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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1906)
lMMkBtf!mmrMtm, m . 9 be Bails flebraekan . 1!,I Vol. VI. No. 41. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, &NCOLN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 7, J906. Price 5 Cents. LINE-UP X)F TODAY'S GAME ON INSERT OF THIS PAPER ?-- "3 . F - ir it. w K B. X h."'- f i'. t,-r''' ) A MEAT RALLY BIGGE8T AND BE8T FOOTBALL . MA88 MEETING OF YEAR. Speeches"" Unusually 8tlrrlng New Song Makes Good Innovation In Yelling Enthusiasm Rampant. ' Honk-Honk-Honk-Honk! No, you are wrong. It was neither $ flock of geese nor-a bevy of automo biles. Quito on the contrary, it was a now. outlet for University football en thusiasm and It first saw the light of lay at the mass meeting held In Memorial Hall yesterday to prepare for the Kansas game. It was an addi tion "to the usual quota of yells and Kansas bids fair to think sho is sur rounded by a huge flock of mallards or Canadian geese when the . referee's whlstlp blows this afternoon. . The mass meeting was the largest and by far the most enthusiastic that has tyjQn hold at the .University this year. Apparently the thought of meet ing Nebraska's most deadly rival In football has stirred the student body to Its dopths. Besides this, planffvero more nearly perfected for a rally that should go with a snap than they over have been before. The crowd that filled Memorial Hall to its limits found the celebration on when they entered. The'band was In place -and at work. A round of yellB for the Individual members of tho team, each one ending with a "honk" three times repeated, was followed by more music .from tho band and then tho speechmaklng commenced. Dr. Maxey was called and responded In characteristic vein. "My remarks on a former occasion of this nature were misconstrued," said the genial professor, "and I propose today to con sider a' serious subject." Naming his subject aB "Tho Origin of Football," tho professor continued: "Authorities differ as to the first mention of foot ball In ancient literature. Those who ascribe a sacred origin, point to the passage In tho Bible which refers to a little 'leven' and In my opinion this Is cood brdof not only that football was played but that the conference rules were in -vogue, else there would - fieno little ilov.ens.4 Supporters of the theory of pagan origin point to-pass ages In Herodotus and Ceasar's Com mentaries which may be freely trans lated, so they assert, as follows: 'A mass on tackle Is good for three yards' and 'Caesar played half.' "But whatever its origin" may have been," continued Dr. Maxey, "it is cer tain that football has been played by all great nations except Kansas." In conclusion the professor made a strong objection to the cry of brutality hat is so 'often hoard. "For an abso lutely safe game," said he, "let me recommend to you tiddeldy winks." The now song was tried out at this juncture after the series of yells had been run thru. It proved a tremen dous hit and will be sung several times by the bleachers today;. Coach Foster was next brought for ward arid 'aroused the enthusiasm of his hearers to the boiling point by bis -: ' ' fir? I n-Ok M A Preliminary Glimpse of the urday Evening, Nov. ooo Nebraska's Yells and Songs YELLS l. U U U nl Ver Ver Ve rs 1 ty N e bras kl Oh h h my! '2. Hoo Rah Rah Hoo Rah Rah Hoo Rah Hoo Rah Ne bras ka (Repeat). 3. Hold em Ne bras ka Tear em up! Tear em up! Tear em up! No bras ka! Stone wall Ne bras ka" Tear em up! Tear em up! Tear em up! Ne bras ka. SONGS Cheer for Nebraska, Nebraska must win. Fight to the finish, never give in, You do your best boys, we'll do the rest boyB7 Fight for Victory. a. b. ITune Waltz Me Around Again, Willie.) Back to the hay again, Jayhawk. Skidoo skidoo skldoo. Your cows are a-bawllng, your co-eds are calling "Oh, don't let Bill Johnson got thru!" Schmidt, Cooke, and Chaloupka are playing groat ball, And Matters and Mason you can't stop at all; Sj back to the hay .again, Jayhawk. Skidoo skidoo skidoo. COOOC5COCXXXXXXXDOOOOOOO O O tribute to Cornhuskor spirit. Holn slstod that Kansas-will bo noeasy mark today and