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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1906)
Ill m jmmi4iMi' iy lo . ' rj G b e H) a i I $ 11 e b t a 0 R a n EbeDaUlRebraghan THE PROPERTY OF TUB UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln. Nkmubka. V PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY TUB STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publication Office, 126 N. 14th St. t EDWIN M1LROY SUNDERLAND, 07. , Ri)rroniNoiliBr B.:M. RiNAKKit00 Managing Editor PriKD BAU.Artn. '05 Nows Editor W. E. STANDEVEN, '07. nUHINRHH MANAORR GayIIaruv, Assistant ManaRor Byron E. Yopkii, '09, Circulator And this Is as It should be, In the West men and women go to college that they might becomo stronger and bettor men and women. Reared, ns thoy have boon, In homes democrntlc in oyory sense of the term, In homes where truo worth, not wealth, Is the Ideal, It Is but natural that they should carry theso Ideas bfdomocracy Into the class room and whore, theso Ideas prevail, snobbery cannot exist. It must get out! A NEW RHETORIC PROFE880R. DAY TELEPH01E, Aula 1628. HWHT,. Aula 2385 ind 4472 Editorial Rooms and Business Ofltce Batemcnt, Administration Building PostolHce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. LADIES' , I , . COMFORTABLY ffflfftfiM LOCATED SSMjMwBi ON BALCONY mtJSxrSi2x' iESj PHONOGRAPHS AND GRAPHOPHONE GOLD MOUNTED RECORDS 25 CENT8 Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year Pybl In Advance Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo cuargod for nt tho rnto of 10 centa nor InHortlom for ovory fiftoon words or fraction tuoroof. Faculty notices and University bullotins will gladly 1h published froo. Entered at tlip poBt'-.fflco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as socond-cloBH mail mattor under tho Act of Congress of March H, 1870. NO 8NOBBERY HERE. "Tho good Judgment and extreme common Honso of tho people of this state prevents thorn from Indulging In tho shobbory which loads tho residents of other western states to sond their children east for an education." When Chnncellor Andrews made this tatemorit boforo tho Board of Rogonts last Tuesday night In reply to Professor Cook's query relative to tho largo prcentngo of Nebraska Btu cbpntB educated within the state, ho doflned tho truo Nebrnska spirit as it has never boon defined before. Ho hit tho nail fairly ana squarely on tho hend and ho hit it hard. In tho enst, if one can judge ac curately from tho reports ono Teads in educational and other periodicals Prof. Frederick D. Losey of Syracuse University Will 8ucceed Ad junct Professor Howell. The Board of Regents on Tuesday elected Professor Frederick D. Losoy, A. M.,, of Syrdcuse nUlvorslty, as ad junct profosBor of Rhetoric for tho re mnlndor of tho ybar from anuary 1st, taking tho placo of Adjunct Professor Howell,- who wns grantod leave of ab sence for this year to study In the East. Professor Losey received his train ing at Rochester and at Harvard Unl vorsltles. He was graduated from Roclester Unlvorslty In 1891 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and from Harvard Unlvorslty, whero ho studied EngliBh, ho received the Master of Artu in 1809. In teaching Rhetoric, English Liter ature, and English Speaking, Professor. Losoy has had six yqars' experience at Syracuse Unlvorslty, whero ho waB in structor for ono yoar In English and ussocinto professor of English for three years, while the last twp years 1904 190G he was professor of Rhetoric and Public Speaking in charge of tho department, giving courses in English composition (argumentation and de bate), in tho critical reading of Shakespeare's plays, aAd in public ' speaking and dramatic reading. ' I Professor Losoy comes highly reconi- j mended 'as a successful college teach-, Christmas comeB but onco a year. Why not remember, your; friends and loveil ones by presenting them with a copy of tho latest . copyrights. If you can not come to tho store in person, send your order, by mall. It will receive prompt and careful attention. The following is a list of' the latest copyrights: Step by Step Katherlne's Sheaves, by Sheldon Downes, each $1.08.' Jano Cable Nodra Beverly of Granstok, by McCutcheon, each $1.08. Spoilers,-by Rex Beach, oach, $1.08. Below tho Dead Line, by Campbell, each, $1.08. GIFT EDITIONS in unim niuniuAA ill UAiniT Dinumuo BUDD S HOLIDAY NECKWEAR j Before -you fellows go home and before you girls go home better do your Neckwear shopping for my Neckwear is the kind you don't usually find. EXCLUSIVE-NEW !l BUDD. $2.50 Hatter. 