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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1906)
G b c ID a 1 1 v a enan I' J ii U- '. . 1 v V 1 r "v.. r m Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. Cameron's Lunoh Counter. 123 8 12. You will be satisfied with Cameron's Lunch Counter Sen6 your friend, one of those pen nauts at the University Book Store. . Why not take your baths at Chris Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? Chistmas will soon be hero. A nice . jennant from the Co-op will make a plonsing gift. Green's barbor shops excel all others in the west. Entirely modern and the best work assured. ?.No better or more serviceable pres ent than a good fountain pen. Qet it at the Co-op. If you can't see this ad. clearly, call at Harris' and have your eyes exam ined free. 1137 O St. tfe's reliable. Mrs. J. C. Bell, 1414 O St. Wigs for home parties. Hairdress lng, scientific manicuring, chiropody. Chistmas will soon be here, A nice pennant from the Co-op will make a pleading gift. v ttalr Dressers. Best; soft water shampoo In the city, 124 ho. 12th St. E. Goodman Tanner. , There .is not much time left on your old calender. The now ones at the Uni. Book Store have the newest de signs as well as the newest dates. . "Why "hot get a Uni. Pin for that 3mas..preseht7 Sterling silver and sql- iu suver-jina soua goia. .Jtrncea, sue and upwards,, Atftho Go-op. r There's one place in a thousand where you can find the" real Rookwood pottery. Come into Harris arid see it 1137 O St. He's reliable. Why not get a Uni. Pin ,for that Xmas present? Sterling silver and sol id .Bilver and solid gold. Prices, 20o and upwards. At the. Co-op. t Good resolutions and good deeds arc the order of the now year. They should "bo recorded in one ,of our neat little diaries. Drop in the Uni. Book Store and see them. " Christmas Pennants. Pennants which will' make vory suit able 3Cma8 presents for your friends or , for thp home folks will be on sale in "Mhe Y. W. C:vA. rooms on Tuesday andThursday atvChapel tlmVand from j 00 to 2:00 every day. Prices range from40 cents to $1.25. - i We buy school-books And we tnd frtt to ur appUetnt oar "iJOOKi wtniM ' WHuojmoioiwww ehool-booki, with thj prieei ftwhJeU wo accept $ccona-nana ntf M wtU u tmo Dookt. We pay cash For -U mtrkUbl tehooMioolcf, or if ' cettrta, wa creuu cwniiinmenu on count, to N Pud by u lu other uthool- "Doou xrom umo m umf oNaa. HUrSS AsKOBLX 81-33-35 W. ISth St., New York CMty, Mention OtU ad. Where Can At the Forbes AUTO 15S0 WS&M LINDSEY'S PLACE R. IB. BRWIIS, 99 , A. eV JP JE R.ICI IN0' ' RETAIIiKnH AND JOHDEI18 OF TOBACCO, CIGARS, AND NEWS iXf'J,dnL' ,vrfe.&lW.f'J ".,-t.V oiiviu mtAiur i t 41 Wlp'JfllHW'H F T T t n t t l 1 f w TONIGHT AT 8:15 The Sultan of Sulu" PRICES $1.00, 75c, 50c and 25c. FRI., 8AT. & MAT., DEC. 14-15. ! ,ts organization In 1901, at first more n a THYDKIP ly social. It has boon a rule that UvIKjAl 1 ilUtvllLj ' I eighty per cent of the dues should be EVE. 50c. 30c'. 20c & 10c. MAT, Everybody-Orc. 25c, Bal. 10c. """"""""'i',i" I M ' w ..LYRIC THEATRE., i 1 1 4(HX( Mat, 3 p. m. Evening, 7:30 and Admlslon, 10c and 15c. 9 THE HAWAIIAN 8ERENADER8 Singing and Instrumental Music. GEORGE LYNN AND BERT PERRY Eccentric Comedians. MACK AND DUGAL In "A Strenuous Sprain," a travesty act on Lifo Insurance. VONTELLO AND NINA Premier Roman Ring Gymnasts. X ARMAND MELNOTTE 3 rent Female Impersonator Hand- somo and Costly Wardrobe by Worlh of ParisSings Soprano and K Baritones ILLU8TRATED SONG 'When the Flowers Bloom in Spring time, Mollle.Dear," by Jack Wilde. ON THE LYROSCOPE, THE AUTO MOBILE THIEVE8, THE GREAT EST MOVING PICTURE EVER EXl HIBITED IN LINCOLN. Ladies' 8ouvenr Matinees Tuesdays and Fridays. UNIVER81TY BULLETIN. , December. , Thursday. 13 Freslimen class meeting, Memorial Hall. 11 a. m. "X Students' Agricultural Society meets in Memorial Hall. GerraanClub meets, with Professor Fosslor, 1517 South, Seventeenth street. Seniors meet, TJ. 208, 11 a. nu Friday. 