t f ttbe IDa.il.s fU&raeftan -. iter ZC.bcDatlfleiuaehati THE PltOPKUTV OF Til 10 UNIVISRMTY OK NKMIABKA, Lincoln, Xkmuhica. i in - - ii i i i i i - i ' i i . NILISHEO EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY nV TIIIO BTUD1CNT PUIJ. HOARD. ( Publication Office, 126 N. 14th St. I -.I. ' i fcilltor-lii-ohlof J. Carroll Knodo, 'OS; AhhooIjUo Kdltor Clydo K. lOlllott, 01) ManngltifC TOdltor A. 14, Long, '09 Athletics HiiKli W. CnilK, '07 Oouoral Nowh Htimrt P. DobbH, '09; HnvlowK Ocrtrudo Moore. '07 Convocation Laura RliondoR, '08 ( AHHlHtant AthlctlcH. Miller H. Henedlct, '09 i AhM. Oen. Nowh Sidney O. Evanw, '01) l)ei)arlmcnlal....Paul It. Uutlor. '07 I J. C. Kldor, 07 i (lay MontKomery, '10 W. F3. Btandpvcn, '07 ! Alexander J. Duiilap, '09 ' C. C. Hickman, '07 rtiiHlneHH Manager. .. . Hyron 10. Yoder, 'OS' AHHlHtant MniuiKer Oay Hardy, '03 Clrculatoi II. C. UobertHon, '09 But It takeB '.your enthusiasm .,rtn?i I voice to HQt all, this going proporly. v EVENT8 OF FORMER YEAR8. Happenings of other days as record ed In the NebruBknn: Five Years Ago Today. Debating squad wnn chosen. Three Years Ago Today. HorR selected as prcflldent by Sen iors and W. H. Smith by Sophomores. Two Years Ago Today. Omaha "Y. M. C. A. 30, Nebraska 29, at baskot-ball. , Harry Swain elected president by '08. O C PHOTOS IN CORNHUSKER. TELEPHONES: DAY Auto 1528. NIQHT 2365 and 4472 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTIt'lOB will be cbai'Rcd for at the rate of 10 cents per liiHortlon for evory fifteen wordH or fraction thereof. Kaoulty notices anil University hiillctlnn 'will Kindly be published free. Knturcd at the postotllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as Bcuoud-class mall matter under tbu Act of CoiiKress of March 3, 1879. Cadets Meet and Decide to Insert Plc-1 tures of Companies in Book, Captain Worklzer called a meeting of the cadets yesterday afternoon for the purpose of acting on the matter of having the pictures of the various companies and the histories of the same inserted In the Cornhusker. Captain McWIlllams briefly stated what the expense would bo, and the house unanimously voted to have the pictures go In and to tax each man twenty-five cents to defray expenses. You are wearing better clothes than formerly. YES, and for less money. Dresher, The Tailor 143 South 12th, Lincoln. makes my clothes now. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o ooooooooooocxxxxxcxoooo3f R E S U L XS TELL Wo claim to be the best CLEANERS and DYERS In Lincoln and are here to prove It. Our methods and machinery are the VERY LATEST and our workmen the best that money can secure. We clean the finest dresses and robes without danger of fading or shrinking and guarantee not to injure them In any way. We also cloan gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Goods called for and deliv ered. All goods thoroughly storlllzed. We do altering and repairing. Phono Bell 147 1320 N street. Phono Auto 12D2 Call or write for price list. Lincoln, Nob. THAT GAME. Reform are difficult affairs to Insti tute: nroHent customs and tendon- cles are good enough and people do tk,nH of thc c,t'- bolh University and not like to be Jogged out of the way c,ty "'Winlzntlons, will unite In oh where they they can sleep half the I wrvunco of this day by holding a sun time because of their Intimate ac-' r,9 ,rn't,r "toting at the rooms of ti, .. v r n a n.nn .ii, o.... with the road. But it ' ",u "l '' " v" "" """ "' day morning, and all persons Inter- Universal Day of Prayer for Students. Sunday, February 10, has been chosen as the Unlversay Day of Prayer for students. This day will bo ob served In all parts of the world In va-, OOCK)C)OOCKXOOOC)COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC)OOOCCXXX) rlous ways. All tho Christian assocla- J. C. Wood & Company qualutanco seems there Is one reform, at least, that might well bo started at Nebraska even at the cost of a little commotion That Ib Ui regard to tho attitude taken by the student body toward spring ath letics, basket-ball, baseball, and track meets. We are not doing them jus tice. Tho present tendoncy Is to leave tho