c I. 1 b e. 2) $H l.slvfl e t f a h a n ?' -? v jtf T. s I ' V ftj)cpaU Wefrvasftau TUB PJtOPEKTY OP TUB UNIVBHSITY OP KUIlHAHtCA. Lincoln Nrrrahka. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY TUB HTUDBNT PUB. BOARD. rWllcatlon Office, 128 H. Ulh St. EDWIN MIMIOY HUKDBRLAKD, '07. KDITOIMS-CIIIBI' S. M. Kikakru, '()! - - MnnnKhiK Editor FriKi) Rai.lai(I), '05 Nows Editor W. B. BTANDBVBN, '07. IIUHIKEHR MANAOKR Oa,v IIahiiv, Assistant Mnnnstor Dtiion E. Yoiikr, '03, Clrculntor DAT TEIEPHOIE, Auto 1521. MOKT, Auto 235 intf 4472 Editorial Rooms and Business Oflice Bjmmcnt, Administration Building Postoifice, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year Payable in Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for nt. tho rate of 10 cents nor imfortioa for ovory Ilftoun words or fraction tnoroof. Faculty notices and Uidvnrslty bullotlim will gladly lo published fruo. ; K EntOrjd at tho poBtofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska. ha Hocoiid-oliiMs mail miittor under tho Act of CougroHa Of March !), 1870. TO TAKE A VACATION. VIth thlB Issue tho Dally NcbrnBkan suspends publication for tho Thanks giving recess. So many of our sub scribers will loavo town today that, an Issue tomorrow would for tho most part go unread. Publication will bo resumed .promptly upon Tuesday of next week and will continue uninter rupted until the Christmas holidays. It has been thought Inadvisable to Issue a spoclal football number this year from sovoral considerations, and It Is planned to more thnn make up For this by the publication of special In sert Bhcets upon occasions when the Importance of events demands speclnl leeognltlon. THANKSGIVING. Tomorrow evonlng will find the great majority of our student bptiy, scattered thru tho stato. For a brief woqk end wo nmy all dispose of our time in whatever manner wo see lit. This is emlnontly right and proper and wo seo no Incongruity in tho thought of Thanksgiving and) vacation as synonymous. Nevertheless, we be lieve that it will not come amiss to call .to mind tho spoclal reasons that we, hb students of tho University of Ne braska, have to give sincere and rev erent thankB for the Providence .that grants us what we now possess. The Hon. W. J. Bryan struck the j fundamental chord behind our special blessings when he said at- Convoca-1 tlon: "We can have things ns wo want I them. Wo can think and say exactly j what wo please." From' this basic fact i .comes all that wq enjoy. , AVe want a broadening and an up- j lifting education. In answer to our call' the portals of Nebraska are ' (brown open. We desire guidance that shall be both competent and con sclenclous. Our faculty, thnn which we cannot ask a bottor, stands ready . for our bidding. Wo. ask for a social environment that shall broaden our sympathies, cultivate our tendencies for all that may bo good, and train us In our intercourse with one an other. Thoro lies beforo us in re sponse to this demand a complete, but none thcOrfss satisfying, social struc ture, that admits us at our knock. Wo have not dormitories, it is true, hut we- do have a college llfo hound together by the elements of club and "- class associations and by tho events of what vot t,orm University society. Furthermore, we have a student bo6y nlmost uniformly democratic and with the greatest enthusiasm for" the wel- fore oj Nebraska. . ' 'a There Is Inspiration In our college atmosphere, there is the call to achievement that cannot be passed by, and above all, there is held up an ideal j O of broad-minded manhood and woman hood that "battles ever onward for the right." DEBRUTALIZED" FOOTBALL. New Style of Play Proves to" Be a Decided Success. The-drat season of "dolmitullzod" iootball Is practically at an end, and according to the statistician of the J Chicago Tribune, has a record of It ' deaths and 103 seriously Injured play-1 ers. ThlB Ib a marked decrease from ( the record of Inst year, when nineteen 1 players wore killed and 137 wore seri ously injured. Tho most signiiicant feature is me decrease In the casualties among high school playors. Last year ton high school players worn killed and thirty - seven injured. For this season tho recoid shows seven deaths and tVen- ty-flve badly hurt players. There has not been a single fatality In any or the games played by tho larger American colleges. Of all the seventy-eight college players, only a few wore In - juied In western games. The following shows the seriously injured collogo players, east and west: Yale Princeton .-...' 1 Harvard 1 t Cornell GiS ... .. . . ... "-. . 