14 Catholic Students' Club meets ai Thirteenth 'and M streets, 8 p. m. Sophomoro Hop, Fraternity Hall. School pf Music students' recital, Mem. Hall, 8 p. m. Students' Recital School of Music, Memorial Hall, 8 p. m. Saturday, 15 Freshman Informal. Wednesday, 19 Chancellor Andrews. Address. Thursday, 20 Dramatic Club meets with Mrs. Rudge, 1824 C St., 8 p. m. Friday, 21 Handel's "Messiah." Saturday, 29 Faculty and Alumni Informal Dance; I Get a HacK? Stables, of course SELL 550 k.yit w .vJni V ,tA&x''ti?i! ROMAN SCULPTURE. i Professor Barber Gives Illustrated Lecture at Convocation. "Romnn Portrait Sculpturo" was tho ? subject of Professor Barber's illus trated lecture yesterday morning nt i Convocation. Boforo tho lecture Mr. Aronfl, president of tho Latin Club, i spoke of tho object of tho club in pro- I motlng Latin scholnrsnlp and told of 'used to purchaso somo memorial for' tho Unlvorsity. Upon tnis occasion ho presented a bust of tho young Augus tus, which wns made. In Florenco, tho original being In the Vntlcan nt Romo. Professor Barbor replied with words of thanks for tho gift and praised tho good spirit of tho club. In his lecture, he said tho Romans oxcelled oven -the Greeks in portrait sculpturo, for they wore of a renllBtlc naturo, practical 'and not speculative. When the head of a family died a wax mask of tho face was made and pre served In tho family. Sometimes these wax images wore painted and often wore worn by a living person In a funeral procession. Thus were the features of their ancestors preserved, nnd It waB not long beforo they were modeled in marble ami bronzo. Tho Romans wore successful lri bas-reliefs, but moro especially in busts. v Professor Barbor showed several pictures of statues qf Augustus' and other members of his family, Llvia, his second Avlfe; Julia, his only daughter, and her sqcond husband, Agrlppa, who built tho first Pantheon. Besides these were many fine Views of other noted Romans, Including Sclplq, Sulla, Caesar, Cato tho youngpr, Pompey, BrutuB, Cicero, Tiberius and Mark An tony, together with ' Cleopatra and Hanlbal. vx WILL PLAY AGAIN. 8eniors Anxious for Another With Freshmen. Game The lnterclass athletic sltiiation has cleared up somewhat in jtho lastlay or bo and it now looks as tho the cham' plonship would bo definitely decldeov TlioSonior'football squad voted unani mously, at a meeting held yesterday morning, la favor t playing another game and'4nftho the-Freshmen have taken no definite action on. the mat ter, both their captdlrand manager declare that they will play. Tne game win proDauiy come oil some uuju nuxi week and will undoubtedly attract more attention and bring out more enthusiasm than any class game' ever played at Nebraska. The general opinion is that the teams are very evenly matched and Is anybody's game, it being conceded that the. Seniors did not play up to form in tho last game and' that the Freshmen are probably weaker on ac count of injuries. k The game last Saturday was excep tionally hard on ,tho men, this" being duo largely to the condition of ' tho ground. Boltzer and Arnold, who played a star game for the Freshmen at half, aro both considerably injured and it Is probable that at least the latter is out of' the game for good. Sunderlin, who altho sent in as a sub stitute and without experience, played' a most plucky and creditable game for the Seniors, is also out of it Professor Sweezy will lecture on the subject of" "The Moon and Eclipses" at thp State Farm Friday night' He has prepared an Instructive discus sion, which will be illustrated by lan tern slides. , Cornhuskers, get busy. Townsend. I ilUk s' F' w'8,,rtl,l 8 x m Hell Phone jflfl 0 ,0 Awto 33$s Q IX A Sneclaltv In Ovsters In Sftasnn 8 Hi in oi u. iit. ei W y iiimd-ai iiu. iain oi. 11 . ON A.SUNDAY AFTERNOON OB AFTER' THE DANCE CALL UP The Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Company For Good, Prompt LIVERY SERVICE J-&fc&8&fct5C v CIP?T NATinilll Rllilf v OAi'iTAii i.. A Huriilu nnd Profit. U00,Oeo.O & DICI'USITB.,... 3,040,000.08 l&&&6&&&&& FRESH EVEu DAYI Our Cundlbs and Bkd Ooddwre Always Fresk md tlood. Catering Is our. spebUlty THE-MAXWELL CO., Bth FlieatiK 13th W StrU Pctry Bakery Co. Asking Orders .Filled "Promptly: s nae Rice Brcai.Our Specialty. Phone us ud YounOrdor WlllNv Becelre Prompt Attention. SHUYLER' ' 04ioolU u4 Bon n. Tfc Inu CutUr. . J L. J. HERZOGj X I Ihe University Man's Tillar I " I THE FINEST WORK DONE ANO PRICES RlOHT I I 1230 QjSrRfeET S&itdtlijws BH ill H IvV m - JtXsSSJyH W' SO a(!o Ssrask Qstrttr Slzs CeHur M , OX IS cent c.vb, t (or US cenU AA Nkm .. cmjett, pKAPony. co: i JQ U,MUr of doeHfcud Monarch Wtfal WV v n ?',' ''. SL w ir i t ', :: ' ? " l ( v-3 f . 71 .iVi KW