The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 07, 1906, Image 4
ttbe jDailB.ftebraefcan x Clothes Tip X p - i To College A A Men 1 -; " H ., X K mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, For Street, Office or Informal wear, you cannot find a more fitting suit than TrllO STIRLING'S newest single-breasted sack models, one of which is. illustrated in the accompanying cut. There is. nothing stunning about it, on the contrary, it is refined and pleasing. Just what' you want for good dress and just what every man should secure. We invite you to examine our showing of Suits ami Overcoats, assuring you that you will be agreeably surprised at the many pretty patterns we show in our special Christmas offerings at SI5i00-tO $30s00. . LOTS OF NEW THINGS TO SHOW YOU IN CHRISTMAS TOGGERY Their Excellent Quality and Modestyof Price will especially commend them to you. .V " Adams Farqutiar O'neaICo, ZNCOLtf MSB. 1217 O STREET Formerly Paine Clothing Caip'y A 6001 FLUCE rv,v. ' TO BUY - GOOILITKES . Miss Brota Bills spont tho vucution ut Falrbury, Nab. M. A. BonodlcL hus Rono to Lundor, Wyo., for a two weeks' vintt. Tho Innocents will moot this after noon nt B o'clock In U. 109. Tho University of Pennsylvania has Hoverod nil athletic relation with Hnr- yard. Jlarry Joslyn, first sorgonnt of Coin- hU8 quit school to ongago In buslnoss pan Al. J. Brown, '05ls an assistant In the Chemistry department at Cornell uulvorslty. If possible a recital by pupllB of tho School of Music will bo arranged for December 13. "Pink" Pearson. '04k visited tho campus Inst week. Ho is. fpremnn on a. cattle ranch near Cody, wyo. H. H. Llndoman, '0o, recently princi pal of the Syrusuao High School, has entered tho divinity school at Yalo". a1 iff A plan Is on foot to form a Faculty Men's Club, "A committee consisting of Professors Ford, W.nrd, and.Mnxoy have the matter In charge. GAINING GROUND. (Continued from pngo 1.) lull merchnnt. The British business man glories in keeping his business Just as his great grandfather loft 11. The American wants to loave a bet-, tor, blggor business to his son than he received fvom his father. Tho American business man, therefore the Simplified Spoiling Board finds, is willing, although ho may not reap any great Immediate saving, to devote some trouble and money to using the shorter forms If thereby ho may on courage tho beginnings of a movement which will mean a bettor language and consequent saving' of time, space and "money for those who come aftor him. And iMsto this altruistic spirit tha,t tho commltfeo-ovlll, in great part, ad dress Us anneal for-the adoption of . ' the llrst :w words. tXT SPALDING'S OFFICIAL FOOTBALL G U ID E Containing the New Rules '. ' with full page explanatory pictures. Edltod by Walter, Campi.Tlieu, largest Foot Ball Guide ever published,. Full of fooLbafl InfctfaQo5r vovlows; forecasts, schedules; cniHalusi-vjecoYds; scores; pictures ,of over 1,000 players. " M-' PRICE 10 CENTS A. G. SPALDING & BhoS. Now York, Chicago, St. Louie, San Francisco, Minneapolis. Deayer,x Buffalo, Syracuse, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington, Cin cinnati, Baltimore, Kansas City, Now Orleans, Montroal, Can., London, Eng Hamburg, Germany. -.., Send your nanio and get a free copy of tho now Spalding Fall gnti, Winter Sports Catalogue, containing pictures and prices of all the new seasonable athletic goods. Richard C. James, '04, if Falls City, who, was a member of tho debating team which defoatod Kansas In 1902, was recently ro-elected county attorney of Richardson county. ( v Mf. E. F. Schramm, a fellow in the department of Geology, spoilt his Thanksgiving rccoss In tho carbonlfev ouh quarries in and about Wymore, Neb., . collecting material for his theslB. Chapln Uros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. Cameron's Lunch Counter. 123 3. 12. Dr. Haggard, 212-21H Richards Blk. Cornhusjtors, got busy. Townsond. You, will be satisfied with Cameron's Lunch Counter. ' . Why not take your baths at Chris Bath'Houso, corner tlth and P Sts.? McVoy Printing o., 125 No. 12th St., has turned out somo neat work forj University organizations. , Croon's harbor shops excel all others in the west. Entiroly modorn and" the best work assurod. Walter Camp, the eastern mentor of college football, says that Kansas has been using an Mogul formation in playing, big Captain Donald at tacklo on defense and at end on offense In order to use him fojr carrying the ball. Next year, thon, .this formation - can not'be usod. -Oklahoma Umpire. As' tht holidays draw noar young men must havo now hats, now gloves, now ties. Unland has. them. A Heart to Heart Talk With Boys ELLIOTT BROS. TAILORS 1210 0 St. ' Do .you want those swell Eastern University styles in Tailor-Made Suits and Overcoats? We have them from $20 to $40 Ami They're Just Right. T I ' Thero is not much tlmo loft on your old calenjrtor. The now ones at tho Unl. Book Store have the newest de signs as well as the neweBt dates. r .. r .. WMMM liiii i rir UNION TAILORS "ftSittt V. Ftr Frst CItis.Jaljtr lHf at Ltw f rifft V Auto, 41 CU( Vtw ST C-J sj .. ;w in t i 1 - mif4',mf,jmlmm,t,rm yiw.fni.iiM ftfcf..-1frr.iqi..yi.rf If T-T'Tr ;? w-t-'''rr;