BeBailp IFvebraehan ..KV- Vol VI, No. 67. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, JANUARY J2, 1907. Price 5 Cents. i'-r A VERY MILD FORM a new raowsnip 1 A880CIATION OF COLLEGIATE I M THE SMALLPOX IN ENGINEERING 1 oLirrki Mnr otrmnilQ ownwL. iv i w. w ww -, vvJjw5 f.hanrnllAr -AnrtrnxAs Arlvlseit Students r-to Watch for -Symptoms of the "- Disease and to Get Vaccinated. The smallpox scare which -pervaded tlie Engineering school yesterday rproved, upon Investigation, to be of little consequence. Jesse Owens, the Junior B. E. student who was taken to the hospital early in the day, was fouhdo be afflicted with but a mild form of the disease, and oyery .means has been taken-tp prevent an epidemic. fclf Jhose residing In. the same house jv Itlv ;tht patient,' as well as those In the, class room when the disease was discovered have been vaccinated" and their clothes disinfected. Relative to the scare, Chancellor Andrtws said: "The seizure of an En gineering student with - smallpox Is correct The case, however, Is a light one and should alarm nobody. How over, all who have been In the slight est. danger of contagion would do well to watch their physical condition and consult physician at once If they feel 111. The symptoms of theXdlsease are said to be the same as In eawytynhpld, back-ache and bone-ache -It is quite possible that Mr. Owens ' will, be. pleased from quarantine be- fore the end of the semester. Profes- sorMorse was among those who were vaccinated.. HHKp5H HMH'HHMA.'HBI '' x n -"-r-iV "iT"W " tK. ' ,. -.JK - M tfBiiv H 'N "KING" COLE. - ; - ALUMNAE OFFER8 AWARD. No Examinations Required Candl dates Must be College Graduates Year In Europe the Prize. lcrge Attendance. . m Third Band Informal Well Patronized Unusually Pleasant Dance. Che third Band Informal of the year 1 was eld In Memorial Hall last night There was the usual large attendance and' everything from the condition of the floor to the nature of the music, contributed to an especially pleasant evening. The Band Informals are proving un usually popular this year and demon strate the favor with which University students look upon a well conduoted, low priced dance. These functions have proved to be onfc. of the surest means of cultivating genuine Univer sity spirit In the social life of our in stitution, and, there is every hope that' the intended series for this year may be. carried out to the end. 4, OUR NEW COACH. "King1' Cole, as Tie is known at Michigan and In Virginia, has boon chosen by the Athletic Board to coach Nebraska next fall. Coach .Colo Is perhaps one of- tho best all around football men In the west, having won on enviable record on the Michigan. team, whore he played for fpurryoara. That ho can coach as well as play the game was demonstrated' at the Uni versity of Virginia last season when he succeeded In turning out the fastest football team in the history of that Institution. THREE FOOTBALL DATES. I S3 DAVIE8 GOE8 TO OMAHA. Fellow In American History Succeeds ,- Prof. Braceland In High School. Miss Autumn Davles, fellow in American History, and at present en gaged in the American History depart ment leaves within a few days to ac cept the ppsftlop of, American History instructor in the Omaha High School. ThlB is one of the best high school history positions in this state, and as such will 'be, occupied by ope worthy of filling ltv Miss Davles takes the position now held by Dr. Braceland. Manager Eager Announces Contests for Season of 1907. Manager Eager announces the fol lowing football games for next sea son: Wisconsin, at Madison, Nov. 16. Minnesota, at Minneapolis, Oct. 19. Tho return gamp with Kansas, which Nebraska is under contract to play will probably take place at Law rence. November 2. The schedule for 1907 will include one -more "big" contest, be played on home field Thanksgiving. Manager Eager is trying to secure the famous Carlisle Indian team for'this date, but id not certain that the Redskins will come here. gggw Or. Clements Talks.. , W Dr. Clements lectured to the Mpth .: o'da of Teaching class Thursday on 1(L - ; the subject, ''Methods of ' Teaching ". .. .'Botany?' . ' , " . .' Kappa 8lgma Initiates. The following men wore Initiated Into Kappa Sigma last night at the fraternity hpuBe: George Schramm, graduate student, Oklahoma; Guy Montgomery, ',09,' Albion; .Max Gun derson, '10, Aurora; and J. E. Clark, '10, South Omaha, r ,-' Following the Initiation an lnfprmal banquet was held at the chapter house.' Miss A. C, Soukup, Dressmaker. Speolal rates to students. 