. , r h: . t -; K"-Z . n G I) e B) a i 1 11 i e br a 0 ft a n i- -f i ' 1 u jt ". Buy VW&dd f Trousers Nd At Our Discount Price Your Choice of 500 Prs of our regular stock of thoroughly well made trousers. All the new est patterns, carefully shaped, and in colors to match your old suit and brace it up for the rest of the season you always need an extra pair of trousers and this is an exceptional opportunity to get them. All $2 and $2.50 Trousers now AH $3 and $3.50 Trousers now $1.50 $2.50 AH $4, $4.50 and $5 Trousers, now AH $6, $6.50 and $7 Trousers, now ,. $3.50 $4.50 v This sale includes every grade of trousers in our great stock, dnd a large number of careful buyers have been quick to take advantage of the good quality of goods offered at these special prices. ZINCQLN NEB 1217 O STREET ZINOOLN NEB I If " II AlllFH THFATDF i ULIfLW IIILftimL j It it TONIGHT, SAT. & SAT. MAT. Thorns and Orange Blossoms EVE 50c, 30c, 20c, 10c. MAT 25c, 10c TUESDAY NIGHT, FEB. 12. HARRY BERESFORD -MN THE WOMAN HATER nrYWYYYVYYYYYVTnfTnnfnrYvmn ' io w i i ne bijuu g 1 w t UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. 3 8HOWS DAILY 7:45 and 9 p. m. 10c and 15c, Mat., 10c. MODERN VAUDEVILLE PROGRAM THE CHAMBERLAINS CASEY AND LECLAIR WESSON, WALTERS AND WESSON Is ..LYRIC THEATRE., ji i WILSON AND RICH H. R. MANELL BIOGRAPH YAMA GOTO JAPANESE TROUPE Cameron's Lunch Counter. 123 S. 12. JOHN J. WILDE ROCKWAY AND CONWAY JENNIE BENTLY ROBERT NOME J. C. NUGENT "An Absent Minded Beggar" LYROSCOPE ChaRin.Eros.; Florists, 127 So. 12th. ? i You will be satisfied with Cameron's Lunch Counter. A good writing tablets a necessity. Get it at the Uni Book Store. Why not take your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? 1' mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mm mm ICOATSHIRTll i m B COLLARS IB naaHaHHHaHHcni ON AND OFF LIKE A COAT. THE MOD CRN SHIRT IDEA. WHITE OR' COLOR FAST FABRICS. SH.50 AD MOREc CLUETT, PCABOOY & CO, urK.cn or cluctt anp AHROW COLLAR' Your writing always looks good on our fancy box paper at the Uni Book Store. . Miss A, C. Soukup", Dressmaker. Special rates to students. 1136 O SL Auto 4G03. . . Befpre ordering dance programs, tickets or posters-, see McVoy, 125 No. 12th St. Green's barbershops excel all others Mri the west. Entirely modern'and the ' best work, assured. , ' There Is no time like Harris' tlmo. It your watch lsn,'t up, to datq ypuhoti ter see Harris,' 'the "watch doctor ' 1137 O St. " . ' -February. Friday, 8. Vesper services, 5 p. m. Members of Matinee Musical rcndor "Tho Fire "Worshipers." Unipn Society meeting, 8:30 p. m. Pulladian Society ' meeting, 8:30 p. m. , . " r Junior Prom, Llncojn Hotel. ChoritB Party, 8:00 p. m. Mom. Hull. Saturduy, 9. Tryouts for Charter Das, 2:00 p.-m. Students' Debating Club, "8:00 p. m., Union Hall. Kansas vs. Nebraska. Basket-ball, 8:15 p. m. Armory. Tuesday, 12. Convocation, 11:00 a. m. Prof. Nathan Bernstein (Omaha High . ' School), "A Nbw.Tdeal.' ' . Fifth Students' Recltai of the School of Music, Mem. Hall, 8:00 p. m. sharp. First annual gymnasium exhibition, "" 8:15 p. m. Friday, 15. Convocation, 5:00 p. m. Prof. G. E. Condra, "Tho Opening of Indian Territory." Illustrated. Saturday, 1G. Medical Society meet in M. 301, 8:00 p. m. Address by C. W. M. Poynton. April, 5. Nebraska-Wisconsin debate. Mom. Hull. Hand painted curds advertising tho Y. W. C. A. Carnival at Chicago Uni versity recently wore so well mado that to leave them tucked, up without a guard was to subject them to cer-: tain disappearance. 0 e JPw Special Service to 5 Q Jr Bell Phone 353 Q, Q . Auto 3385 Q 8 A Specialty In Oysters In Season X 8 117-19-21 No. 13lh St. O OTJa E. E. Blackmail, head of tho State Historical Museum and Library, has resigned his position and has left for Omaha whero ho. engages in business. TI19 work of "tho Library will be cur ried on for tho present by Mr. Payne, Mr. E. K. Bowmun, n lust yenr's stu dent .promlncmt .tU athletics. hore,f bus returned 'for u few wdek's vlslt.amoh'g friends. ' ,mWlmmmmMmLrri mZmmWmWmm J ' . .. .rj- ,-' , J. ' ' t, J