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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1906)
N ZL Jb c 33 a i I 1R c b r a 0 lULn w : '" 0" S No n ' Nv-it a )i 0. a Z&beB)allElUitagftan THIS PROPERTY OF TIIK UNIVERSITY OP NEDRABKA. TilKCOr.N, NEMIAAKA. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MMDAY BY THE BTUDENT PUB. BOARD, Publication Office, 126 N. 14th St. EDWIN MIMlOY 8UNDERLAND, '07. KniTOn-lN-CIHEF 8. M. Rinakkk, '00 - MannultiK Editor . FnKi Bai.UiU), '05 Nowfl Editor V. E. BTANDEVEN, 07. lUmiNKHH MAKAORn (UvHahoy, Assistant Manager Hviion 13. YoDRit, '08, Circulator OAYTELErHME, Aula 1521. WOHT, Auto 2315 tod 4472 Editorial Rooms and Business Office Basement, Admlntttratlon Building Pofitolflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. ,,-! Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year Payable in'Advancc Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. "INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo clmnrod for nt tho rnto of 10 cent per lufiortloa for ovory llftooil words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly 1h uuullshod froo. Entered at tho postfillcont Lincoln, Nebraska, w seooml-clnns mail inattor under tllo Act of f 1ttftnati et llftirnll !l 1H7II. uan v v. "I v. TEMPORA MUTANTUR. Times do change Tho announce V ment hat vocontly come from tho east .that thoro lias boon started In New .York city :i training tTchpol for social lata, and that among its faoulty is Pro fessor Giddings of Colupibla" Univer sity. , Tlmo was when tho more suspicion of socialistic tendencies was sufficient To"HOTloualy threaten tho position of any Instructor In our Institutions of higer learning. Not many years ago Professor Ely of Wisconsin was tried and utmost discharged from tho Uni versity on a cliurgo of tills character, ujid we 'havo Jiad on our faculty at Nobraska men who wore compelled to leave their former berths because of $H IU Heavy overcoats; siujiravenertes $2.50 Hats; Budd's Special $1.00 Kids A quartette pf hot shot values for the fellow that wants to look well dressed without spending all . his allowance. Look me up for such togs. BUDD. $2.50 Hatter. 11410 WHY PAY MORE? ) . tholr-theorles of government. The realization Is beginning to come to our really influential centers of learning that progross is not .to be gained by a limitation ofTttG thought or expression Of .its teaching staff. Tho moro wo have presented tp us, tho wider will " our 'horizon become and tho bettor will wo bo ablo to appreciate tho truo relations of things that como Into our experience. Tho old attitude- of tho sectarian i schools, that thoro are certain scion- tific facta and corlaln theoTotlcaTHoc n trlnes that concern the life of man . which should bo suppressed for tho '. best Interests of all concerned, has been largely supplanted by the spirit afc free discussion which pervades the modorn university. The value of In dividual and unlquo thought has been admitted and' censorship- has boen practically abolished. We are glad (hat this is so, Wo .believe that students at the higher In- ALLElffll CHOCOLATES AT RIGORS stitutlons of learning wantJtho widest outlook they can get and we, further believe that thoy uro entitled to it. They should bo given all the facta that an expert observer can discover, and then bo trained to draw their own con clusions from thorn; not given the conclusions and bo forced to, adapt tho data they may find. May tho times keep on changing until this goal Is reached. PROFE880R RIDDELL 8PEAK8. Addresses Convocation on Subjtct of "Brain Building." Prof. Nowton N. Riddoll of Chicago, who Is giving a series of lectures in tho Auditorium under tho auspices of the Lincoln Young Men's Christian .Association, spoko in a very interest ing way on "Brain Building" at Con vocation yeslorday mornings If brain workers, he said, use tho faculties whereby they gather fflcts thoy can ac complish much with little offort. Ex periments show thot any ropeatuble Intelligence can bo embodied in tho brain coll. Tht auraeba readily changes when compelled to respond to stimulation, and so does the mind. ,To embody a. thought three processes are necessary First Concentration in gottlng tho fact. Second Assimila tion. Third Differentiation. It. is tho intense concentration of our minds upon a subject that makes it our own. 