The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 15, 1907, Image 1

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Vol. VI
VI. No. 68.
Pt ice 5 Cents.
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Formation of big Five strong-
Nebraska May Join Other Missouri
Valley Institution in Compre
hensive Athletic Organization.
ebraskaonay become a member of
un athletic organization which will be
to the Missouri vulley colleges and
universities what th(T"HIg Nine" is
thruaut the middle states; This pos
sibility is the result o fa meeting of
the representatives of the Missouri
Valley institutions which was held at
Kansas City last Saturday and at
which a form of organization was ten
tatively proposed. Final action has
not been tarken In the matter, how-
ver, and the ratification by the Alh-
leticBoard of all conditions proposed
will beheeessary before Nebraska of
ficially Joins the new "Big Five."
The movement to secure the forma
tipn-'of the conference- is'nof a new
r.u:e and at short hlslory" of the agltu
tlo'i.nieh led to last Saturday's meet
ing may be of interest. About a year
iigb-Dr. Hetherlngtou, athletic, dhee
tor o the Unlverei'v of 'Missouri,
wrote letters, to th-j presidents l ih
more prominent., universities of the
Missouri Valley, asking their opinion
at. to the advisability ofaormlng a con
ference "somewhat slmillar to 4he B-E
Nine among, tjiolr respective sejicydri
and suggesting actfon inward sue'li an.
For some reason, however, this
effort came to nothing and nothing
further -was done until ,last fall;when.
an agitation was stnrtea uy-itansas
fpr a general agreement among the
southwestern colleges on eligibility
when Missouri seconded this and St.
Louis University also manifested great
interest. Cochens, the St. Louis coach,
.was especially active In attempting to
bring aibout a conference at St. Louis
or Kanstoft.-Cljty.
The ld,ea..qf.a possible league, and
especially of a common agreement
imon eligibility, steadily grew In favor
and by agreement between Kansas
and Missouri It was decided that a
meeting should bo held at'lf.ansas City
January 12, 1907, and that represent
atives from the leading- colleges of
this section be Invited.
. Nebraska Athletic Board, while de
cidedly nocommlttaj as to whether It
would enter the league or not, decided
to send Captain Worklzer as a repre
sentative to the conference, but did
not give him power ,to act. Delegates
from Iowa, 'Kansas; Missouri, Wash
Ihgton and Nebraska met at the ap
pointed time' and virtually formed a
league- yhlch Is to have the same
objects and governing powers In the
Missouri Valley In the Big Nino at
Tentative rules in regard to elig
ibility arid tlie., conduct, of .Jntercolle-;
glate athletic contests 'wore drawn up.
These are mucn aiong vuiu imu- .
those of -the Big Nine but are not
quite so radical. A , conference, tracK
"y-v'r .meet of .the-five schools was pro'
', ;f v,v "posed for next Bpring and will pfob-
'$p ' ubly. be carried thru should the, qr-
'-;v' -- ganlzatlon'1 materialize, ; Iowa will' re-
'')$;, . tain Its membership 'in4 the Bl Nine,
. Tickets $2.50; At Door $3.
60&0&0&0$0&0$00$0&0$ O O
and ail the members will be governed
by the ruleB of the league only when
they meet other members of the con
ference. What Nebraska's action in regard to
this niatter will be, It Is Impossible
to state. Captain Worklzer favors
membership liu the organization, be
lieving that if It does us no great good
It will at least do usno harm. The
matter will probably be acted upon at
11. t tl., ,. f 11.Alt.lniln
Writes for the American Geographical
The American Geographical Mag
azine will soon publish Professor Con
dra's three-thousand -word article on
"The Opening of Indian Territory."
This articled wsb prepared by request
of the American Geographical Society,
before which Professor Condra recent
ly gave a fifteen minute talk on the
resources of the Territory.
Tle phy8olgraphlc conditions which
have IecL to the opening of these In
dian lands wjll bo the phase of the
subject treated. Attonlion will bo
called to the vast resources whlcji
were not known to exist at the time of
the allotment was made to the In
dians. Dr. Ward Appointed.
Dr. H. B. Ward has been appointed
a member of tho Darwin Memorial
Committee. The committee is under
the supervision of the American Asso
ciation for the Advancement of Sci
ence, and will consider plans for erect
ing a monument to the great scientist.
The proposed memorial will commem
orate, the fiftieth anniversary of the
publication of the "Origin of Species."
The committee Is 'composed of many
leading educators and scientists.
' " ' ' '
Of tlie 161 Rhodes scholars at Ox
ford, seventy-nine are from the United
States; knlnety-one from British col
onies, nndeleven from Germany.
John W. Norton, '03, of Stromsburg,
has been elected county attorney of
Polk county,
; "
) i
.. 'JT-
Y. M. C. A. To Give Another Enjoy
able Evening for University Men.
