The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 10, 1907, Image 2

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'iit xf. YTtnii.'iiiA n u""
Lincoln, NEunAHKA.
-poWtcaturaDtriw, ttt nrl4rstr "
rBtrongunJversty, but . ablq"men,caivl f ?Y?pBM!l?l,v',$5,f'
M;,.s't,.ufl1 Jail MftUiiys flFRftAfc flow
I' N . f! JJ J Tl jpi C 5 J
S f EbWlNyMHirtOY SUKpEftLANP,.'
V ' ? f ' rniTfiit-lN-niltKK
S. M. KiNAKKii. ') - - - - MiiimkIiik Editor
Fiikd BAt.i.Aiii). '05 Nowh Editor
"SV.' K. HTA"NDEVBN, "07.
OayHaiiiiy, AHsfotftnt MnnnKor
Byhon 15. Yiiukii, '08, Circulntor
DATTELEfHOHE, Aula 1520. NlGHT, Auto 2365 in 4472
Editorial Rooms and Business Oilice
Basement, Admlnlitratlon, Building
Postolflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb.
Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year
Payable in Adrancc
Singlo Copies, 5 Cents Each.
INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo qtmrROd for
nt tho rnto of 10 eontw per lnKortlon for oVpry
flftoon words or fraction thoroof. Faculty
notices nml Uiilvorulty lmllotlni) will tfludly Vo
publiHhod froo.
Entered nt tlio pontofllco nt Lincoln, NobniHkii.
H HOCond-clnBH nmll inuttor under tho Act of
UonRi-OHH of March !1,18T0.
Tho figures of tho statement pro-
pa rod by tho Rogonta for tho perusal
of -the members of the presont legisla
ture throw light on a situation at Ne
braska that Ib certainly deplorable.
Tho question of salaries is, at almost
every large institution In our country,
a cause for chronic complaint and dis
content, but, In our estimation, Ne
braska loqms way to the front in caiiBo
for grievance in this lino.
In another column we have given
tho detailed figures which exhibit how
Nebraska stands in comparison wlh
other institutions wlthxwhom sho
should rank almost, if not quite, equal.
tocether with these figures we also
-wish tcrmibmlt tho argument which
tho ttegents"mnke for a faculty qf In-
services. If the present schodule Is
maintained our University must be
confeiuTo take hpmr.c fn tlio rear. It'f
must abandon "any claim to equal rantt
.witfji la.,iUnuqfipu; WtauaUi xvp
"The additional cost of raising the
Nebraska schedule to the standard of
other states would nof be so great a-? f
might be anticipated! $25,000fa jearj
added to the present cxpondlturo
would enable the Regents to pay
heads of doi)artments and deans nearly
the same salary as Wisconsin and
other states pay As tho present pay
roll Ib $21.1,312 a year, tho relative in-,
crease is not large. The saving ef
fected by employing second-class tal
ent rather than first-class is, therefore,
not great. A university is obliged to
hire enough men to instruct the stu-
dents, and tho Balarynccount Ib neees
sarily large. To employ as many ex-'
periencod teachers in proportion to the
student attendance Js Michigan and j
Wisconsin would, of course, add con
siderable to the salary account, and
Until the revenues o the University
are vory much incrons"ed Nebraska
students must bo content wltlu larger!
classes and teachers of less export-1
enco than are found in the institu-j
tions of our sister states. If, however, ,
we can retain strong and able men for
the more important positions, it is a
distinct gain." I
fcj- r" '7
eontainine the New Rules
with full page explanatory
largest Foot Ball Guldo ever
rovlows; forecasts, schedules
over 4,000 playors.
' A
pictures, -Edited by AVaJter Qainp The s ?
published, gifyllof'f dot-ball lflforafiiUpnS rf
; paptalns? redorUsV sceres; 'lectured 'of 5
PRICE 10 CENTI- ,,, ,
-'.?' '
Now York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Denver,
Buffalo, Syracuse, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, .goston, ,3Vash,lngtqnt Cjn-,
cinnati, Baltimore, Kansas City, New Orleans, Montreal, Can., London,
Eng., Hamburg, Germany. e - : .-'
Send your name and get a freo copy of (he now Spftnjg Fall a"nd
Winter Sports Catalogue, containing pictures and prices of all the now
seasonable athletic goods.
