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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1906)
-.'-- UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, XINtOLN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 906 tr Price 5 Cents. Vtil.VI. No. 43. fe " W V' - V. f ,c. 1-e- ,. h;? wr' '. ;' CK hff I V & ?t, j. JJ r "v- T. 4 FAIR WONDERfUO LIST OF REMARKABLE ATTRAC TIONS ALMOST COMPLETE. Features Vf the "Pike" Automatic. s MariBaby-vShow Mysterious - ... v . . T ' t Nellie Wedding in Air. - L-;' ' .- The-Cmmty Fair hasnenVly beon completed u7Uv18m hardly necessary toY; comment upon the .ability of the performers; as thoy havo been socurod toy this occasion from the best talent obtainable In the United States. : jTho attractions Vlll boallvided Into twet classes, those on the Plko and Xhbsein booths. ,By: tlie Plko. Is not meanany deflnltoplace-. iut such fcee exhibitions, as areJ.o l)p. found strolling around within the Armory on Count jrFafr night; v and are "visible at ho other tlmd or place In the world. The commitleoon Invitations has received doflnlte promises from varl ouS' noted- uersons that thoy. will bo present.'-iipoifctjic Plko-;on, llils nu- spicuoiiH occuoiun' , ounmniuy auu "Tjr "SToBlnh Allen,. ,ttpotite; 6hy- Indian s$ maid, ;a Dutch Frau, and "a dashing Cowboy lassie, stunning Parisian ijadicsf .dressed In a now vogue which hasinevor .penetrated this far into the backwoods before, Sis Hopkins, tho Katzehjaimnor Kids and their friend the lloVlCid, all will bo thoro, ready to crackn joke, or eat ono of Sam's Little 'Gem Hot Waffles with any ono. . And, by the way; .President McWlI- Hams of. the Senior class, who will bo $v . in Chicago at that time, dcslros n guide tp. take care of his "family, wlo urdcomtng down from Squeedunk to sop thcvCounty Fair." They must bo kept out bfvslght or-tho War Dancoi Iniist not bo allowed to feed peanuts or um to The giraffe, as Campbell Bros." fear that this might injuro -his digestion.- Tho danco of tho Junc" bugs and Jumping Jacks would shock thorn and if thoy are allowed near tho platform where Swan, tho peerless .clown, will auction off posters thoy would undoubtedly spend their car farebomq in order to secure some of the variegated card-boards. r 1 But let them see tho Baby Show, whore those bouncing, chubby llttlo fellows, Standovon and. Schroiber, will gurglo and -xoo at all comers, lot them -tr-jMiiat oW time-honored amuspmont of throwing balls at the dolls-in tho booth where" the cry. of "Three balls and no babies" resounds far and' wide. Take them to tho Lyric nnd letthem see tho Automatic. IMnn, and McWll; Hams' blessings wimrest on your head. A Asldb from the Pike horo "will lie various attractions in booths, , admls-'j slon-to which may'.bogalned at a merely nomlnnl price. Beside, tho Lyric, the Automatic Man, a bolng the mystery of whose existence not oveu the greatest anatomists and psychol oglsts have been able to solve tho Baby Show, the Dolls, and the dance of tho June Bugs and Jumping Jacks, all of whlcli 'havo 'been mentioned, there will be found a Fortune Tolling tent where a daughter of tho Pharaohs will make plain to, you all thejnys- terlpsi.ofi.youV existence, a Street, of All -Nations,' ti candy booth, and, most wonderful of all, b that marvel of tho (Continued an, page ?.) , t PRIZE8 FOR ESSAYS. $1,950 Offered forEssays on Economic Subjects. Our readers may bo interested to know that JVfessrs. Hart, Schaffncr & Marx, of Chicago, havo offored through a competent committee, some Very large iirlzos for . the best essays on economic sill)jects. TToi the third time, a first prize of $1,000, and a soc pnd prize of ?G00Kare offered to gradu ate students; and to undergraduates, a first prlzo. of $300 and asocond prize of $l'r0. " These papers" must bo sont In by Juno 1, 1007,, to "Professor J. L&uronco Jintighlfir, Uillverslt'yoor'Chl cngo. Tho subjects assignod nrb as follows; - -v N s 1. Tho -practical wisdom of freeing raw. materials, esenthU to subsequent hiaiuifaciuro, 'from" ciisoms-diitles when nntnriiit! tlio TTTTTTnil Pfninu i " 'L: . -. - "v" .jL'ne best method of obtaining an elastic currency in times of panic. 