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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1906)
( Gbe 2)ail fllcbraeltan x X i X X X M 1 x X - X I N Vt f v x N v I Vs Ix I xxj In- - xxx 1 TS x lv I X i.1. X. N I . x it H Xx I i x -i 1 ! I I 1 1 i t I 1 1 . epatlgTRcbyagftan: THIS PIIOI'KRTY 01 THK0JNIVEH81TV OF NEIJKASKA. Lincoln, Nkiikahka, We Want You To Know Something .lnlww1 fx tl , t'lm fxf ,1 tilitlt... Inf nllH 1IIDI1VU I1W UlUVliUll Ul LIIU 41171111 UL UUI i ' i .. . mi.. ...... it.,. I PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY I wnm " ,l wam- l,lti ,l,UM uu u,u BY THE BTtJDKNT PUB. UOAllD. succeeding weekB with South Dakota Publication ttfici. 12ft H. 14th St. ( and with Drako simply Bhowed how far behind the normal development of that way to preVent a successful season, let us see what was actually done. 'Phn ITnailnrra flntlorrii frntnn wnuj hardly worthy of the name and fur-' JJd that is how to save money on BUYING QIFT8 In the JEWELRY LINE. , . , . , , . ., , ,. -, Compare theso prices with others and be convinced. A few hinto we print below: Signet Waist Pins, 3 pins on card, 48c. Signet Collar Pins, 2 pins on card, :wc. i, EDWIN MIL-ROY SUNDERLAND, 07. ,r . . It , r.iiiiuri'in-unir.r M., '00 - - MnniiKinK Editor PnK-BAi.i,Aii, '05 Now Editor W. B. 8TANDEVEN, '07. IlttHINKHH MANAOEIt AHftlfltnnt MnnaKur - - - Circulator X 6ay Haiidv. Bvnos E. Youkk, '08, DAT TEIEPHME, Aull 1521. WGHT, Aula 2365 md 4472 Editorial Rooms and Business Office Baument, Admlnlitratlon Building PostoHlce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year Pyb!c in Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will w chnrKod for at tbo rnto of 10 cents por iiiRortloa for ovory llftoon word or fraction thoroof. Faculty notlcoanutl Unlvoraity Imitation will gladly lo pul)lln1io(l froo. Entered nt tho poHtcfllcont Lincoln, Nulmvikn, im Hocoml-olriRH mail inuttor under tho Act of CongrcKH of March Jl, 1870. A GLANCE BACKWARD8. The football season Is over at Ne; bmska and time enough has elapsed slnco tho last game to make possible an unbiased rovlow of tho Reason, from the standpoint of the avorage supporter oftho gamo nt bur institu tion. VVo liavo ho chargos to, make nor no bouquets to offer Our solo mission is that of tho bleacher critic. ?Jebraska faced at. tho. beginning of tho year tho hardest schedule that a Cornhuskor tonm has ever been called .upon to phiy Tho reasons for tins fact were valid, Tmt tho fact was never theless extant. Tho Athlotlc Board was in debt to the extent of about $700 and tho season was called upon not only to pay its own expenses, but time in the season tho Cornhusker team really was. Wo won, but in both cuses by so narrow n margin that we had no right to feel any ela tion. It began to look as tho the prediction of a thoroly unsuccessful season were to bo fulfilled to a. letter. Then came tho Ames disaster and despondency on the part of the root ers. ' Nebraska stock took a decided slump except on the part of tho foot ball squad. Hero ono encouraging feature of tho season first manifested Itself. Tho sqtiad simply gritted Its collcctlvo tooth and became whole somely angry over Its apparent In efficiency. The campuB was scoured for better material, and with somo success, for when, nfter a game of tug with Doane, the team lined up for Sgnet Hat Pins, 2Gc nnd 50c, up to $2.o0 and $4.50 In stone sets., ,. ., irror Sots in "Daisy design, quadruple piato, ?4.vs ',jH '' Comb, Brush and MIrr seL &;.,!' ' 7 v i f Comb and Brush In above design, $2.98. , - . J i Manicuro Sets in boxes, 98c up to $6.00. Military Brushes In Beautiful Designs, $3.98 up to $15.00 a set Shaving Mugs and Brushes, setyin boxes, $1.25 up. Four piece Smoking Set, $2.75 rfnd up. Jewel Coses in small sizes at 39c and 50c. . Large Jewel Cases, $1.00 up to $7.50. Papor Cutters in Gold and French Grey finish; special at 23c each. We could not begin to tell you about the beautiful gifts we have in the store for your Inspection. A visit to tills department will be money saved. You can select any article you may want und have It laid aside to bo called for between now nnd the holidays. ALL ENGRAVING FREE. Herpolsheimers Jewelry Department game JiaB been Undeniably cleaner as to professionalism, but in regard to scholastic requirements we are not so certain. Our coach has proved a wonder at thXMlnnosota contest, thoro wns such devising plays to meet tho. conditions a change for tho better that Nebraska i-or the imw rules and yet he has not supporters could hardly believo their Inassed without criticism. It Is recocr- oyeB when the, final bulletin was post ed announcing lhat tho much vaunted Gophers had been held to 0 to 0 in ono half, and that but oho touchdown could be made by them inHhe second half. raising It very much, still gave no evi dences of a relapse. Then came Kan-' Bas and a defeat that was so unde served that the hurt of It rankles yet. A completo demoralization seemed to possess tho whole Nebraska team, which, token In conjunction with tho physical incapacity of tho director of the Cornhusker plays, handed the gome to the Jayhawkers jib a gift. nized that tho samo results cannot be expected from a line composed of green mon oven under the "best of coaching as from a lino of vetdrans who have learned tho game by expert ence. Nevertheless, it is undeniably Naturally, confidence wns somewhat true that parts of Nebraska's line this restored in the damp of the Cornhuskx vrGnr showed tho lack of adenuate ors and the Crelghton game, while not training oven in the theoretical method of deiensei Perhaps another year may 'strnightenXqut tho difficulty. If so wo heartily hopd". that Coach Foster will It it ii it ii ii ii if ii ii ii if )f ii if ii ii i-it QO$O-O0005l0H!H430- Budd's 25c Off Shirts tun showing beautiful fresh bosom Shirts, cfevt style, attached cuffs, good S1.5Q shirts at 1.35 all the time. BUDD. $2.50 Hatter. 