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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1906)
'if. ;..' - , 'tbc IJitl fScbrnshan . X M V 9 f. At'- l I V "s- . WHEN t f H WALKOVERS f. CO ON whom Troubles Go Off. ' . . I Rogers & Perkins 1129 O Street. '-x HW i at X Through Dally Trains . West'5" " THE UNION PACIFIC Is renowned for its fast trains. perfect roadbed, and tho general S3 annni1rti!fv nf 14a ooirlnrt nnrl J. ulUilUMVJ V. HO UUJ.IJVU UI1U m S equipment. It (s- the direct line Q Denver, Ogden, Salt-Lake City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland Passengers via tills lino can reach Western points many hours quicker than over any other route, lioncn thoro aro j v r fp O' A.finvlno of'Tlmis'' and Mnnr.v x. Bo sure your tickets read JWM1. . over the '" Sikt UNION PACIFIC. Inquire of E. B. 8LOS80N, Gen. Agent. mW fc 0(XKPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCXXXX Call up the 'star Delivery Co., Bag gage. Both Phones. . Ax Inft y I 4 j . ; I The Evans 8 Do Your Washing j j f "' iii in ' I T .," "' V f Sfrsgs'of AH the Colleges fl . I 1," " IxHiktlnrtt, nil huirytjilortt, -V m X ' EHMHttttH OLIVER THEATRE -TONIGHT AT 8; 15 LEONCAVALLO And His Orchestra of SIxtv-flve and Ten Soloists. PRICES $2.00, $1.50 & $1.00. WED. MAT. & EVE., DEC. 5. A Crown of Thorns . MAT. 25c. EVE. 50c, 35c & 25c. if i a ....A v...-.VM.rf !: vmi nrAur 1 I HH LM m m H M H KHH ! j TMat.,3 p. m. Everilrid, 7:30 and 9 Admlslon, 10c and 15c. . THE ROBERT DE MATT TRIO CLEVER TANA ED. MOON MR. JACK WILDE THE LYROSCOPE . 3"Shows DaUy.: 3.00, 7.45. am9 ;0:00 p. m. Prize Matlness TdesdayNand Thursday. 10c ADMISSION 10c FIVe Metropolitan Favorites WELCH, FRANCIS,&,CO. One of the Vaudeville Hits. i XI Greatest Musical Act in Vaudeville . WATERBURY BROS. & TENNEY Presenting "Harmony Island." - x JV1RXWILL HSlyiYTHE viiiusiraica vocaisi r The -BW 6 U I A Europoan '"Feature Novelty Acrobats MR. CHAS. H. DUNCAN Character Vocal Comedian Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. Cameron's Lunc Counter. 123 8. 12. Dr. Haggard, 312-213 Richards Blk. Cornhuskors, get busy. Townsend. , ,T . 1011 will be satisfied with Cameron's Lunch Counter. ! ,TM : . ! vu,y aut mio yuur uuius ai unns Bath House, corner'llth.and P Sts.? Tho Ivy Press Is now located at 212 South Twelfth street. University work especially solicited. Yo olden candlesticks Ymd ye now ones; too, atHarrls the Jeweler, 1137 O st. ' He's reliable. MaVoy, Printing. Co;, 125 No. 12th st., has turned put some neat work for University organlaztlons. , - ' Green's barber shops excel all others, In the west Entirely modern and the best work assured. t For- Rent Nicely furnished rooms, modern, with bath; suitable for ono or two gentlemen. 1117 H street. .Mrs. J. G. Bell, 1414 O St, Wigs for home parties. Hairdress jag,, scientific, manicuring, chiropody. ,11 I I. II IWI. II M l I, Hair Dressers. ; 4 Best" soft water shampoo, In the city, 124 No, 12th St. E. Goodman Tanner. x m European feature . hua-,j....,..v,.,,.y.. $ "1 WAHLlJND, TEKLA & WAHLUNT,gg,8' Pharmacy, punch, etc.. . . 12.00f v: .. . - . , -"' Cftndy K tchen V r no A BAD, BQLD FORGERY. 