3. To what oxtent, and In what form, are socialistic" enots held In- tho United States? , v- 4, In what rospect and.-to -what ex tent, havo combinations among Ainer Ican railways limited or' modlflcdtho Influence of competition.? . C. Tho best methods of avoiding re sort to forco by. labor unions in their contests with employers. 6. The effect of "trusts" upon tho prices of goods produced by thorn. 7. How far does th earning prtwor of skill obtain under a regime of trade unions? 8. A critical study of modern com mercial methods for distributing pro ducts to consumdrs. dt The" development of economic theory since John Stuart Mill. "-. For the honor of tho institution, as woll as for tho distinction to tho win ner, many students" ought to enter Into sucir a contest. For two years past, tho same prizes havo been as signed. Tho.committod in chnrge is composed of Professor J. Laurenco Lnughlin, University of Chicago, chairman; Professor J. B. Clark, Co lumbia University; Professor Henry C. Adams, University of Michigan; Hon. Horace White, New, York City; Hon. Carroll D. Wright, President of Clark College. Stock Exhibition, Prof. H. It. Smith of tho School of Agriculture will glyo an exhibition of the steers to bo displayed at the In ternational Live Stock Show In Chi cago from Dccombor 1 to 8, at the University Farm on 'Saturday after noon1 of this week. , , Freshman (Hop Date Changed. Tho' Freshman Hop, 1b schedule"tltm bo 'held tho twen,ty-fifth of noxt Jnnu ary, instead orTJieolovonth as previ ously announced. , oso&dqosoqosoqoososzqooososooso Remember the Date-November 24 THE ANNUAL Plain to Come. $ s. !!xyKy80QOooo&ozy&y$oz CHICAGO EXCURSION. Low Rate From Omaha $6.00 Rate From Lincoln Withdrawn. Owing to the fact that 300 receipts wore not sold by tho specified tlnipj. tho IG.OOnUo from Lincoln to Chicago has boon' withdrawn and In Its stead it rate of $8.00 from Omaha has boon offered by the Chicago, Great Wostorn Ballroad, For a time It was thought that no ratri uta.ll would bo forthcom ing, but a letter from tho Chancellor to Presldont Stlpknoy--at Omaha In quiring why Minnesota could, got a rato whore Nebraska could hot, brought tho desirdd response. As the matter stands now It will cost $10.20 for tho round trip from Lincoln, but It Is hoped that the Bur lington will meet the rato of tlio C. G. W. as far as Omaha, In which case the total faro will bo but $9.10. Manager TSagor intends to return all deposits at Harry Porter's, at tho earliest opportunity, Ho announces that tlio toam will bo sent to Chicago via the C. OW. In acknowledgement of tho low ratosecured for tho exoiu slon. - " GAME 'POSTPONED., "Too Much Weather" Say the Mana gersTo Be Played Monday. Tho Intorclass football game be tween the Juniors nnd tho Seniors was not played yesterday afternoon on account of tho condition of tho ath letic flold. Tho freezing weather of tho past fow days, taken In nddltloti to tho snowfall of Monday night, put several crimps In tho championship aspirations of tho upper class teams, and tho mnnngors decided that they wouldprofer fb- hang around a bnso "burner until tho ground should nrom Iso fbwor bruises. Tho game has been sot for noxt Mon day afternoon and 1t is hoped OuvHlic' weather wjll moderate sufllcicntly "to permit a good game jind. a largo at