1136 O St Auto-4603.-. .'.;., . ANOTHER RESIGNATION. Business Manager 8tandeven With draws from Staff of Nebraskan. The Student Publication Board is in receipt of tho resignation of Mr. Wal ter Standeven, who has been acting as business jnanagpr for the Dally JNpb" raskan for the past semester. Mr. Standeven feels that the press of his Unlveristy work is too great to permit a continuance of his connection with the paper and his resignation will take effect with the beginlng of the second semester. - It is not known yet who will succeed Mr. Standeven as the business head of the Nebraskan, but a successor will doubtless be appointed within a few days. 'The recent action of the Re gents In allowing extensive University credit for the wrk doP on. ho paper should prove a strong inducement for men of excellent capabilities to apply for positions on the staff of the Neb raskan for the coming semester. '?. Ambassador Thompson Donates. Thru tho kindness 'of D. E. Thomp son, United States ambassador" to Mexico, the University library has re ceived two volumes of reports of tthe. Pan-American Congress held in Mex ico in 1900. ; An oxcollent opportunity for a yeatB V work In Europe is awaiting tho woman among- the graduates of the Univor- slty of Nobraska who can satisfy tho requirements proposed by the Ass-cla-tlon of Collegiate AlUmnao for an an nual fellowship of fivo hundred dollars, to bo given for tho pursuance of-anoc- lal training along li'terary and sclonol Aq lines. - The Dally -Nebraskan Is In receipt of the moat recent announcement of the Alumnae Association in which do tullB of tho requirements are sot forth, and for tho. benefit of any co-ed' at-Neb raska who may desire to follow out tho chance presented, wo print this-bul- letThMjractlcally in full. 'The -Association of Collegiate Alumnao ifjdeslrous of encouraging tho pursuit of advanced courses ot study among wdmen graduates of col leges It thoroforo proposesto dovoto five hundred 'dollars every yoartoward paying tho expenses of some young -woman who wishes to carry on her studies, im a foreign country. "Applications for this fellowship, will be received byany member of the com mittee, having ltTnvchhrge. The can didates must bo graduates of colleges and application for the year 49074908 must be handed in beforo February 1, 1907. Tho fellowship will be awarded only to candidates who givo promise of distinction In the subjects to which . tlioy dovoto themselves, . "It will bo tho aim of tho committee to apppint the candidate who is best fitted for the position thru original gifts, previous training, onerby, power of endurance and health. .To this end they will receive applications in writ ing from ellgiblo candidates, whOwill. present, as clearly as possible, thlor, claims to tho fellowship. "A competitive examination will iot bo held, but tho award of the , fellpw ship wll be based upon evidence of the candidate's ability, and of her pros pect of .success in her chosen line of study. Such evidence will naturally .consist of (a) her college diploma, (Diploma need not be sent. A certifi cate from the registrar of tho college' will suffice); (b) testimpnials as to ability and character from her profes sors md other qualified judges; (c) satisfactory evidence of thoroughly good health; (d) a statement 'pf the work In which she prpposes to engage subsequently; (eV last, and of chjef importance, examples of her scientific or literary- work in thp-form of papers or artlpjes, or accounts pf scientific investlgatipns which she hag carried out 'The fellowship will not usually be granted to those who are Intending to take up the practice of any of the three learned professions, though vsich aro npt formally pxcluded from the competition; if yI rather he .awarded to those who, are5 lppklng forward! Mo. (Continued on page 4.) ;"' ' . . v, v - Vl ", . s. K ' Cv ' V , . u . . . X, '. ' ) ' "k .' '? - ' ' . - : 'V; '- m '.. S-f VI V k ". n f . i . -y t.'u "'th f.V )'