The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 13, 1907, Image 1

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ol.-'Vr. No. 54. ' : j UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY J3, twi. Price 5 Cents.
1 r
" T6VCandldafes PiospeclTve PTay
n ersStranti Schedules,, Made.
r -
i; (Wltln,iho rioxL,;w weeks balls for
track and. liaseball menAwilAjetlBsu'od
.byCaptains, jKnojjeand niner. Prac;
tlce wlll'ben early tikis sprjng nnfl
Vnany men will'try, out tor th&teams.
JEJiprp . Jp JnucliJ5Qp4,majrlid.Amp;ig
Some'of the,"me"nfteti6ned a's' p'rbb
able candidates for5 positions on the
baseball nine ' arei'Robble" Carroll,
Will Rlne, Captain of , this, yearns teAm;
paddls, Be'llemy, Mlkb, Denslow, W.
Fleming, "Babe" Hawley, Edward Pat
terson antf Beltzer. Several of thesfb
, men. werp. members of lajjL.yeartsajn
pnd .are juiowiu to .bel strong-players.
FattQjrsp.p, a. catclier;raudr:Plomlng;u,a
pltchor, are new men but. are, said (6
Jje fast. Among the promising men
spoken of for the Jraclp-team ar'e
Knode (calnDunlaVBurrcss, U(f
Donald", Jbtinson, Smith, Sampson,
Morgan, Aldan; HaYons, .Cbaloupka,
Qoll'lns, Cornell, Moser, Craig, Flom
lifgrKfugh'es", Anthe's." WalJaceT WinCors
arlugero vr.pKthTearo last
year are noMn schoolthls semester.
, "Ducky"'' Holmes will coach the
baseball tejTtijf ' ;. ;,"'.
j Manager Eager has 'completed a
schedule for, anpastern trip and Is now
engage In arranging a homo sched
ule,'' which' will not bo announced for
several' -weeksjaB -MrTEnger Is obliged
towairuntll thorVVesterii, league dates
are made so that his games will not
occur on , the i same days that
"i)uckyis-4eam plays, A few games
will be arranged with the Lincoln nine.
May 4 Ames college at Ames, la.
Mayr.6 Open,. either Grinnell or
Highland Park, la.
May 7 Iowa university at Iowa
CIty'. ". ' ' '
, .May 8 Cornell college, Mt. Vernon.
'May 9 Minnesota university, Min
neapolis. JiMay.ClO-XAither college, Decorah; la.
May'llWlsconBin "university, Mad
lsoh, " "'' -..--- -
i May 1301011" cojfege? BeloltWls,
( May-14--Notre-Dame.-Ind. J
1 TMay 15-rPeraue, LaFayejtte, Ind, ;
''May 16 James" Mill'lkln university,
ilecatuVnil' .y '(vT'l I.J ;
MayWpen dater j ; : - :c; "'"
, Jilajt. 18rrrKnox, -, QalesUurg,
I The track schedule, which is not yet
completed, follows: ,
May 4 Ames college, Ames, la.
May 11 -Minnesota a,tMlnneajwJls.
May 18 Open, probably Iowa at
Lincoln. - - '""j. h " h,sm'mym'i
i, MayKansasati'-iafeftco?.
' The onen date, May 18, prob'ably will
be filled .by Iowa at'lllncohKCV '4 'v'
The sweaters for the following ath
letic teamshave beenrecblvedl'&ntf
may be secured by the mombersjot Jthe
; QVganlzations at 11:30 today: y 9X'
iFootball--First and second- teams &
1aa4VAftlr'rVMi r w. " Him. f
..JlaBk'etball- First team of lastixear.
Track- teams ;qf last 'year a'ua ,yekr f 3 'V
b,efdre. V ' - . i -HMel
Engineering Society,
. f n. a. kemmish, u. of n. '04, will
;-; ; speart:qn ."district heating."
Dr. Ml not
to 8peak at
Next Week.
All students of the College of Medi
cine and others Interested are In
vited to hoar Dr. Charles Sedgwick of
the Harvard Medical School, on Sat
urday evening, February 16, nt eight
o'clock In the Art Hall.
