XT b c H) a 1 1 j Bebraehan a n: i r u t: r I I t H m VWk., - sn it OLIVER THEATRE it it it a 41 Mi g f o jl- l j tlvWl'ti W fr Y W W r fr A- -Jf U ' SAT. MAT. & EVE., JAN. 26, DU8TIN FARNUM CT.HE VIRGINIAN MAT. $1 to 25c. NIGHT $1.50 to 50c MON. jfiTUES. EVES, JAN. 8-29. Mabel Barrlson and Jos. E. Howarct THE DISTRICT LEADER PRICES $1.50 to 50c. WMi,W It I VMP THFATDF '? I it &.II1IV iHLfiinLn 2 ' if yi SIRONJA, THE LADY RAFFLES EMMETT AND McNEILL EDWARD GRAY MISS RUBY LINDSAY & CO. JMARVELOUS MARVIN BROS. JACK WILDE LYPOSCOPE The BIJOU SHOWS DAILY 7:45 and 9 p. 10c and 15c, Mat,, 10c. m. MODERN VAUDEVILLE PROGRAM Week" January 21. ' MISS FRANCES HOYT & CO. 7 " WHITE AND SANFORD MR. H. R. MANELL BiSSETT'AN DS'COTT' HUGEL BROTHERS ' THE BIOGRAPH c O0C00COQ000i: I The Climax Restaurant i 1204 P St. Lg. mnai exanunijuons lor jirui sjuijiuh FJrst Class Mtals Strved. g terbeghvM r m. - -- - 0 t , ' February.- 00000000000$p Tuesday, 5. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Q OAITAIj-.v . f . . . 9400,000.00 S 0 StDrwwa'antl Pron0.100:QOO.OO Q Q DEPOSITS ,00000.00 Q .COCOOOOCJOOOOOOCXDOOOOOOOOOO ( ?' ' 1 i- -,,.- r.-j-t----4v i-rJJAj, ,, , J. . . - FWE3H EVERY DAY! J J . j ' T ' i . '(."" - Our fondles and'Bkl Goods aro Always Trwk tod Goodt.i Cateriaj la odr jpoolaltr THE MAkWELL C.O., Hotb Pbonci. v 13th nndlf 8trat I "the UniiejsljVWan's1 Tallir J 1 I THE HHESTWiRK DOHE 'AMD PRICES liBHT I 2&&8$8Q83&$8Q$$&ffi$&j BUSINESS DIRECTORY ICvery Loynl Unlvrtalty Student ! urged to patronize them Ne lirtiknn nilvcHltcra, mul to men tion the paper while doing so. Q&3l BARBER SHOPS Green's .Palace, BATHE Chris', Grand Central. BOOKS & STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Harry Porter., BAKERY Potry Bakery Co. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. CAFE Sam Westorfleld, Don Cam eron, Windsor. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller & Palno's Fountain. Ed. Young. . CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, see & Deehior, The Sterling. Ma- COAL Gregory, whltobreast. CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Fol- som. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Herpol- shelmor, Rudge & Giionzel. DRUGGISTS Rector. Rlggs. ENGRAVERS Cornell. FLORISTS Chapir. Bros. FURNITURE Tho Benway Company, Hardy. HABERDASHERY ?2.50 Hat Store. HAIRDRESSER Mrs. J. C. Bell. JEWELERS Tucker, Hallett, F. B. Harris, Herpolsholmer. , LAUNDRY Yule Bros'. ' Evans. LIVERY Ensign, Forbes, Mellck, LOCKSMITH T. .1 Thbrpo. PRINTING-rNew. Century, , George Bros., . McVqy, Simmons, The Ivy Press. MUSIC Curtice, Craucer. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafo, Cam eron's. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers fc Per kins, Electric 'Shoo Co. SUITORIUM J. C. Wood. TAILORS Unl'and, Union College Tailors, Ludwig, Herzog, Elliott Bros., Dresher. THEATERS Oliver, Eyrlc. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Typo writer Co. WAFFLES Mrs. Day. Sam's Cafe. 'UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. .Thursday, 24. Walter Bradley Tripp in "Henry jiy.," In Memorial Hall at 8:15 p. m., under auspices of Dramiitlo -. Club. - . . Sophomores meet, 11 a. m., Mem. ' Hall. Frjdny,,25 ,. . ... . k Freshman Hop at Lincoln Hotel. Graduate Club with ...A J. Sawyer. Seventeenth .and 'F'streets Monday,' 2. ' '.' VwPror, ,w,. ii.. Hastings rpppniar aov- orelgnty In Russian University Law Teaching." Friday, 8. Prof. G. E. Condra, "The Opening of ., Indian Terrltpry." Illustrated. Junior Prom. Lincoln, Hotel Tuesday, 12. - , .-k Prof. Nathan Bernstein (Omaha High School), "The .Growth of an TdePal. .l;h,: Cameron's Lupch Counter. 123 8. 12. J, '"y '"'. l? j -" You will bpatlafied Vitfi'Cameron's Lunch Counter. A good writing tablet is "a, necessity. Get It at the Unl Book Store. Why not take 'your baths at Chris' Bath" House, corner 11th and P Sts.?' Your writing always looks good on; ouci fancy box paper, dt the tijalBook i )r Sfofei s .i.' , at ? V If you have cards, tlckqts or posters to ho. printed, go''to McVey,,15 North 12th St. . . , Miss A. -C Soukup,. Dressmaker. Special rates to Btudents., 1136 O St. Auto 4GQ3. Green's barber shop-excel alUo'thers In.othe-jv'est. .jEntlrely. modern im'dthe ''best work asMre'd) M.Mx Mp - BOARD PETITIONS. (Continued from pago 1.) at Madison, November 10, 11)07, and guarantees Nebraska $P00, with B0 per cent option. That with Minnesota gives a $7fi0 guarantee and fiO per cent option, and calls 'for a game on i October 19 at Minneapolis. The