rmiTiBi imi mil Um n - it -y i'""".niiifc4pi fc' G;b e S) i l f ft c t r h n n 'i . M u. k li J3f? THE PnOPERTYOF TUB UNIVBUBITY OP NEBRASKA. fHHItlrl EtERY lit EXCEPT SUNDAY AMI UMlAY BY THE STqpENT PUB. BOARD. rrtiicitm mi, 126 k. iiti st. Edltor-ln-ohlof J. Carroll Knode, AsnoolatC Editor Clydo B. Elliott, MtttiiiglnK Editor A. E. Long, Athletics Hugh W. Craig, Qonoral Nowh Stuart P. Dobbs, Reviews, aortrudo Mooro, Convocation Laura Rhoades, ABHlntant Athotica. Miller 8. Benedlot, ABHt. Gen. Nowb Sidney Q. Evans, Doparttucn till..., Paul R. Butlor, '07 J. C. Elder, 07 Guy Montgomery, '10 W. E. Stnndovon. '07 Alexander J. Dunlap, C. C. Hickman, '07 Business Mnnngpr. ...Byron B. Yodor, AflBlstant Manager Gay Hnrdy, Circulator II. C. Robertson, 03 0 00 07 09 07 '08 '09 00 OD '08 '08 00 TELEPHONES? . DAY Auto 1528. NIGHT, 2365 and 4472 Editorial and Buslneia Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Poitofflco, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR PayabU in Advance Single Cgplei, 5 Centa Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at the rato of 10 cents per insertion for overy fifteen words or fraction thoroof. Faculty notices and University bullotina will gladly bo published froe. i i i Entered at tho poatoftlco at Lincoln, Nobraska, as Becond-class mail matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. EVeNTfc 0f'FORMIR YEARl. Happonings of other years as re corded In the Nobraskan: Three Yeare Ajjo Today. , Tho Sophs kidnapped Clarence John son, chairman of the Freshman com mittee. Two Yeare Ago Today. Tho Acacia fraternity granted a chartor to tho Masonic Association of tho University. A girlB mass meeting was held, Miss Brewster presiding, to raise monoy for tho Tomplo fund. For tho benoflt of Freshmen aspiring to lofty climaxoB in Rhetoric 2, we print verbatim a clipping taken tho other day from a paper In one of Ne braska's Httlo country towns: As tho wrltor looked upon the life less form, as it lay in the beautiful casket, dressed In its burial robe of puro white, with tho little badge of honor Tho Relief Corps Badge, mo thought of tho time when wo first par took of her hospitality, as a guest at tho hotol many years ago, and tho times since as we gathered around her bountiful board, and we thought with in oursolf, "How are the Mighty Fallen." - an Do Not SelectYour Val entines Until you have looked through our oxtensivo lino. We aro showing every thing from tho Postal Cards at a penny apioco up to tho beautiful Valen tino gift books q. 1.30 to 32.50 apioco. Wo aro specially strorig in tho fol lowing: Fancy Celluloid Valentines, boxed roady for mailing, in prices Bo to $1.25. Imported Gorman Novelties, in now designs, from 10c to 85c. Hand Water Color Valentines, designed with fancy heads and figures artistically mounted; prices 12c to 25c. Valontine Postal Cards, in hand wator colors or embossed, ranging in prico from lc to 10c each. On sale in Book Department. Pearl Buttons for Everybody Yesterday we put on sale almost 12,000 dozen Pearl Buttons, in all the regular sizes, and at a variety of prices. Many' of these buttons are extremoly cheap, and when they are gone the probabilities are that they cannot be duplicated at the prices, unless there comes a radical change in the Pearl Button market. Prices run from 24c up to 10c per dozen. The values are truly remarkable and you should not fail to look them over If you havo even a remote expectation of buying. They are on display on the middle tables of our Notions aisle. "She thinks I hadn't ought to do it, but I think I had."' If thore Is one mistake In grammar made oftener than any other, and es pecially on this campus, it is "hadn't ought." Now language, to bo suro, is only a means of communication, but in this means there nutBt bo a stan dard, and col lego people, presumably, aro Uiobo acquainted with It. Sadly enough, there aro a whole lot of col lego graduates who have not yet learned to talk straight, and whose ignorance slips out in some such breaks aB that cited above. So pardon tho parody: "Of all sad words of tongue or pen, 8HAKE8PEAREAN RE8EARCH. Dr. Wallace Receives Notice of a New Discovery Made in England. Tho