-.r ' Wl r f- ..,..-. i-t - y.ii VW 0 -A,.! -fV BNt. t.'::;:,teiN v; "' jttbc-TDnil'Xi fl e b r a 0 ha n fm-. -V v yf - i!S 'HWl-W. if- ' W 'i h ' i r x b-t jp S Hllj THEATRE Ui TONIGHT, THUR8, ATHU r8. MAT. ilidpf puth(5rh SMe$ MAJ. 50C& 25c. NIGHt $1 to 25c Tr-hryr SATURDAY MAT: & EVE., FEB. 16. PfjDleS BAD BOV AT. 20 & 10c. NIGHT 50, 30, 320 tuesday night; f,eb. 19. rose Melville IN aio nuriMiia .-j - -- t mintiUDHiyKtxinoxxwiwwww ..LYRIC THEATRE.. iaarittai OVERTURE JlTSUE WIORE TROUPE PANLAM9NT Australian Animal Trainer ELLSWORTH, .AND. BUfiT -rw ...t-.j .JOHNSON ' - , H. R. MANELL . 'A Little Chljdterialf Lead Them" BIOGRAPH Thfr BIJOU lfiOOOOOOO(XXXXXXXOOOOC)0000 3 SHOWS DAILY 7:45 and 9 p. m. ;j 10c and 15c, Mat., 10c MODERN VAUDEVILLE -PROGRAM i OVERTURE' "San Antonio" MAJOR CAILLOUETTE JOHN J. WILDE HAIGH AND THOMAS .RANb AND "YRON HARRY HARVEY C. NUGENT, assisted by GRACE FERTIG LYR08COPE WHEN 'WALKOVERS 99 GO ON XfcT. !r SHo TroubU Go Qff- 'i 4iJrWn 1129 O Strt . -r '' ti Yo wil'bJ8ati)B4e4 ! Cameron'i Lupin-Counter. ' v " A good wrltiilg tablet Is a necessity. Get it at tho Unl Book Store.. if i n M I I liB gSM ' 1 1 1 1 l v ' 7 a 1 ' i n I j f I mi I tiy ' 1 til aW' I WlL aaaaaaaaaBaaf "mwmm mmwwMwW f mmmumvrmmt BUSINESS DIRECTORY XTrr IorI UalyeraUy Strident la rge4 to pMreMlxe thcaa W braaknn lrrtlara, mmiI to mtn tloa tfca papar vrktle doing ap. BARBER SHOPS Green's Palace. , BATHE-'Chris', Grand Contral. BOOKS & STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Uni. Book Store, Harry Porter. BAKERY Petry Bakery Co. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. CAPE Sam Westerflold, Don Cam oron; Windsor. CATERER "Tommy," at. Miller & d ruuuiuiu. CIGARS Lihdsey, Ed. Young. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma tgee & Deemor, .The Sterling. (JOAL-regory, Whltobfcast CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, Tho Fol Bom. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Horpol sheimer, Rudgo & Guonzel. DRUGGISTS Rector, Rlggs. ENGRAVERS Cornell. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE The Bbnway Company, Hardy. HABERDASHERY 52.50 Hat Storo. HAIRDRESSER Mrs. J, C. Bell. JEWELERS Tucker, Hallett, F, B. ,1 Harris, Hcrpolsheimer. LAUNDRY Yule Bros. Evans. LIVERY Ensign; Forbes, Melick, LOCKSMITH T. J. Thorpe. 'PRINTING New " Century, Ooor'go Bros.," McVey, Simmons, The Ivy Press. MUSIC Curtice, Crancor. RESTAURANTS Icon's Cafe, Cam eron's. SHOES Sandorfipn, Rogers &, Per kins, Electric Shoe Co, SUITORIUM J. C. Wood. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, L'udvMg, Herzog, Elliott Bros., Dresher. THEATERS Oliver, Lyric, Bijou. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Typo writer Co. WAFFLES Mrs. Day, Sam's Cafe. Cameron's Lunch Counter. 123 8. 12. The best place to eat in town Is at Don't Cafe, 114 So. 11th St. Why not take your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? . , . Your writing always looks'. good on our fancy box paper at the Unl Book Store. Miss A. C. Soukup, Dressmaker. Special rates to students. 1136 O SL Auto.4C03. Mr. Albert W. Aaron Has been ap pointed instructor in German 3.- Thl3 position has recently been held by Miss Etta Agee. nr-7-.f Books for valentines: "An .Old Sweetheart of. Mine,' ''Riley's Love Lyrics," '"Evangeline," illustrated by Christy, "Reveries of a Bachelor," il lustrated by Ashe, "Courtship of Miles SMn'dldh." illustrated b,y Christy, "The' Lovers' Year Book," etc. Postal card valentines lc eacliand upward. The Lincoln Book Store", 1126 O &t. Nevv .Professorship 'at Wisconsin. A' "Carl Schurtz memorial profes sorship" Is to.be -established at.tlio University of Wisconsin as a result of the movement recently strfr ted in -Mil-.waukpe by a.. number .pi M'pronlpont Gefmari-Amerlcans.' Thes plan iss,,to ralBe aft epdowmept ;of. $50,00v0, ;the in- ,coin,e of vhlphwill be used fpr Jhe es tablishment of an annual course of 'lectures Jat the-sthtOf'imiydr8ly,'ktb bo given by' prominent professors bf Ger- f"083grshlp, p be'lAelfl "by German pro- new chair will lead to the exchange of professors between the University of Wisconsin and Germah universities, fessors, wjll.bojthe first ap$ ofjthe kind In any Xni$rlcan estate 'uniyerslty. 