that there must -bo a continuous demonstration of this spirit If the Cornhuskers are to win. Captain Mason then took the stand and seconded Coach Foster's state ment concerning the difficulty of tho game today. He was followed' by Manager Eager, who first boosted tho Chicago excursion and then related what he had seen of the Jayhawkersl In their game with Colorado. In his opinion "Kansas will give us a hard fight and stand-a good show to win. The celebration closed amid uproari ous yelling and more music by the band. Ye olden candlesticks and yo new ones, too, at Harris', the Jeweler, 1137 O st. He's reliable. County Fair to be Held Sat 24, in the Armory. A growl a whistle Hoo-ray! Nebraska. 5. a. Say! b. Say what? a That's what! b. What's what? a. That's what they all say! b. What's what they all say? (All) Touchdown Nebraska! Touchdown Nebraska! ! Touchdown Nebraska!! 0. Hoo Rah Rah Ne bras ka Hoo Rah Rah No bras ka Slow JFastor Hoo Rak Ne bras Rah hFast -ka Yell! O X Dr. Flndley to 8peak. Dr. Palmor Flndley, formerly of Rusbr Medical Collogo, Chicago, arid now professor of Gynecology and Ob stetrics in tho Omaha division of the University, will lecturo to tho Medical Society this evening at 8 o'clock in M. 301 on "The Mythology of Obstetrics." Tho general public is Invited to attend. During class games in past years spectators woro allowed, to roam all over the gridiron, but In the Fresh-man-Sophomore contest last Thursday thoy woro confined .6 the grandstand and bleachers. The management of inter-class athletics hopes and wishes to keep them off tho field during the remaining contests. Hugh E.J Wallace, '08, Is visiting at the Alpha Theta Chi fraternity house. KANSANSjlRRIVE JAYHAWKER TEAM REMAIN8 IN IT8 CAR OVERNIGHT. Are In Good 8hapo for Battle Excur sion Due at One O'clock Field Heavy Big Crowd Expected. Tho Kansas team arrlvod in Lincoln InBt night, but remained In their car, which is a combination sleopor and diner. They aro not In a boastful" mood, roalizing that they havo a hard gamo boforo thorn, but ovory man Is up hero to glvo tho best that Is in him and fight to the last ditch in tho hopo of victory. Tho stormy weather of laBt night was most Unfortunato for Nebraska, and tho rooters aro not as confident of victory as thoy wore On a muddy field tho Jayhawkors' woight will toll to much advantago and Nebraska's swift plays will show up but poorly. Roports from Kansas indicate that tho poor showing made in tho St. Louis and Washburn games has not dampened their ardor in tho loast Those games woro of minor Impor tance and their team' was not on Its best mottle. Tho Nebraska gamo Is tho gamo for Kansas this year, and If a good man could bo saved for that gamo ho was not endangered by being used in a minor game. . Tho Cornhuskers aro all keyed up to tho highest pitch In anticipation of tho gamo today. Thoy havo boon practising strenuously all week and with but few exceptions aro In tho best of condition. It Is still doubtful If Schmidt nnd Wollor wlli bo In tho gamo on account of tho anklo ot ono tho throat of tho other, but no ono can tell until the referee's whistle blows. With tho advent of tho rooters' spe cial, which is due at ono o'clock, Lin coln will bo a scone of much excite ment, equalled only by that caused by tho Colorado rooters last year. The rooters aro oxpected tp fiumber sev eral hundred and Kansas will no-doubt own tho town until 11 p. m., whon the excursion train is scheduled to leave. ii i Many alumni and friends of Nebras' ka aro coming In frpm Omaha and tho towns in the stnte for tho gamo and there will be fraternity, sorority, and private "doings" galoro for them and tho visiting Kansans. FOOTBALL GAME8 TODAY. The big games today aro: ! West. Nebraska vs. Kansas, at Lincoln. Minnesota vs. Carlisle, at Minneap olis, Chicago vs. Illinois, at Chicago. ' ., Wisconsin vs. Purduo, at Madison. East. Michigan vs. Pennsylvania, at Phil adelphia. Princeton vs. Yalo, at Princeton. Harvard vs. Dartmouth, at Cam bridge. " x' Army vs. Bucknell, at West Point, Amherst vs, Williams, at: Amherst ' Cornell vs. Swarthmorb, at' Ithaca. . Cornhuskers, -get busy. Townsend. HS ;; , ' ! '!? i t