2t .''' A.' A Y rf v G?b e E a fK e D r a 0 ft a ti i B Si I f, ffbe 3)a1 lg TR e b ra,s ft an TIIK PltOPKRTY OI-1 TIIK UNIVKH81TY OP fJEHUABKA. Iimcoi.'N, NkihuhKa. -1' III I ll I II Ml IW PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY nf THE STUDENT PUD. BOARD. Publication Office, 126 N. 14th St. EDWIN MILIIQY HUNDEKLAND, '07. EDITofl-IN-CIIIKH B, M. RiNAKKit. '00 - - - Managing Editor Fiikd DAi.t.Aiin, 'OTi Nows Editor W. B. BTANDEVEN, '07. IIUBINKHH HANAOKR Gay Haiiiiv, Analntftnt Mnnnuor Byiion E. YoDRit, '08, Circulator DAT TRLEfHOUE, Auto 1521. HJOHT, Auto 23S5 ind 4472 Editorial Rooms and Business Ofitce Basement, Admlnlatratlon Building Postolflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo clinrKod for at tlio rato of 10 conts por Imtortloa for ovory fifteen, words or fraction thoroof. Faculty notices and University bnllotliiB will Kindly ho imbllnhod fruo. Entered at tho postvAlco at Lincoln, Nobrauka. oa HOCond-clOHA mail tunttor under tho Act of ConKroHa of March U, 1871). ONE GOOD RE8ULT. " In tho light of lato ovonts, Ne - brnskn's dofoat at tho hands of Kan sas last Saturday promises to bo by sv no moans tho deplorable affair It Beomod at tho tlmo. As a moans to ' bringing about a bettor understanding botwoorf tho Jayhawkors and tho Corn- huskors It has beon, apparently, moro - potent than a victory for Nebraska would have beon. Perhaps Nobraska has acquired true defeat a greater respect for her old foes. Surely Kan sas, in victory, has gained a moro generous rospoct for Nebraska. It is not necessary that tho long Bought "Bistorly affection" between tho two unlvorsitlos bo carried to an ox tromo, as seems possible at present. OCXXCXXCXXXXCCXXXXXDQOOO 8 MVWI1 Wo claim to bo tho best CLEANERS and DYERS in Lincoln and are hero to prove It. Our methods and machlnory . are. th5 VERY .O IATEST and our workmen tho best that money can secure. A ITU lilUUU 111V? UUUOb U1UOOUD or shrinking and guarantee not to dean gontlomon's clothing of all uruu. Jii kuuuu uiuruutiiuy tjiutiuzuu. vu uu uiluiiiib uiiu lupuiniiB. v Phono Bell 147 . 1320 N 'Street. Phono Auto 12D2 S Call or write for price list. Lincoln, Nob. q J. C. Wood CX)OOOOCXOOOC300000000COOO O O Yet tho evident deBlro of tho Jny hawkors to meet Nobraska moro than half way, now that relations have ac tually peon resumed, ought to meet a gonorous response. Tho Jayhnwkors have shown themselves capablo of forgottlng old animosities and No- .braska ought to do likewise. ,Sho Ib doing so, jvo bollovo, and In another year doubtless Kansas and1 -Nobraska will have fdrgotton their former potty differences. For tho most part they aro forgotten already. If such a happy rosult woro to follow ovory dofoat for tho Cornhuskers, tho true Nebraska sportsman would have oven less to fear in defeat than ho haB-at tho present time. Then Ne braska might again play Iowa, and Missouri and oven tho Haskell Indians with comparative indifference as to tho outebmo. Still, enough of a good thing is sufficient f of tho present. NOTICE1 Nebraska-Is going to defeat the Uni versity of Chicago on 'Marshall Field this afternoon. Watch "Pip" Cookel .Watch the team! Watch the score! DIPLOMATIC MOVfe. t. VI " I "Soldom in tho history of the Unl- X vorsity has so much diplomacy been shown ns when. tho Athletic Board sont tho Cadot .Band to Chicago yesterday afternoon. Upon first thought it looks somewhat llko a piece of needless ex travagance, but a moment's reflection should show that- tho returns to tho University, and Indeed to tho state Itself, will outweigh by a large mar gin whatever exponso la Incurred through Bonding tho band to tho City by tho Lake. In tho first place, tho University band, In Its present condition, is an organization of which any institution should bo proud. In size, equipment nnd musical ability it Is doubtless equal, if not suporlor, to nny univer sity band of its kind in the West, and It should bo an "eye-opener" to tho Chicngoans congregated on Marshall Fiold this afternoon. But Its effect on tho outcome of the gamo nnd tho standing of Nobraska In tho colloglnto world Is Impossible to ostlmnto. That it will do moro than anything oIbo toward stimulating tho Cornhuskorsvto wrest victory from the Maroons there can not bo tho slightest doubt; whilo tho impression It will convey relatlvo to tho college spirit of tho University of Nebraska cannot bat heighten tho estimation of our in stitution in University circles. ' Tho Athletic Board 1b to bo con gratulated nnd, should today close with Nobraska tho victor of MarshallPlold, tho University must divide tho laurels botween tho team, tho band and Cap tain Workizor, who wns perhaps moro Instrumental in sending it to Chicago than any other ihan In tho Univer sity. There were 19,000 people at the