sT "WHNB tTbc H a 1 1 11 e b t a 0 R a n ftfreDaUs inebvaeftari TITO-PKOPKItTY OF THIS UNlVKHShvy OF NKIJKASKA. Lincoln, Nktiuahka. - PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY OY TUB BTUDBNT PUB, IJOAUD. Publication Office, 126 N. 14th St. EDWIN MIIittOY SUNDERLAND, '07, ' RDITOIMNMIKP H. M. KinaKkii. '((11 MiMMKlnK Editor Piiki) Bam(aiii, ' Nowh Editor W. E. HTANDEVEN, '07. tlltfllNKHH MANAOKU Oav IIaiidv. - AfwlHtnnt MnnnRur DviioN K Yoiikii, '(W, Circulator DAT TELEPH01E, Auto 1628. NIOHT, Aulo 2385 and 4472 Editorial Rooms and Business OHice DAxemcnt, Administration Building Postolfice, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. Subscription Price, $2.00 er Year Payable in Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTIOEB will 1m olinrKod for lit thdrato of lOcontH ior Itmortloa for ovory llftmm VnrdH or rrnc.uon tlinroof. Pnculty notlcoH imd University bullotlim will jjlmlly bo ))u1)1Ih1mm1 froo. Entoroil ut tho post'. ftlroiit Lincoln, NoliniRkn, nit ntjt'oiid-oliiHH inall inuttor junior tho Act of CoiiRrotjH of 11, ltf7U. MERRY CHRISTMAS! , This evening atG o'clock begin tho vacation of tho University yonr which ls most .looked forward tobytho en tlrofiMident body. This nfternoon nnd tomorrow, morning will witness thofex odus of none-resident Btndents almost to a man, and all will go with the Christmas buoyancy most sthmgly manifest. The Christmas holidays form a va cation In tho truest sense of the word. They come after a poriod of hard work, which In many caBe.s has not beo nln terruptod slnco the beginning of school In September. They came at a time of tho your when vitality and enthus iasm hnve reached their utmost llmltsl iind when tho interim granted can bo spent In vigorous pleasures rather than University public tho Dally Nobrnskan oxtonds Its best wishes for A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Tho members of Its staff be gin their vacation from tho work'Of tho paper with tho distribution of this Issuo. Publication will bo rosumod with tho opening of tho University after tho New Year and will continue without Interruption until tho week of final examinations. It is hoped that tho holidays may be productive of much good for the paper and that tho Issues for January can keep up the standard of Intorcst which wo believe to have been already established. EVENTS OF FORMER YEARS. Happenings of other (lays as re corded in Tho Nebraskan: Two Years Ago Today. ' 'Messiah" was" rendered at chapel by a fine chorus. The Juniors were attempting to lift the debt Incurred at the famous Fresh man cap bonfire. One Year Ago Today. Tho fotball season showed a bnl anco In tho athletic treasury of $1,(100. THE FIRST MOVE. When Simplified Spelling As It Was First Invented. A recent discovory made by ono of tho University's Industrious studonts of history goes far toward proving that President Rosovolt Is by no moans the llrst advocato of simplified spelling. In a Washington dally of August, 1838, was found a verbatim account of an advertisement posted on a small bunk room door of a ploasuro boat on Lake Georgo. The ad. roads as follows: "Snalx Ahoy!" "Tharo Is sum live rattall snalx tu bo scan In a bocks on this boto fur sick spunts h clto for groan foax, and children halt prise. "Please tu call on Old Dick. "N. B. Kash pade or no sho." It Avould cortalnly be nipping tho . $ it H it it it it it it it a a it it it it it it it it it Rings are still the favorite gifts and they are prettier this year than ovor. Wo havo a brand now stock In groat vnrloty rings for brides, wives, lovers, fronds, everybody. Don't fnlTi.0 seo tho now de signs with mixed settings. An Especially Strong Line of Signet Rings For Children $1.00 to $3.00. For Adults $2.50 to $30.00. Hallett Jeweler-Optician - 1134 0 ENGRAVING FREE. ESTABLISHED 1871. a it a a it In the recuperation of enforced Idle ness. More than this, thoro Is nothing of sadness In tho thought of the Chrlst mns vacation. In Juno, when tho sec ond semester draws to a cldso, there Is among a largo number of studonts the knowlodga that a roturn to Lin coln 