1141 O WHY PAY MORE? bo given nnotherxopportunity to pro duco a winning tenmv Next year should flinL football at Nebraska much improved. xIt is not thought that ever again will the" Corn huskers tiave to wade 'thru a schedule, which will present the difficulties of the ono this year. Thoro will be a larger numbdr of veterans to give ballast to tho team. The now rules Willi find a much readier Interpretation, tho conches "will know their material better. In fact, 1907 should see Ne-. braska once more at the fore whore she surely belongs, and the disasters of this yeuVwIll appear merely as tho training school for a really representa tive team. x- thoso left over from a previous year. More than this, thoro was tho1 very discouraging factor that in all tho 'Varsity squad thoro was a nucleus of only live old men about which to build a team. Our lino of tho year before was ontlrely a minus quantity and In Tho Chicago gamo merely demon strated the proverbial Nebraska stlck-to-lt-lve-ness, for the Cornhuskors wero clearly outplayed. Their gritty deter mination to play ball till tho final PAN-AMERICANISM (Continued from" page 1.) and England Is practically as near that as New York is. In 1881, J. G, Blaine, secretary of stato under President Garfield, an nounced the first Pan-American con ference to meet at Washington. Trade, money, customs, tariffs, and arbltra tllns wero considered there, but the outcomo was not great. In 1901 the whistle, howover, prevented tho con test from becoming a farce and thero second conference was held in tho city LIGHT UP Get tho fuil benefit of the gas that goos through your meter. We will sell you this week: Everlasting Light, for , p 39c World's Best, for , . 55c Lindsay, for (i 6,9c New Inverted, for ,,.$1 .00 Good mantles 3 for 25c. Largost stock of Edison Phono graphs nnd records in the city. Foot ball goods, guns, ammunition and ath letic goods at Lowest Prices. LAWLER CYCLE CO. 1324 O Street. GWCOOGOOOOOOGO We " I YULE BROS. Would Like to be Your Lnundrymen. OO L. J. HERZOG The University Man's Tiiltr' THE FINEST W8RK. DOHE AN&f RICES "RIGHT 1230 O STREET mmmmmmmmammmmm H HUYLER' Chocolates and Bon Bons. T Ckttfcr. gsoecggaocoeggoggccooe I FIRST NATIONAL- BANK i f.:i' the light of the pronounced Btand of 'wore a few spots whore really flrst-N of 'Mexico, and in 190G the third was our faculty against professional and otherwise ineligible players and of the decided scarcity of material that gavo any promise of football ability,' things assuredly looked anything but hope ful. .Still another couso for dlscourago- clrtss football was In evidence. I held at Rio Janeiro. It is hoped that Thfl Cincinnati gamo was a decided anti-climax, If such a thug wero pos sible after such a season. It was too equality, easy to bo Interesting nnd did not in I ' any way demonstrate that our team had at last found championship form. It wll bring about a bettor understand ing and a new democratic spirit of m'ont was the-fact that two coaches It was simply Indicative of the weak were installed who wore absolutely , ness of tho Cincinnati team and noth unknown at Nebraska until their or- Ing besides. rival In Lincoln. Thoy had tho double J Wo have not tho Intontlon to call tho difficulty of entering a new field nnd ' season post a success or a failure. In of working with a green bunch of play- j our opinion it was not wholly either, oi-s. And, as if this woro not enough, From a financial standpoint It Is cer- The School of Music has established a bureau to enable mombers of Its faculty who are concert performers to give public recitals thruout the state. Miss Woltzel, who has charge of the correspondence, has been sending out numerous circulars bearing specially on this bureau. Among those who will take part In the work are Mr. Steckel- thoy had tho task of dovising plays, tainly not a failure since thero will, bo j berg, Mr. Shollliorn, Mr. Stevens, and under an entirely now and untried sot in substantial balance left in. the troas of rules, which should best suit a ' ury oven after tho old deficit is team of which thoy had no previous J straightened out. From the stand- knowledge. Considering all the obstacles in the. point of clean athletics there Is some thing to be said on both sides.. Tho Miss Upton. CAPITA! 8300,000.00 and Profits.. 00,OI)O.O OBITB 3,020,000. f CAPITA ft Surplus $ DKI'OBI M9Sffie OO . x J lX'j-.rr :'S2M it NEW STYLE BARKER COLLAR WARRANTED LINEN ASK YOUR DEALER WILLIAM BARKER CO. J mm mum at rectors T$ 's-J i i xx" I J x J' -A T 9 i ;H y '-'l' :f y &, :! . . s- J . t ti iy!-! HUB :Jv at t'--- - - . WI.J .