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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1906)
' J' Qhe 3ath IFlebraekan Vol. VI. No. 55. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, J906. Pi icc'5' Cents. WILL GIVE PLAY SAM GIVES FEED -t : 1 '. B' k Jr : U 'V SB . CAST OF DRAMATIC CLUB DUCTION ANNOUNCED. PRO- To Be Given in Memorial Hall Soon After the Holidays An All-Star Cast. ., The University Dramatic Club will sobn'glve.ln Memorial Hall a lively. four-act college play entitled "'"The Toastmaster." J 'The Hrst play of the season to be given by the Dramatic Club will be a rollicking comedy, displaying much of Highest talent of the club. The cast! in an tmiisunlly large one. containing over a do2en old and new members, and Judging from the rehearsals, which are belnc conducted by Miss Drown, head of the Elocution depart ment, the play will be an Immense success. "The Toastmasler" Is eminently suited for a University audience, be ing a-college play, with the chief events centering about college life. Ninons those holding leading parts are Mr Montgomery Miss Adams, Mr. Morgan, Mr. Bellamy, and Mr. Yates. Mr. Montgomery, who got his iirsc experience In dramatic art In Omaha High School productions, shows excep tional talent In Impersonation. Miss Bonnie Adams, playing a leading role, Is an able assistant. Mr. Morgan has shown considerable ability In various courses offered In the Elocution de partment. Mr. Bellamy and Mr. Yates have botlivvon reputations before au diences. In Lincoln, the former In a Dramatic Club playk In the Oliver Theater last year, and the. latter In the Sonlor play, of the Lincoln HlglSchqol ear. A CLASS IN SOCIAL SCIENCE FORTER RELEA8ED. FRESHMAN CLASS PARTY, Football Coach to Go' Into Cincinnati Law Firm. The Athletic Hoard held a special meeting yesterday morning for the purpose of request to beL'leased from his con tract at the present time, in order that he might accept a 'position now open to him with a Cincinnati law firm. The matter had been referred to a committee which reported to the Board this morning. Acting on the sugges tion of the committee, the Board de cided to grant Mr. Foster's release, withholding $100 of the $1,500 stipu lated in the contract which bound the coach until June 1, 1907. First Year Students Will Hold Unique Function Next Saturday Evening. The Freshman class will hold an In formal party In Memorial Hall uoxt Ing on' Coach Foster's (Saturday evening, to which all mom- ALMOST COMPLETED. sonioi last Professor Bruner to Add Volume to Well Known Work. Professor Bruner has nearly com pleted his portion of a great Natural History work that Is being published ill London. Several years ago F. D. Godman. an English gentleman and patron of unlf-'imn. furniRhed funds and material ' This Ts the first of several plays toSfQ1. an exhaustive study of the natural be given by tho-Dramattc Club during this year. Casts for others are being made up, and greater success than ever bofore is expected for the club. Under the present constitution, which has been hi use but a few years, the Dramatic Club is improving rapidly, and will" soon rival similar clubs In the, older universities. The system or competitive try-outs for membership in a great measure accounts for thltf Improvement. REGISTRATION HEAVY. Big Large Number of Entries for the ?-' Debates This Season.' I ,? All those who Intend to enter the preliminary contest for -the selection of 'Jthe. University; Debating squad should hand to Professor Fogg by noon today a slip stating, which- side ho wishes to debate on In tbe prelim inary. . r The program for each evening will be'" completed by Thursday or Friday. The places on the program will be de cided by lot. Up tp yesterday evening about thir ty-two debaters had registered for tho contests. The registration closes to day vand'a complete list of the entries KUl. be" PUDl!shed In tomorrow's Ne-braskan, history of Mexico and Central Amer ica. The foremost scientists of the world were each given a certain limit ed portion of tho work. To Professor Hrumjr the task of writing up grass hoppers was given, and the success with which lie has met Is evidenced by tho fact that In tho three years that he has been working he has discovered more than two hundred whololy new and hitherto unknown species of grass hoppers. Already there have been published over thirty volumes of the "Blologla Contrail Americana," and many are yet to follow. Many languages are represented; most scientists writing either in their native tongues or In Latin. , bers of the class are Invited. Tho entertainment Is of a nature suf ficiently varied