The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1906, Image 3
uti WlMMMfrJbMMW4M -, ,G b c 2) a i 1 1 1R e b r a 0 ft a n .& mt Ifr kfr AAA A sfrA-A k--U ! PROGRE86 ON THE B0NE8. WHEN . T r h K "V v& i I- Q Auto 3355 q 8 A Specially In Oysters in Season 8 8 117-19-21 No. 13th 81. v ,8 WHEN STUDENT WANTS PRINTING . THERE IS NO OENTIKO THAT HE WANTS IT FRUITED IN ":" MODERN' STYLE The New -Century Printers XI 1211 N, STREET l. J. HERZOG Tlie Unlverailf M&VTillir IKEFlKEtfWtRK B8NE. Mi PRICES WT k w.-k Oi'P'EET- -.' ' ' " . i.. i i,. s jV X JHIlflVERSITC PL. . ). MflCKEB, Jwehr, L S ;R DRrS. SHEAM, Optician jjT; r .. j 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRQNT . 5 Y0JJRJATRQHA6E SOLICITED. v. bQspooocxxxxooooocxxooooo6 -x. S v Nl ooooooeeeooooooocxK)oxopoorr- 3 . i I Through Dally Trains THE UNION PACIFIC & q Is renowned forlts fasttralnsi m , perfect roadbdd, and tho goridfal & superiority of Its service and jg equlpmen,LIt Is the direct Jlnq "' to. , . ' ., , O to h- Denver, Onden, k "i IV' ' Salt ;Lake City, j ' ' ' V Sin Vrrxnrlam. Lns AnnillC t 3i Pnptlanii '. WMII . . w ....raw.w . ,, titt yv v,'- i-Ti """' - - 1 v & Passongers via this lino can racliW.estern . points . many, liours" qulckflr:' than byor any other " rSuto hence there are fqwer Incidental expenses on tho A Saving of Time and Money S Be Buro your tickets read over tlie , I UNION PACIFIC: V .- ' Jnaulre of 4$ E. B. SL08SpNr '. , j." , Gen. Agent. csoooooooooooooooooooooooo OLIVER THEATRE XiiAiUf A A "tVAAAAAA ulWA A A AAA TONIGHT AT 8:15 JANE CORCORAN IN "THE FREEDOM OF 8UZANNE" Prices: $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c and 25c. WED. MAT. AND NIGHT, NOV. 21. "The World's Greatest Band Master," ! VKIsnUK. rflYUK'l'oc00d8 fllowly- Eventually tho AND HIS BAND 'mound will bo thoroly stripped. Fifty Musicians. . Four Soloists. ' Moro cal'cful examination of these MAT., 50 & 25c. EVE., $1.00, 75 & 25c; HMttwwwyg ! K " LVRIC THEATRE,. 1 t it ZA dj-Jg mt ml mtrnt AAAAAAfcAAyCAAA Aj I fMat., 3 p. m. Evening, 7:30 and 9 Admision, 10c and 15c. LOOS BROTHERS JVIclNTYRE & BENNETT THE GREAT HERR J,EN8EN CO. WILLIAMS, THOMPSON & CO. JACK WILDER' ILLUSTRATED SONG. lyroscope; The BIJOU iQ OCXXKXXXXXpOCOOClCXXiOQOOO 3 Shows Dally: 00, 7.45 and 9:00T p. m. Pnze rviatiness Tuesaay Tina Thursday, "" 10c ADMISSION 10c Nights Reserved Seats 5c Exlrj The Orpheum Favorite, MR. DIGK-LYNCH, Illustrated Burlesque Ballads and Dancing. . THE FOUR CRANK8 In the Laughing Musical Comedy, ' v "A Mixed Affair," X r . . MR. WILL H. 8MVTHE Singing the Comedy Picture-Song, "Tlie Preacher and 4he Bear." A Vaudeville Novelty THE BOHEMIAN TRIO Singing Comedians, v ' The French Flexible Marvels, LES DAN0VA8 In a Novelty Comedy Act. The Latest Comedy Sensation, "GETTING EVIDENCE" On the Biograph. COMENIUS CLUB MEETS. Decld,esto Abandon the Name Bohe mlan In Favor of Czech. ' ,f t The Comenlus Club hold its regular meeting last Saturday-evening in room 402, University Hall. ,Am9nS other things It was decided to use tno woru "Czech" Instead of Bohemian" in a)l references to tho peeplo-of Bohemia, or nrouerly. tho Czech country. There 4 is considerable raiscohcoptlon of the. word "Bohemian" and ln'raany casesrlt- is confused with tho - adjoctlvobphe - mlan," which has an entirely different -menning. The people of Bohemia are nronerly "Czechs," tho country being nnmnd nffM' tllrt altlt fl'lho Jif mill not tho present Inhabitants of that country. Honce this change was, budbuiuujs Aioior, rarotr, uarne- adopted. L hey, Tsirner, Allen, Weber, Wellenslck, . 