The Y. M. C. A. will give Its third
supper for University men In tho din
ing room of St. Paul's Church on next
Saturday evening at G o'clock. This
particular supper will be uniauo in
the list for the year In that it will
he' for social purposes .only, and will
be produced by the girls of tho Do
mestic Science Department.
Here ,1s an unparalleled opportunity
to Size up tho of the coeds In tho
lines along which most men's affec
tions are said to lie, and there is not
tlie. slightest shadow of a doubt that
this will be sufficient In Itself to more
than fill all available spuce at the
table next Saturday evening.
Tickets will cost 15 cents and wl
be on salo by Messrs. Hlgglns, Jorgen
son, G- M. Wallace and Roy Nelson
up to noon of Saturday. It is hoped
that thpro will be a very prompt and
genprous sale of tickets and that the
supper will prove to bo a real pro
jluccrv of very genuine' . University
Three cheers for Doml Sell
Dramatic Club to tyeet.
Tho University 'Dramatic Club will
meet this 'morning In U. 102 to Install
Professor Losey, who has recently
been appointed to the position of In
structor in Elocution and Public,
Speaking, as Its president.' Besides
this, tho matter of representation In
the Cornhuskcr will be considered and
plans for tjie .recital to bo glyen by
Mr. Trip In Memorial Hall on (he oven
Ing of January 24 ,wH bo discussed.
A full attendance s desl.redi
Mr. Mickey Dead.
' Word has reached tho Nebraskan
of the death 'of the father of Mr. Clark
Mickey, M. E, '08, at Gibbon, Nebr.
Mr. Mickey, who Is an. officer of the
Engineering Society and is prominent
)n his class, has been out of school'
on account of his father's illness since
before the Christmas holidays. '
A good writing tablet Is a necessity.
Get It at tho TJnl Book Store.
Discusses the Hauptmann Dramas In
Afternoon Talks on Goethe's
"Faust" In Evening.
"Hlghor Education" was tho sub
ject of an nddreSs yesterday morning
at Convocation by Prof. Rudolph
Tombo of Columbia University. In
comparing conditions In Gormany and
America we find our own country far
behind. Only four 6T our universities
may bo styjetl as coming anywhere
near the desired standard in having
theology, philosophy, law and medicine
In their courses, and theso are Yale,..
Chicago, Harvard, aiTd Northwestern
We still have much to learn, for tho
Germans hold much loftier Vequlrc
ments thnn we do; Very few Gormn
students have studied In simply one
institution and the promising ones
migrate to other institutions. A con
stant interchange of professorship
would be benoflchil here as well.
Professor Tombo Is making a tour
thru tho West visiting thd various uni
versities and colleges In the interests
of hlghei education. While at Nebras
ka lie delivered two lectures on tho
German drama, one on Hnuptmau's
"Stipken Boll" mid the other on
Goethe's !faust."
Tho Hnuptman lecture, given nt 5
o'clock In University Hall, wub; dc-'
spite tho Inclement wother, well at
tended by both faculty members antK
students, It whs one of the most "com
prehensive, addresses of Us kind ever
glyon at 'thof.ynlveWlty nng seemed(
'to .bo appreciated accordingly. '-?
In discussing Huuptmann's. phlloso-.-..
phy, Professor Tombo said that its
symbolic idealism was duo primarily
to the reactionary. Btress -movement.
prevalent throughout Europe' during
tho last half ot tho eighteenth and
early nineteenth centuries.
"There 'Is thruout all his plays," said , '
tho ' professor; "tho phllosonVy of -brotherhood,
a heartfelt sympathy for
J his fellow men. Indeed, this Is the
T . "... . . j : O '
Keynote of nis dramas. And in spito
of their many crudities, It is this phil
osophy which makes his works of per
manono yalue." "
. Before discussing the "Sunken Bell,"
Professor Tombo gave a brief account
of the two plays which proceded It '
'The Weavers" and "Lonely Lives."
The drama "Ionoly Lives)" said Ho,
was clos.ejy related In many particulars
to the ''Sunken, Bell," both ' of which -show
the great influence of Ibsen upon
the young German dramatist. In botli
jiauptniann, ilea)s with the' same
theme, spiritual truth, and In both tho -
ending is the same, suicide.
Prom tho viewpoint of .dramatic con"
slruction, "Tho Sunken Bell'' Is dl
most perfect.. Its situations are in .. '
every Instance supremely dramatic, its
diction stiperb.dnd'lts characterization'"
superior to that of' any btHer HaUpt
man production, " ' l ' ,'
And not tonly from- a dramatic i point' ,
of view Is It a success, but oJsV as w
a' closotf play. OVer sixty etlltlohs -of' . '
tlie ptIecje liaye bepn pub'Used.'ari'd sM'"!
the public's demands' are unsafishWdY l
?(CdntInued'ron pago'3.) ."v.f
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