support of these branches to only a few, and naturally, not very much ex citement Is arousod. Since the con testants need encouragement and since sport neods tho presence of the "mob mind," to a certain dqgrco, thoro should be a crowd, a big crowd pres ent at overy athlotlc event. As for mob-enthusiasm, It is thoroughly en joyable, and will not harm you In 'the least, provided you hnvo the common sense to take possesslo'n of your head again after the game. That class of students who are "carried away so far by tho spirit as to neglect their work will never be a great loss to the world anyway. Now tomorrow night comes a basket ball game In which every person In the University should tako an Interest. It occurs on a night students are not, usually, hard pushed with work and it Is a game with Nebraska's keenest rival. . Last year, Kansas beat us in basket-ball, last fall, Kansas beat us In football. This winter, what is the Kansas basket-ball team going to do with Nebraska? Well, If she defeats ub this time, may the sun becomo a blot, may tho clouds descend, and thick darkness swallow us up until wo .get back to the farm! Jut she will never do It. Walt till you see Paul Boll swinging both those arms like a set of windmill fans and Dwight sticking to his man as If. he loved him and Burrus making those rested In UiIb meeting are cordially In vited' to attend. Pctry Bakery Co. Baking Orders Filled Promptly. Fine Rice Bread Ovr Specialty. lhon ufl and Ygur Ordor Will Receive Prompt Attention. George Lanse, Law '06, leaves to morrow for a couple weeks visit at home after which h6 will go to Seattle, i Washington, whore he will take up his profession. Mr. Lanse Is a member ' of Phi Delta Thota, has been promt-1 nent in football circles for the last three years, and has been assisting in ' the Rhetoric department the last semester. I L. J. HERZQGJ I The University Man's Tailor ' I i THE FINEST WORK DONE AND PRICES HOHT I fl 123Q O & rREET Chapel at Five. A musical program will bo rendered at Chapel this afternoon at 5 o'clock. The "Fire Worshippers" by Howard Kirkpatrlck will bo sung by Mrs. Holy oke, Miss Hullhorst and Messrs. John ston and Gillespie, with tho composer at the piano. FRE8H EVERY PAY! Our Candles and Babd Goods ar Alway, Fresh and Good. Catering is our specialty HAVE The Evans Do Your Washing ooocoooooooa Dr. G. F. Bartholomew of Broken Bow, Nebr., visited the museum yes terday In order to see the Glider col lection of skulls. He took notes and measurements, as he Is to speak con cerning them before the medical asso ciation of his county. Football Men. Manager Eager announces that tho i members of last fall's second football team can secure their sweaters by call ing at his office between 11 and 12 o'clock. cop. II ' I '! THE MAXWELL CO., I Both Phone.. 13th nnd If 8tr..U I I 1' . ...!l ; 1 1 Repairing Factory X The only up-to-date plant ln X the city. It saves you time " P and money. ...... n l20 CJJ ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON OR AFTER THE DANCE CALL UP The Ensign Omnibus and . Transfer Company Por Good, Frompt LIVERY SERVICE UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS 136 North Eleventh Bell 348. Auto 3881 Geology 15. All. students in Geology 15 are re quested to see the instructor next week on Tuesday at 8 a'clock, or Wed nesday at 2 o'clock, in N. 201. HUYLER' CfioclaU MHi Bon Sons. v. fe.- a Tfct rua CutWr. RUHIVEBlSITYJ I C. A. TUCKER, Jeweler, j;j 3 DR. S. S. SHEAN, Optician I 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT 8 3 YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Notice. All' students desiring to take box long kangaroo leaps and Moser slipping ing lessons this next semester, will., about the Hold like the follow long ago with wings on his heels, and Walsh, well Walsh Just tossing goals. Walt till you see this, and your spirit will he. rovlyed and your tongue loosened. register at once with Jack Best at tho gymnasium. 'I1. - ii.. . '. -- - Tho. best place to eat In town Is at Dqii'I Cafo,' lit So. ilth St. Gregory's Semi-Anthracite $7 AllMETTI CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS $y ' d 1