tendance. Admission will bo 15 cents and the proceeds will go Jnto tho In torclass fund for tho purchase of sweaters for the interclass champions, whoovor thoy may be-. Rhetoric 15 "Debate. "Shall labor unions bd compelled to incorporate?" is tho question which will bo discussed In Rhetoric 15 this afternopn at 2 o'clock In University Hall 10G. Tho afflrmntlvo 'speakers will bo ILL. Russell, '09, and R. 13. Wnldo, '08. For tho negntlvo, D. D. Drain, '08, and H. S. Stephens, '08, will argue! Tho dobato Is open to tho public t , .. - . Scott Nlcol, tho -younger son, of Coach NJcor of tho Purdue fodtba.H team, was killed. In a football game lastv week, COUNTY FAIR Event of the Year NEW RESOLUTIONS V 8ENIOR8 AND JUNIOR8 REJECT TH08E FIR8T PROP08ED, ' "V Uppeirolassmen Admit Misunderstahd I ho of Reasons Behind Rule 34 Want Committee. v A now so.t of resolutions was aubpt. od. by tho Sonlor nnd Junior classdrat theliLjjonibined mooting hold ybston day morning in Memorial Hall; Tlicso resolutions wera drafted to tuku the place of tho set originally prpposqd, which woro rejected early In tho moot ing. Both sots woro concornod with' Rule .11 of tho Regulations xJovornltig StudpnlH and stirred up unusual intor. est thruout tho two upper classos. Tho mooting was called to order by President McWllllains of the Soplor class and thastatomohL was mado that tho discussion bf the mnlter. invlmiid -would jiavo to bo. coinplotcd in tho ono mooting Blnco tho "Untvorslty authbrh ties had said that the linll would not ho available for tho purpose .atliny futuro date. Tho meeting at onco de scended Into a committee of tho whole .. for thp consideration bf tho rosplu tlons introduced at tho former mooting and Mr. it (3, Siyors was again ap pointed to thp chahv Boforo reading tho resolutions, pre liminary to further discussion, Mr. Myors. roported to tho commietepft cniifgroncq ho had had with tho Chan cellor on thosubject under discussion. ,x Ho !sald-in substance that tho Chan cellor claimed thnt-Rulo 34 was not originally urged by MrsBarkloy, but by other mciubers-of tho facultyand by tho mothers of a number of Unlr . versity girls. When the necessity for tho rulo became ovldont 'thp' raattbr was thoroly investigated by botii tho Chnncollor and by tho Board of Regents and, at no time In tho Inves tigation" did the question of immorality among tho stdents appear. Tho rule was passed for tho convonlonco of tho ' students nnd nothing.more, ..' Moro than, this, tho Chancellor urged that tho upper classes take no ,"pb ritructlonlst" stand-on tho mattor'and assorted that tho Regents would bo glad" to reconsider tho objectionable rulo carefully If the upper classes so' desired. . .'; Tho resolutions wore Alien.' re rpad .'and discussion was ppohed on tho third' section rhe're it .had been dis continued at tho jprpviourf meeting. It, was at once moved to reject tho rpso-"" lutlons In. tholr entirety, and aftor some discussion a vote by Jjallotlwas taken and the count showed tho reso lution rejected by a voto of 123 to 81. Substitute resolutions were at once introduced, which read ns" followsf "While cbntfentlng to tho utility of Rulo 34 of tho printed 'Rules and Regulations Governing Students,' pro- , Vidlng for tho segregation of tho men ! and women students of tho University of Nebraska, yet we, tho momberfl of the classes of 1007 nnd 1908, hplipvo that In many cases Rulo 34' will opor- ato as a hardship on etudonts without accomplishing .any moral bonpflt to. , nnyono. . "Wo believe, furthermore, that Jn the onforcenient of Rule '34 tho. 'chv (Continued on pngo 4.) . , v 'T j"BI s-i Jw'' T v i , i n NJ o fSVt u. . ki(f. -S W . 1 ' . P." ?'.& r .. , i . "v."f-- .' .J- ,, o v ,j ' A t.fl . I I '. J. .'- , -..