tf ' yZ be a.iliL fl e b r ip ft a n h ,?& i . I V I v i I m f .- r i r h : 7 febe H)SHT6 IB-eft rag Ran ,M tfHBPROPEIlTV OF" THE UNIVEKSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nkmubka. PUBLISHES EVERT DAY EXCEPT SUNDAT AND MIHDAY BY THE BTUDENT PUB. BOABf). Prtlkltlrt Wflci, 12S H. 14tt St. EDWIN HILBOY BUNPEMjAND, '07. f .t KnrroiwN-cnncr H. M. Rinakeh, '00 - - - MnnnifinK Editor Fred Bau.AiU), '05 Nowb Editor W. E. BTANDEVEN, '07. DUBINEBS HANAOKR Qay Hardy, Asfllfltnnt MnnnKor Byhon E. Yodkh, '08, Circulntor BAYlELEHWlE, Ail. (521. NMHT, Mt 2MB ind 4472 Editorial Blooms and Business Office Basement, Administration Building; Po&toiftce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year Payable in Advance 8lngle Copies, 5 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL. NOTICES will bo obnrfrod for at tbo rftto of 10 cents nor Insortlo for ovory flftoonwordn or fraction thoroof. Paoulty aotloos and University bullottns will gladly bo puliltshod froot Entdred at tbo poufofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as socond-tilans mall matter under tbo .Act of Congress of March 0,1879. - mm J GET BU8Y1 Tlio Inst vacation boforo tho endof. the aompstor is over and tho three weoks that lio nhoad before the final exaDiinations begin, will be. to all Uni versity students, tho moBt vigorous of tho entiro year's work. It behooves every student, therefore, as ho gets in to tho harness once moro, to figure out cnrdfully Just whoro he stands in his work for tho current torm. It is a time for a Btrict concentration of attention upon tho demands of les sons, for those who aro behind in their work an extra effort now will go far toward regaining what ground ban been lost and may save the diBgraco of an "P." Por those who are "even with thoir work the coming threo weoks of fer an opportunity to make an esperlal- as it may come in the increased appre ciation ojf all, who aro benefited. TJhe Directory isrundecany circumstances, a very valuable publication to the Univorsity public, but this year wo bellove it has attained a position of utility not hitherto attempted. , Wo congratulate, first of all, tho pub lication committee, and secondarily, thru the committee, both of the Abso clntions which stand sponsors for the production of tho Directory. RESOLUTIONS IN MEMORIAM. Whereas, It has pleased God in his Infinite wisdom and goodness to take from amongst our midst one of our beloved classmates, William Duvey, and Whereas, William Davey, by his ever-cheerful disposition, friendliness, and recognized abilities, had endenred himself to all his clnBsmntos; be it, therofore, Resolved, That wo, the members of tho Junior Law Class, do convey to the bereaved family our sincere sym pathy, and, bo It further Resolved, That thoso resolutions be published In "The Daily Nobraskan," and a copy be sont to the family, of the deceased. N. M. CRONIN, E. P. M'LAUGHLIN, KARL D. BEGHTOL, Committee. DOCTOR BENTON TO SPEAK. A Wek Of Opportunities r ' Former Chancellor to Address Students at Convocation Tomorrow. Dr. Benton, first Chancellor of the Univorsity of .Nebraska, will . deliver the adress at Convocation Wednesday morning. Dr. Benton served as Chan cellor from 1870 to 1876, coming here from Butte College, Indlnnnpolls. To tho sound judgment, the keen foresight and the persistent industry of Chancel lor Benton was duo very largely 'the successful innugration and early main tenance of tho University. By his of- 4&ro n Dinn liflCMPC VAII ill A uinm licill r-.rv I it it a a BUDD WISHES YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR You tfill feel happier and better satisfied, if you get j on a new lid. Nothing improves ones looks like good looking Hat. Mine costs you $2.50. it it it it it f it it it. Jl- it it it it it it it it it l WHY PAY MORE? BUDD. $2.50 Hatter. 1141 O Our Semi-Annual Clearing Sale closes Saturday night tije. prices we quote are good This Week Only We include every Suit or O'codt in our store, with one exception (black suits), tho rest are yours at exactly 20 per cent discount from'' the regular plainly marked prices. Kensington Suits and O'coats, recognized as THE BEST, are em braced in this sale, and you should improve your opportunity to get a fine Bilk lined O'coat or Kensington Suit at tho prices usually paid for the ordinary kinds. Suits and O'coats formerly $10 to $40, Now $8 to $32 Come today and you'll not be disappointed. Magee & Deemer d 1109 O Kensington Clothes They Fit. England and America in educational Ideas; America leading the way in progress. There wore no public schools in England before 1870 and fthey increased by greater leaps after, the extension of tho -franchise. In England the school boards had no authority over denominational schools, nor counKthe teachers give any Instruction in religious ideas. Women were eligible to vdte. and to servo on school boards. Aftortho act of 1870, and later onea, tho strttV was religious. Donations failed to keep pace with the need and taxation wob necessary. In 1902, Balfour passed a bill in the interest of unity abolishing the board school. Tho gov ernment then slowly increased tho na tional grant. A great effort has been mndo to make the public education as nearly secular as it is In America. If your subscription for the Nebras- ly creditable record. Undor any conditions, whether you are a Freshman or Sonior, we can as sure you that an unusual effort along lines scholastic thruout the month will bring a reward beyond your anticipa tions and will make the oponlng of tho second semester a source of keen sat isfaction rather than a time of especial regret. . Miss, McAlplne of tho Ohio Stato University is visiting her Pi Beta Phi siBtdrs. OUR COMPLIMENT8. Tho Daily Nobraskan wishes to go ,on record In co'mpllment of the latest oyjdence of the energy and genuine University spirit displayed by tho University Christian Associations. The Students' Directory, which has just come from the hands of tho printer, is tho object of our attentions and In our opinion Justifies all that can be said in its favor. The publication committee .has this year Introduced several Innovations Into tho make-up of tho Directory at tho expense of a groat deal of- extra effort, and without oxtra rowqrd save ! kan is due, do do what you ought to do forts tho Innumerable difficulties which alul do lt now' We need tho money. besot tho early path of the Institution were overcome, this paving the way for the later enlargement of tho Uni versity's scope, Influence and use fulness. After his resignation In 187G, Dr. Benton assumed tho presidency of But ler College. In 188G he resigned tho presidency, but still retained tho pro fessorship of Greek in that institution. Since his tWonty-flrst year Dr. Ben ton has been continuously engaged in teaching or in educational adminis trative worir. Although now eighty-. rour years of age, ho is a man of great vitality and intellectual vigor. A HARD STRUGGLE. D Wolfe Outlines England's Flght.for Progress in Education. Tho "English Educational Bill" was tho subject of Prof. H. K.' Wolfe's talk at Convocation yesterday' morning. Thei;e- is a vast difference, between tPHk VI l ... ... ml iniyiTONE 1 Q CAPITAL 8100,000.00 X Q Surplus and Profit..,, 100,000.00 Q - Q DEPOSITS 3,030,000.00 Q M OCOCOCOCXXXXX)CXDOOOOCOOOOOO The IVY PRESS PRINTING Has Done Your Why Not Let Thern Do It Now? NEW LO0ATION2ia B. 13th. BOTH PHONES 000000Ge00000 O O 000000Q00300 ROLLER SKATING Auditorium Aftef noon and Evening $ Race for local championship between Billy Miller and Lee Carson, Saturday night, 9130, Admission 10c. & 00000900000 O ,0 00000000G050iJ AUMIII (HOMAIES AT RECTORS ,.i- .'.n l K (