-1 3" $ be 2) a 4 1 v Hebraeftan V t h' I nil 'I V SH fc 1 I - V?" ! U"W-7 "V " NOVELTY PICTURES Wc carry the most attractive line of novelty pictures, also beautiful Landocapes and Fig ures. G. A. GRANGER COMPANY i Framing Art Material. 1132 o st WANT INSTRUCTION. ; ..JConllnupd from pae 1.) j' uncthodR thoKhrtve soJTnr iiursiidtl arc , no,t conductive to their bent Interests J' or to the attainment or their aim.) and IdoillH. The small band of ritudonts at the University are their rcpresentn- ' tlvcH, Booking a way to perpetuate the attainments of their countrymen and to secure for them better recognition by their fellow citizens who' do riot now understand them. Instruction in the Czech tongue would not bo merely to perpetuate that language, but would be a menus to an end having hi view .great bneflts to the people of the stale. HTMf . A GOOD LUNCH Y. :at the: C. A. ROOMS r1l:30 TO I2:3Q , PREPARED BY MRS. DAY FOR 10 AND 15p , The Best Lunch in the. City Try One FOURTH STUDENTS' RECITAL. Cotrell & Leonard M.BM, n, y. Makers of CAPS, GOWNS anil HOODS To tlit American Cjllsges and Universities. CLASS CONTRACTS A SPECIALTY Reliable Materials Reasonable Prices JOCGOOOOO UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. TUCKER, Jowcler, DR. S. S. SHEAN, Optician 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT MOUR PATROHAGE SOLICITED. uoooooocc L. J,JHMgRjZOO The University Man's Tailor THE FIHEST WORK OOUE AKD PRIOES RlOHT 1230 O S rREET To Be Held In Memorial Hall Thurs-, davEyenlng, ' January (). . Tho-fourth students' recital of the School-' of Sffiaicwill be held In Me morial Hall .Thursday evening at 3 o'clock. 4 ' 1 Program. StrniiHB-Schuott Paraphrase on j)io- (Ivob from "KIhb Wait' . . I ,. HesBle Mickey Chjtminridc Prelude, D, minor i ,'..."..., :...". i . ; Mnry Ward Schumann 'Du. hist wlo olno Illume Chamlnude Berceuse" v .j . , Amalia Sclmer I luydu Concerto,- D -Majon (first niovertient and Cadenza)...- Lelnh Kincaid (Orchestra partsKpji. second, piano, Mr.-, Chopin Nocturne In F Schuet -Caprice frqm "Cnf-naval" Fannie Borgnmn GrlejSona'ta, .pp. J, '""Allegro con ' brio. . ..Laura. Buchanan, .Alyne Swedberg ' Hoothoven Sonata. Op. 5ll, Intro duction Rondo. .Louise Zuniwlnkel , Schubert Dor TJoppelgnenger I ! Schubert Dor Wnifderer ' ...'.. Julia McCune i Glnzounow Etude, C Major, On. Ill . Mabel Coder ; Sarjeant Blow, blow, thou ovi liter wind ... ,.,....,.'... .'. .Frank Hudson iIendolssohn---:-Gpncortbr j.D minor, Allegro nppasslpnatri, Adagio , .,.,.::.... Gra'co , McWhinney (Orchestra partB on second piano, Mrs. 1 .lonos.) -"l ' FRATS- When in need of COAL calf and see thb " '" ' WHItEBREAST CO. We will treat you right. Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. eXDOOOCXXKDCXX3bOC2000Q D lT C I T I TT ' jl OR aKIi?! A "V. JL - w f M. F ,- tf M v .JFi W i We claim to bo the best CLEANERS arid DYERS in Lincoln 'and w are hero to prove It. Our methods and machinery are the TERY ft LATEST and our workmen the best that money can secure. 6 Wo clean the finest dresses and robes with'out danger offadlng or shrinking and guarantee not to injure thonl in any way. Wc also 5 clean gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Goods called for antf dolIV- 6 ercd. All goods thoroughly sterilized, We do altering and repairing, g Phono Bell 147 1320 N street. " ' hond Auto i2S)2 Call or write for price list. Lincoln, Neb. 6 f J. C. Wood & Company COCOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOO O O O OOOOOOOCKXXXX)OOOCOOOOOOOO V 5? fWSSTCMraEUGM&HI a NSGA 114 South llth J. Wright, Mgr. Ladles' Dining Room In Genn8ctlon. OlI3N 0 A. M. TO I A. M. Last Sunday evening at the Eabl Side Christian church. Mr. Donald Plumb and MIsb Mildred Williams weVe married at the close of the church service. IJev. Z. Q. . Doward performed the ceremoily. Mr. Plumb is a member of the Glee Club and is prominent inmuHle.u circles. Air. and Airs. Plumb will resldo at 19 in North Twenty-ninth street. I ELLIOTT BROS. TAILORS 1210 O Str. DON'T BE AXHUMP If you want to go out in society dress right. We make clothes to fit you. Not made for a dum my and altered to fit you. Dress Suits or Tuxedo Suits to order $30.00 up. .Suits and Overcoats to ordery$20.00 up. Latest 'Eastern Styles T. J. THORP & CO. Charlo3 T. Borg, a graduate of the Rubbor Stamps, Slonoll, j University In 1901 and a mail of un Soals, Trade Chscks, Kays USual iironiincnce in University circles, ?" Kb. "Zm ! "s b3" "" "- "". lUe noiiuayB wnuo on a uiriougn irom ov ornmont work on the Panama Canal. He left Lincoln on his return Journey yesterday afternoon. Makers, Etc. 308 So. llth, LINCOLN 32tf COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINC0LH, NEBRASKA. CAPITAL, - $100,000.00 1 The effect of the holiday mistletoe i Is most plainly evident among the i Senior Laws. Alessrs. C. LDort rind 'H. A. Brubakerrboth of the class of a '07. wore married durlnK tho Christ- 5000Sffl0fflS j mab vacntion nnd nro receiving tho congratulations ol "their surprised fel low classmates. Where Can I Get a HaeK? At the Forbes Stables, of course AUTO 1550 DELL 550 DEL PRADO I4th & O Swcllcsl Lunch Car In tho West. I oi;vo bettor quality than itny luno'i car it) tho city. Drs. Ward, Bessey, Clements, and Condra and Professors Foseler, French and Grumman were representatives of the University at various educational convontloiib thruout the country dur- BREAD, PIES AND CAKES THE r I N E CANDIES rULoUlVL assortfnent of candles COME IN of our own make. ! UNION COLLEGE i TAILORS V Main Colltgt BUILDING For First Glass Tailor ing at Low Prloas . . 5 Auto, 48 Gollaga Vlaw rj i J CLEAN COAL AT GREGORY'S A a T 1 1 - T- 8 Qoud Orub lng (he Christmas. hp.llay,B. .. a Ij ;