The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 10, 1906, Image 4
f Gbe iD a i 1 1? Tttebraeftan l tmmmmlmtmmh, V. h- i v r . 'CAMPUS QLEANINQ8. - .-.. - Havo you had your sitting for tho Corphuskor? It not, don't fail to at toridto It at onco, for all sittings must bo'ma'do before Thanksgiving. Toton sdafi. frtivWdur photographs for'tlib Corn huk'kef taken ltrimodlatoly, as all sit tings must' lio made bofdro Thanksgiv ing. Townsond. kiss Harriot Huttbn, a follow In tho Gfeok.' department, has Just Wturnod frdm Now York City, whoro sho has boon attending tho Alpha Phi conven tion. "Tho days aro gottlng vory short. Corabuskors, ploas'o tako notlco and cofce early In tho day for your pic tures, and do not all come on Satur day. Townsond. 'Kir. v H. Holghton of Dos Moines, la., visited nt tho School of Music yes- torday. Mr. Hoiguton is puousnor oi th6 Western Musical Horaldf tho only musical paper west oi unicago Miss Pfolffor, adjunct proiossor in "tfro TSiu'topdUh History department, loft H6r ji ten days' viBlt In South Dakota Thursdoy. Miss Pfolffor has some property ,thoro that sho wishes to look ftor. . . 'Vho, aominar on Dad Government in 'ftio dopartmont of Political Science Is attracting .much Intorost. Recently Judgo A. S. Tlbbots gave an address "boforo the cluss on ''Tactics of tho dKalltoay Intorbsts." A now 250 storeoptlcon, with micro scopic projection, Hasboon nlored by the Unlvorslty for the State Farm. It will bo constructed In accordance with the plans of-0. J. Peo, superintendent of, grounds and buildings. ifiioistaff of tho Corntiusker an nounced that thdy havo placed two dapu'and two gowns fn Townsond's photo'gfaphla sludlo for tho use of Senior glrlfl,4 who will havo tholr pic tures taken 'at once. Profoasor Condra is busy those days rttlttga bulletin op tho sand and 'gfaVol-'rosourcos of Nebraska. This TJiullotfti'of. two hundred or more pages -tyfll;bo?of immonso value to those en gaged ill Ilmo," brick or artificial stone InduBtrioB. WArTED -Thirty-five Cornhufilrors to sit '.every day for tho next two weeks' In order to have all made be ore Thanksgiving. Townsond. Dr. Clapp announces lhat tho try- outs t&V tho cross-country team will b'o,,.hjnihits4 1: 30 sharp oTT Tuesday next "Jib "urges that' ovory man of the1 twntyrJlyjo or-vthlrty. .that havo boon, fvrbrKfag got out andvdo their best. 3.8evoral members of tho faculty 'at- "tended the meeting of tho School Rasters' .Clulj , in tho Lincoln Hotel Thursday1 evening, "This club is made jup of tho most prominent school men ( the state, Tho chlof topic of dis- ousal'cMvfbr tho evening was tho ac- fcrftdl.tlpg(.pf ,tho Jilgh schools of No- IhtoHckr '""ThT forestry Club meets tbnlglit Jn )tf. J10 at. Sd'clppk. Tho subject of olscusslotf will bo "Temperature rtnd its "Relation to Plants." Afldrossbs. by R. O. Steele, R. G. Pierce, and Claude Tlllotson will bo given. All students Interested In Forestry are Irivltcd to bo hVosent. ' A number of students of the Pollt-1 .. leal Economy and Commerce dopart jnont took tho civil service examina tion for positions In the Bureau oi Cor gporatlons and Labor. Inr the past No braska University has supplied a num ,beTr ;'bt people for this work In Wash ington, D. C. ' : Mr. O. J. 'Graf, who has boon pur suing graduate work In tho University 'tot two years has returned to the -ischpol. Ho oxpocts to rocolvo his M." A. degoo-at' tho" mid-wlntor Com "mohcomont. Ho has-been in Mlnne sota. for several months as educational Secretary of the Seventh Day Advent 1st church. Carnival fun, each one come Out to Arnioryrmako things hum. Up to you to spend that dime, 'Novombor 24th is tho time. 'T'will do you good, so bring a guestj , Y-.-w. C. A., will do tho rest. FaV and wide go spread the news. finy one who has tho blues Is commanded to bo thoro, Rah, rah, rahtho County. Falr; ThQ.phoriograpli isn't to' blame If It has a bad record. HERE AND THERE. Robort R. Hill, '06, is principal at Humboldt. Miss Ethol Howie, '06, is teaching at North Bend. MIsb Eliznboth L. Brown, '02, is teaching at Bancrpft. MIbs Ethel M. Prossley, '06, is poach ing at RandolphJowa. V. L. Strickland. '06, is principal of tho Plattsmouth schools. A. Russell Mooro, '04, is assistant superintendent at Alliance. Miss Helon Arnold, '06, is teaching at Lake Preston, Minnesota. Willford J. King, '05, is instuctor In tho Mt. 1 Peasant, Iowa, schools. MIbs Sarah E. Palno, '06, is teach ing