The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 13, 1906, Image 4
if Gbe .E)ail Tttebraehan Hi 1 I- r R V. I 9, f i, ',r K I" ! 1 Aaaaaaa . aaVlaaaVaaT ALBANY. N. Y. Makers of GAPS, GOWNS and HOODS To tha American CDlligii tad UnlYirillln. CLASS COHT Rillibli Material " CTS A SPECIALTY Reasonable Prices UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A, TUCKER, Jtaeler, DR. S. S. SIIEAN, Optician 8 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT jj YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. 8 UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS 136 North Elivinth Bell 348. Auto 3881 DON! CAFE IK South llth J. Wright, Mar. Ladles' Dining Room In Connection. OPBN 0 A. M. TO 1 A. M. DR. JNO. J. DAY IS ' - - - - Graduate Refraction- 1st and Optician Spectacle! and Gyo Qlatfes Correctly . rmea. Office 1222 0" St., Auto Phono 8021 X loooaooooooooooocc We Would Liko to be Your Lnundrymen. YULE BROS. OOOOOOOOOGO WHEN t STUDENT WMTS PRINTING THERE IS HO DENYING THAT HE WANTS IT PRINTED IN . MODERN STYLE The New Century Printers ; .. 1241 N .STREET ' . - Original Research. ducators and students of education lruout the world aro watching with interest the struggle In England to re model their system of education. The effort is being made to centralize) tho system in the hands of the state, and to tako It out of church hands, where to a clnslderublo extent it now lies. In uly tne House of Commons passed the Biorell Education Bill, hut the House of Lords, which exceeds our seriate in conservatism, so amended the bill that it was unacceptable to the Commons when returned. Apparently this bill has been .dropped, but in what new form the measure will appear cause3 much speculation. I Acceptable Christmas Gifts 1 5N 8 Repairing; Factory 8 X The only up-to-date plant in X X the city. It saves you time X and money. ...... 8 The Astronomy people aro doing some interesting work. The class in Beginning "Astronomy have been searching tho heavens for doublo stars. There are usually three or four of these phenomena vislblo thru a tole scope. One of the experiments mado by tho class in Geodetic Astronomy during this week wnB to determine tho latitude of Lincoln by observation of tho sun. Those who have been inter ested in watching newly-discovered heavenly bodies aro a't present some what embarrassed in their attempts to observe Motcalf's comet, as It may be seen only from 3 to 4 a. m. Nebraskan Receives Offer. H. L. Holllngsworth, '06, has been of fered the position of assistant in the department of Psychology at Columbia University. It is not known whether or hot Mr. Holllng8Wdrth will accept the, offer, since It necessitates his leav ing (in excellent position as principal of tho Fromont High School. Miss A. Ottib WIggenjost, who was at one time in charge of the Steno graphic Bureau of tho University, hns beon appointed stenographer and as sistant in tho College of Medicine. Miss WIggenjost has worked for Dr. Ward for the. past four years. Freshmen to Meet. Thtf first year class will meet this niornlng at 11 o'clock In Memorial Hall. A full attendance is desired, x since thero Is business of. especial im portance to be decided. William Morrow, '03, whohas been practising law In Denver, lsXnow a resident of Scotts Bluff county, where he was recently elected prosecuting attorney. Ask tiie young lady if anything . will please her more than a nice Chafing Dish We know that nothing will be more appreciated than a Chafing Dish or Choco late set They are SO conven ient in the room Many pretty. patterns now on display S N V The A.D.Benway Co. 1112-1114 0 yR- "On the Sunny Side of O Street." iltJKwnS&3lK953pHiHn7lf3lr9Pc 3ff GBrr iKw)KG&jK3pf& Jlt3l(9lf WEDDING RINGS . fT I !! ! I. . .,- , ,.. We have just received a large SHIPMENT OF ALL THE new shapes in Wedding Rings. No need to wait while the size Is changed to fit you. We have every' size and ctyle and can give you a perfect fit.. x x ENGRAVING FREE. Hallett - Jeweler-Optician - 1143 0 2lF3l-3lJKaK&K3ae3Kie9K3a9e-4e 3 3K KdfdKdKffCeK3K3KSe3te Miss Francis Long, who graduated from this University last year, has re turned to take graduate work in Chem istry, Zoology, and other sciences. "Corpse and Coffin" is the name of a representative Junior organization at Syracuse University. Not a very lively bunch we should imagine. Tho .students at Northwestern aro considering the adoption of corduroy trousers as the distinctive apparel for upperclassmen. FRATS- When in need of COAL call and see the WHITEBREAST CO. We will treat you right ' " Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. Dan Qutleban, M. E. '01, 1b chief draftsman for the American Sugar Machine Manufacturing Company of Cleveland, Ohio. Perhaps you are In need of some now ties or a hat. Just drop in and see Unland's. The Stetson hats are the best can get them from Unland. You Syracuse will play basket-ball at Minneapolis with Minnesota this year. ELLIOTT BROS. TAILORS 1210 O Str. I :J PONT BE A CHUMP j If you want to go out in society dress right. We make clothes to .fit you. Not made for a.dum my and altered 'to fit you. Dress Suits or Tuxedo Suits to order. $30.00 up. Suits and Overcoats to order $20.00 up. . Latest Eastern Styles . , r i. ri. it it it a it it it it it a a it a it it it it v: M 1