The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1906, Image 1

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feflllf IFlebraekan
' - ' v
Vol. VI. No. 42..
H f AkV ,' ia ri,M
,-2fci .i,
First tfansas-,. Victory SI
. Clean'Game Thruout-
Feeling -RcstoVed.
. v.-
Kansas S, Nebraska G, .
Saturday, for the firatvftlmevslnce
I Sfin,iNebrnUa .lost, to Kansas. irwuY
Hir Hnotft- frnitin nt thn nnnunn nml Mwi.
Result was in, doubt until practically.
;he last, minute bfpTayi.The Jayhawk
ers played with fierce determination
to win and put up perhaps the best ex
hibition of football they have ever
given on Nebraska Held. On the other
.hand, I ho Cornhuskers ployed far be
low their normal form and-In the first
few nlinutes of the game made a dls
appointing): .poor showing. They soon
took a brace however, but not until
the-.mischief haubecn done, Kansas
iiavlngmade her two-field" goals in
the lli'st fifteen minutes
lny. A few
minutes later Nebraska snowed, a I
streak of winning football, scoring, a
iojtohdown from ajong run by Johnson-Uickcd
and three lino bucks. After this how
"oyer, neither team hail much ad van-tjigle-Knms
punting frequently and
plnying a-sale game.. Towards the last
of the gameNobraska 'had two oppor
tunities to scoto, but both came to
nothing. In the .firsts caagi Nebraska
secured the uall on "Kfthsas' 15-yard
line as the result of a punt blocked by
"tie of Kansas' ow.n men, but lost it
jmijtediatelyJDjl an attempted forwnrtl
;Wss; Agjtin near, (lie end of the1 game
. -Nebraska- carried the ball to Kansas'
SO-yufd Jine and there tried for a field
goal "from drop klcjc. This Was
blobketl and- Nebraska's last chance to
'in wa&Ngonc, , -v. i
Nebraska's reversal of ' form "was
largely dUo tJ UVoaccldenL with whic1)
,.?v. .iV . ,x.
lCobke met at theVery first- of tho
jgamo. 'The plucky little quarterback
kwas knocked completely out of his
ijwilBby a fine tackle of a Kansas man
jwho hadJhmt rorily "Pip!', to pass to
,reax;lr;our tfoal line. For nearly all tho
"first half he hardly knew one signal
from 'ano'er'and at ,rio tinio during
tho game wnsTTieln .condition to run a
4eam. Tlil.left thoHoanr iiko t aVmy
without a general and had much todo
With the demoralizationand uncer
tainty of Its offensive work, Anothor
thing ?thafc wrought muchllavoc with
Jebraslca'e-hopps' Svas the unerring in
stinct with -which Ktlnsassizcd up and
frustrated Nebraska's' trick plays.
The unfailing, accuracy with whichthis
was done suggested more than .casual
knowledge on their part of duroper
tolre io.f plaj'H. ' , .-Jn "
The gamo was remarkably clean
thruout and the1 feollng between' the
teams was all that could ' bo desired
The work of the o'fllcials ,was of high
order and whilo thoir infliction of pen
alties was severe, It wa8 manifestly
impartial' and nothing more satisfac
tory could have been asked. ,
Prom, the statistics of the. game .the
, tjvo teamB appear to have been very
oveuly- matched. Kansas rushed, the
ball 178 yards to Nebraska's !7G, -while
ou piints Nebraska made. 510 yards -to
Kansas!;.495. On returning pUntsJNo
braslca has 135 yarda to her credit to'
H5 for Kansas. Nebraska lostW yards
. cjso
4t 3"
oii penalties while Kansas suffored
only to the extent of 05.
The uanio In detail follows:
. Wallace, the Kansas star halfback.
off at 2; 45 p. m. and Mason re-
turned to (he 20-yard lino beforo being
downed: Nebraska, unable to make
her 10 yardii, punled to Anqney on
Kansas' 45-yard 4jno. A brilliant run
around the end by Wallace netted 40
ynrdff for. Kansas beforo ..Cooke pulled
him down. This brought tlie ball to
our 25-yard lino, however, and Wallace
made u beautiful place kick for goaln
Score, Ncttraska 0, Kansas 4.
Again Wallaco klekeu" to Mason, who
returned to the :i0 yard, line 4oforo be
ing downed. After a low unimportant
plays, Wellqr punted to Ansnoy on
Knnsas's 50 yard Hub, and n trick play
thru center gained 2Q. yards for tho
visitors. . Nebraska regained the ball
on her own 15 yard line and jmntod,
opt of danger, but the Jnyhawkors
seemed possessed of almost fronzled
strength. Brunner plunged thru then
contoT -for 10 yards, and a forward
pass netted anothor 10 yards. Ne
braska was penalized 15 yards for
holding, and a short kick added 20
yards more to the Kansas total. With
the ball on Nebraska's' 25 yard lino,
everything was in the' enemy's favor
and Wallaco again booted the oval
squarely between the goal posts.
Score, Nebraska 0, Kansas 8.
Johnson kicked off foil-Nebraska to
White on the 5 yard lino, who returned
15 yai;ds. An-exchango of punts left
the ball on Knnsas's 45 yard line in
Nebraska's possession, and things
I looked better for tho Cornhuskers.
"Bill" Johnson gained 5 yards around
the end and immediately after, on a
long side pass from Cooke, carried the
tjall'to Kansas's 15 yard lino. By
bucking the lino with Little and Wol
ler, the ball was carried to tho 5-yard
line apd Craig went over on a straight
contor buck. Harvey kicked, goal and
tho score was: Nebraska 6,: Kansas 8.