'when tho University opjjns once more, Is an absolute Impossibility. This Is not true at Christmas. Every one of us Is planning to como back aftor the Now 'Yoar has oponed. Each one of us knows he will roturn to his studios with an Increased zest, ,and with an Inspiration that .tho holidays always bring to him who uses them properly. Wo are all glad at tho thought of going homo. Two weeks from now we will all hS glad at- the thought of tho roturn to our work In Lincoln. This Is essentially as It should be and we wish to openly recognlzo tho wis dom of those who first ordained a two weeks vacation at. Christmas. To each and every member of tho President's laurels to say that ho pla giarized the literature of the keeper of a snake show; but whether he drew his Inspiration from this source or not, tho fact remains that the old tar "beat him to It." NIGHTENGALES ELECT. Girls' Glee Club Choose Officers Or ganization In Healthy Condition. At tho last regular meeting of tho Girls' Glee Club tho following officers wero elected: Director Mrs. Carrlo Raymond. Manager Mildred Parks. Captain Leota Lapp. . Secretary Helen Anderson. Treasurer Bessie Fry. Librarian Lydla Ostonburg. Program Committee Mrs. mond, Mrs. Castor, Misses Clark, Herrold, and MItcholl. Tho prospects for a record-breaking glee club wero never so oncournglng as they tiro this year. Ray- Grace Dr. Hnggard, 212-213 Richards Blk. CHRISTMAS BOOKS! Suggesting Christmas Presents THE FIGHTING CHANCE, Autograph edition $3.00 THE CHRISTY GIRL, illustrated by Christy '. $3.00 THE COURTSHIP OF MILES STANDISH, Illustrated by Christy $2.65 EVANGELINE, Illustrated by Christy $2.65 OUT, TO OLD AUNT MARY'S, illustrated by Christy . $1.75 AN OLD SWEETHEART OF MINE, Illustrated by Cnristy . . .7.-. .$1.75 THEY, by Rudyard Kipling, illustrated by Townsend $1.50 THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN ART, by Sada Vichi Hartmann $3.35 THE REVERIES OF A BACHELOR, illustrated by Ashe ' $1.75 THE BIBLE BEAUTIFUL; a History of Biblical Art $2.00 -v Christmas Calendars "The Music Girl" Calendar, by Clarence Underwood; "Life" Calendar; "Ballet Girl" Calendar, etc., from $1.00 upward. PICTURES Knaffl Water Colors, Gibson and Christy Pictures, Underwood -Remington's Indians, Frost's Sporting Pictures, etc., etc., $1.00 each. Girls, Till LINCOLN BOOK STORE 1126 O. THE LAST 2 DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING DAYS ARE NUMBERED It you havo neglected your Gift Purchasing until now and caiL come down In the. early morning hours between 8 and 10, do so fqr your own convenience and satisfaction. JUST A FEW SUGGESTIONS WHAT TO GIVE. IN DRY OOODKic. Thousands of practical gifts abound IN FURNITURE In Reception Chairs Morris Chairs Odd Chairs arid Rockers Rush Seat Rockers Leather Chairs and Rockers Loll Easy Chairs Desk Chairs Hall Chairs Turkish Rockers and Chairs. Rush Seat Rockers and Chairs Ladles' Desks Music Cabinets Library Tables Card Tables Bookcases Gentlemen's Chiffoniers Smokers' Cabinets Shaving Stans, Etc. IN SILVERWARE, &c. Silverware Chafing Dishes Fancy Baskets Pocket Knives Safety Razors Razor Sets Shaving Accessories Skates all kinds Tools of alt kinds, etc. for man, woman and child Military Brushes Toilet Sets Handkerchief Cases Cigar Jars Framed Pictures Silk Mufflers Laundry Bags Kid Gloves Art Good Novelties Neckware Leather Goods Veilings Men's Bill Books Women's Bags', Purses and Pocket Books Fancy Aprons " Fne Holsery A New Coat or Suit Lounging Robes 8et of Furs Men's Furnishings, Including Shirts, Gloves, Neckwear, Collars, IN CHINA, ETC. Cut Glass Gold Intaglio Glass Baccaret Glass Dinner Sets Fancy Glass Lamps Electric Lamps - ,Moriaga China Toilet Sets Cuspidors Art Vases and Brlc-a-Brac of all Kinds, Etc. Rudge& Guenzel Co. Gregory, the Coal Man 'mam CHOCOLATES AT rectors Green's barber shops excel all others If you are thinking of getting her a In tho west. Entirely modern and the watch or ring drop in at Harris's, 1137 best work assured. O. .He's reliable. " J v V . 3 o 'mrnf-'. J.V. . v - ; jLia, 1 av. A 4, vf '" - . . bUMkm . . . -v (