Y. W. C. A. Starts New Services.
Tho Y. W. C. A. Is making a special
campaign to secure very general In
terest among the women of the Uni
versity In regard to a series of Thurs
day afternoon meetings which It plans
to hold for tho rest of tho year The
first one of those meetings will be held
this afternoon In U. 106 at 5 o'clock.
Miss Josephine Brown, secrotnry of
the. Wesleynn Y. W. C. A., will speak
and Miss Edna Hunter will sing. At-
You'll wait too long if you wait at all for your Suit
orJOvercoat. Call today to get first pick
of New Line of Woolens.
Lincoln's Fashionable Tailor,
143 So. 12th St.,
5)0Q O 000
I like to bruy, when I have a bray coming and hose
straight from the shoulder $15 coats at $10 are really
worth a 2-column article. I will put up the talk to
you if you come in to look them up.
Frank Adams, who received his !
master's degree here last spring, is in
tho electrical apparatus business in
San Frnnclsco.
Miss Jane Blanchnrd, '0G, Is enroute
to Mercur, Utah, whore she will teach
schqol for the rest of tho year.
There is a scarlet fever epidemic at
the University of Syracuse. Forty-six
cases of the disease were reported to
the Board of Health last week.
1204 P
A good place for students to eat.
First class cook, first class meals.
Chocolates and
Bon Bons.
BUDD. $2.50 Hatter. 1141 O
2m( )(s
Loland Stanford will play basketball
with the Waseda University of Japan I
n-Uio far oast next spring. " a
""- . wm
James Iteltzer, ex. '07, Is visiting t
his Kappa Sigma""brothers" this week.
Mr. Reltzer is engaged in business at
Arapahoe, Nebraska.
The Drui Cutter.
' creased efficiency, anil, In consequence,
of' higher salaries.. It Is an arguniont
we believe to be beyond refutation and
well worthy of tho careful attention
cf the legislators In whose hands the
welfare of the University for the next
two years now rests. In substance .t
a as follows:
"Wu would not discharge our duty
If we failed 'to point out the effect of
the policy of other states on our Uni
versity. Hlthoun It has been tho pre
vailing Impression ihatJsTobraska was
entitled to take raU with the uni
versities of Its sister states; out in
the past four or live years theso statos
havp advancod salaries to a polnc
where wo cannot longer compote with
them. They are taking our best men
qiio by ono, and our' salaries are so
low that we cannot go Into th'o market
"and replace them with mon of first
'class ability.
, "Tho' efllcloncy and standing of a
university deponds chiefly upon its
faculty, A strong faculty makeo rf
o '
tontlon is also called to the regular
song services in the Association rooms
each day from 12 to 12:20o'clqck.
"Happonings of other days as record
ed In The Nobraskan: '
Four Years Ago Today.
Tho annual debate between Doane
and tho Union Debating Club took
Two Years Ago Today.
Sophomores held a class mooting.
The debating squad was announced.
LOST A small bunch of keys, be-,
tween Station A postofflco and the i
Nobraskan office. Finder please leavo
at this ofllce.
I QooJ drub
14th & O
Swellcsl Lunch Car in
Iho Wost.
I sorvo bettor quamtV
than any lunoli car
la tho city.
W.P.Komp, Catoror
There is no time, like Harris' time.
If your watch Isn't up to dato you bet
ter see Harris, tho watch doctor, 1137
O St.
Professor Sanford Married.
Professor Sanford of the Departpiet
of Latl,n was married during the'holl
days to a young lady of Elgin, Illinois.
The professor since his installation in
the University last fall, has made 'a
host of friends, who wjll bo glad to
welcome him and his bride In their
now home at 1G28 L street.
Wo would like 'to sell you a pennant
or two at tho Unl Book Store.
A dollar is as big as a cart wheel
when It buys one of Harris' dollar
fountain pens. 1137 O. He's reliable.
If your subscription for the Nobras
kan Is duo, do do what you ought to do
and do It now. Wo need the money,
Green's barber snpps excel all others
In. the west. Entirely modern and the
best work assured.
The Evans
Do Your Washing
Chaln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 12th.
The Printer
317 South Twelfth St.
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