i m B rV h f' v; f 2p Urn LIVER THEATRE Uwai)tiH TS HAY' MATINEE, 2:80 JUJA I TONIGHT, 8:15 Thorns ind Orange Blossoms EVE 60c, 30c, 20c, 10. MAT iBc, 10c TUE8DAV NlQHt, FEB. 12. MARRY BERE8FORD j, IN THE WOMAN HATER I ..LYRIC THEATRE, f Miiriaw)fcii YAMA GOTO JAPANE8E TROUPE JOHN J. WILDE ROCKWAY AND CONWAY JENNIE BENTLY ROBERT NOME J. C. NUGENT "An Absent Minded Beggar" LYR08COPE The BIJOU 3 SHOWS DAILY 7:45 and 9 p. m. 10c and 15c, Mat., 10c. ! Modern vaudeville program THE CHAMBERLAINS CA8EY AND LECLAIR WE88ON, WALTER8 AND(WE880N WIL80N And RICH ;"'HV R. MANELL BIOGRAPH WHEN "WALKOVERS' 00 ON ttot f rouble Ob Off. Rogers & Perkins 1129 6 Strait. N NEW STYLE "BARKER COLLAR" WARRANTED LINEN ASK YOUR DEALER WILLIAM BARKER CO.' . MAKERS, OF COLLARS & CUFFS tmsummmmai I - r r I HcT- """ '""TbbHbbV I mm T A WM Zbt D-nllf - BUSINESS DIRECTORY I rr Loyal ValTtrsltjr Itrndtnt la rgM to fttrei thaai -fcrtakaa AdTertlMr, . ii m. tlcm tfeo papa while doing ae. BARBER SHOPS Oreon's Palace. BATHE Chris', Grand Central. BOOKS & STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coin Book Store, Ufni. Book Store, Harry Porter. BAKERY Petry Bakery Co. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. CAFE Sam Wosterfiold, Don Cameron,- Windsor. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller ft Palne's Fountain. CIGARS Llndsey, Ed. Young. OLOTHING-Armstrong; Unland, Ma gee & Deemer, The Sterling. COAL Gregory, WhitobreasL CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Fol Bom. DRY GOODS Miller & Palno, HOrpol shelraer, Rudgo & Guenzol. DRUGGISTS Rector, Rlggs. ENGRAVERS Cornell. FLORIBTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE The Benway Company, Hardy. HABERDASHERY-$2.50 Hat Store. HAIRDRESSER Mrs. J. 0. Bell. JEWELERS Tucker, Hallett, F. B. Harris, Herpolshelmer. LAUNDRY Yule Bros. Evans. LIVERY Ensign, Forbes, Mellek, LOCKSMITH T. J. Thorpe. PRINTING New Cehturyj Georgo Bros., McVey, Simmons, Tho Ivy Press. MUSIC Curtice, Orancer. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe, Cam eron's. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per kins, Electric Shoe Co. SUITORIUM J. 0. Wood. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwlg, Herzog, Elliott Bros'., Droshor. THEATERS Oliver, Lyric, Bijou. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Type writer. .Co. r WAFFLES Mrs. Day, Sam's Cafe. UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. February. Saturday, 9. Tryouta for Charter Day, 3:00 p. m. Students' Debating Club, 8:00 p. m., Union Hall. Kansas vs. Nebraska. Basket-ball 8:15 p. m. Armory. Tuesday, 12. Convocation, 11:00 a. m. Prof. Nathan Bornsteln (Omaha High School), "A Now Ideal.' ' Fifth Students' Recital of the School of Music, Mem. Hall, 8:00 p. m. sharp. Freshman class meeting, 11:30 a. m. Mem. Hall. First annual gymnasium contest, 8:15 p. m. Wednesday, 13. Second Senior play tryout for men, 7:30 p. m., Union Hall. Thursday, 14. Sophomore class meeting, 11:30 p. m. Election of officers. Mem. ' . Hall. Friday, 15. Vacation. Indoor athletic contest, '3:00 p. m. Grant Hall. a Mid-winter Commencement, 8:00 p. m., Mem. Hall. Saturday, 16. Medical Society meet In M. 301, 8:00 p. to. Address by C. W. M. Poynton. English Club meets with Miss Gar ver, 8:00 p. m. April, 5. Nebraska-Wisconsin debate.' Mem. Hall. Kate Lee Is pledged to "Alpha Omsi con PI. , The Senior Prom has been announ ced for April 14th. Mary Minor, K. K, G., has gone with a party of friends on a trip to Cuba. J. F, Kryder and A. G. Hastings se cured positions in the electrical de partment of the Westlnghouse company. flebrfteban PROFESSOR LUCKEY. Will Read a Paper at Convention in Chicago. Two yoara ago at the roquost of the department of secondary education the N. E. A. appointed a committee of seventeen representative school men (the membership of this commlttbo is given in Tho University Journal for December, 1900) to study and roport on the academic and professional re quirements necessary for tho high school teacherT The object boing to set up a standard of requirements for high school teachers that will elovato the profession and bo generally ac cepted as both reasonable and neces sary. Nebraska is represented on the committee by Professor Luckey and It is owing to a promised paper boforo that committee ut the Superintendent's Convention in Chicago, Fobruary 25 28, that he has been delayed for sev eral weeks In his anticipated trip to Europe. ' , 8oph 8kldoo 8oclal Report. Receipts. Tickets sold at door $13.31 Tlckdts sold by committee.... 