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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1906)
IFtebraehan Vol. VI. No. 48. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, i9Q6. j . Price 5 Cents, vHbe2atl A UNIQUE WORK INSTIGATED AND -PROMOTED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION. '07 DEFEATS '08 SENIORS DOWN JUNIORS IN FAST GAME BY DECISIVE SCORE. 5Cffl,U ; fc "-c X ? Aims and Methods of Organization Outlined by Its Representative ' in the Field of Economics. The following Interview concerning the alma and methods of the Carnegie institution of, Washington, D. C, Vas granted to The. Dally Nebraskan by Dr. Alba M Edwards, the, traveling representative, bkthe Institution in the departments ofwEconomlcs and Sociol ogy, who has been upon the campus for the past week looking jiivcr the possibilities at Nebraska for work in his line: In 1902 Andrew Carnegie trans ferred to a board of trustees ten mil lion dollars in five per cent United States Steel bonds for the purpose of founding the Carnegie Institution at Washington, D. C. Tho Carnegie Institution Is not a University. IHias no faculty, no body of students, no college buildings, and It. offers no courses of instruction. It should not be confused, as too often' It Is, with the Carnegie Institute, a technical institute at Pittsburg. The object of the Carnegie Institu tion is to encourage and promote In vestigation, research and discovery In science, literature and art; to expand known forces, and to discover and utilize unknown forces for the benefit of mankind yIt ' aims to accomplish ;thls objecVnot by supplanting, but by supplementingthe functions and re sources' 'dfYexistlng institutions. It does not intend to do that which oher Institutions, or individuals, aro doing or will undertake to do. It is a sup plementary .agency for the purpose of strengthening' scientific institutions ancLsclentiflc workers and aiding them to carry on investigations and to make discoveries , which promise to be of Importance to tho world. It seekB to discover the exceptional man when ever and whorovor he may be found, ' inside of college or outside of college, and to enable him to make the work for which h.e seems specially fitted his life work Hitherto, -with few exceptions, re search' has been a matter of individual enterprise, each worker taking Xip the special problem which chanced or taste led him to and treating It In' his own way. No .Investigator, working single-handed, can at preseut ap proach the largest problems In- tho broadest way, thoroly and systematic ally, Without organized effort some nooks and corners in the field of re" search never would bo Investigated; others would be investigated many times over, The Carnegie Institution is attempting to furnish" tills needed . , organization. It seeks to , substitute organized for unorganized effort and to prevent needless duplication of wwork. The broadflold of science Is divided int'p its different departments, with a director In charge of each de- . partment. This director subdivides ' his Hold and" places a capable man in ( charge, of each division. These -men, In turn, outline -their work and secure inte.reted'anll-,ojnclent men to 'do each part of it. - , t (Continued otf page 4.) Dedicated to Professor E. H. Barbour. "An' the goblins Ml get YOU ef you don't watch- .y A NEW TELE8COPE. Astronomy to Have New Equipment Necessitates New Observatory. The University of Nebraska Is -to have a new telescope and a new ob servatory. Already a big lonse, that was manufactured by Dr. Mihhich, a Nebraska man, has arrived. " For some time the observatory and ht8 facilities have been found very la adequate, and at lUBt plans for a large new telescope have been called for. This Instrument will bo built In our i own shops within the next two orthreo years. Although no new building has been arranged for, It is plain that one will have to be built, since tho old obsorva toiy could not accommodate the new telescope. It is still uncertain as to whether this observatory' will be built on tho campus or somowhero out in I the country. WILL GO TO CHICAGO. Manager Eager to Attend1 Meeting of Western Football Managers. Manager Eager will go to'Chlcago on Friday next to attend tho meeting of the football managers of the large western colleges, which will .bo held there on that date. Tli,e schedule for next season will be discussed and out- lined to some degree. There will also be a meeting of the Intercollegiate Basketball Association with the basketball coaches and mana gers to talk over the proposed changes In tho rules of the game. TO ATTEND PHY8ICAL SOCIETY. Dr. Almy to Read Paper in Chicago Saturday. Dr. G. E. Almy, of tho Physics -department, will rend a paper before the meeting of tho American Physical Sp cloty In Chicago Saturday. Bruco B. Hill, "who took his Master's degree here In '98, will also read a paper be fore the same society. Mr. Hill Is in charge of the Physics department of KnusaB University. "Aggies" Play Football. The Seniors and1 the Freshmen of tho School of Agriculture played a souMnspirlng game of football under the old rules at the University Farm