Carlisle-Minnesota iirao Inst Satur day. Tho receipts wero $28,000. - A U11U IUUUD UllllUUl UUilgUl UL lUUtllfj Injure them In any way. We also kinds. Goods called for and dollv- & Company i O 0C5CX5O0OOOO00O0O0OC5OOOCXX3 EVENTS OF FORMER YEARS. Happenings of Other Days as Record- j ed In The Nebraskan. Four Years Ago Today. Captain Chaso prosonted commis sions to tho cadet officers. Three Years Ago Today.' ' The- Intorclnss Athletic Board mot, A largo mass meeting was hold In Chapel in preparation for the Thanks giving game. Two Years Ago Today. Nebraska defeated Illinois by the, score of 16 to 10. Nebraska also won the Cross Coun try run at Chicago. Tho Maroons woro second. . One Year Ago Today. Tho Girls Glee Club was selected by. Mrs. Raymond. City Superintendent Stevens talked before tho University Pedagogical Club. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk. i A Great Spcci of Women's Cloaks and We made a fortunate purchase of about 150 Women's Stilts and about 250 Women's Cloaks from one of our Manufacturers who wished to close up his Fall and Winter business so as to begin on his spring line. We bought these garments at a big reduction and we have put. them on sale at prices which will compel buying. THE SUITS These are divided into four lots, and. considering the time pf year, and the quality of the merchandise offered, the prices asked are ridiculously low. . LOT NO. 123 Suits in .Fancy "Mixtures; grays, lirowns, greens, checks, etc., worth 11.00 to $16.50, sale price ...'. .$7.34 LOT NO. 258 Suits in gray and fancy Mixtures plaids, etc., worth $17.00 to $22.50, sale price $9.85 LOT NO. 343 Suits worth $22.50 to $25.00, sale price $14.49 LOT NO. 426 Suits worth $27.50 to$35.00, sale price $16.16 THE CLOAKS LOT NO. 145 Cloaks worth $6.00 to $9.00, sale prlce; $5.36 LOT NO. 274 CloakB worth $10.00 to $13.50, sale price $7.62 LOT NO. 352 Cloaks worth $14.00 to$16.50, sale price ,$9.78 LOT NO. 430 Cloaks worth $17.00 to $20.00, sale price ". . .$11.55 LOT NO. 538 Cloaks worth $21.00 to 25,00, sale price $14.82 MILLER& PAINE You will bo satisfied with. Cameron's Lunch Counter. Call up the Star Delivery Co., Bag gage. Both Phones. Why not take your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? Tho Ivy Press Is now located at 212 South Twelfth street. University work especially solicited. Mrs. J. C. Bell, 1414 O 8t. Wigs for homo parties. HalrdrosB lng, scientific manicuring, chiropody. McVoy Printing Co., 125 No. 12th st, has turned out some- neat work for University organiaztlons. Ye oldon candlesticks and yo new ones, too, at Harris', tho jeweler, 1137 O st. Ho's reliable. Green's barber shops excel all others In tho West. Entirely modern and tho best work assured. Miss Hattio Mueller, of Council Bluffs Is visiting Miss Helen Hendrle, '07, nnd will remain over Sunday. For Rent Nicely furnished rooms, modern, with bath; suitable for one or two gentlemen. 1117 H strflet. Hair DrcBsers. Best soft water shampoo, in the city, 124 No: 12th St. E. Goodman Tanner. If you can't boo this ad. clearly, call L at Harris' and have your oyes exam ined free. 1137 O st. He's reliable. Professor Taylor spent Thursday and Friday In Omaha, where he gave an address before tho State Bar Asso ciation. Registrar Clark and Dr. Guernsey Jones will return from Billings, Mon tana, on Monday, after a three days' trip. There's ono place in a thousand where you can find tho real Rookwood pottery. Como into Harris and see it. 1137 O st. He's reliable. Have you had your sitting for tho Cornhusker? If not, don't fall to at tend to It at once, for all sittings must bo made before Thanksgiving. Town-send. AlLEdMTII CHOCOLATES AT REQORS . al Safe Suits We buy school-books And we tend frta to any applicant on , "Booki Wanted" Catalogue of otw 9,000 chool-booki, with in o price aiwnica we accept itcoivi-hand ai wall M tmo book. We pay cash For all marketable ichool-booka, or if ' count, to be paid by ualnotArr achool book from tlmo tollmen needed. ' HHTDS & ITOBLE 31-33.35 W, 16th St., New York City. Mention Viit ad. HUYLER' Chocolates and Bon Bons. The Drux Cutttr C. A. SIMMONS Vld0. Printing 248 N Street LINCOLN, NEB. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks designs CopvmaHTB Arv Anyone Bonding a okotch and description may qnlokly oscortaln our opinion froo wiiothor an Inrontlon Is nrobnhlr tmrnntnhin - rmm..iZr Bontfroo. Olclost nponcy for socuring patents. Patents 1 taken tbrouKh Munn & do. receive ipeclal notice, without chnrao, In tho """' Scientific American. A handsomely lllustrntod weekly. Ijirsest tit. " camuoii or any sr-loutlua Journal. Terms. t3 a liriai2ilrn tb8' L f30140" nowadeaiwB. MUNN & Co.3010" New York Branch Office, 625 F BU Washington, Inaton.D.C, m . nVafcA . IjTTnjpn Si wM"JW' ' 1 : i"jn. ... . ,