17.75 Total $31.06 , Expenditures. To University for hall, lights and janitor $ 5.00 To Maxwell's for refreshments. 7.40 To New Century for printing. . . 4.75 To Abbott for orchestra 8.50 To Miller & Paine for pencils and ribbon 95 To tacks, candy and decorations .35 $26.95 Total receipts '. $31.06 Total expenditures 26.95 Balance ............. i $ 4.11 ROY L. NELSON, Chairman. STUART P. DOBBS, Treasurer of Committee. The following former students wero among those returning for the Junior Prom: Edith Butler, Grace McMIl land, Edna Baker, Mary Bedwell, Faith Hoel, Hazel Dovoy, Mrs. Jane McFar land Douglass, Loulso Woodruff, Kath erlne Lumery, Alma Vandoveer, Jane Bunt, Luella Lansing, and Edith Wright. ' Professor G. W. A. Luckey has been asked by the president of the child study department of the N. E. A. to give one of the principal papers boforo that Boctlon at the annual meeting of the N. E. A. at Los Angeles In July, but' will probably have to decline the honor owing to his trip abroad. MeSsrs.J. D. Pollock, E. W. Brigham, W. R. Palmer, and A. K. Sears mem bers of the class of 1906 are now em ployed by the peneral Electric Com pany of Chicago. The Engineering library has recent-, ly received a number of new books on Mechanical Engineering. The Elec tric Journal also Is on file at the Li- , Miss Dorothy Mayland, a former uni versity student, has resigned her posi tion as principal of the Fairmont high school and Emma Schrelb'or, '06, has been elected to fiirthe vacancy. Miss Mayland was called home by tho death of a member of her family. Harry L. Swan, '08, has left school for (the semester to accept a position on the road with a lyceum bureau. He will enter school again next fall. John Westovor is estimating the bridge work for, the Tri-State Irriga tion Company with, the Intention of making a bid for the' contract jcxxxxxDoonnr SAM'S CAFE S.F.WMttffltM Pmrletw t Special lervltt tt PARTIES BM Phone..... Mr A ate ..... ...45'ifl r-l A Sjttlilt III Oyttirs IK SiasM 117-1121 Ni. 13th . t: 1204 P A food place for students to eat. First class cook, first class mealsV REASONABLE RATES Cotrell & Leonard ALBANY, N. Y. Mikirs if CAPS, (OWNS in. HOODS I IW Mil rfVf BvnVMVBj tvJBBI Will 9wwfW9t GUIS MNTMCTS A milALTT BIVnVJBIPP PPWfWI rWB) PRfBRNJoTVBffw w ffVBW ELECTRIC SHOE (Uiairini ; Faittry TM hly i-i4ik rHint tht city. It av ydu tlrrit aiid mny. f . . . . 1220 r-r-r-.- - ..: To Speechify Thlaklfag pemktt e ie' ieet Some splendid books to aid you 20 ditcounl to UaeJiert How to Attract and Hold an Audience llj Kiiuntrac.cncoaiid Ai t orjiiocutloa.,. t.i JIH MOW IU IHlUt VOICO, 1J "' HotrToOMture..,..;.. il c iiimun Error In Writing, BnklnK..,. J It idford'a compoHtlon as3 lUiftorlc U II It's lue Worm of Word. ij I.U04 and Oppotlica iiynonyim and opp.) ..... 1 ti triKiter (eplttrami by liundreda, lnUxi4)..,, U VnH ami Com (complete debaui).. ............ il (. iiiunenremont l'arta(alioccaMoni) IJ rM licit American Oration of Today 1.1ft llovtoiH9dy1.Hraire..i :... M iHUantuneout Parllamenury Guide.. Jp HIN05 NOBLE, PukNiMM . ? I - 33 - 30 W. 1 5th St. Nw Yark CHy Schocibooki of all publUhert at one ttort T.j.tH0Mrtci. A H - . . . . , - '.J. m. 1 MMMf IJMM, toMB . iaim wmmm mmmmm. PBBB'BIBf BBBi BBB BBIVBBJB; 30SS,lltt,UmUI M 47Bv.BkBvBiiiBH SHIRTS IN WHITE OR FAST COLQfli. THB BESt VALUE OBfAIN ABLE AT tl.OO OR Bt.28. ' CLUCTT, FKAVMY C,, Mwt or euNcrr At ajinow oiiiM I i y m m i 5" ,'' . .' M f - y " i j tfC. f. J