mebraehan Vol. VI. No. 81. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCaDLN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, J907. Irice 5 Cents. JAYHAWKER flVE 000000 00O0O0 O O 000000000000 TR01BLEPASSED DIFFICULTY CONCERNING CORN- H t i WILL PLAY THE UNIVERSITY TO MORROW EVENING. Both Teams Are Strong and Fast Game Is Promised Veteran Play ers of the Fives The Line-up. Nebraska and Kansas will contest for basket-ball supremacy In the local gymnasium at 8:15 Saturday evening. The Jayhawker team will arrive in Lincoln over the Union Pacific from the south late tomorrow afternoon and will stay at the Royal Hotel, remain ing in the city over Sunday. Hoth teams are strong and the sup- itoi'luM; (if tlin Volii'iiutf n llirn n ,..v.w ... -... ........, .., . .. close game. The lives are composed of experienced players who under- stand the line points' of the game. Ne-i " u,u B,imi,U,,llu """ uuu" "' V braska's old rivals have a team this!""1 hy n' Amlva 1)aV,H' VV year that -Is" Baid to be as fast 'as the Jayhawker live that whalloped the OorhhuBkorB last season. They have defeated seVeral'of the leading basket ball organizations or the south and will come to Lincoln tomorrow expecllug to repeat last year's victory. Among the Kansans are several veul,nn,ca' nor m ine WC""K ol u,e ,,m' -rt irirAiit miltt ftfki rill i l Irian tfl H Qians. The Millers W. and M. havtf been playing , basket-ball for-seven years. This is their third vear on the Jayhawker five and tlvey wore mem bers, of the OsageKansas, team four seasons. beforeoTng to Kansas. They were heredst year. The other mem bers qMdo team are Hacket. a Junior La-w; Martin, u Junior Engineer; Mo Cune and Bergen, Sophomore Engin eers, and Wherry, a Junior in the Lib eral Arts department. Most of the Cornhuaker players also are experienced in basket-ball. Bur rosH, Walsh and, the Bell brothers, who are playing their second season on the local live, were members of the Lincoln High School basket-ball squad, for four years. This is Moser's fourth yjar on the Nebraska team. During the laBt five years Kansas and Nebraska have met throe times' on tho basket-ball tloor and Nebraska has won two of the contests. The games in 1902 and 1903 went to the Cor nh linkers by wide margins, but last season the Jayhawkers won an easy victory. The contest tomorrow will probably bo the most Important .gam,e pf tho local schedule and the Nebraska play ers are preparing to give their, old rivals a hard rub. The line-up follows: Kansas. Nebraska. Wherry. . , .Right Forward Walsh W. Miller. . .Left Forward Burress Hackett Center , .Moser M. Mljler Right Guard P. Bell Bergen Loft Guard D. Bell Substitutes For Kansas, Martin and McCune for Nebraska, KraUe, Fergu son, and Jones. Only Six Tickets Left. The chairman of 'the .Junior Prom committee announces there are now left only six tickets. No tickets will be sold at the door .and the price of these remaining bIx is two-fifty, - , ; , Zoology 30. " The class. In Ornithology (Zoology 30) will meeMn room 301, Mechanic Arts, at 9 a. m., Saturday, February 9. CONVOCATION TODAY, 5 P. M. FIRE WORSHIPERS MR. KIRKPATRICK S MRS. HOLYOKE I MISSHULLHORST" 000000000000 O PROFESSOR MAXEY. Talks at Convocation on "The King ston Affair." Piokssor .Maxey spoke very inter estingly at Convocation yesterday Is tvingsion .inur. ..,,. ... ..... re..lM A lm-irp n:irt of the cltv was destroved ll it.......l. .. .1 ... w. ... ..11 lli.i warships, waH to render aid wpcrever it was needed No BritlsjK warships were there because bo of lire file riendliness between America jmd Great Britain. The hostile action of the governor of Jamaica toward Admiral Davis was not reifesenfcfttive of the people of . s-.. .. . ... . ., ,,..,. ,D" hU"""m"" '"' "" """ maue to our government nnu we were thanked. The action, however, was representative of the official class of Jamaica. Close commercial relations between the United States and Ja maica date back to the early nineties when commerce in Jamaica had be come depressed and the price of sugar, (Jamaica's main product) wub so de creased that financial distress fol lowed. American capital entered at this time and had developed the fruit Industry, and for the tropical fruits raised the United StateB was and Is the natural market. The countervail- ing duty exacted by the United State3 upon bounty fed sugars makes it, in stead of England, the. market for the cane sugar of Jamaica. The more rapid progress of Porto Rico has brought it about that tho official class In Jamaica consider the United States a power whose friend ship ought not to be cultivated. The incident forcibly illustrates the lack of wisdom in placing men in colonial posl- tlons seemingly unimportant, but which may at any time become posi tions of great responsibility, without regard for qualifications. Jumuica Is not profitable to England since the annual expenditures are $100,000 more than the revenue. A majority of the officials In the leglsla tlvo assembly are British officers. Professor Hastings will divide tho Equity 1 class Into two divisions. 