in the Oakland high school. Arthur G. Konnody, M. A., '05, is In- fBtructor In tho Norfolk High School. Miss Gertrude Rowan, M. A., '06, Is teaching in tho York High School. A $100,000 veterinary building Is be ing erected at tho University of Penn sylvania. Tho Froshmon lost tho annual class rush against tho Sophomores at Car noil this fall. MIsb Emma Wilhelmson, '02, has chargo of the Normal Department in tho Beatrice High School. Chas. H. Taylor, '04, returned to Springfield this fall, where ho is su perintendent of tho city .schools. MIbs Edna Spears, '05, has resignod her position as teacher in tho Alma High School on account of illness. Tho Purdub Exponent "haB one of the best college cartoonists of any papor on our exchange list. His work con tamagood, pure humor. A crowd of Minnesota co-eds havo chartered a sar to tako them to Chi cago Saturday for tho football gamo with tho Midway Bchool. Tho Dramatic Club at the Unlvor slty of Minnesota presented three plays Thursday night. They wore: "My Lord in Livery," "A Man of Lot tors," and "Her Picture." Tho current number of tho "World's Work" contains an enterestlng articio on tho careor of Brigadier General Porshlng, who was Commandant of tho Nebraska cadots a few yoars ago. . Abo Pepporburg, '02, la an electrical onginoer for the Brooklyn Heights Electrlo Railway company, with head quarters In Now Pork City. Abo was llcutena f t of Company C in his Senior year. Minnesota-secured a good football song for tho Chicago-Minnesota gamo as tho tesult of an eight dollar prize offered by tho athlotlc management. It goes to tho tuno of "How'd You Like to Bo tho Umplro?" Tho goal posts on Marshall Field, Chicago, havo been padded at .the lower ends for the Chicago-Minnesota gamo. Tho Dally Maroon does not know whether this has been done to protect tho players from Injury or Iho goal posts from damage. During tho thirteen years That Brown has played Harvard the Provi dence boys have been unable towln a football game. The contest Satur day. In which tho score stood 9 to 4 was tho best showing they havo made Itgalnst thoCambrldgo eleven. - Class Basket-ball. All girls wishing to practise for class JiofiKel-ball should report at Miss Towne's ofllcont 11 a, in,; Freshmen, Monday; Sophomores, Tuesday; Juni Jors, Wednesday; Seniors, Thursday. Alumni Visit University. Several alumni of Nebraska now connected with tho United States Geological Survey havo visited the Unlvorslty within the past few days. Among them wore R. W. Calvert, for merly of tho department of Geology; Dr. C. H. Gordon, also formerly of tho Geological department, and super intendent of public schools in Lincoln; Henry Eakin, who loaves for Washing ton Sunday, and G. A. Flshor, '95, ono of tho chiefs of .the survey, who is here today, Dr. Gordon will spend tho winter In Texas studying tho underground water resources of that state. Mr. Calvert will help write up the Geological sur vey of Montana, -in which .ho was en gaged as ono of Mr. Fisher's party during the. Bummer. Among New Arrivals In - f - -- - , -. . . -. . I Our Notion Pep't Are the following. One lot of Netsuki Bags, in Browns, Greeiis', Blues, Dahlia shades; made up from Japanese leathers and fancy silks;- . "tl tft very special values at '. . v Py' Signet Hat Pins, in RoseGold finish-, in ah assort ment of designs, which on sale at 50c, 75c and , Fancy Nickel Wdftch Fobs, with safety attachment; each 25c and. New Ribbon Fobs, m Rose Gold Finish ; "(t , ftA special values at 50c, $1.00 and-up to.. .Viyv .Leather Belts, in Black, buckles; good values at. More fancy Black Combs, in a variety of beautiful' designs; , l JSR prices 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and :., ;....;.... ;V.V TVrpr PiinTiirsps. in tipw nt , MILLER ELLIOTT BROS. SUIT0RIUM 1210 0 St. 1 A Heart to Heart Talk With Boys ooooooooooodoosao( ivememDer tne uate lNovember ZA fg ' ET TT THE ANNUAL Plan to Come. 00( R. E. ERUIIIN;J99 - - J. E. FJERIHrS RETAILKRS AND JOHDER8 OF " " TOBACCO, CIGARS, AND NEWS BREAD, PIES AND CAKES COME IN 'we place (M AA ' t('l w 75c ' with wide front . . . ". . fanrxr aVinnpa . f , . : r&Z-ttOK. x- & PAINE V , mmmmmmmmmmm Do you -want those swell. Eastern University styles in Tailor-Made Suits and. Overcoats? Wejiave -I them from ;- $20 to $40 i- , -1 AnaTlioy'ro Just Right. ' W. 4, COUNTY FAIR M'. 'jj Event: of the. Year We Serve Hot Drinks and Ice Cream "waw nJ .T--1 if V. "s. S l j