- ' ' - -h V -? TT ' "'''TT Vol. VI. No. 66. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, JANUARY H, J907. Price 5 Cents. CFIFrT A TAAfH W 2WffCKChKteKW'OS3jD A PRIZE CONTEST i . THE MUNICIPAL LEAGUE OFFERS SUBSTANTIAL AWARD. f OLLLl lO.ri, UUniHi ARMORY. 50c. 1 a Athletic Board Elects Football Over seer for 1907. i. W C. Cole. Ex-Michlaan and Virqlnla, Secures Position as Successor to Coach Arfos P. Foster. At-apecIakmeetfng.oOtho Athletic Board yesteYday morning, Mr. W. C Colo, was chosen coao'i,f or the Nebras katoo.tball team of 1907. So far as prestige and previous, record ;san de termine such "a matter,, this aspires the fact that Nebraska vrlll have a first class football coach next fall. Cole, better known as "King Cole," -Is one of the most promising" of the yoTing coaches who, after having made ftsf TVj 1 X a national reputation on. the gridiron themselves under the tutelage of the "evervictorlous Yost," have undor taken to follow In his footsteps atid disestablishing what mlgut bo called theYbst school of football. Ho was star tackle- on Michigan's champion team, of lUO'J and was choice for the all-Western, aggregation by the lead ing critics or- tno country. In Yost's style of game, tackle Is perhaps the, most Important position on theteam, for Yost's offense, es . peclally under the old rules, largely confers nround the work of the tackles'. Cole was particularly fitted for this -style of game, "having playedboth end and half-back at Marietta College be fore comingb Michigan, and his ex pSrIenco there as both captain and coach, gave him unusual knowledge of the gum'o. During tho first part of the season Yost used him more or loss at end ""and In tho backdeld, but lie soon jmtjilin aMackle and kept him there. ' Cole has also played 'varBlty base ball, holding down centerflold and sometimes going Into the box on the Michigan learn In the spring of 1904. Colo was no longer eligible for foot- ball after 1903 and In 1904 ho assisted Yost and coached Marietta College. In 1905 he was chosen as head coach at the University of Virginia. Hero Cole showed that ho had ability not only as a player- and an Instructor In the rudiments of. the game, but that he had the knnck of handling a large squad of men and of evolving team work and a mastery of the strategy of tho gathe. He was considered an emi nent success and was chosen to again till the position for 190G. Last fall Virginia had one of the most successful teams it has turned out' for years. Perhaps It's most note worthy achievement was holding tho .strong Carlisle team, which had de feated Minnesota and given the lead ers In the east a hard rub, to a virtual tie; 18-17 tho Indians winning only by a goal kicked from touchdown. With such a man to supervise the general coaching policy and to give , especial attention to' the lino, and with ' an able assistant to coach the backs In the fine points of backfleld pjay, , Nebraska should have a coaching tie- partment which leaves nothing to bo desired. With the coaching thus'takon caive of and with the, almost unprece dented amount of veteraif material in sight, prospects certainly point to an ever-victorious". Cornlnisker team ' next fall. BAND INFORMAL 0OS-0 0000OS?00 O O BASKETBALL TONIGHT. '" Rolty to Play Wesleyan at Uni Place Football SWeaters Here. Owing to an unexpected hindrance, the basketball game which had .been scheduled to take place between Wes leyan University and Nebraska, at Univorsity Plnce last evening, has been postponed until this evening at 8:15 p. m. Tho following men will represent Nrornsku thlB evening: Burruss and WiilHh. forwards: Mosor fountain). center; P. and D. Dell, guards; and a substitute team including Krako and Carroll,, forwards; Ferguson, center; Jones and Schmidt, guards. The three oxtra sweaters bearing the 'Varsity "N," which were award ed to Messrs. Drain, Denslow and Mc Donald after the regular football awards had been determined, have ar rived. They are of identically tho same pattern ns the previous lot. In this connection Manager Eager an- nounces that tho block letters which belong on tho 'Varsity sweaters In stead oi"Hho present Initial have ar rived and maybo obtained at his of fice by all football "N" men. POPULAR REQUEST RECITAL. School of Music Instructor to Play at Convocation Today. Mr. Robert Stevens, Instructor In the University School of Music,- will appear at Convocation this morning In. a piano recital. Mr. Stevens has an enviable reputation as a performer ot unusual merit and since his recent connection with the School of Music, has gained a large following in Lin- corn. A largo audience Is expected In Memorial Hall this morning. The pro gram for Mr. Stevens' recital is as follows: March , Hollander Toccata Sgambati Etude .'