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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1906)
wrtwiyp iWWB-MMWMl"W wWWM WSUWlM n G b e ID a 1 1 p Iftebraelian MMSmpBm t" it- . !;"' lv t- W k E-!' c. ? ' The Greatest ic Maker of the age is the Edison Phono graph. It brings Into the home circle the world's best music, rendering with wonderful faith fulness, songs, recitations, In strumental and orchestral selec tions. We have the full line of Edison Machines and all the latest Records. Easy payments. Lawlor Cycle Co. 1324 0 Strait. WHEN k STUDENT WANTS - PRINTING V THERE IS NO DENYINO THAT . HE WANTS IT PRINTED IN MODERN STYLE The New Century Printers 1241 N STREET DR. JNO. J. DAUIS Graduate Refraction- Itt and Optician' Spectacles and Dye Olasses Correctly Pitted-. Office 1222 O St., Auto Phono 8021 Pctry Bakery Co. Baking Orders Filled Promptly. Tine Rice Bread Our Specialty. Ffcon na and Your Order Will Receive Prompt Attention. S. F. Westerfleld Q Special Sorvico to v Bell Phone 335 0 Q Auto 3355 Q 8 A Specialty In Oysters in Season ft 8 117-1921 No. 13lh St 8 5 G. A. TUCKER, Jeweler, o DR. S. S. SHEAN, Optician ft 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT 8 J YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. I tf ttf ttaf Af Bf..Bf )Alk.kk!..J.AA l Itf fU r tM S OLIVER THEATRE TONIGHT, 8AT. AND 8AT. MATINEE W. B. PATTON In the Western Play THE SLOW POKE Mat., 50 & 25c. Eve., $1, 75, 50 & 25c MONDAY EVE., NOV. 12. Maharah's Minstrels TUE8DAY NIGHT, NOV. 13. ;Coniin' Thro' The Rye a; !l ..LYRIC THEATRE.. tttttttt)M Mat., 3 p. m. Evening, 7:30 and 9 Admision, 10c and 15c. TANNEHILL & REDCLIFFE MURRAY J. 8IM0N8 8HECK BR03. WILLIAM8, THOMP80N & CO. RUDOLPH A8KELAND J. J. WILDE LYR08COPE The BIJOU 3 8hows Daily: 3.00, 7.45' and 9:00 p. m. Prize Matiness Tuesdayand Thursday. 10c ADMISSION 10c Nights Reserved 8eats 5c Extra HENRIETTE AND FERDINAND Sensational European 'Novelty Artists MR. BOBBY RANKIN The Musical Comedian WOODFORD AND MARLBORO Presenting "A Timely Lesson" PROrVO. H. MITCHEL World's Greatest Ventriloquist MR. WILL H. 8MYTHE 8lnging "8ml le on Me" VOYAGE AROUND A 8TAR On the Blograph Thero is no time like Harris' time. If your watch isn't up to date you bet ter see Harris, the watch doctor, 1137 O'St China painting classes on Saturdays and Thursdays. Careful firing. Kath leen HocEslrasser, 645 South Four teenth street. Phono; A 2098. Coach Foster left yesterday for Chi cago, 'where he Intends to see tho game between Minnesota and Chicago today. LOST A fraternity monogram stick pin, set with pearls. Finder please re turn to Nobraskan office and recelvo liberal reward. McVey Printing Co., 125 No. 12th st, has turned out some neat work for University organlaztions. Phi Delta Phi held an. initiation on Thursday evening at which eighteen men were taken into tho fraternity. Why not take your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? You will be satisfied with Cameron's Lunch Counter. '. Cornhuskers, get busy, tfownsend. CREIGHTON GAME. (Continued from Pngo 1.) mako things llvolyvfor tno Cornhusk ors. In tho ovonlng the tetim will vlBlt, tho Boyd thoator and bco Maxlno El, llott and doubtless as many Nobras kans as can secure Boats will bo thero also, Immediately after tho show is over tho team will loavo for Lincoln. It Is scheduled to leave at 11:15 p. m., but Manager Eagor Bays that ho can hold It If ho so desires and thoro will bo no cutting of the last act No doubt everybody will bo tlrod bofore tho train pulls into Lincoln again, but everybody will got his money's worth out of this Omaha excursion. Games Today. Tho "big" gameB to bo played today aro. West. Nebraska vs. Crolghton, at Omaha. Chipago vs. Minnesota, at Chicago. "Wisconsin vs. Illinois, at Urbana. . East. Harvard vs. Carlisle Indians, at Cambridge. Yale vs. Brown, at Now Haven. Princeton vs. Army, at West Point. Dartmouth vs. Amherst, at Hanover. Accredited High 8chools. In the report of tho Inspector of Accredited Schools somo Interesting BtatlsticB were presented. In 1904 thoro wore in tho Univer sity 1,600 students from tho 120 ac credited high schools and only 272 from the non-accredited schools. Over 12 percent of tho latter class woro de linquent and only 6 per cent of tho former, Tho reports for this year's Fresh man class, 562 strong, the largest in tho history of tho University, is oven more satisfactory Over 90 per cent aro from accredited schools or acade mies, normals or other, training schools which are on a par with tho accredited high school. This Is a high testimonial to the value of accredited high schools. 8tudents' Debating Club. Tho Students' Debating Club will meet this evening as usual. The fol lowing program will be presented: Debate: Resolved, That in order to regulate more effectually tho accu mulation of wealth, we should adopt tho lncomo tax system. Affirmative B. W. Drlftmler, S. G. Evans. Negative G. A. Fltzsimmons, S. N. Jenson. A general discussion of the question will follow the debate. The matter of changing tho time allotted to speakers In the club debates will be considered. Virginia Gets Endowment. The University of Virginia has just completed the task of raising a mil lion dollars for permanent endow ment. Andrew Carnegie somo time ago pledged half the amount provided the college would raise the other $500,000. Of tho balance, John D. Rockefeller contributed $100,000,. T. Jefferson- Coolldge $50,000, and the rest scattering. Exchange. Comenius Club. The Comenius Club will meet this evening at 8 o'clock. Tho following program will bo given: Bohemian History Mr. Kreyclk Bohemian Language Mr. Plpal Bohemian Literature Mr. Kotouc Chancellor Andrews and Dean Bur nett left last evtning for Baton Rougo, Louisiana. TOMMY BSSSSSSSSSX L 7;WXBSSSSSSS1 LLPiVCm 1 WaaH ppV ...ub'LSIbtbtbtbtbI For refreshments and light catering work see "TOMMY" at Miller & Palno's. . YOU and WE ought to get together. By all mean we want to see you about EDt80rt PHONOGRAPH8 and RECORDS, for here Is the only place to get the com plete selections of all the latest Rec ords. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE - Lincoln Cycle Co. . 1317 O Street. H. E. 8IDLE8' OLD 8TAND, HAVE The Evans Do Your Washing DONS CAFE i 114 South llth . Wright, Mr. Ladles' Dining Room In CoRRectln. OPEN O A. 21. TO U.H, UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS ' 136 Mtrth EIivmUi BillJ48. JUtt 3MI I J Icoatohirt VL ON AND OFF LIKE A COAT. THE MOD- M CRN SHIRT IDEA. WHITE OR COLOR- FAST FABRICS. I $1.60 AND MORE I H CLUCTT, PrABODY A CO. tbtbmBMv MAKcna or ouuerr ah BH oouah y r ' ( 1