'Charleton, Humphrey, Porrln, Scott. First Social Evening. Seniors. - The University Etramatic Club will hold its first social evening of tho year: at the homo of Miss Ruth aBUey, 1937 E, street,1 Friday vevonlng, Novem ber 23. The evening ,wlll be devoted to -"initiating'' the new members Of the. club and 'to getting a "social basis ". - . - . . . . . - for the year's work, A run attendance jlsfdesired.'v -.i',it jt .?. (a Xameron's llunch CounterTl23 8ri2. Critical Study Being Made of Remains of Prehistoric Man. Prof. E. II. Barbour, Prof. O. B. Con- I dra, and Mr A, B. Sheldon all wont to Omaha Saturday to Investigate fur fchor the prehistoric mound north of that city. More boncB woro found which further supplement tho valuablo discoveries already mado. Throo shaft-llko holes wcro sunk to a depth of eight foot and all earth thus ro- moved was examined carofully. Nec- .Hhnull.f aM1 Mn n isfa11 Wts1ll r fl f remains only tend to show they are t sun oiuor tnan was uoioro uouovea. , Numorousartlclos concerning them! arc being prepared for various maga-f zincs. Prof. E. H. Barbour is propar-' lng an article In response to a request! from "Putnam's." . ; Undoubtedly the "Nobraska Loess ( Man," as tho romalns are called, will t cause much discussion Jn scientific clr-l cles for some tlmo. v ' . IN TROUBLE. County Fair Needs Brains, -Also a ; .... Bridegroom. 1 Tho managers of tho County. Pair are in sad straits. After mjich cudgel ' ling of brains and long stances of thought, they have as yet not been able to secure an attraction of tho na ture of the famous Red Lynx", which made a former Pair a howling success. As If this were not sufllciont, the "wedding in hifih life" bids fair to be 'postponed because of a sudden "cooling ng . f . liriMinectrvd ardor of the prospective bride groom. Howevor, tho Irato father of the bride declares that by. hao1cwor crook thc wedding shall come off If has to lead the recalcitrant brldo- grbom to the altar by the oar. - So "thematter stands thus If you are an Ingenious od or co-ed et your -mental mills buByand think up soino- fiilnof now. - Thlnlcnard and fast and TtlvonglYc tho fruits ofybur labors to, thefeecrotary of tho Y, W. CkA. or to jMlss Prnmnleetho chairman committee. Junior-Senior Football Game. The Juniors and SenlorswlH clash this afternoon upon tho gridiron.- The. Seniors have the samo experienced , I team which once won tho sweaters. ';The Juniors are weakened by the loss i of Cooke, Wallace and Matters, last ' year's stars, but their lino up contains more than a majority of VarBity and second tearii men, so that tho teams . should bo well matched A large attendance Is desired, cspo- - cia)iy ofco-eds, whose presence at tho -"class games lsjflually mado rcmsplcu- ;OU8 by their small numbers. l , T, u , follows: 1.,-in-. -- 21 r..ttnn M End. MpThiln J-eJ J Tackle MdaujghUn I'9it Guaid -.., J. . .r J01"180;" eiiei ,.-; xv, n ' - "Jr.. " ;h'i ""' --' ,v,,,". i fht laqklo . ..,. ....M llei , Zh End ;?l ?'" ' ' ,, iJUil XXilll tttf . iVUIIiUU Right Half Gramor Fullback , Myer t Left End SUmdovon Lef t Tnckle . . . ,' Molor, Fenlon Left Guard .Jenkins Center Klesstlbach Right Guard . . . . . .Frazier Right Tackle . . . r .Dort 'Right End .".,.. ........ .Butler lV . ' ' V.llrilX ijuaneruacic ton luapi, j Left Half ,' ..,.., Runner Right Half ., Sunderlin, Campbell Fullbaclt .,.:.,.'.. t , .''...'.., . Howard , wc GO ON -j Sho Troubles Go Off. f Rogers & Perkins 112 O Strt. N UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS I36 Ntrth Eliyinth . til 341. - Autt3lll DEL PRADO v- I4th A. O Swollest Lunch Car In tiiolYcjt. 1 MirVOlMttQr-qt'AMTY tlinn any Imioli jr hitliooity. ArV.P.Komp, Caterer Pctry Bakery vGo. DaWng Orders Filled Promptlj. Tine Rice Bread Ovr Specialty. FhonB ub andVonr Order Will ' RcoIto rroarpt Attention. OR. JNP. J DAVIS Qradualo" RcffBCllon- 1st end Opiicfun Spectacles and. Cye Ohistc Corragtly A .i-A T1j .--i Onn4 Office 1222i O St. t ,', kUVUtlfllUUVWiVMi" COAT'SHIRT ON AND OFF LIKE A COAT. THE MOD ERN SHIRT IDEA. WHITE OW COLOrV FA8T FABRICS. S1.50 AND MORE CLOCTT, PtABGOT & CO. WAKKHB Of OtUtTT AND ' AMnew eettAns "WALKOVERS mm I m S. . "X. flood Urub ', v- 8 e Would Like tobo Your f! , I Xnundryraen. i J .. YULE, BROS: looooooooooooooooooooooooo . V X. i X ' t t-t"4 i T 4 V, t