. . .Gottschalk Delngedenken , : Jensen Caprice Espagnol Mowskow'ski Today Is tho last day In which to get tickets for the Sonior Masquerade. Get busy! " - 000OOCOO0ttO0 O Senior Masquerade SATURDAY EVENING, JAR 2 Memorial Hall ''-' ADMISSION 35c. a 5 : ? , i . f, 'i it i vi f r-O OOOJKpJlKDqOOOOOOOOOCtOf.CmJOOO 6 ft VA 3 9 $ 9 VA FRIDAY NIGHT g n ZtiyZttQO&O(&0OttZi&(20 NEW EDITOR ELECTED. Publication Board Chooses Head of Nebraskan 8taff for Next Term. Mr. Jay C. Knoiie, '08, was elected to tho position of edltor-ln-chlof ot tho Dally NobraBkan at a meeting of the Board of Student Publications yester day afternoon. Mr. Knode Is a repre sentative Unlvorslty man, having gained honors both In scholasflfc lined and in athletlcB. He has won his "N" on the track team and is a promising candidate for the captaincy of tho track team next spring Mr. Knode will assume his new duties .with the beginning of the sec ond semester. FREE TICKETS. College Settlement Board Takes This Way to Boost Advance Sale. As a means of advertising tho Swed ish dance entertainment to be given under tho auspices of the Collogo Set tlement Board a week from tonight, the Board has arranged to give one free ticket to all person who sell ton tickets to the. performance. Any one wishing to tnko advantage of this op portunity to "lend a helping: hand to the. College SQttlQment can procure tlckotij of Professor Caldwell at his ofllce, 210 University Hall. Tickets for the entertainment are now on sale at tho Co-op and Univer sity Book Stores. TO HAVE 8KATING PARTY. ' Freshman Plan Unusual Affair for Next Saturday Evening. The Freshmen have inaugurated a new custom. Next Saturday night they will give a skating party, at least such Is the plan made at their meeting yestordny. Paul Yates was appointed chairman of tho committee. Treasurer Marvin reported a surplus of $13.05 from the informal party. Football Manager 'Mc Donald, rUported upon tho showing which the- Freshman team had made' and stated the ubos to which the gate receipts would bo put, tho money go ing mainly for the purchase of sweat ers. O O3K000NDOOCOOm A ,2 Contest Open to. All Undergraduate Students of University Essay on Qlven 8ubject Required. "- The DallyNobrasknn is In receipt of the announcement of an excellent opportunity for studonts of tho Uni versity who nro especially Interested in the details of municipal govern meat. The opportunity Hob in a con test for the William H. Baldwin Prlzo of $100, which is given annually under tho direction of tho National Munici pal League of Philadelphia to tho au thor ot tho beBt essay pH a subject connected wth municipal government. Tho conditions for the contest this year are substantially aB follows: For the year 190G-19t)7 the competi tion will be limited to undergraduate students registered in a regular cdurso in any college or university of tho United States offering distinct Instruc tion In municipal government. The prize will bo awarded by judges selected by tho Executive Comnjltteo of tho League, and tho name of tho winner will bo announced nt the next annual meeting. The League's Committee on "Co ordination of University and. Collegiate Instruction In Municipal Government" having selectod "The Relation of the Municipality to tho Water Supply" as tho general research topic for tho col; lego year, 1900-1907, It "was deemed borit to bring the prize essay Into close relation with this subject. It -was also deempd best to solect a topic suf ficiently general to enable' -each com petitor to conduct Investigations in tho state and city with which ho or she may be best acquainted. This plan will give to the Inquiry Its great est educational value, and will also enable each competitor to make some contribution to a subject which Is. of importance to overy American com munity. The topic which the committee re gards as fulfilling these requirements and which is, therefore, offered for the year 100C-1907, Is "The Relation ' of tlio Municipality to-the Water Sup ply." ThdBe entering the competition uro expected to treat the following sub divisions: 1. When the water supply Is fur nished by private enterprises. (a) Conditions of franchise, (b) Capitalization and finance of water company, (c) Control of municipal authorities, of meters. (d) Consumption and use (e) Condition of supply and Its relation to public health, (f) Plans for Improvement of tho supply. 2. When tho water supply is fur nished by public authority municipal water works. (a) History-' of establishment, (b) Adequacy of supply, (c) Charges to consumers, (d) Consumption, (e) Relation "of water supply to public health, (f) Present 'conditions of the works, (g) Profit, .(h) Plans ffor im provement. It will add to tho value' of tho paper submitted If the questions of tho ' (Continued from page 1.) ""vl A o ':4v ' r-. Uf v 'C 4 r. . l