IE b e ; ID a 1 1 1? mebrasttan X. -. OOOOOOOOOOoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .'' Vi s X "Ox 4 -s. XX 1 IN x' f&v X RT . ii !5r Jy t teW f b ei W b k ib b lb aV bb b .ib.b bbbtf .b bb i c PyyP p aeea a,a aaa a r "r f r t" T t' OLIVER THEATRE H R''fr'V''TF'V'V'V''nnnWTr FRI., 8AT . & MAT., JAN. 18 and 19 A STRANGER IN TOWN flight $1.00 to 25c. Mat. 50c and 25c. TUE8DAY NIGHT, JAN, 22. , Arthur Dunn in "THE LITTLE JOKER" li : ;. WED. MAT. & EVE., JAN. 23, The Sign ofthe Cross m"$ LYRIC THEATRE.. ROBERT 8TICKNEY THE CONROYS. ' FRED AND MAY WADDEUL HE PEERLE88 QUARTETTE JACK WILDE VJ108COPE X WHENx WALKOVERS JJ X GO ON ftho Trouble Rogers & Perkins 1129 O Street. FRESH EVERY PAY! Our CkadlM and Baked Goods are AlwayaJ Freab ama uooa. uaienag is ear upeouuvj f THE MAXWELL CO., MmtU Fkonei. . 18th ad N Street Pctry Bakery Co. BakUjr Orders Filled Promptly. rtae Rlct Brcai Ovr Specially. rhoae ua and V oar Order Will ' Beeelre Prempt Attention. nsT :X, t xShMTroubBfeiuQo Off. ' X X - X IL. J. HERZQG 1 I . The University Man's Taller I I'thefihextWork done and prices RIBHT I I 1230 O & rREBT Every Loral Untveralty 'Stndeat U mrged tox patronize theae Ne brnaknn ntlvcrtlacra, and to men tion the paper vrhlle doing ao. BARBER SHOPS Green's Palace. BATHS Chris, Lincoln Sanltorium, BOOKS & STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coin Book Store, Uni. Book Store, Harry Porter. BAKERY Potry Bakery Co. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. CAFE Sam Westorfleld, Don Cam eron, University School of Music Dining Room, Windsor; CATERER "Tommy," at Miller & Paine's Fountain. CIGARS Lindsey, Ed. Ybung CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma gee & Deemer, Ludwlg, The Ster ling. COAL Gregory, Whltobreast. CONFECTIONERS Maxwbll,The FoU , som. DENTIST M. H. Alexander. Davis, Herpolshelmer. TJRY GOODS Miller Paine. Hemo!-. shelraor, Budge '& Guonzel. DRUGGISTS Rector, Rlggs. ' ENGRAVERS Cornell. J3XPRESS Lincoln Local, The Star. FLORISTS Chapjn Bros X FURNITURE -The Senway. Company, Hardyv . X HABERDASHERY S2.6(KHat Store. HAIRDRESSER E. Goodman. Tanner. JEWELERS Tucftor. Hallett, FB; Harris, Herpolsholmer. ' LAUNDRY Yule Bros. X Evans. LIVERY Ensign, Forbes, Melick, mrttCHMiTH T. J. Thome. X PRINTING Now Century, Georgo Bros.. McVey. Simmons. MUSK-Curtlcet Crancer. . RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe, Cam- eron's. X SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per . kins, Electric Shoe Co. SPORTING GOODSHawlor Cycle Cb.,v Lincoln Cycle Con. ; SUITORUJM J. 0. WoodTX x TAlLORSXTJnland, Union "College Tailors, Ludwlg, Herzbg, Elliott Bros. X. s THEATERS Oliver,. Lyric. , TYPEWRITERS Underwood Typo writer Co. X. WAFFLES Mrst Day, SamSxCafe. UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. Thursday, 17. AnnUal meeting of Nebraska His torical Society In Art Room Li brary Hall. Meeting of Old Pioneers' Associa tion in AVt Hall. Dramatic Club. U. 102, 11 a. m. Pershing Bpell-down for medal,' 7: 15 p. m. Y. W. C. A. meeting. JL. Der Kin deren will speak. German Club. Miss Pauline Belth, 1G24 Vine St., 8 p. m. Basket-ball practise. Armory, 4-6 p. m. Friday, 18. Music at Convocation. The Officers' Hop at Fraternity Hall, Swedish Dancers in Memorial Hall at 8 p. m. 'College Settlement Benefit. Senior play committee. meets in U, 106 at 11 a. m. Saturday. 19. English. Club meets at University - Women's building, Twelfth and O streets. 8:15 p. m. Y. M. C. A. dinner at St. Paul's church at 6 p, -m. Mnndav. 21. Nebraska vs. Iowa. Basket-ball in Armory at 8 p. m. Professor French at Convocation Wednesday, 23. Prof. Guernsey Jones, "The Japanese Question." , Thuri"day, 24. '' Walter Bradley Tripp in "Henry IV.,"in Memorial Hall at 8:15 p. m., under auspices "of Dramatic Club. Friday, 25. , Freshman Hop at Lincoln Hotel. Monday, 28. . Final examinations 'for fira$ .semes ter begin. '. , " . - - - v Why not take your baths at Chris JBath House, corner 11th andP Ste.? . TO HAVE PIN. Latin Club to Add Emblem to List of University Insignia. The Latin Club has decided that It must fall into lino with other clubs of similar naturo thruout the Universi ty and have an emblem of Its 