5T-5. ?r wv 7$". ' ill ii i Hi ill Ill fclwJWWwHw v Vol. VI. Np3 r UNIVERSITY OF'NEBRA&CA, LINCOLN; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER i59 1906. Price 5 Cents. T . v i- ' f i ' i ' i Mt DR6AYLEY SPEAKS fc, DENVJER MAN DELIVERS AN IN L TERE8JINQ ADDRESS. ! "-V Problem of Twentieth Century Man '-. Increasing Interdependence Re- s- n . . Religion a Social Necessity. 'a?'"' v IN. . Dr. PrAnkT; Bayley of Denver spoko on a. very interesting topic at Convo cation yesterday morning, his subject being, "What Will the Twentieth Cen tury Man Do With His Dynamite?" The subject Is not quite so startling when wo think that the word "dyna mite" comes from the Greek word which means ''power." There is a vast difference in tho equipment of the men of this century from that of all others. This Is no longer, the age of the bludgeon, bow and blunderbuss, when men killed their enemies and did it quickly. Jn tho business world wo see man's ' 'Jvorn manifest" in corporation, and fvf'usts, where ajfew men have an amaz ing amount of power in their hands. But whether dealing with capital or laoor, it all depends- upon a man's dis position whether ho uses his power forwealor woe. Disposition in turn depend upon character, thus his dyna mite alond Is a blind Titan. The question arises "How can wo V. ;Eet along witheach other?" Since , 5e. are all sov mutually dependent and thin -Interdenendence Is constantly in- , .-- . . iv)iininc van. flnd ourselves all Inter- woven into one common life. Stop for ajmoment and consider how many neopleVero cbnnectcdj&ljther directly or 4ndirebhyvswlth just the. breakfast Which wo haoHhls mornings Prom ' 'the. social 'question; the art of living together comes tho moral question and because disposition grows out.of char- itor., It becomes a religious question. i&me may say education wlty settle all this troubled But a man may be a grelt'Jinguistad be a Uar too.Hc, may" be able .tbfpeaksix languages' fluently andlnptttell the truth in "any 0f, tixoni. Theforor is the mjin who Is skillful' jvith his hands. .Thus the most dange'rbus men aro1 the intel lectual ones with evil dispositions!, and ;not. the boorish fellow wno Knows tH? verv little. Some one has said, that nlae-tenths of tho mischief done wan thru intelligence t , ,. - Rjjllglo.n has an important part in the Uvea of 'intelligent, thoughtful 'people. Cecil Rhodes, say? that religion is pn6 of, jthe iaaihstays of good government., 'Character must bo" rooted and ground ed in powers invisible and eternal. We .should serve the Holy God to jwhom -wo -and the whole universe bo Joag, ,then.eweet will be His love and .xjompanlonBhip. Religion there fore, a social necessity. -Burt Griggs, Law '04, was recently rosSK MnntoA county attorney of Johnson -MBJtt V -"'-" i county, wyomiuii, SOME Of THE J AY HAWKER TEAM z t&WBlBifeJfc-, K JbBBBB J. ' BBBBBBBA" s-'BBrBBM ' i M m c SEED, Guard BTBBBBH ' -" BBBH BBBBBBBBI WHITE, End THE FIRST BATTLE FRE8HMEN AND SOPHOMORES TO CONTEST TODAY. " " Warm Game Is AssUred Effect of the New Rules fn DoubtLine Up :--v. -.. of the Opposing Teams. X-, HURRY! HURRYI HURRY! R i..t I. i FRESHMAN RECEPTION. Only Eleven Tickets to the Sophomore Hop Left. - Only oloven tickets to tho Sopho moio Hop relnnin for sale, Altho the Hop will not bo held for one month, the rush to-secure tickets at the popu lar price of one dollar has been aston ishing. Only eighty-five tickets were pfferod for saIo and If you wish to se cure, one 6f tho remaining eleven you wlll-iuivtq hurry. Positively- Jov onowlll bo "admitted,! 'without; "tlckotand posltiyely-no tick ets will bo sold aftoV the eighty-five havo been disposed of. " vTJcketa may bo purchaSed of tho following members of the committee: Miller S. Benodlct, Gordon B. Laing, Dwlght Boll, H C. Robertson, and Katherine Doylo. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! " in Officials for Kansas Game. Williams, Iowa; Miller, Port Rlloy, and Rothgeb of Colorado woro agreed upon for the officials of Kansas-Ne braska, game Saturday, but notified Manager Eager yesterday that he would bo unable to act. Will Be Held Friday Afternoon Union Hall. The Freshman, officers will hold an Informal reception Priday 'afternoon from 5 to 6 in Union Hall to all mem bers of the cluss. The object of tho reception is to got the Freshmen, bet ter acquainted. Some form of enter tainment, other than that usually fur nished by tho Sophomores, will bo. provided and all afo .assured a good time. -. A Source Book of Greek History, Dr. Fling, head of tno European History department, is reading tlio last proof for a book on "Sources bt Greek History" which ho has been preparing for . several years. This book, which; is Soy high schools and colleges will come out within a month, and will be tho only source book of Greek. His-' tory printed JnJSngllsh. , Workmen-on tho Museum building promise to have everything .completed Rothgebfby-December 1. Wiring, plumbing and plastering are finished and oak work on threo floors is completed. SOPHOMORE HOP Fraternity Hall December 14th z TicketSp $1.00 Limited Tho Freshman will battle against. tho Sophomores on tho gridiron this afternoon in tho first Intorclass game. of tho seasbn. Tho contost is "cnllc tnv 9. n'olnnlr I This will bo tho first clash of Ne braska class teams under tho rovlsod football rules and much intorcflt In manifested as to what Effect thri hovf codo will havo upon tho "play, of tho younger athletes. Tho first year men hope that tho now rules will favor thorn and onnblo them to keop Ihelr opponents from makingtho nocosBary ' yards In tho required downsVIf thoy can withstand tho lino plunges bfc;th6 - Sophomores thoy aro conndont that tholr iloot nuartor and backs will hr? able to got away for n touchdown or two. r tho second yoar men will rely, chiefly on straight football to gain a victory. Roalizing tho dangor of tho forward pass When used by other than' thoroly drilled men, thoy will resort to no trick plays unless forced to do so in order to mako tholr gains. Both elevens havo been going thru stiff practise for tho last threo weo'ks and oach captain, claims that his team JsJn excellent shape; Of thetwo.jtcamtf tho Froahmen ,havo done tlio most 8trnuouVgmoral work in preparation for tho game. Out on tie' campu& twlco cacluday tlio-resolute ''Prcshlos'' have tirod tlioinsolveHout in cettlnir' into shapes "s -1s . ,.. At fiilvoly class meeting yesterday thoy decided to attend -the gnrto en masse find root vigorously. " Tho teams will lino up" as follows: Sophomores; Freshmen. Kadlngv v 1. g. '. . . rrrr: ."Pxi&i , Johnson...,, r. t. , ...... Hl!jS Meyer tfflor Krough. , -. .; oN. ...'. Perris Plngley. . ,' 1. g.r,. . . .Spraguo Grono. ;. 1. t. ,.;. . . . . ...; .Harh Bentley. . ., l, q" ...... , .Prpudflt Bell .',,,..'. ...'.. ; q. b'. I.... .Burleigh Gallup. l. h. ,..,. Burnett- Clark, Clancy. ... r. h. , ,. , .Beltzor Krueger, Reid .'.... f. b Preoland Buy TodAy. Tho tickets for the Chicago excur sion aro not going at the prop'er rat&r If no- moro are soldTtoday than were disposed of yesterday the excursion musT-of necessity fall thru. If you have tho slightest thought of going to Chicago buy your ticket today ana make tho excursion sure. There is not tho slightest doubt that at the last moment morjo than enough to guaran tee the excursion will appear. The question 1s, will they show up In time. Get busy! J Jf IT HELP TO DEFEAT KANSAS - W V(H r V" y . ' ' ' ' r J. ' v kN- .x d ", V it N v - v -Xk N . N' ' :v V 'I I f ' , . V";