first of tho two annual gym nastic contests will be hold Tuesday, February 12, in tho Armory. Tho ap paratus used will be the horizontal bar, long horse and parallel bars. This contest is open to all University stu dents and together with the second contest will determine who 13 to win tho title of University gymnast and will have tho right to wear the "N" which goes with that distinction. It will also largely determ,Ino the gymnastic team Which will go to Chi cago to take part In tho Western In tercollegiate gymnastic champion ships. . Rhetoric 1. Tho semester examination in Rhet orlcal 1 will cover the following:, II. Newcomer's "Eloments of Rhet orlc," pp. 1-174, 2G1-287. ,i II. LowIs'b Specimons of the Forms, of Discourse; "William of Orange,"')- "Earthworms and Their Functions,'! "Tho Method of Scientific Investiga tion," "The Function of Education hi, a Democratic .Society," and "The- Causes of Failure." III. Burke's "The American Lovo of 4 Freedom." IV. Lectures. V. All class-room work. Department of Rhetoric. Relations About Severed. 4 According to press dispatches from Now Haven, Harvard has given noticov that It will not renew tho two-yeur athletic agreement with Yale which expires on February 1. However, tho Cambridge men have consented to meet Yale in all branches of sport un til the cIobo. of tho present schocrt year In June. Tho continuance of uth lotlcs after that date will depend upon whether certain branches are allowed" i al Harvard or not. At the meeting of the Chemistry Club the following new members woro adniUtod: Clyde Alden, F. W. Bol lamy, Frank Stockton. A very Inter esting program on Methods for Dei termining SulphatOB" was ronderedi Both J. B. Whelan and E. h, Ross con tributed. The next meeting of this club will be held with Dr. Benton Dales at his residence, February 2. Mid-Winter Graduates, Attention. All those desiring gowns for the mid-winter commencement1 are re quested to order them at once. Orders should be given at the Co-op. Pleaso keep tills in mind. Girls' Glee Club, Attention. Tho Girls' Glee Club will meet thM evening froiy 5 to G p, m.V iu room 8, Conservatory of Music. , . Miss Harriet -McClay, '03, was re cently elected to the position of teach-! or' in the High School of Alhambra, California, A dollar is' as big as a cart wheel when It buys bno of Harris' dollar1 fountain pens. 1137 O. He's reliable. If your subscription for The Nobras kan Is due,' do do .wliat you ought to do" and do it now. We need tho money. There Is no time like Harris' time. If your watch Isn't up to 'date you bet ter see Harris', the watch doctor, 1137! OSt. ; . -' f ' " '' , 8 &p P'M""" IX i-- v rpw opooiai borvico io x jO r J$Si PARTIES 0 X Jr Dell Phone ....J05 Q Q ' Auto 3358 X R A Specialty in Oysters in Season R 8 117.19-21 No. 13th 81. p A Specialty in Oysters in Season 117.19-21 No. 13th 81. (XOCXXXXX)COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO onVsMdayIafjernoon AFTER THt DANCE , CALL UP Tlie Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Company For Goody iPrortipt ' LIVERY' SERVICE S COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LIHCOLN, NEBRASKA. capital - Siinn.odn.nfi 5J HIS CAFE 114 South lllli J.WrIghl,Mf. veKr "' Ladles' Dining Room IfhConitoctliHi. - m i.J.U A A To ;S;p e.ec'h if y Jhloklns epcakltlsf on oao's feet Somo t1ci:diclboohh ip aid you 20 duccunt to teachers JTrrto Attrncti)m)IlollanAu(lcnco J00 I'fiinn' ecirncc and Ai I of Kiocution I Sft (lift Hotr T.ftJtoihu Voloo, , on i How To (Icitnro.. ,..,., i: itn.ilitn Krtoriln WrltliiK.-MiwmKinK., Kiiifor-f coinpocltlon kuu ltucturic ti li',rbo Worm of Word I.I1C11 nna.OnnoiKm (trnnnvim and odd I .....' l. 100 '.90 ijn 1M !J0 1.S0 ise 'If t irani(. fi.ntirril lltf lintirfroftll inr1vti, f' IVfti'iinl Cons (oi'nplutc (fcbiiM )...;; li'iinmcnrcnQat I 'art (niocrtiloni) 1JO I'li'cci That llhve Taken Vttoxt.i, , J T io lieu American Oratloni of Today ). HrrtrtStndy 1 ltctto....s:.,i1.r......r' .1 nnanuncoui,vtlliBicmry Ouldo.. jut ..- ..HINP5.&.NOBLEr PuUifecr ' - ' 31-33-33 AV, mth ftt ryetk Clt? ' t 'JSifoolbook3 o 'allsp)!lliMhtra-&J;''.&$4t tlcri I ' ' El!cTmCSHOE Repairing Factory II t. . ... - - ... ,. . --,,.., J 11 X The only up-to-date plant' in M X the city. , It saves you time 9 e. , a i5 ana money. .,.... R lU U T. 1 BMM MHMB1 J 1 oooooooooooooooooooooooooo I Al lUA I yl Ckasca Skraalc Otartar Size Coflir W Qi: , CLUBTT. 1'EAnODY & CO. . j9 21W. Mattri of Claelt and Monarch Bhlrto Will . f - ( . - ii '.if 'i f ' W&v V t fi;v t