The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1906, Image 4
I "v ft be 3)ailiKlelr aaltait 6 g AM S. F. Westerfleld g 8 fMjtmm - Pf0prletr . & O MMuM Special Service to S j Q T Dell Phono 305 V X ' - Auto... 3355 Q 8 A Specialty In Oysters Jn. Seasen g 8 117-18-21 Na. 13th St. Q THE UNIVER8ITY JOURNAL.' COMING SOON "Caruso, Malba, Sembrick, Gadskl, Pattl, Campanari, Tamagno, Earns, Plancon. Those great anil lnnstorfnl art ists will bo hoard in Lincoln tins wintor. Thoy lmvo snug for tlio Victor Talking fnclilno, and wo hiivo records of thorn. . Wo would bo plchsod to play for yon. Prices 10c to S1.00Holl on pay inontHK -. THE MUSIC . . STORE Ross P. Curtice Co. 1125 0 STREET C. A. SIMMONS Will do Your Printing 248 N Street LINCOLN',, NEB. Latest Issue of Faculty Publication Contains Valuable, Information. Tlio December Inane of the Unlvor Mlty Journal has mndo Its nppearanco and will Hoon be ready for gonoral dis trlbution. The' Journal contains many articles of unusual merit 'and much ! University news of general Interost. The leading contribution is an article from tlio pen of Chancellor E. Benja min Andrews oil the subject of "Real Ism In Education." Dr. Andrews dis cusses tho nature and effects of real ism In a scholarly and helpful manner. Professor Lnckey continues his in terostlng record of the whercabountB and occupation of holders of the Uni versity tuaclior'a certificate. "Nebraska' for Nobraskans" Is. the title of nn historical article by Prof. 4C. E. Peralngor. It deals with the work of the pioneer and tho early ter ritorial development of the stnto. A statoniont of the. changes h tho control and the editorial staff ot the Daily Nobraskan forms the basis of n short article." ' " " Prof. John E. Aliny makes some ox collont suggestions to secondary j teachers of Physics on experiments dealing with the Inertia of mattor and the pendulum. The members of the University Bo tanical Seminar aro given a personal write-up which shows strikingly the efficiency of the department of Botany. "Normal Preparation for Music Teachers" is the subject of an article sotting forth tlio nature of musical normal training and showing Its wide extent. Prof. M. M. Fogg writes ah account of tho formation of the new Contral Debating Circuit of America the larg est debate loague in the country of which Nebraska Is a member. Pro fessor Fogg explains the working of the league and tho method of debate preparation at Nebraska. Professor Hodgeman's article on "Accredited Schools" is full or Inter lost lug notes on conditions -in Nebras ka's secondary schools. GoodQycrcoat Weather Goodl&othes Weather Not. too late to get togged out and not too early todo It quickly. If you have been "looking around" with nothing but dissatisfac tion as a result, then you have missed us. We show only comfortable, satisfying materials, and we make them into the same kind of garments. There Is. ho dissatisfaction with those who deal with us, because we have the right priced QUALITY fabrics which we build around you In Buch a. way that your every attitude will exhibit your clothes in lines of grace. PEESHER ' - Open Evenings too busy making clothes to close. Lincoln's Fashionable Tailor, 143 So. 12th St., , Lincoln, Neb. . N. . . -' . FRATS- When in heed of COAL call and see the WHITEBREAST CO We will treat you right. Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. - u MELICK!8 STABLE8 Cloned Carriages. Baggage. The Finest Livery Inthe City BELL IM10NB 435. - AUTOMATIC 3435 1230 N STREET ba UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS 136 North Eleventh Betl 348. Auto 3881 Pctry Bakery Co. Baking Orders Filled Promptly. Tine Rice Bfchd Our Specialty. Phone ub and Your Order Will Beeelre Prompt Attention. EVENTS OF FORMER YEARS. Happenings of other days as re corded In Tho Nobraskan: Five Years Ago Today. ; The studonts at a meeting In chapel j signified their desire to have Coach , Booth remain. Chancellor Androws j spoke in favor of him. The athletic board 'awardod fifteen "N" sweaters. 1 Four Years Ago Today. Proprietors of carriage lines com bined to raise hack rates. Students 'threatened to boycott them. Three Years Ago Today. Dean Pound appointed the judges for practise courts. Two Years Ago Today. The Mlnhesoti Daily placed ..Benedict at right end and Bonder at right half on tho s'ocoml all western olevon. One Year Ago Today. ' Tho Sonlor class pins arrived. Waterman Fountain Pens . THE IDEAL !,', 1, Largest Assortment Carried In Town. Harry Porter Meet me at Ed Young's See Our English Tobaccos 1 Yct'Old Smoke Shop Where Can I Get a HacK? At the Forbes Stables, of covrse AUTO 15S0 DELL 550 I WHEN A STIMENT WANTS PRINTING THESE IS NO DENYINO THAT HE WANTS IT PRINTED IN MODERN STYLE The New Century Printers 1211 N STREET j TJnland makes clothes that ate right; iriono bottor. LINDSEY'S PLACE R. m. ERWIN, '99 - A. Ef. PERKINS RHTAILERS AND JOltUKRiS OP ' TOBACCO, CIGARS, AND NEWS For those cold hands get a pair of, gloves at Unlnnd's. I Do yon wear an TJnland hat? why not? They aro tho best. If not ! See those now lies at Unland's; they are swell; half dollar.. I UNION COLLEGE TAILORS . Main Colligo IUILDIHG For First Class Tailor- tag at Low Prices , . . 3m Auto, 43 College Viiw II W ' ' ' I Professor Brunor of thodepartmont or isntomoiogy nas an article in a re cent nnmbor of the Qhio Naturalist entitled, "A Report on Some Gnato nralian Orthoptera.". . ' r Gregory's Washed Coal $6.50 - ,i ; .'.IV ,- :. '.W?w -.'.-a K -" t vv, ' .'.""'.''''tis t-f'r'l - ' ' - . i.V.,vijf.t.vv W4 TW . . . A -k4 V A -v. - r i s I f. v 1. J 1 J 1 . 1 iVj aj TBB1 m f ' " ft-'1. 1 . 4 ft 4 J F 'AS)''.. j ywf-.; &.-. MDMsJl . . ,"'' - i ".!- i Ta.iil'WFaKaiXIkMi. '1 H. i.-.- Ji...UK. IT1.. . ,, . -- ' TV-. T - v &ymmM. ' "Saw I yl)fmTaaaaMlM ,- ;J