Doctor Mlnot will dollver the annual
Sigma XI address and will speak on
"The Biological Interpretation of
Life." Di. Mlnot Is a line spoakor,
a past President of the American As
Boclntlon for the advancement of
Science, and a man of great renown
in scientific circles. His work on Hu
man Embryology 1b not only the lead
ing work In the English language but
It has been given the rare compliment
of beliiK translated Into German.
All medical students should plan with
out fall to hear Dr. Mlnot.
Dr. Mlnot has consented to speak
before the College of Medicine at
11 a. m. on Saturday In M-301. He
will discuss "The New Harvard .Med
ical School and Its Significance In
Medical Education." The tnlk will
bo Illustrated by lantern slides.
' Sophomore Politics..
Tho Sophomore election will be hold
tomorrow .morning in Memorial Hall
at 11:30 o'clock. Dobbs and Nelson,
the two most prominent candidates,
ave been working diligently during the
last few days and both aro confident of
success. It was announced yesterday'
that R. M. Wlldlsh, engineering stu
dent, had entered the race. The elec
tion, will undoubtedly be very close
and all second year students are re
quested to be present to vote.
Dr. Roach WIILSpeak
In U. 106f on .Thursday, "February
,14, Dr. Roach will' address. tho Y. V
C. A. Dr. -Roach needs no recom
mendation. Lot the girls show their
npi)Fcelal(on"lysbelng present, and
they In urn will-be .surb tp got- an
Inspiration which jKllK.laqtbem no
short, time, -.-r -- ,,-
', .r-i'- &!&.';
Professor FosilerJmpxovlnfl.
At latest rQpqri, 'PcofOBspr- Fussier
was improving very rap'ldlyf Ho' is
recelvlngotreatraent rogularlyfor the
ei&T trouble1 uW Ynar possfblVbe strong
enough to hear his classes next Mon;
dayd' However, there Is no certainty of
this. .
uan ror men.
rCandJdates for tho baseball tean
will report at the gymnasium for prac
tlBje:at o'clock today. Indoor prac
Mrr will be held, overv dav at that
iff brVMMV VK. 4-
lXlljXcfk, v..
. , A.V. V.TYL T.'Ji 13.1' i'2 C. ' .
resulted Iniscqrpf 43jtO 43.
Wed. Evening, 7:30
Unexpected Visitor Gets Into Library
Tho library "children" were made
to "laugh and play" yesterday fore
noon when a superannuated "lamb,"
with dangerous looking horns, strollod
into the room defiantly bearing tho
label "Iron Sphinx." Some enterpris
ing students had apparently captured
tho wayward fugitive, affixed the label
tg It, and gently thrust It thru tho
swinging doors. The animal manifest
ed some signs of embarrassment ns it
slowly strode up the center aisle, gaz
ing from right to left apparently hop
ing to recognize the sympathetic fea
tures of tho legendary Mary.
He had not maneuvered )ong when
the general buzz In the room attracted
tho attention of tho head 'librarian,
who promptly pursued the Intruder. A
short but spirited race around one of
the tables ensued, after which tho in
nocent was finally led from tho room
by the, horns, much' to tho umusement
of the spectators.
Prom Poster 8tolen.
Lrito last Friday afternoon the Junior
Prom' poster drawn by P. J. Harrison
was missed Wdhf 'the display -case In
the hallway of Unl' Building and nj
trace has been Mfind of It since. It Is
I thought by somo It may have 'been
taken bV persons thinking It the proil
erty of 'the Junior class, but slnco tho
actual valtto-oLtho work oxpended on
It was something llko fifteen or twenty
dollars and slrlcWthc-lass could not,
of course, afford to pay ny such sun".,
the class paldonly for tile use and the
poster was to revert to Mr. JIarrlson.
Natirrallyjthe."'artlBt'feels tho loss heav
ily, but it' fa hPtbellove 6no with a
ljsjtfl-fQrjsuch things sa lacking In prln,-.
cipie. as to ia(Q. in.eiueqe toiwom
knowing It to be , personal property.