'It fs' hoped 'that the Establishment of thil Paper 9ft Economics. Mrs. Dr. MjnpipT. England Is pub lishing a paper discussing tho relation of prices in general and nlso prices of different' comodltlcs of the principal countries of tho world through the crises of the past contury. , This is an cxtremoly important con tribution to economic research not only becauso of Us bearing upon ccon omic and commercial Interest, but il. Is a special lino untouched as yet by anyone else. Dr. England will probably follow this papor with popular statements of research better adapted to those who read magazines devoted to the inter ests of Economics. Y. M. C. A. Bible Classes. Tho regular Blblo Study Classes will be resumed this Week and sovernl new classos are to be formed. The leaders of the old classes are planning to give n rovlow of last semester's work so that all new students in tho classes will bo able to take up the work. Girls not nl ready members of a Bible Study Class, are urgod to register for one now. Con sult tho schedule In the Y. W. C. A. rooms. Interesting courses and splen did leaders, it Is desired that all old members be present at the first meet ing of their class this week. BESSIE CHAMBERS, Bible Study Chairman. Comenius Meet. The Comenius Club mot In U. 102, Friday evening and gave tho follow ing program: Violin Du'et . . .Messrs. Brodeoky 1md Svoboda Life of Jan Kollnr Otto Katouc Translations of Bohemian Authors Frank Vocasek . Debate: "Bohemian language will not be extinguished within the next century," : Affirmative Brodeoky, Kasak. Negative PIpal, Kreyclk. The Phi Rhb Sigma fraternity gave a. smoker Saturday evening In honor of tho factdty members. Doctors Ward, Poynter, Orr, and LindqueBl were pros out. A very enjoyable evening was spent in a social way, and in nn infor mal discussion by the doctors of some of the problems which physicians are forced to meet in every-dny practice At the University of Chicago-jpvor fifty underclassmen have beep sus pended oXexpelled on account of de linquency in their work. The students feel this keenly.' The MQrQ& takes occasion to point out tho evils .of too much society apd, too little "grind" In undercbllegiate life. The Entomological News has Jusf published tho first of a series of arti cles on "Tho Bees of Nebraska," by Myron B. Swqnk, who Is an assistant in tho Entomological department. Mr. Swenk lias made a study of bees for years and has tho subject wejl in Hand. . All Uni girls are Invited to attend the yalontine party to bo given Thurs day evening, February 14, In Mem. Hail, and from tho "hearf'-y response to the invitations by ' the Unl men, their presence will be needed In order to rightly administer tne "heart-to-heart" talks. The Sdnlor class will irieet in Me morial Hall at 11:30, Tuesday, Feb ruary 19, to complete the election of officers.' .. . ' E. A. Wundor, Law '06, has opened an office at Falrbury and is enjoying a good practice. '. ' l'l 8 llPPIiH' tftUA isrvlce ts v ' q gF BeH Phono 355 0 b Aut0 3385 (J 8 A Specialty In Oysters In SeisM x ' O 117-19-21 No. 13lh 81. A ' LJ.HERZQQ The University Mil's Tilltr f NEHNEST Will IHE Allj PRICES WITT FRESH EVERY DAY! Our Oandltaand Bakad Gooda to Alwaya Froth and Good, entering la our apeolslt j THE WAXWELUf CO,, B0U1 Pbenca,' ,y 13ih.i)iHJIi9tvt JPctry. Bakery Co. :Baklnf Orders Filled ' Promptly. . rkie Rice lrcai,0vr Spcciilljr. . Phone us ad Yonr Ord.er Wl)t 'J SMGMTB XTmi AfBOS. 7 s SIMMONS The Printer 317 Sufh Twalflh St. tv 1 CLUPECO SHRUNK ' QUARTCP SIZE COLLAR Itf IBe EACH, 8 FOR ZBG ' CLUCTT, PCABOBV 'A CO. Maker of Claett aad MoMbWilfU I fry - t, - tt I Repairing Factory ; ' ' V The, only up-to-lte plnj; ln, ' ;! thsclty. It ve yoii time " '; - and money . , .n . . . ! 1220 O St. , lT .. J -..'j ....iiii i,. '.1 . i. 'i ...t.m ' BBPWB""BBBBBBBBBB""ii.'- ' i. mLjxm III er.rijf ! aavSaaai - aaHaaTaf I I or' I- FPfal wimBt'TT' iiMwm : L NEW STVLE - In -; MBARKER.C0LtAR?? p . ASK YOUR DeAL'Eftp.! r? W IfcMAM BARKER CP:1 J aaaaBBBaaaBBaiBaaBiBBiBBaaaabBaBBiatf ' fl almmmmmmmmmmWiiiimm . m ' n 'i . . v j ! ,tt - y at' aa J if V s m 4 - . j) 5 il 'ol i&i&iL MSm . ., -. . ?jLy i