to assure every one who attends a real good time. A program of chiBS talent will bo presented which Is sure to make a de cided hit. All ortho participants are performers of rare merit and no Freshman should miss thlB opportunity to see or hear them. The following is the program: Exhibition of legerdemain Slgnorlta Bontolll j Historical Sketch of '10.. It. S. Moseb Piano solo Miss Chapln None Such Quartet. .Messrs. Wal lace. Harnley. Hoffman, French Refreshments will then be served' and tho evening's entertainment will be closed with, an informal dance. Those In charge desire It distinctly understood that no gentleman is re stricted as to the number of ladles ho may bring. However, gentlemen are urgod to cQine, even IKdellnquont In this respect. Tho price of single admission Is only twenty-five cents and no loyal Freshman can afford to miss this ex cellent chance to become better ac quainted with those whd are to bo his classmates for tho next four years. Y. M. C. A. Green's harbor shops excel all others in the west. Entirely modern and the best work assured. Mombers Like Chicken Dinner. Tho recent chicken dinner given by the Y. M. C. A. proved such a success that tho s,oclaI committee are now planning to mako the Y M. C. A. feeds a monthly stunt. It Is thought that the nearest way to a man's heart Is thruetc, and If tho social commit tee can pluck up courage they will at tempt to treat the Association every month to a good old bachelor dinner. . Why not take your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? Second and Final Banquet Given to Football Team. The luHt festivity of the football sea- son was held Monday night at Sum's Cafe, and consisted of a very onjoy able banquet. Tho football team and a-few ft lends wore tho guests of. Mr.' WoHtorflold, who, ub on past occasions, did himself proud. Sam has for a number of yearn treated the team to a sumptuous sproutl at the conclusion of the football season, but this one in point of. decorations and menu, sur passed any of Its predecessors. Tlur boys were all arrayed in their broad v est smiles and the good old football songs were sung with that enthusiasm that has won bo many victories for Ne braska whon exerted against an oi posing team. Dr, Roscoo Pound sal at his usual place at the head of tile table and, as he said, "Punctuated the remarks of the others on tho toast list." Ho man aged to suppress IiIb string of stories long onough to Impress upon his hour- ors tho fact that football was no, aca demic sport and that all tendencies., toward professionalism should be root cd out. Dr. Maxey was then called on for his manuscript, Ho responded in. a very droll way and when he got down to" his theme, made a plea for an earlier interclass football schedule. He ulso hoped that we could have a poimanent coach who would be with tho .Nebraska boys all year. Coach Foster was then called upon and after his opening story, thanked Dr. Maxey and the rest for their co- operation. He said that tho college athletes of the country formed a brotherhood that extended everywhere and that ho was proud to welcome tho football men or Nobratfkn into it. Captain Mason thpn thanked his team mates for their efforts" and help. Herald that It was hard indeed to at last sever the chains that bound himself and the team togother and hoped, that tho Nebraska football team would always lino up to tho high standards that It has set. Coach Stewart and Charlie Shoriunn re sponded In their turn and at tho last the toastmnBter called upon Manager Eager. "MetltUBlla," aB ho was called, did not resort to stories to Illustrate his point, but In his enthusiastic way told how deeply the old men felt for the succcsb of Nebraska.. Ho urged that every one should live and talk for old Nebraska after they graduated and UtSTr? I that they should try ,1c send new mon and good men to Nebraska, He closed with the statement that wo must boat Kansas next year. j SUBSCRIBE NOW! Ji -ThereV will bo football practise for the members of the' Senlpr squad tjils morning at 11 o'clock on the gridiron. 6 Daily HelbimsI&aHft Rest of tesHnes&efia 50 CENT GERMAN (iLUEf TO-MEET. SUBSCRIBE NOW! Will Hold Regular Meeting With Pro fessor Fossler Thursday Evening. Tho Deutsche Geselligo Vereln will hold Its regular meeting on Thursday evening at the homo ofProfessor Foss ler, 1517 South Seventeenth street. , ' A program of exceptional merit has been arranged and it is hoped thnt a full "membership w)ll be present. Tho work of tho club has prospered thus far this year and a continuation of In terest is requested. . Wt ' fi-V -.. lLT.1 $Pl -, I - - uiV.itw, . llbfruiHAHi&KiC, f. uu -;,.