The rest of the half consisted of
punting from ono side of tho field to
another, neither Side having much ad
vantage. The half ended with the
ball on Nebraska's, 50 yard line in
possession of the Jayljawkers.
Second Hajfv..
..Johnson kicked, off -pyqjv-t.00 81
lino; On tho kick out by Kansas
(Pontinued on page 4.)
I " ' J I
Seniors and JuYilors to Finish Discus
sion of Resolutions.
There will be a combination mooting
of the Sonlor and Junior classes this
morning at 11 o'clock in Memorial i
Hall to finish the discussion of the
i-csolutloniiC;pndomnlng Rule .31 of the
Regulations Governing Students.
These resolutions were introduced at
a similar meeting held a week ago lust
Thursday and received an hour's at
tention without KulnltiK any definite
disposal. Today it fs honed to flnlBh
tho discussion and olther, reject or ae
cept (he resolutions, . ..
Tho .first nlpellygfor this purposo
waB.largely attondcdjmd: it is okp.ooteci
lhat tho finish of tho-argument will
secevn morqvIu(ero8tihinnifpstod.
Largely Attended and 7ery"3ucces8fuT
Affair. . C k
The ofilcors of tho Freshman cl
Introduced a novel precedent last Fri
day afternoon with decided success.
.From five .to six tho ofilcors held an
informal reception to all members of
tho class In Union Hall. Nearly one
hundred and. fifty Freshmon wore pres
ent, the number of co-eds ahd men
being about tho samp and thru tho
efforts 6f tho officers thoso present
were made tp feel much better ac
quainted than could otherwise have
been tho case. The reception tyfOB
voted by those present an unqualified
success and -decision was renohe'ef to
hold another similar reception In tho
near future.
- Dramatic Club Tryouts.
The first of tho Dranintic Club try
outs for admittance to the club was
held last evening and a large number
of candidates appeared. The success
ful contestants will not be announced
until the tryouts are complote.
' '
Chancellor Androws left -for Omaha
yesterday and spolco to the Woman's
Club on "Simplified Spelling' Ho re-
turned last ovenlng and spoko to Ihe
Xlncoln teaphofs ' on ''EduHtTon
Through ;Readlng." i ',t i f ,r,
Dr, W. '6.' Webster twiir-spealc on
"Commerce arid the Now Farmer" at
chnpol Wednosdny mprnlng. '
Price 5 Cents.
Alumni. Organized To Root, for the
Scarlet and Cream Section In
Grandstand Reserved.
The University' of Nebraska Chi
cago" Club, "an organization coTnTuMng
all former Nebraska studopts nowSro
siding in the big city by the lake, in
tend jo show that their loyalty (o old
Nebraska lids not wariod in'tbe lapsd
of. time nor suffered by Hppunitfdn.
from heir Alma Mafor, The club lias
appointed a committee of seven (6 got
all Nobraskans out to the gumo next
Saturday. The committee has Issuod
the ToHowlng circular lottor:
To All TNobrnukans:
Voir knol!vQf course, thattho
cago-Nebra'sIm football game wfll
played in Chicago TfKMarshail J
littirday, Novombor 2itliv. ' "
Surfcly rvory nlumniiK of Nobr
everyono oyer conncctod with
University and their friends, living
Chicago or wjlhin striking dstanco of
Chcago, wll be present, Itjs tho last
gamo or the. season for Cjilcago the
place on Ihejr schedule reserved for
the big-game. 1Mb a rocognltion-of
Nebraska's prowcsBln' foolbjiil. Coni
Ing at tlie close of tho SeariQii b'f-tho.
two universities, each with a Btrong'
team, coached to play the game art do--voiopod
by the now rples tlie 'o'lioh
game it fii buic to be Ihtere8tiig.jinsfl
-flpecjacular, , r M " .
;- -Tho too, It wIllnffonUiooppor
,tunlty for a gathdring togTHer of ,Ne
braskai'people. sA section of se'als has
boonrosorvod for us, and wowlll all
bo together. You, may; mee friends
you have ndl seen for yea rs You wjli
be Hiiro to meet njany University peo-
Tilp. ' 'i.
Tho prospects are splendid for a big
oxcursidnfrom Lincoln, which will
:api to tlie ocllcjneiit'und' make it tho
indro interesting for us who wcro once
eats may bo obtained nt Spaluing's,
147 Wabnsh avenue, or by Bending
your order to R. M. Chitwood, Mana
ger, University of, Chicago, Chicago.
Apply for seats in tho Graduato's Sec
tion, Nebraska side. The price is
$1.50. . .
The game i's at 2 p. m. Bo present f,
iLl:3Q. .. '-
Bring a. incgaphoiTe carry our- cqK :
drs spread the, news.
Class in Mental Pathology to Vslt
Beatrice Tomorrow. v ,
Tomorrow morning at 7:25 o'clock
Dr. Bolton's class in Montal Pathology i
and any other stutlents who may b'o
Interested, will leave Lincoln from ttio
Union Pacific station for Beatrice,
whero tho day will bp spent in a visit
at the institute for tho feeble minded.
A round trin rate of a fare and a
third has been granted by tho railroad
and' tickets will cost $1.60. It Is
planned to make the excursion to sonio
extenan outing and it is houodjtbat ;A
tlierowlllbe a JaVgp attondanco. The .
excursion leaves Beatrice for tlie re
turn trip ntC p. m. " '?"'
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