00000000)W3OK00-00005000000000 BASKET - BALL KANSAS VS. NEBRASKA UNI. GYMNASIUM SATURDAY, FEB. NINE Followed by Informal Dance. okoqocwcwooooooooo MR. JOHNSTON MR. GILLESPIE O 000000000000 SOPHOMORES STIRRING. Meeting for Election of President to be Held Next JPffursday. After the stir oo1lier politics Sopho more politlcnrc again getting under way. 'rijtwo candidates, Nelson and DobbKT are again in the Held, seem (ftir"fr1 Ptw1ft nl'tntl k IuihIiiI rf tltr ,, ,., V lh,.nR "?. l1' . con,'mru,Ivc quiet noticable during tho past week was but the ominous lull that pro ceeds the storm. Like the plumed knights of a Shakespearean drama the two political rivals had, as by mutual agreement, lciined on their sworda and paiiHed for breath. The time for the election has been set for next Thursday, and the friends of the factions are bestirring them selves nobly to place their favorite man in the executive chair. The entire class is manifesting a keener Interest in politics Mian has ever been shown by that class heretofore. And Inter est Is spreading to other classes. SENIOR PLAY TRYOUT. Several Men .Wanted to Make Trial for Places Next Wednesday Night Owing to the small number of men j trying out for places in tho Senior pluy hiBt Wednesday night, several important parts have not yet been as signed. Consequently, there will be Another opportunity offered for secur ing the places next Wednesday even ing, February 13. The tryouts are held before only the three Judges; Professors Losey, Ford, and Louise Pound these alone Judging the merits of the contestants. Professo'i Losey Is an expert on j Shakespearean roles, and the benefit derived from the training by members of tho cast will more than compensate them for the time spent. It is hoped sate for the tlmo spent. It Js hoped that a large number of men will ap: pear at Union Hall next Wednesday, for all the following places yet vacant: VIncentIp, BJondello, Horatio, Tranio, Pedant, il Jord, hunters and servants. Some new apparatus is being or dered for the mineralogy classes. . SeaU now( on tale. HUSKER JOKES 3ETTLED. Chancellor Interviewer! by .Editors of Book Richards tcVdit the Questionable Material. Yostopimy morning the trouble over the jffiostlun as to whether or nbt the teilal to be put Into the CoruhUHkor should all be edited by the Board oT Publication was taken up with the Chancelloi by the editors and a final agreement readied, Considerable stir and discussion had been created by the announcement the day before that the faculty, In order to prevent the appearance of any caricatures or Jokes mnde at their oxpense, would subject the copy to the rigid surveillance of the Student Publication Board. Many students declared against the injustice of this requirement and much interest turned upon the mooting where an at tempt to lessen tho stringency of such a ruling was to be made. The Chancellor explained to 11. G. Myers, cditor-ln-chlcf, and T. A. Brown, managing editor, that there would be no restrictions placed on the nature of the take-offs put into the book, except those dealing with physical intpor tac tions or peculiarities. These, ho de clared would be strictly prohibited. Further, uny material that scorned, in the Judgment of the editors, of doubt ful character, should be submitted to Professor Richards, chairman of the Board, and be printed only at his ap proval. In deciding Just what was of questionable nature, tho editors should he left to their honor. Regarding this settlement, some stu dents contend It is porfectly Just and fair, but there ure others who main tain there should be, properly, no hu-' pervision whatever over the copy that goes 'to make up the year book of tho school. UNIVER8ITY CHORUS. Chance to Hear Thomas Orchestra. The ChoniB Class has Just started work In preparation for the Thomas. . Orchestra Concert which will be held in the spring. The piece used In practice is "Hiawatha's Wedding Feafot," which Is a very Inte'resting work. There are over a hundred mem bers In the Chorus now arid many more are wanted for the organization, especially boys. Participation In this chorus work: gives the students an opportunity to attend the concerts, of the orchestra. Work Suspended. Work on the Temple Building has been suspended tot the last week and a half on account Of tho severe weather. Tho building has been progressing rap Idly; the walls are very nearly com- pjeted, joists for two of the floors havo been laid, and some of tho lower win dOws put in place, The intention is to havo tho place, ready for occupancy at tho beginning of school next Sep tember, and unless too ' many hindrances obstruct tho -course of , work, the plans will probably bo real ized. ' ... n ft-