XL be Datls tM.li.n i i'.'. m ! L t; I. V Water Tight Shoes 10 DIFFERENT STYLES Just the Shoos for Stormy Weathor mop& s rotH'Sfo J2iSOSTEET.-fr ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON -8R AFTER THE DANCE CAM. UP The Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Company For Goody Prompt LIVERY SERVICE LIGHT UP Get the full benefit of tho gas that goes through your meter. We will sell you this week: Everlasting Light, for. i 39c World's Rest, for 55crf Lindsay, for - 69c Now Inverted, for '. $1 .00 Good mantles 3 for 25c. Largest stock of Edison Phono graphs and records in thoclty. FooU ,ball goods, guns, ammunition and ath letic goods at Lowest Prices. LAWLER CYCLE CO. 1324 O Street. .. ' , J Repairing Factory 18 8 r X The only up-to-date plant in X . X the city. It saves you time -7 - -K 1 l2200J ! Would Like to be Your -j! Laundry men. , ' YULE BROS. ;! ELSON'8 COMPANION. (Continued from page 3.) , I'm in your boat, I guess; I've been pretty lucky tonight, myself. I sua pocted how it was when I saw you in the strcot. I guess you're no gladder I happened along than I am." Ho lutlghed with n heartiness for which Elsdn did not quite see the reason, but in which he jolnod. And so they walked down the street togother, talk ing of this and that and the other thing, iind becoming vory well ac quainted with each other. Elson liked the follow. He had a sort of candid, democratic way about him thnt appealed to the clubman. Ho was cultured, too; his books wore El son's; Elsou's music was his. They differed in politics, but that Is what politics is for. The stranger had trav eled. He had not been to Europe, but his own country ho knew well. Ho could loll you about the queerest places anything from Chinese dives In SntuFrunclsco to the palaces of the millionaires on Fifth avonuc. "I don't like to Btay in one place too long," ho explained. "People don't seem to tako to my ways, and then 1 get restlesB. I suppose I'll have to leave this town tomorrow." Elson was charmed. He was glad now that he hadn't gone to a hotel. This fellow was his kind dlfferont i ftom tho ovorlnstlng Harris, or Pender, j or even Rlloy. Ho was sorry when they turnod Into the Btreet where ho , had his rooms. , He must see more of I his n6w friend.' "I live hqro," he said, "bo I'll have Tto say good night. My name's Elson. Chnt you meetuO; at my club for din I nor this ovqning?" Tho stranger hesitated. "I had in tended gplnprtq Chicago," lia said, "but that can go . Why, yes, I'd, bo de llghtod. I am Smith Smith, of John boh & Smith, you know. Thanks Good night." "Good night," suld Elson, again. Tut, tut, dear reader! You should, not bo BUBpIclous. Not every man you & tmeot on the streets at two o'clock In tho morning is a tliug. I thought I made it plain in the beginning mat ElBon'a companion waB a perfect gen tlemnu. , P. A. EWING. .Rhetoric 15 Debate. Tho debate In Rhetoric 15 this after-' noon at 2 o'clock In University Hall ' 106 1b on thb following question: "Resolved, That "the government should own and operate the railroad I trunk lines." G. L. Ponlon, 'Q8, and E. K. WHtso, '07, will argue forthe fufllrmative and M. A. Mills, Jr., '08, atfdv W. C Ramsey, '08, will maintain the negative. - The debate. 1b open to the iubllc. Captain Curtlsof the Michigan foot ball team broke his leg In a practice game Saturday. Tho big captain has had very hard luck. Last year he was put out of the Chicago-Michigan con test for alleged brutal play and the accident of Saturday will prevent his participating In the-last big game of! hlsJootball career, the Pennsylvania-1 Michigan contest next Saturday. ' Wisconsin will meet Illinois in de bate elthor next year orthe succeeding year. Illinois, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin formed an inter collegiate debating league last y&ar. This year Wlsconsfn debates Iowa' andfMihneuota, and Illinois debates Minnesota and Nebraska. Daily Car dinal. ,Tho faculty at Wisconsin has com pelled tho Juniors to reduce tho pried of their "prom" to three dollars. The former price was six dollars. FOR RENT Front room and side room; hot water, heat and modern ac commodations. 1215 T St. o ( ) ( ItIeillTeI o y JAS. 1. DAVIS I JEWELER and OPTICIAN S B 1210 O STREET H ft f. g Fine repairing a special- Q 8 ty and the beat of goods g x at reasonable prices. P Why Nat? Send your Laundry to us? We do good work and save you money besides. ' Shirts .. Be to 10c Collars ;..24c Cuffs, per pair .6c - Pell Phone 805. Auto 2441 Merchant's Laundry. OOOCXXXXCKXJC)CXX)CXXXXOOOOCXDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO R E S U L TS T ETL L 8- a Wo claim to bo tho best CLEANERS and DYERS in -.Lincoln, and are hero to nrove It. our methods LATEST and our workmen the best We clean tho finest dresses and or shrinking and guarantee not to injure thom in any way. We also S clean gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. GQods called-for and jleltv dred. All goods thoroughly sterilized. We dfr altering and. repairing. Phono Bell 147 1320" N1 street. Phone Auto1292 Call or write for price list. Lincoln, Neb. J. C. Wood 000006XKX50000000000COOOOOOOObOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXJ a UNION COLLEGE TAILORS Maltivpilligt BUILDING VI wmmmmmmmammmm R.E.ERIAIN,'99 - A. E. PERKINS KKTAII.KRI AND JOllBEKS Or ' - TOBACCO, CIGARS, AND NEWS r TAKE THE lIGHTlOAD FR.OM mP J OMAHA CHICAGO 'yeg GREAT -WESTERN ROUTE Unequalled equipment on all trains makes toweling a pleasure on the 6KKT WESTERN 1 t Far tuff Intonratipn.-WrHe-to .. P.H. DONIO mSTRICffAS&yGER AGENr, ' liStS Farnam St. - Omaha. GLIftHDP ir WEBSTEK?JSL 1 INTERIIMOJ lDICTIONAmri X 'IT IS WtfODATE . -j AND RELIABLET flEOENTLV ENlWIKl WITH 25,000 New Words arid1 Phrases ALSO ADDBO Nw Gazetteer of the "World New Bisfrajthicftl Dictionary Editor la Oii.f. W. T. narrli. Pb.D., IXlB., UnlUd BUtM 0amlMloflr of ZJuatloa; 2380 Quarto Pates. 5Q&0 lllustrattent. IT l A PAOKtO 8TOMHOUM Of AOOtfftATI INTOIMATION QnAMO Pmi(nijhfrAwrd)Wom.p' Fair Brxouta Also WebfUr'e CelUf late' Dictionary HUPCi. HWIUwtrattoafc Reeular Edition 7x iO x 3H lncht '8 Wattt. Do L.UXO Edition BJ x ', x 1 J In. Wnri from (am plt, on blbl papr. t benllful blndlac. FREE,"Dlctlonir7 Wrinkle." IllaitnteJ pfliUu. G. 6 C. ME.RKIAM CO. ' ' Publishers, Springfield, At., U. fi. A. GET THE BEST and macmnorv . are the vlSRY that monby can secure. robes withoutdanger'of fadinse & Company Ftr First Class Talltf-' ing at Ltw Priets . . . iutt,. 41 CtHt VImt. 21 V IV GREGORY'S 1 3 , 1 t AT N. -ir jj ' ni mc-$ -?--& v i j ", it . 4a . : ft ) a Y .1 l" A&. Mfm rm r r I .