'L'J rniversuy oi rennsyivuniu w Michigan 3 Iowa 1 University of Illinois 1 Total k Details compared with last year: Total Deaths. - lflOfi 1105 Illuh school players 7 JO College players !1 Girl playerB : 0 . Other players 1 1 Total deathB ' 11 17 years old or under. , 5 Causes of Death. - 1900 Uody blows : Inlm-les to snlno 0 19 10 11)05 1 3 y 2 4 Concussion of brain r 3 Blood poisoning 2 Other causes ., ,. '' Total .,...-. 1 1- Total Injured. 1900 College players 51 High uchool players 25 Grade schools 11 Athletic clubs 10 i All others 3 ! Total Injuries 103 JO 1005 78 39 7 lsn What Chancellor Andrews thinks of the new game: - . "It Is too early for more than 41 ten - ratlve o.dnion of the new football rules. -Probably there is some not lm- provement and tho game Is bettor for non-export spectators. On tbo other hand, there Is great scope for chance j and llukes and tho game Is less a test for merit. Whether or not Is yet a question. The spirit, surroundings, and general 'mnnngotnent of tho sport are mightily Improved." EVENTS OF FORMER YEARS. Hnpjionlngs of other days as record ed In The Nehrnsknn: Five Years Ago Today. The Haskell Indians were defeated i)y , 'score ot 18 to 10, and Nehraska was given a bad scaro, tho score stand ing 10 to 0 in favor of the Indians at the end of the. llrst hair. Four Years Ago Today. The all-Western football team was selected, Michigan getting s'lje of her men ou tho eleven. CKKIX0OSOK$0 il LM ' Jt noiraay Announcement Patrons are urged to place their Christmas orders at once, while our stock of JEWELRY. SILVERWARE, CLOCKS, ETC., Is fresh and contains many Individual pieces that will not be dupli cated. It would take too much space to toll you want a large line 0 JEWELRY we have, and we ask you to call and be convinced that we carry the largest and finest line of Jewelry in the city, and our- prices cannot be touched.. Wo would gladly lay aside any article you may select to be called for between now and the holidays. ALL ENGRAVING FREE. Herpolsheimer's Jewelry Department HONEST GOODS. RIGHT PRICES. oboos)offiOffio0)a50QOffia:Kr CXXJOOOOOOOCKXXXXXXXOOOCXXOOOOOQOOOCO(KXOCXX)CXXXXXXX30 pa $ J , (J . X J ' , O 'A jtf & $ The Penant Season IS NOW HERE have a large-stock of good ones. A shipment We ;..JEWELRY... just received. This is the tlmo of Get one oiv two of our pound boxes .You can get a bottle of good Fountain Pen Ink FREE at ...THE... UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE 340 NORTH ELEVENTH p 5 PA OOOOCX)C)OOOOOOOCX50000000000000COOOOOCXOOOOCXXX)0000 i You will be satisfied with Cameron's Lunch Counter. Call up the Star Delivery -Co., Bag gage. Doth Phones. Why not take your baths at Chris' 3 ! Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? Ye olden candlosticks and ye new ones, too; at Harris', tho Jowolor, 1137 O st. Ho's reliable. Greenes barber shops excel all othor3 In two west. ' Entirely modern and tho best work assured. For Rent Nicely furnished rooms, modern, with bath; suitable for ono or two gentlemen. 1117 H street. Hair Dressers. Best soft watbr shampoo In the city, 121 No. 12th St. E. Goodman Tanner. If you can't seo this ad. clearly, call at Harris' and have your eyes exam ined free. 1137 O st. He's reliable. There's ono place in a thousand whore you can find the real Rookwood pottery. Come into Harris' and seo it. 1137 O st. He's reliable. , 1 LOST Lady's gold watch, Waltham -vemenL Jmntlng case; graved North Thlrteenth Substantial reward. M LiNDSEY'S PLACE I 1 ' - Ft. E. ERUIN, '9 - A.E.PERKINS KETAII.EK8 AND JOllBBnS OF TOBACCO, CIGARS, AND NEWS BREAD, PIES AND CAKES COME IN 1 AilKtmi CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS -- - J&iSZfMm of of line University 8 ft ft $ ft a year to wear a nice pin or brooch. of line Candies for Thanksgiving COCXXXXXXXXXDCOCOOOOOOOOCOQ IT MAY BE TRUE that you cannot go home for Thanksgiving, but you can "en Joy a good dinner If you come to the SCHOOL OF MUSIC CAFE Meals 25 Cents. Doors Open 12 to 1. O'clock. How to Attract and Hold an Audience IT VERY teacher, every clergyman, avfry - lawyer, every man or woman or youth who In llhely-evcr to have occatlorfln commit tee, or in public, tq enliM the interest of-oni or more hearers, and convince them every i-Of-6m who ever ha to, or in liUely to h.wc to " speak " to one or more listen-rs will 'nd In our new hook ft clear, cnncUe, coinpUU hand book which will enable him to succeed t i'kick $1.00 Postpaid dLOTit HINDS & NOBLOy Publishers 31-33-35 West 15th Street, N. V. City Schcoll'oeks efall fublithtri t oiif sltr? X-MAS CANDIES We have a delicious assortment of 'candies of our own make. r ! k V .. -& jfcf- BwniiMiMwnifWTwiifti '""""-- nm iiioirwwnwMiwiijutijryMTwwn)wn 1 iaqWiil