistant. SIXTEEN CIVTrCM A 9 4 a 9 9. i 8 8 CO035050i)00Oi&COW)5J b500&0 SEM. BOT. Names of Those Successful in Passing ' Examinations. All the ancient and sacred traditions of the organization were followed In an Initiation of new members Into Sem Bot., held last evening at 8:00 o'clock In N. 104, the Botanical Li brary. A high clubs of work Is re quired for entrance to this seminary and applicants for any of tho degrees obtain admission only after examina tion. Those Initiated Into tho first dogree, that of candldatus, wero: V. V. West gate, J. L. Stahl, M. R. Gllmore, G. Pagaduan, A. M. Lute, E. Hopt, J. C. Elder. Fred Wolf, L. W. Swlnglo, Ira Beck, E. J. Montgomery, Alvln Koyser. Those Initiated Into the degree of no vltlus were: H. W. Barre, Vera Darl ing, Ethel Field, Margaret Hannah, Ruth Marshall, G. A. Pearson, N. F. Petersen, Arthur Samson, Nellie Ste venBon, Leva Walker, L. L. Zook, C. G. Bates. Candidates for tho dogreo of Ordlnarlus are: I. S. Cutter, F. E. Denny, R. J. Pool, Elda Walker. Team Leaves. Tho basket-ball toam loft this morn ing on Us first big trip of tho year at 5:45 o'clock. Tho first gamo comes tonight at Fort Dodge, Iowa, then tho team goes to Minnesota, playing thai aggregation two games, Ono on Friday and another on Saturday night. The following men make tho tripfltheTO any at all, is his own affair. V. A. Moser (captain), W. W. Walsh, R. H. Burruss, Paul Bell, Dwlght Bell, ? R- Jones, L. S. Krako, and J. W. j4ioar. They were accompanied by Dr. Uiapp and Manager Eager. Freshmen Finish Election. Tho Fieshman class hold a meeting for the election of officers Tuesday at 11:30 in Memorial Hall, although ow ing to tho fact that many members had classes at that hour the attendance was small. Officers wero olected as follows: L. J. Weaver, president Jo sephine Huso, vice-president; Paul Marvin, treasruer; Miss Kroidler, sec retary; J. A. Scotney, attorney; A. J. Heskott, sergeant-at-arms. Not Yet Heard From. Nothing has yet shown up that looks like the Prom poster. Now, if after what has been published concerning this as boing porsonul, not class, prop erty, it is still retained, it appears that some one is ready to enter In spirit, at least, the ordor of common felons. This reflects badly on tho University, but worse yet, It reflects on someone's character, and that ono will -not forgot It right away. A. A. Helmrod, '0C, was a campus visitor, yesterday. ' . THE HONOR SYSTEM HAS BEEN ADOPTED BY" THE LEADING UNIVERSITIES. Is Attracting Wide Attention View of Edward C. Jenklno on Cribbing and 8tudent Hopor. During the last few weeks the Honor System Iiub been adopted by some of tho leading unJvorsltleB of the coimtry and is now boing consid ered by many other schools. Wiscon sin is tho latest Institution to take up the system and Its action has. at tracted wide attention and called forth much comment on tho subject of honor In colleges. One of tho best articles brought forth by tho discus sion appears In The Intorcolloglan for February. It Is written by Edward C. Jenkins and is as follows: Crlmlnnlold Is a torm colnod by Prof. Edward A. Ross to define the class of persons, unhappily too numer ous, whoso Immunity from tho. grip of the criminal courts Is due to the subt lety of their lawora and n public opin ion hitherto somnolent. Among the criminalold would be classed the politi cal boBs of the old school, the givers and takors of secret robatos, tho Jug glers with accounts on a largo scale and, In the microcosm of college life, the cribbors. The public sentiment ot a college community tolerates decep tion In the examination room, when It would smite with scorn the man who hnd cheated at cards. Tho attitude of tho average undergraduate toward tho college faculty resembles tho attitude of tho avorago citizen toward tho rallr road companies. Beat thorn if you can. Theji, too, what harm is there in crib bing? If A takes an answor from B's paper, B knows none tho lessr If A wants to stimulate his momory by con sulting his cuff or' some other reposi tory of useful knowlodgo, tho harm, If Now tho man who cribs must be classed with both tho liars and the' thieves. When an examination paper Is handed In, tho only fair presumption is thut the Ideas it contains wero the property of the writer when tho exami nation began. If It contains other Ideas, then there Is deception. Delib erate deception Is lying. Although tho man who cribs does not injure a fellow student because ho copies from his paper, ho does injure him by his de ception of tho Instructor. When tho practice of cribbing becomes general in a collego tho vuluo of tho institu tion's diploma is lowered. If tho sheep skin handed to a graduating student means no , more than that ho passed certain examinations which did not ex-' amine, this result is duo to cribbing. Tho honest work of some, men Is dis counted because of tho decoivers and the cheats. The remedies for cribbing aro to bo found in the student body and tho fac ulty. The final responsibility rests on tho lojtter, who aro accountable for tho worth of a diploma Just as the direc tors of on Insurance company are spon sors to tho value of a policy of life in surance. When professors attest tho attainments or a student by signing his diploma, it is their business to see (Continued on Pnge 3) O w 'n ,$! M IV - a arc k, ilMM; r " '...,.. I.