The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 21, 1906, Image 1

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    Ibe SDatlp IRebraefcan
Vol. VI. No. 62.
Pi ice 5 Cents.
ij . .
Who the Men Are What They Have
Done Squad Made Up of
Excellent Material.
Louis Av Gregory,- law 1909, of St.
Joseph, Moi, Is a graduate of tho St.
Joseph High Scliool. There he Won
the Jamos' forensic medal, the first
prize In the lntersoclety debate, the
Stelne'r medal for tho highest scholar
ship in hlshiry and the fourth essay
prize given by the Missouri Sons 6f
the American Itevolution.
William R. King, '08, is a gradutte
of the Osceola High School. He Is a
now man on the squad. King is a
'member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity.
Clyde C. McWhiilnoy, '07, of Lin
coln, Is a graduate of the Alliance
High School. x' He captured ono of the
prlzeB for the highest scholarship In
first year law studies in 1906-07, is
president of the "University Forum, and
was a member-of the squad last year.
n. Homer S. Stephens, '08, 1b a gradu
ate" of tho Sidney, Iowa, High School.
This is 418 first year on the squad.
Ho has beoa studying debate and argu
mentation for two years. He Is a
hiember of-Delta Upsllon fraternity. '
Stuart P. Dobbst '09, of Beatrice,
represented the Beatrice High School
hree. years In intqrscholastlc debate.
Ho was also class orator. He was
vice president of '09 the first semosteh
Hugh W. CrafgiP7, of Reserve, Kan
sas, has taken, nigh Tanic in scnoiar
shlp. He was a member oHast year's
squatl. JHe is Athletic Qditorbfthe
Nebraskan -.He Is an Alpha Theta-
n, .,
-. x
"" .Merton L. Corey, law '07, was one
V 'of theSenlor class orators of tho Lin
coln High SchoQl. Last year he led
his class in scholarship In the College
"of Law. He is now chief justice of the
.supreme court of the College of "Law.
Corey was a member of the team (al-
ternato) which defeated Washington
University In 1905.
Frank C. Builta, '08, is a graduate
of the Burchard High School, which
he represented two years In debates
He Is a new man on the squad.
Joseph M. Swenson, J08, of Omaha,
J (Was a member of five winning debate
teams of the Omaha High School. In
his Freshman year he was a member
'of the team which defeated 'Washing
ton University. Swenson is the only
man who has made an lntorcdlleglato
Byron E. Yoder, '08, of Lincoln, Is
a graduate of the, Topoka, Ind., High
School. In college he has taken an
active part In tho work of tho debat
ing clubs. He was a speaker in tho
political club debate this fall.
Charles A. Sunderlin, '07, graduated
at the Tekamah High School. He was
on tho sqund three years ago, was a
member of the team that defeated the
University of Iowa In 1905 and of tho
team that debated the University of
Wisconsin last year. He Is a member
of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity.
Of tho high schools of tho state,
Beatrice has tho largest representa
tion on the squad, three members.
Omaha has two and Lincoln one.
"Deacon" Koehler, 02, Tries to Estab
lish. Relations With Denver.
"Deacon" JCoohler, '02. a formor
'varsity football star and now athletic
director at the University of Denver
at Denver, Colo., is on the campus at
tempting to establish athletic delations
betwon the University of Nebraska and
the Denver Institution.
Mr. Koehler has an enviable record
as an athlete, Tiavlng played football
at Nebraska for throe years and one
year at Chicago. Ono year also he
played at Nebraska as tho captain of
tho basketball team. Since ho took up
his professional work he has been uni
formly successful and this fall ho
turned out a football te"am which
missed tho championship of tho north
west only by the narrowest margin.
Mr. Koehler wishes to schedule a
Thanksgiving game with Nebraska
for next year at Denver. He says ho
can guarantee a $10,000 crowd anil
that ho liejlevesjt to bo to the Interest
of football at Nebraska that his offer
.be accepted. He says that the jnoun
tatheers are anxlousto come into ath
letic relations with tlie CprnhiiBkers
and he bolloveshat Denver-will have
athletics In tho futiire that would make
Nebraska extend Itself "loathe utmost
to beat. -
8enlors to Hold Novel Entertainment
After tho Holidays.
Tho Seniors aro to hold a masquer
ade party soon after tho holidays.
This declBlon was roachod at a moot
ing pt tho onlargod "blow-out" com
mittee, recently appointed, which was
held yesterday morning. Tho party
will bo hold in Memorial Hall on tho
ovonlng of Saturday, January 12, and
tho price of tlckots'wlll bo only enough
to cover tho actual expenses ftho
oroning. "x
It Ib planned to sell tickots to tho
party up to tho day preceding Its oc
currence, when no moro will bo on
sale. No tickets will be sold at tho
door and ovory precaution will bo
taken to prevent tho entrance of im-
posters. Seniors only- aro Invited to
attend and It Is hoped that thoro may
be a largo representation of tho fourth
year class present.
Tho program for tho ovonlng will
consist of various stuntB, a playlet,
dancing, and refreshments. Senlqrs
who Intend to come to tho'masquorado
aro urged to prepare their costumos
while they are at homo over tho holi
days. In this way costumes that aro
extremely effective and at tho samo
time exceedingly cheap may bo so
cured. x-
Program to Commence at 10 O'clock
Sharp Doors to Be Locked When
8eatlng Capacity Is Exhausted.
Fulmer to Visit Campus.
