J Ube Sail$ Iftebraefcan T Vol. VI. No. 83. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY J2, 1907. Price 5 Cents. v ts 1 CORNHUSKERS TRIUMPH """ TR0UNCE' KANSAS BASKET BALL -TEAM TO TUNE OF THIRTY-TWO TO NINETEEN. THE WOODEN SPHINX. Visiting Team Clearly Outclassed Swept Off Their Feet in. First Half A Brilliant Game. P. .t Nebraska administered a," .decisive defeat last Saturday nighttto lifer old time rival,' ICiinsa8; eyeningjii). In some measure-for the trouncing she. received at the hands of 'theJuyhawkers'lflst year. Kansas wad decidedly outclassed jind in fact was hardly In the game, save on tries for goal from fouls dur ing the first. half. The Cornhuskers. However, did not play as high class a game us might have been expected of them,, their work not beingchnracter ized. by that - precision and accuracy necessary to make their, speed effec tive. The poor work of the Jayhawk fcrs may be partly accounted for be cause of unfavorable conditions. Their tuT "-u.H- :HriSV' ; . feii g3ffivWwaH' ' ' w vKrsm: . ... , A sK . V?ULH. . !,t ?.. I l' J, flg3glSfoa'- Ji -v . " V1U.. '." I' ? II M. MILLER Captain Kansas Basket-ball Five. Courtesy of Star. train was several hours late and they barely had time to eat and dress be forothe .game and vere naturally in rather 'unfit condition to play in their bWt'''f5im.v "On this account and be causp of a dispute over 'the rules, in which Nebraska had to give way, tho teams did not appear on the lloor until nearly nine o'clock. The game started at 9: 05, Mosor scoring a goa for Nebraska in the first ten seconds of play, but not be fore the Kansas centor was put tem porarily "hors de combat" by a severe blow , on the npse, received In the Initial melee. Play was resumed In a few mlnutep arid a vapid succession of fouls followed, neither side scoring on the. free throws ensuing! Nebraska ' iwns guarding well and Kansas was .unable to get away with the ball at all,, but the Cornhuskers seemed ex cited arid missed several easy chances for'fleld goals. Nebraska made three or four more fouls and Kansas scored on two of them. Score, Nebraska 2, Kansas 2. In the next play Walsh scored the second field goal for Ne braska and a minute later Moser threw another, the ball being taken up the field In one of the prettiest plays of the evening. Two more soon fol lowed, making the score 10 to 2, but here Kansas scored twice on tries for goal from fouls, raising her total score to 1. The game thruout and at this period especially was characterized by the valiant guarding of Dwight Bell. He stopped several long passes and always made things so warm for his opponent that the latter was unable to get the ball away successfully at all. Kansas was unable to show any offensive work wortfiy of the name, not making a blngle field goal during the half. Moser and Walsh threw several more for Nebi aska before the gong sounded. the half ending with a score of 18 to 5 in favor of Nebraska. The second half began with another foul by Nebraska, Kansas scoring on the throw Following this, Kansas committed a series of fouls, Nebraska scorlnK on one of them PnrnluiHkni'R irnvu an exhibition of pretty playing, Mosor and Walsh being the stars. However, the Jayhawkers were guarding bettor this half nnd It became harder for Nebraska to score. Indedd, Kansas got Into the offensive game herself at this point and at last scored a field goal. Nebraska 20, Kan sas 8. In the next few minutes .the Cornhuskers ran up the score to 28, Kansas in the meantime getting an other field goal and two free throws, making 12 in all for her. In the last few minutes of play Kansas got Into tho game with a vengeance, making three more field goals and getting another free throw, making their total number of points for the second half the same as Nebraska's, 14-14. The game closed a-moment later, tho final score being 32 to 19. (Continued on Page 3) New Honorary Secret Political Society Exposed. A new secret society lias been formed In the Sophomore class to con sist of thirty "barbs" and three frnt men. The members of the new society say that It Is organized purely for so cial purposes and to purify the ltloals of the class, howover Its opponents insist that its object Is political. The organization is strictly honorary as Its excluBivencBs Indicates and It Is said to contain the cream of the class. Membership In the society will probab ly prove the most coveted of honors. As Is the custom with similar organi zations, the Wooden Sphinx will hold Its first lnltation this evening at Rob bers' Cave south of the city. Each of the members will be dropped thru an aperture In tJ.e roof of the cavern and amused and instructed by other edify ing stunts. It