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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1906)
' N rl - .- 'i, ii I- U V V. Gb.e S)ail flebrWftah 1324(0 Street. m I I ! Jayhawkers win. " I I m HI , 1 Jl"IUir got I ho ball on the CO yard lino """Jf1 " " nml returned 10 yards. A 15 yard Got tho full bonoflt of llio gna that ' Penalty forced Wollor to punt and Ang. goOs through your motor, wo win bow noy returned tno unit almost immeut you this wool? : lately.. Nebraska was penalized an- KverlnBtlng Light, for C'Otliar 15 yards ami Weller punted to Word's Host, for... j 55c,., . rn nn Lindsnv, for 69c I " cuntor r tho flyld Now Inverted, for.... $1.00, The ball changed hands frequently, (!ood mantles for; 25c. j nothing startling happened until Largest stock of Edison Phono-. WttlIllC0 ,rlc(1 u pIttC0 kIcU from tho - graphs and records in tho city. Foot- . .. ... f . ball goods, guns, ammunition and alh- i ,jr' ,inl ,,nc wnlc" re 8ll0lt' now lollogoqds at Lowost Prices. I'vcr, by 10 yards. Cooko returned to LAWLER CYCLE GOi )o,,n,,iciMi R,n fr ir y- weuor . punted to Angney, who signaled for a fair catch on tho 18 yard lino. Again 35$ffiSIffifflffi&tM MHIIHCW l HUM II UIIICU KICK, UIH UUIOU. s iNuunisiui kickcu out aim aiivanccd COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK flo Imll steadily to Kansas's 15 yard "OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. 1 , I"1' ,whQil ? fnnl ,,a8 f ?"' C0l ' ffi ' ,r"nBOn 8avo Knnattfl the ball. Kan- CAPITAL. - ,$100,000.00 $,Hatt i,UiUocl out ' (lnnsor ,,ml No' " h braskn advonceil tno-. ball again by G&Z&5GQQ&&8&&M&QM&5 ' means of a 40 yard rlin. by Cooko. --i iiHHMNMni KmmtH was penalized 25 yards and . Conch Foster sent McDonuld in to i take "1)111" Johnson's place at ind. I Gil tried a drop kick, but the line j could not hold and the ball was niooKoo. rue game onoed wttn tnu i ball .near- the center of the Held. The lino up: Nebraska. TLuft End. . .n ...... .Johnson, McDonald Left Tackle Matters t COOOOOOOO Left (lunrd .: ' rscitnloiinku Center . .. .-...? Harvey ' Right Guard '. , " Taylor Right Trtckle ..... ...Rico Right 12nd . ; . Mason Qttartorback .?v.. Cooko, Drain Left Hair Wollor Richt Trail . . v. , Little . Fullback , rv. Craig ' Kansas , .Lert End . .,? Pleasant; Loft Tackle Donald Loft Guard .Putnam Center ; rrrrMHton i Right Guard Reed Right Tackle Crowoll . 'Right End White' , Quarterback '. Angney ' Left Hair Porter, Mlllor , Right lltiir Wallace I .Fullback . .. '.Brunnor , SOL&" FRAfS--- When in heed of COAL call and see the t at 4 WHITEBREAST GO? We will treat you;rigKt.J ' Phones: Bell 23.4; Autol6l6i Office 1106 O.- jV.r - - iwii mMrmmm MKLICKS STABLES . i. w ..-' Closed Carriages. BKKago. The Finest Llyery In tho City BBI.LPHb.NB 438' - AUTO AlATIC 3435 1230 N STREET BREAD, PIES AND CAkLN fyl We Serve , Hot Drinks anil Ice -yjLk. J222 Creairt .AHWnter COME IN V,YU1!' - rm Vf HAVE c The Evans Do Your Washing )ooooo 000000c aoooco 30CXXX)OOOCXX)0000000 ELECTRIC SHOE Repairing Factory The only up-to-date plant in the city. It saves you time and money. ...... Meet me at ye 01de Ed Young's h Smok See Our English Tobaccos OIlOp Where Can I Get a HacK? At the Forbes Stables, ol course AUT0 15S0 DELL 550 . - UNIVERSITYBULLETIN. 1220 o St. DONS CAFE 114 South llth J. Wright, Mgr. Ladies' Dining Rsom In Connects. OPKX O A. M. TO 1 A. M. T. J. THORP k CO. nuhber SlaniBt Slamolls Seals, TrlMD'Ohtokv. Keys , Alonifty, 2G. Lockimlthlnfl, Qtorl ' W. J. Brynn. Machine Wrks, Mod) . Tuosdny. 27. Hikers, Etc. 308 So. llth, LINCOLN November. Tiioh(1.i), 20. Union meeting, Juniors and Seniors. 11 a. ni., Memorial Hall. Juniors vs. Seniors, on campus, 2 1). m. Wednesday, 21. i Pathology class excursion to Bea trice. Prof. W. C. While, "Commerce and tho Now Farmer." Friday, 23. First Symphony Concert. Steckcl ho r String Quartet. Saturday72t. County Fair, Armory. Nohraska vs. Chicago, at Chicago. Cross-country meet at Chicago. UNION COLLEGE i TAILORS W Main Coiitft BUILDING for First Class Tallar ing at Law Pricas . . . ! Auto, 48 Calfaca Viiw - HUYLER H h OhoplatB anal tTBins, Tkt Dm Cttir. C. A. SIMMONS Printing 248 N Strctt LINCOLN, NKB. Will do Your Football, final class championship game. Wednesday, 28. ' Thanksgiving program. Thursday, 20. " Vacation begins. Nobrnska vs. Cincinnati, on campus. December Monday, IJ. -JGror. i. W. Caldwell, "Pun-Amor- ' lcnnlsm." Wednesday, T. Pror. S. E. Almy. "Yellow Sclonctf." Monday, 1(1. Prof. G. E. Barber, "Roman Portrait Sculpture." (Illustrated.) Waterman Fountain Pens THE IDEAL Mirgcftt Aortmnt Carrlsd In Town. Harry Porter LOST Gold nln with nearl sot. Re- j turn to Miss Alloyno Archibald at ! university School of Muslc building. Substantlol rownrd. ! R. m, ER1A7IN, 99 , - . E. PERKINS RETAILERS AND JQltBERS OF TOBACCO, CIGARS, AND NEWS neLljeJ' hOSTLast Saturday, at tno foot- ball game, tho portlSnjOf a B Hat clarl-, uui wjui 'uvu, riuuor-piuasu reiurn 10 University Band room. Class in History of Commerce will meet hereaftor In room U. 201, Instead of L. S01. The Daily Nebraskan Only $2 per Year Gregory, the Coal Man x tr 4 S m: J1 i V( " t t "lmMTWWyTiTi ifmTTrT-frft''" "- r