The, thing to, If you know of , its
whereabouts, of course, is' to return ItJ
and sincq there may haye been somo
misapprehension concerning tho own
ership, no .one will be very sharply cen
sured, ' Cornhusker Cbmmlttee.
The Sophomore Cornhusker Commit
tee is' requested to meet in the office
of the Cornhusker at 12 o'clock, Friday.
February 15. The members of the com
mittee . are 'Fay Hartley, George
Thomas, James Mould arid C. E. .El
liott, and they are. urged to bo pres
ent at this meeting. "
Mid-week Y. M. C. A. Meeting.
A" number of the delegates "who "at
tended the state convention will give
reports 'On' the interesting features of
Lthe conference. Messrs. Ayres, Green
and Nelson wilt give accounts of some
of the most interesting features. . All
UnLmen are invited to attend.
- :7
Development of Modern Clvllizsktloh
Complexity of Modern Life All
Men Not Created Equal.
Prof. Nathan Bernstein of tho Phys
ics department of tho Omaha High
School" gave a fine address upon tho
subject, of "A Now. Ideal" at Convoca
tion yesterday morning. Ho spoke of .
ldoals as a part of our own lives, and
showed how tho ancients had devel
oped along these lines.
Institutions of law wore Inhorltod
from tho Romans, who wore creators
and masters of logal customs, It was
Romo's mission' to givo laws to' tho
Avholo world. Grecco had an Ideal;
that of art and tho cultivation of
beauty. Socrates had awnkoned tho
Athonians to a higher appreciation' of
life and then there awaited him tho
cup of hemlock, but his works lived
after him. Thd Jews gav6 to the world
tho highest conception of'Gdd and the
great teacher .Tobus Christ. Somo
wrltor has said that tho Jews aro tho
only Christians in Europe. Cortaln jt
is that they havo given us tho BIblo
upon which tho destiny of our
country restB, ahd In thlB great book
aro found tho germs of every science
and art. Altho tho Jows have been
called tho '"scrapogoat" of mankind,
the mission of Israel is not yot fuK
filled. Greeks, Romans and Jews aro
all a part of this growth". The first
two gave their lives for it, tho third
gave tho very best of what It liad,
To Bay tliatmodorn civilization' Is
complex puts It v6ry mildly. We per? '
haps realize' that .this Is astfcnu6usr '
life; things are continually .liapbenr
ing and wo aro a part of it and uildoi
its influence. But. wo read, the fUjtuify
only in the light of tho past' and, pres
ent. Among the youth of today aro thoJ.
mon of tomorrow, "Airmen -are ' not!.'
created cqiial 'slhceV,al cannot hdvo'
equal earning capacity,. The inequali,S
ties are becoming more apparent -be-J
cause of growing1 tendencies in cc6no
ihlc corfajtloW.Mon Bliquld look taosb
to Vhe'commotf good rather 'than' to' tlio
Individual It is bad to 'separate' man
from his fellows.. Tho Ideal should
bo one of friendly and harmonious co-. .
operation of -classes, Jand union In a
social body. Shall the-forces of union
triumph over the forces of dlslntcgrar
tioa? Tho answer lies with us. M,
To bo patriotic is not alone to, die for.
our pountry, .but to live for. qup coun
try. Loyalty to college is, in embryo,
what later stands for loyalty to count
try, .Some stamp should be placed,
upon the genius of our' age other than
that .of commercialism, which should,
occupy. Its' proper subordinate place,.
Ideals are social facts andVtho college,
or university should bo tho socia
unit making, us strive as brother (info,
sisters) for,, tho highest , and bbosti
Ideals. Fraternities, athletics and,,col-,;
lege papers, all should be subordinate.
to the commercial greater weuaro, anu
foster the new Ideal. v
, ' ' - t ' ''
. W, J. Ryan, .of tho Benlpr. Qlasa, loft
yesterday for Mpntpeljer ,, Idaho,
where ho wiU'open an office. ', .
'. flj',l . i.XM Q 'X-, jti