is the hope of all within tho mystic charmed circle that none of the vulgar rabble will be so Inconsiderate as to bring their profane optics to the scene of the lnltation. Such an intrusion will be regurded as "rank and contempti ble by tho members. Itt Is rumored that the Wooden Sphinx Is solidly supporting S. P. Dobbs for tho presidency of the class and as Dobbs has not yet denied the charge it is likely to stand against him. THE CORNHUSKER NEW ANNUAL WILL SOON BE READY FOR THE PRE88. Many New Features In the Book Cost Great Will Be the "Best Yet" Edltor-in-chisf Myers Talks. COLORADO MAN 8PEAKS. Mr. Detwller Silviculture Talks to Class. The class In silviculture was given Here the an unexpected treats Monday morning Chancellor Speaks. Chancellor E. B. Andrews spoke, at an educational gathering at Des Moines, Iowa, last nighj. liver an address nt und one nt Valley tomorrow evening Ho will .do- Wayne tonight in tho shape of a lecture by Mr. Sam uel 13. Detwller, who is in the United States forest service at Colorado, City. Mr. Dotwller wns passing thru tho city on his way to Washington, D. C, and stopped a few hours to. visit with Professor Miller, who asked him to speak to the class. v "The Forests of Colorado" was the Bubject Mr. Detwller chose to speak on, and he gave the class a kvast store of Information about these mountain forests. The class was glVon'tuT'dea: of the planting operations in the Pike's Peak Forest Reserve and of the kind of timber that flourishes in the moun tains. The Bpoaker also dwelt on the relation of various trees to various altitudes, and showed how, as vegeta tion npprochds timber lino, the hardier species of pine crowd out the weakor. The talk was largely Impromptu, but showed the sp'eaker to bo a thoro mas tor of his subject, and a man with a broad .experience in forest reserve work. C. Walclron, '06, visited at the Phi Gamma fraternity house Friday. Work on the first annual Cornhusker Is progressing rapidly and the book will be ready for tho press by tho last of March. Much of the copy for tho publication is now in the hands of the editors and tho rest of It Is oxjiectod to be turned In during the noxt few weeks. The 1908 Cornhusker will probably be uniform In size with the last Som brero, but will contain many moro pages of inalorlal. .Cuts of the load ing University organizations and so cieties, with extensive write-ups will be published. Beside an enlarged "josh" department, with all the old jokes .that antedate Rameses, the book will run censured cartoons of the leading characters in University life. Mr. Herbert G. Myers, odltor-ln-clilef of tho CornhiiBker, was Interviewed by n representative of the Nebraskan yes terday and discoursed on the coming book as follows: "Tho book, will be the 'best over,' " said Mr. MyerB In beginning. "It will be a small revolution in itself, for our publication will be so mOch better than any annual ever put out at this insti tution that there will bo no comparing It with the books that have gone he fore. We tlo not wish to appear ego tistical, but those who are 'next' to things know that what I say Is tho frutlH - - "Tho artistic work of, tho CJorn husker will bo a wondef. We Have so- i ' . j i - Engineering Society, Wed. Evening, 7:30 N. A. KEMMISH, U. OF N. '04, WILL. SPEAK ON "DISTRICT HEATING." lected the cleverest Ideas In, the, best college annuals of tho coutryand will use them 'In this forthcoming book. Besides these ideas taken from other -institutions, we have tho leading art genius of our own school at work creating drawings and If our annual doesn't look like a Gibson prize book I am a J r. Regarding yie, cart.owiB I musLJiot breathe a word. "Now, dUo that Josh department. Well, it wilr contain moro new rich Jokes than an up-to-date comic opera. Such Jokes as 'Why does a chicken, cross the road?' or How old Is Ann?' will give a good Idea of our boBt hu mor. . "Tho book will be well organized and arranged. Serious material will not be mixed with the lighter things. You know that other books have been a total failure In this ono respect "This 1908 Cornhusker will cost more, than any of Its predecessors. Wo shall spend over ,$4,000 In getting it out and will not have oven enough left to buy a square meal. In short, our book will cost more, look better, have better material, nnd bo better than any'other book that tho students at this great school have published." Jtfanager A. E. Burr of tho Corn husker would not talk for publication. ALL ENGINEERS OUT. ocw3roo6obob Baseball Men. All men anticipating trying out for baseball will see Manager Eager at once relative to filling blanks for ex- cusofrom drill. v S ' x i V"1 ...Hyi. -! Ii,-fi T? H $"? t -rr"