'organi zation. This decision was the conclu sion of an unusually interesting meet ing hold by the Club last Tuesday evening at the homo of Miss JosbIo Thompson. It is not known as yet Just what the naturo of tho now pin will be but . it has been suggested , that it should take tho form, of a bas-rellof of Caesar building his famous bridjjb Such a pin would form an elegant dis play, or so its backorsxossort, and would ,not bo in great danger from theft or loss. Other features of tho meeting of tho Club were a program of unusual morlt and tho cutting and possibly tho eating of a cake cooked by one of the members of tho Club after a recipe by Cato, the Censor. Tho cake wasvotod such a success that It was Xonce.declded to hold a feast at somovtime -In tho future at "which all of tho viands produced shall bo cpok etfrom recipes ofsome such notable. Ronton Epicureans. miCbucullus. It Is rumored that the country4n the, near ylclnity ofx Lincoln Js to. bV scoured Xo nlghtongales. tongues, but. we" have our ddubts as to whether tho niembers. of the Girls' Glee Club will willingly part with theirs. . X MORE FELLOWSHIPS University of Chicago Announces An vnual Awards; v Word lias come to the office of tha Chancellor concerning the time limits on the applications forho fellowships annually awarded by the "University of Chicago. -; " These fellowships are "awarded, on Xuhe basis ot tho work already done JByJ a candidate or of tho promise which he glvoBfor woricof unusual morlt. The varioUsfellowBhips yield from $120 to $520 annually and -applications hnust bo in by March 1, 1907;Appli- cauon manKB may do naani mo uuun- cellor Svpfllco or upon written request to the Graduate School of Literature, Science and the Arts Further infor mation will be gladly given upon re quest. Nebraska a Leader. "The Concordlensls," published at the Union College, Schenectady, New York, gives the following list of west ern intercollegiate leaders In athletics: Baseball Michigan Track Michigan Football ....,... .Nebraska Cross-country ... 1 Michigan Golf .'. Minnesota Basket-ball .Chicago Tennis .Cornell College MAY BREAK UP. (Continued from page 1.) to carry this, last, it was lost The action, of the conference causes Michigan to lose Graham and Hammond in football, while Chicago loses Eckersall in track athletics and baseball. The other schools also lose men. P. L. Brockway, C. E., '04, who hatf been Inspecting concrete for the Rock Island, is visiting his engineer friends in the University. He is at present considering two or three offers of ex-t cellent positions which have recently become available.' Green's barber shops excel all others In the west -Entirely modern and the best work assured. , c , 3 SAM'S CAFEg 8 K 8sfirflili , ' Rm Proprleter b. X y ItlleVJ Speolal Service le S I 1 irv.'-!s ' iaeeeeeeeeB . -- tt VXJMF PARTIES Q- . Q KJm " Q Q v H - . Dell Phone..... iss P R A Specialty Ih Oysters Ir Siisiii!h 8 117-19-21 No. 13th St. j.ft -. . - ' ; I COLUMIIA NATIONAL BANK! I ; x ,- I 0P LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. 1 XXV ' I CAPITAL. - $I00:000.00 1 x ,. x X. j aMaeeMtfwTHffHWQflHtfltfftffffffMT S. wwvwwuwwwwwwvnin7wwuwljiup ' ' X 1 jDONSIiAFESi X "! : LadleYxDlnlng Room In Connacloti. 'k. x, 1 OPEN A. M. TO U.H.' Q " ' - 7 , , " - , x ' ; - . X c 1 -ffs niri DDAnn" . x l IS&FK I4th A 6 .1 vx ! dAT . i mm . - YyV SwelJMl Lunch Car In cv Xj XSjiMJ IheOeti. . X,' . X. A UU . thannny lnnohca-, X. X jQk in.tbe city. x n. Oood arub n WiRJkomp,' Caterer "" ' J : X. ,- - i ll X k DoYourWahlng j v ' 1 s;X X. WN 1 X,; Xn. o- I Would Like ii beXYour I; Xxi X Lsundrymen. X 1 XTXX - 1 X j YULE BROS. I v SIMMONS The Printer . 317 South Twelfth St. The GRAND CENTRAL BARBER SHOP & :: CIGAR STORE :: W.n.BARTIIKLM AN, Proprietor 13 Se. Klevemth St.- Keat Side -- DONARA AH RROW CIshco SkniaJc.0artr Sbe CSr ia cenu muo, B ier nan CLOETT.' 1'EABODY &.CO. Hakera of Claett and Mooareh SUrta a. x; ' X s; ;: if '- V..i.s & ;. .X .XI T 1 . . V.V ,. 'X. 1' '$ 4m- ?' 14 WT r" t (; !- '-. I ilhtt .'ir r..! .UNnT, .l lr. ,14 .--Vf"i - A? ,' lim'pmny'f .. ! ti 1 attp.aj U.I 1 s.'i t r -'"t- -.."'X'" f" ' - .. H1 Hh ' WMiWi IViIT v t 1 .. .. .1- -.. . ;iL. "TT" A v