8tudents Perpetrate HoaxIssue Fake ' tenet i-rom Dean of women. Tho campus was wildly excited for a time yesterday morning over tho dis tribution of a circular purporting to come from tho office of tho Dean of Women and addroHsod to tho "Gentle I men or uio sophomore- and Froshman ! Classes." Tho circular appeared oarly I yesterday from no apparent source jnnd copies wore soon In ovldonco on every hand. Opinion was about equal ly divided ds to whother It was a bona fide edict or a clever hoax, and for several hours no solution of tho mys- tery was forthcoming. At length, however, Mrs, IJarkloyj uranueti tno circular a malicious for gery and as absolutely without founda tion, and tho troubled minds of lha undorclassmon wore set at rest once more. Tho circular read as follows: "To All Gentlemen of tho Sopliomoro uuu rruHiimnn umsHes: "In vlow of perfecting a moro con genial spirit at University functions, It Is Incumbent upon mo to rcquiro all Sopliomoro and Freshman young men who deslro to attend any public function in company with young ladles of tho University to first secure my permission. "Permission will lm grunted td'anv and a.11 the men of thaahovo classes upon request .and submission, of tho name of tlfcJady and the fimclon to uu Huenucu, proyiuou 4 seo lit UKQp- 1 would suggest, m order to on: liance tho spirit which prompts this order, that all upporclassmen. also nuiue dv rnis rule. "EDNAIcDOWELL BARKLEY, ' "Dean of Women." JUNIORSREPORT. Statistics of4he Kid PartyHeld Over a Week Ago. Receipts ! Tickets ; $3140,', uommitteo x : . ...... 5.75 x, ' ,. -. . 537. IB Dlsuursem6nt8 , v ' 'Cftndy KltchejO. . . .. . . . . ; . 5. 00 uent-01 Jinn . . . .. . . . . . . . . 5.00 Hack TV.. , 2.50 $37.00 Balnncc on hand .. i .15 Chairman Party Com. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. December. Tuesday. I Innocents, 11 u. m., U. 109. Cornhusker banquet 9 p m.. Linden Hotel. ' Seniors meet. U. 208, 11 a. m. wcunesuay, 0. Professor Costlgan, "The United atates supremo Court." Thursday, 6. ' Freshmen meet, 'U a. m., Memorial Hall. Saturday,- 8. English Club. Miss Morrison, 1031 F street. Monday, 10. .1 Norman Hack'ett, "Shakespeare,," Wednesday 12. ' Prof. G. E. Bnrber; "Roman Portrait Sculpture" Monday, 17. Prof. T. L. Bolton, "The Physchology of Spirit." Wednesday, 19. v. Chnncellor Andrews. Address. Friday, 21. Handel's "Messiah." t There's ono placo' in a thousand whore you can find the real Rookwood lottery. Come Into Harris' and see it. 1137 O st. He's reliable. Jf you can't seo this ad. clearly, call at Harris' and have your eyes -exam, ined free. 1137 O St. He's reliable. '1 . Mf; UEL PRADO .iCvgif 14th A. O fCValufj Swcllest Lunch Car in VMM, " noil. nff ' unrve IxjlUr quality Mm. thiui nay limoh. car I Qoodortib W.F.Kemp, Caterer OF LINCOLN; 'MotafrA'. I CAPITA!, - $(00.000;00 1 jjYvYVVVVVVVVVVwvv L 1 8 ELECTRIC SHOE 8 RepairiHt Factory I ft The only up-to-date plant hV g ! the cltVi If. mrt int, 4t.,- O ! ft and money. . , . . , Q SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCX UNIVERSITY JEWELER&OPTICIi C, AMUCKEH Jswalirr T 5 ' ib rv..A ,..... .. i R j un..rnMB, upiician e x; r- '8 5 1123 D STREET. YELtOW FRONT 8' r - vvfr R ,-yOUR PATR0NA6;SDL!CITEtfr : i . , ': DONS CAFE T14 Seulh llth J. Wright, Hi". 1! LijlM' Bfnlv Rim iHiiMetji OPKN fl A. M. XOl A. M. v trjtnoRp&co. Rubber 5jiims, tttnUik Seals, TreOhickB.Ki Lockcmithlng Qwier! MachiM Works, VM4I, Makws, Elc. "" - 30BS J, llth, LINCOLN The GRAND CENTM BARBEtt SHOP Sl CIGAR STORE W.1I.DAUTII KIDMAN, Proiirletor 131: Klovcuth St. -Kt Klili PR. J NO. J. DAVIS Oraduale Refraction. ii AUH uftuciin , Spectachs and rjy Otasaea Correctly i-iuoa. Office 1282 O St., AutoPhoue 8021,: CLUPECO SHRUNK QUARTER SIZE COLLAR iae cach, 2 ron CLUfTT sriunnv m. Milker of CluHl oJ Mbwreh Bhlri"r, . . ..2' --- I wV. 1 ANTOY Ty m h0fm mSmi k3Ks .-Bm fARROWT V,. V X v rt-rirf., --- -.mffyif -Httig