Prof. Elton Fulmer, '87, now head
professor of the department of Chemis
try In tho Washington State Agricul
tural College at Pullman, is expected erlng unexpectedly several
to visit on the campus for a few hours , now species of mammals, tho his par-
Former Nebraskan Does Notable
Work on Scientific Expedition.
Mr. J. S. Hunter, a former student
In scientific subjects In this Univer
sity, has recently completed a seven
months', tour of the Southern Pacific
ocean. The scientific expedition of
which ho was a member was s.ent out
by tho Academy of Science Qf Cali
fornia to Investigate tho flora and
fauna of tho Galapagos Islands, ,whlch
are some flvo or six hundred miles
west of Ecquador. Ope of the inci
dents of tho oxpedition was a six hun
dred, mile trip to a postofllce.
Thousands of specimens wojq se
cured, which form tho basis for the
new collection, since all tho old collec
tion was burned In tho San Francisco
fire, while tho expedition was away.
Mr. Hunter was fortunate In dlscov-
debate team in his Freshman, year.
George M. Tunison, '07, Is a gradu
ate df the Coz'ad High School. Ho was
a member of last year's debate squad.
"He belongs to Delta Upsllon fraternity.-'
Lawrence J, Weaver, '10, of Bea
trice, represented that high school
three times against-Lincoln and Oma
ha, and was class orator and presi
dent. He Is a member of Alpha Theta
John O. Wentworth, '08, of Bassett,
' " Nebr., was valedictorian of his class
at the Blair High School, which he
. represented twice against Fremont and
In the 'interscholastlc debate in 1904,
, winning third .place. Ho was on the
squad . last year. . i
between trains today. Professor Ful
mer, who, besides being an alumnus
of Nebraska, was also connected with f
the Chemistry department hero and
with tho Agricultural Experiment Sta
tion, is on his way returning 'from
tho meeting of tho National Food Com
mission, of which ho Is a member.
ticular branch was birds.
Alpha Phi to Initiate.
Alpha Phi will Initiate five candi
dates for membership at the homo of
Miss Helen Barstowhls evening. Tho
candidates are: MIbbos Jane Blanch
ard, Ina GlttlngB, Joannotte Lawrence,
Mabel Benson and Norma Richardson.
A luncheon for the active and alum
nae members ot the sorority will bo
held Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. J. E. Miller. Mrs.
Miller an,d Mrs. Ward aro tobe tho
Laws Hold Meeting.
A special meeting of tho Junior
class of the College of Law was hold
Thursday mornlng'ln U. 304. An ap
propriation tyas made to buy some
flowers to send to William Davoy,
who. is ill at his homo In Ponca City,
Neb. H. A. Bobbins, and G. N, Von
rick wore appointed, a committee to
purchase the flowers and send them in
behalf of the class.
Thl-mornlng at 10 o'clocktho Uni
versity chorus, undor tho direction of
Mrs. Carrlo M. Raymond, will glvo
thd annual rendition of Handel's "Mos-
slah" lit Convocation Tho oratorio
will begin promptly at 10 q'clock. As
tho doors will be closed tho inlnuto the
soatlng capacity of Momorial Hall has
boon exhnus'ted, It behooves ovory
student to como oarly. Programs will
bo Issued at both entrances of tho hall.
Tho following Is tho "Messiah" as
it is to bo, sung this morning:
ChoriiB. "0 Thou that tollost good tid-'
Recit. "Comfort ye .my people".
Aria. "Ev'ry valley shall bo oxalt-
Chorus. "And tho Glory of tho Lord.'!
Recit. "Behold, a Virgin." " -
"For behold, darkness."
"Tho people that walked
Pastoral Symphony.
Recit. "Thero wore Shepherds."
"And lo! tho Angel of
"And tho Angel said unto
Chorus. "Glory to God."
Recit. Then shall tho eyes."
"Ho shall reed his flock."
".Come unto Him."
"HO wns despised." " v
"Thy rebuke hath broken His
"Bohold and Bee' ' "
"Ho was cut offi.
But Thou didst noneum''
Chorus. "Lift up ybur heads."
Aria. "I know that "my Redeemer
Quartet and Chorus
"Since by man camo death,"
"By man came also."
"For as In Adam all die,"
"Even so In Christ."
Chorus, "Hallelujah."
Miss' Annette Abbott,... Soprano
Miss Graco Cutter Alto
Mr. Everett B. Carder Tenor
Mr. Charles' H. Miller Bass
Miss Stella Rice .Organist
Frank O'Brien left school tils week
to accept an engineering position
.which will engage his time during the
entire vacation.
Details of Hop Announced.
T,he officers of the cadet battalion
anounco that tho Officers' hop is to
be hold on the evening of January 18,
at Fraternity hall and that tickets are
to cost $1.50. The number of 'tickets
to be sold Is to be limited to 80 and
aro now on sale by .all cadet officers..
The hop Is to bo Informal.
' -
ris fci: K
pva only a few days left Har
."attlo the present? problem
1137 O. He's reliable.
' Establish System of Visits.
A .movement is on foot to arrange
that members of the faculty of each'
department in tho University take
turns visiting tho different high,
schools of the state. The purpose 1b
to secure bettor relations between the
Univorsity nnd tho high schools, and
also to enable teachers of the state
to become better acquainted with
University Instructors and their ways.
L. K. Needham, one of the Q. E.
Seniors, and president of tho Engineer- -Ing
Society, has boon at St. Elizabeth's
Hospital for the past week, where he
is suffering from a severe attack of
pneumonia. Visitors who saw him
yesterday state that ho Is in a .very
critical position and Is only, semi-conscious
at times. ''
. L
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