International Interest aroused by a representative of the University of Nobraska tho past two years In Shakespearean research work among the English archives Is still bearing fruit. Recontly one of Dr. Wallace's frlonds, Prof. F. Fe'ulllerat of tho Uni versity of Rennes, Franbo, has report ed In a private letter that ho had un earthed anothor valuable document touching on Blackfriars theatre. Tho proposed publication of the documents In tho London Times, In which Pro fessor Wallace's most recent discov eries on that famous old theatre were sot forth last somostor, will be eagerly Hose Supporters We have a special lot of Side Hose Supporters, worth from 10c to 20c. These are in Women's, Misses and Children's sizes, e ., We will close them oiit at, a pair 0C MILLER & PAINE Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. You will be satisfied with Cameron's Lunch Counter. A good writing tablet Is a necessity. Get It at the Unl Book Store. Tho best place to eat in town is at Don't Cafe, 114 So. 11th St. eiQQg))t((SQ(B))(QQ)((B(S ir it it it n it n u H it it it it it it it Ninety Per Cent of eye troubles arc due to "putting off" the use of glasses after failure begins, or to wearing of wrong ones If you are not comfortable in your glasses or are suffering from eye-strain let us test your sight. Examination free Hallett - Jeweler-Optician - 1143 0 Why not take your baths at ChrlB' Bath House, corner 11th aad P Sts.7 Your writing always looks good on our fancy box paper at the Unl Book Store. tfsq)e?i)Qei) The saddest aro these: ought to have been."- it hadn't A colored girl, a student here at tho University, passed a tableful of stu dents over In the library tho other day, and the whole circle began Immed iately in' the most naive manner imag inable tor-glgglo. Allow us to rocommend a milk bot Why don't wo get a calander over in the Library? . Somebody will date his work wrong one of these days and then -get flunked at tho end of the sem ester for deflnguencles. Prom Poster. Phil Harrison's new poster for the Junior Prom Is exciting much atten tion. Tho class numerals are used in tho center and these brought out by a novel but very effective sort of shad ing. Tho now piece of work well sus tains Mr. Harrison's reputation as an artist of exceptional ability in this di rection. it. " ' looked for by all scholars who are in terested in the Shakespearean drama and stage. Curtis in Hard. Luck Again. Joe Curtis, the Michigan football player, 1b declared to be the unlucklest man at tljo Ann Arbor school. Ruled out of the 1905 Chicago game thru an accusation of which ho and every Michigan man bellejpd him innocent; and kept out of tho Pennsylvania game last season by a fractured leg the week before the big contest, was enough misfortune. Tho other evening he fell on a Bidewalk and It is very probable that his leg is broken in the same place as tho old fracture was. Students at Harvard University are now protesting vigorously against a rule prohibiting athletes who repre sent their Bchool from participating in more than two branches of sports, This rule, so the students claim, hampers athletic teams by the lack of all around athletes on teams. Miss A. C. Soukup, Dressmaker. Special rates to students. 1136 O St Auto 4G03. UNDERWOOb VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS 131 Mirth Eltvmth lill 341. AHtt 3111 Before ordering dance programs, tickets or posters see McVoy, 125 No. 12th St. Green's barber shops excel all others In the west. EnUrely modern and .the best work assured. There is no time like Harris' time. If your watch Isn't up to date you bet ter see Harris, the watch doctor, 1137 O St For Sale Meal tickets at a big dis count for cash on a first-class board ing house. Ask at cashier's window of Farmers' Grocery Co. We have a snap cor you. a i C. A. TUOKEA, Jiwftkr, 8 IH. $. t, WEAK, OpHdll : ; 1123 I STREET. YELLOW FRONT : j I YM PATRMBE SOLICITED.. ;j' ' " 1 'J I 1204 P St. I First Olatt MmU Stmtf. f FRATS- When in naad of COAL call and tee tho WHITEBREAST QO. We will treat you right Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. AILEGREITI CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS . i Vj v.. ...