1141 O WHY PAY MORE? (M000(00Q00000) and hoars from men wno have studied there, tho snob is omnipresent It costs money to go to Buch schools as Harvard and Yalo and the students who nttond those institutions are necesearily sons of wealthy families. There tho size of the student's allow ance and the socinl standing of his ancestors rather than his achieve ments as a student and. his qualities of true manhoodp determine his place in the student body. In other words, tho stnndlng of tho student In the Eastern' university depends largely upon blood and bullion. In tho West he,must have brains and, above all else, must be, in tho truest sense of the word, a man. Truo we have our Bnobs. Every fall they appear among us, sometimes from reputable city homes, but usually from the small town. Occasionally one will find its way Into the ranks of tho co eds, but far more frequently Into those, of the men. In either case; however, their stay is short and tho moro.tena? clously'they cling to their snobbery or the snobbier their snobbishness, the shorter their stay. .' ' ' ' ' 4 er. He has had a good deal of prac tical experience as public speaker and reader and also In amateur theatricals both In acting and in the staging of plays. In Jionnectlon with tne courses in elocution and public speaking now scheduled, Professor Losey will, it is understood, offer a training course in English Speaking intended especially for students interested in platform speaking and in debate, and will give Instruction In English composition. He will begin work on January 7. EVENTS OF FORMER YEARS. Happenings of other days as record ed In The Nebraskan: Five Years Ago Today. Tho first annual oratorio of the Mes siah was rendered in Memorial Hall, a hundred voices participating. Four Years Ago Today. Phi Kappa Psl gayo a dancing party at their chapter house. Two Years Ago Today. The football MN". was awarded to fourteen men. One Year Ago Today. The Sophomores defeated the Jun iors 6 to 0 at football. - v x Vx Woman and Her Wits, oach, 89c. Wisdom of the Foolish, each, 45c. The Imps Calander, each, 75c. The Cynic's Dictionary, 45c. Tho Value of Friendship Value of Love, by Lawrence Knowlos; in white and gold binding, each, $1.69. "Sweethearts AlwayB." Poems of love, selected by Janet MadiBon. Illustrated. Each, $1.79. - Lil Gal, When Malindy Sings, by Dunbar, each, $i.45. Something new in a Book of Toasts Over the Nuts "and Wine.x. Paper covor, $1.00. Leacher, $1.50. s . Grotes History of Greece, in 4 vols. Per set; $4.10. Private Life of Napoledn, in 3 vols.Per set, $2.89. BELL PHONE 593 AUTO PHONE 3281 M.wi$dmemfo(& HALF BLOCK TWELFTH AND N 8TREET HARDY'S K HOLIDAY OFFERINGS Christmas Suggestions that -make useful gifts for any member of the household. ROCKERS In Mahogany, Oak, Maple, Circasian Walnut, Birch and other desirable finishes. SECRETARIES Mother or Sister would delight In a handsome Ladles' Desk arid a more useful gift could not be offered. We have them here priced to suit any purse. OTHER SUGGESTIONS ARE Morris Chairs, Turkish Chairs, Office Chairs, Library Tables, Center Tables, Pedestals, Ladles' Desk Chairs, Dreslng Tables, Sewing Tables, Shaving Stands, Costumers, Hall Mirrors, Buffets, Side Boards, China Cabinets, Chiffoniers, and many other Furniture Items we haven't room here to enumer ate. ALSO Small Rugs, Couch Covers, Tapestry Portieres, Rope Portieres and Lace Curtains. We would be pleased to have you inspect our showing of the above. , No trouble to show goods. Hardy Furniture Company 1124 O Street Inquiries by mail receive careful attention. Sole agents in Lincoln for the famous GUST AVE 8TICKLEY CRAFT 8 MAN FURNITURE AND DRAPERIE8. Miimm (MATES AT RECTORS S Tf A f s - V .c ' ' '-1 ''hi ;4 ". wnif'w ? ' '. ' ' k M ' . M M b . JUHixA w .1