'Tho great minds are slow readers, and read only tho very best. "Think only the thing you would make your self," Bald ho, and do away with Impure emotions and worry, which aro so destructive' to life, health vitality, und success, Definite thinking once Is better than reading a thing over aiid ovor again. Apply what you know ' and embody new truths as you can do do. Character Is the highest priced j thing. In the worlft; To havo within H one's self IhTclity and tho conscious ness that ono Is loyal, honest- will rndlato a silent Influence upon others. "Our ideal should bo not singly to jlo all wo nro capable of, but to em- body strongth and higher virtue that. wo, may physically, mentally, socially i , , , and morally render larger .service to our day and generation." EVENTS OF FORMER YEARS. Tilings Unit happened In pther years as recorded in Tho Nobrnsknn: Five Yeart Ago Today. I Lieutenant Barlow, '99, spoke on "The Philippines" at chapel. j Four Years Ago Today. .' The 'Varsity defeated tho scrubs., I Bonder doing flno work. , , , . ,,,,,, . faonlor class met and decided about J taking space In Tho Sombrero. i Three Years Ago Tocjay. President Scott of tho F-'eshmuif, class appointed his hop committee. Tho Sophomore class team lost to the Freshmen by the score of 13 to 0. Herpolsheimer's Jewelry Department lets tt Advise Immediate Christmas Seleotiens Tho advantages nro so muny, and so plain, and thoy boar so directly upon tho comfort and satisfaction of onr patrons, that wo of tho Store wish to facilitate in ovory way tho growing custom of oarly buying for tho holidaj's. OUR JEWELRY DEPARTMENT is ho systematized that sorious iuconvoniencos to customers is .rare.ieVen when moat crowded, hnt wo are best plonsod when our frionds urobest served. To distribute the trading more comfortably over the remaining five weeks, we are accepting a "modest deposit" on many sales, and will hold the articles until delivery is desired. Follow the crowd at Herpolsheimer's Jewelry Department. BESX-QOODS. Good Overcoat Weather Good Clothes Weather Not too late to get togged out and not too-early to do it quickly. If you have been "looking around" with nothing but dissatisfac tion as a result, then you have missed us. We show only comfortable, satisfying materials, and we make them Into the same kind of garments. There Is no dissatisfaction Vvith those who deal with us, because we have the right priced QUALITY fabrics which we build around you InJauch a way that your evfery attitude will exhibit your clothes In lines of grace. . "s" DRESHER Open Evenings too busy Lincoln's r-asmoname tailor, 143 80. 12th St., Lincoln, Neb. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Plchards Blk. Cornhuskers, got busy. Townsend. Chapjn Bros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. You will bo satisfied with Cameron's Lunch Counter. Call up tho Star Delivery Co., Bag gage. Both Phonos. Why not take your baths at Chris Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? . McVoy Printing Co., 121T No. 12th. st, hna turned out some neat work for University organlaztlons. Tho Ivy Press is now located at 212 South Twelfth street. Unlvorslty work especially "solicited. Yo olden candlesticks- and yo now ones, too, at-Harrls', tho jeweler, 1187 O st. He's reliable. Groen's " barber shops 0x90! all olhor's in tho west Entirely modern and tho best work assured. Hair Dressers. , Best soft water Bhampoo In tho city, I24 No. 12th-St. E. Goodman Tanner, ' , PV ReilTNll5?y frnIshod rooms, modern, with bath; suitable for ono or tw6 g0ntlomori. 1117 H street, ' . ." ' k Thoros ono place in u thousand There's whore you can llnd the real.Rookwood jutte1:yl Couie Into Harris'' and seo itrr" 1 117 O st. He's reliable. WANTBD-Thlrty-flve Cornhuskers. to sit every day for the next two wqeks in order to havo all mado bo- fore Thanksgiving. Townsend. Hlvo ,you'hl)1 V0 Mns tor the Cornhusker? If not, don't fall-to at- teml t0 lt nt once for all 8lttngs must be made before Thanksgiving. Town- send. pi"T7 i Z 7 ' Flrst Soca Evening. The University Dramatic Club will J hold its first social evening, of tho year on me ovenmg or Friday, Novem ber 23. The place has not yet been announced, but th.o chief entertain ment of the evening will bo afforded by the "Initiation" of new members. LOWEST PRICES making clotheN close. COMING SOON Caruso, Mclba, 'Scmbrick, Gadski, Patti, Campanarl, Tamagno, Earns, Planeon.' Those groat and 'mosteriful art ists will bo heard iu Lincoln this winter. Thoy havo sang for .the Victor Talking Machine, and ve luvve records of thorn. Wo would bo pleased to play for you. Pricos 10c to $1.00. Sold on pay ments. lllLu . . STORE Ross P. Curtice Co. 1125 0 STREET S bJg& ihAlS 2495 WOA S71TO 96 lOHirtG, i-TONE AND Ciig VSL - ir j- i i a s ' 1 1-K-.J KTTJVOftol'"'