on last Saturday afternoon. Tho final scpre was lu tp u in ravoi" or the Seniors and Indicates with compila tive accuracy' the relative, merits of ,the. tetuuB. Tills is the first Indication of football enthusiasm among, the "Aggies", and it Is hoped that here after teams may be produced every year.' " ' ' ' -outr AND STILL THEY COME. Another Prehistoric 8kull Added to Nebraska's Collection. Mr. E. T. Hartley has , contributed a moundhuilder's skull to the collec tion of miscellaneous old bones which are to bo placed In our now museum. This skull has very striking peculiari ties, the most notable of Avhlch are a flat place on the upper part of tho oc cipital bone and two deep crnckstonc near the ear, tho other near the torn pie. Theso, to the unprejudiced ob server, lndicnto that in the first placo tho rolling-pins of the prehistoric wives must have been rather heavy, and, secondly, that It was fortunate for said moundbullder that his brains had not yet attained sufficient dimen sions to fill tfre cranial cavity or he might have experienced an even more sudden demise than probably fell to his lot. STILL AT IT. Johnny Bender Keeping Up the Conn husker Record. Johnny Bender played in a football game Saturday at Pullman, Washing ton, where ho is coaching this year, and surprised tho' westerners with his ond runs. That the Nebraska style of football as played In the days of the golden past still lives is shown by the record of the Pullman team this sea son.' Out of five games, among which were matches with tho Universities of Montana, Idnho and Washington, Ben der's oleven has won five victories and has yet to be scored on. In every In stance the teams played with repre sented Institutions much larger than the Pullman school. SENIOR AND JUNIOR THEMES. Department of Rhetoric Announces Dates When Papers Are Due. Senior and Juniqr themos for 1906 1907 aro due at V. 107 on the following dates: Senior Themo. ...... .January 21, 1907 First Junior Theme. December 19, 1900 Second Junior Theme.. March 15,1907 Subjects for these themes are to be submitted to the department of Rhet oric on or before the following dates t Senior Theme . . . .Jammry 7, 1907 First Junior Theme.. December 5,1900 Second Junior Themo... March 1,1907 Themes should contain at least 4,200 words; should be written on theme pnper,f and enclosed In .covers prop erly endorsed, No late themes or themes the subjects of- which are un approved by tle department, will bo accepted. First Half Easily Seniors' Juniors Take Brace in 8econd Hair Gate Receipts Comparatively Large. The Seniors dofeated the JuuIoih yesterday nftornoon lo the tune of 17 to 0 In a game that was both I iku rim ing and oxctUrj:. During the half Uio Sonlors 1$m1 everything tholr own way and plunged thru the Junlois' Hue easily, making tholr toil yanh with out much twMiblo. Two toiiuiuVAVu wire nuid, but Howard failed o kicu goal tilts second time and llio score stood 11 to 0 at the ond of tho hulf. Tho seiumd half .was more interiMl ing and the bonlors inndo tho only score on an attempted forward imm, which landed squarely In tho"arni. of Butler, the spoedy Sonlor ondVho 4L-ril fmt ir.Hvji vnrflil- tn (hit fimlni'ii' goal foh a touchdown. Three times was the Senior goa in danger and it looked as if the Junlurjt" wore going to score. Tho first tlnio the Juniors signaled for a fair catch on the forty -yard line, nnd the Seniors were penalized flfteon yards for Inter fering. This brought the ball to tho tventy-flve-yard lino with a free place kick for goal as the right of the Juniors, but in the trial the ball went Avldu to tho left of tho goal. Tho bm? ond time the Seniors were frlghtoned was on tho fifteen-yard lino, when a blocked kick gave the Tall to tlu Juniors. They failed to make good their advantage, however, and lost the ball ona fumble on tho second play. Again tho -Juniors gained tho ball on a fumbled., punt near the Sonlor flfteon' yard line, and plowed thru the line for five more,, but the Seniors took u brace, hold for downs .and punted out of danger. Near the ond of tho half the Juniors tiled another forward pass, .which gave the ball to the. Seniors 'again, and the gatne ended with the ball near the center of tho field. Tho llno-up: 8eniors. Left end Butler Left tackle Fenlqii Left guard ,Frazpr Center Klesselbach Right guard , . Jenklhk Right tackle ; Meier Right end . , ,....,.. Stundqycu Quarterback. . , Lott (Ca'pt.) Left half . ... Howard Right 'half .'.:..., 4. Myors Fullback ,. .Campbell-Sumlerlln Juniors. Left end '...." ... Mattlsou Loft tackle McLaughlin Left guard ,....? Johnson Center , ; Wollenslck Right guard . '. .'. . .Webber, Carpenter Right tackle , Miller Right end .' ., Turner ' Quarterback ..,... tMennefee (CapL) Left half .'. .Rannie Right half T ;'. . .Meyers , Fdllback ;.,.... Cramer Umpire Cotton. Referee Stuart. c Head.Llnesman Schmidt. TJme of Halves Twenty and fifteen minutes. " , A fairly largo crowd witnessed the game and "the gate receipts 'amounted to nearly twonty-flvo dollars. This sum, added to that taken in at the Freshman-Sophomore game, Insures, excellent sweaters for the winning toam In tho final. , , . S 4 'I .