The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 10, 1906, Image 2

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Gbe H)ail flebraefcan
ffbe 2)a Up fiebraeRan
LtNt'OMf, Nkhrabka.
Publication Office, 126 N. 14th St.
t . KniTon-iH-cniKr
S. M. Rimakkii, '09 - - - MnnnRlhR Editor
Fbkd Baixahd, '05 -- News Editor
W. E. 8TANDEVEN, '07.
GAvIlAnnv, Assistant Manager
Byrok E. Yodkh, '06, Olrculntor
BAT TELEWIIE, Mt 1528, HJOHT, Aula 2368 md 4472
Editorial Rooms and Business Ofiice
Bmcnt, Administration Building
Postoificc, Station A, Lincoln, Neb.
Subscription Priccr $2.00 Per Year
PybU In Advnc
Single Copies, 5 Cents Each.
INDIVIDUAL NOTIOE8 will bo ctmrRod for
at tho rato of 10 centa nor Innortlom for ovory
flftoon wordn or fraction thoroof. I acuity
notices and University bullotliiB will gladly lo
published f roo.
Entered nt tho postr.fflco at Lincoln, Nebraska,
aa sqcond-olanfl mnll niuttor -undur tho Act of
Congress of March U, 1870.
It will bo roadlly conceded, wo bo-
llovo, that tho band la an Important
factor In tho success of football at
Nebraska. For so many years that
tho minds of students now in tho Uni
versity, "runneth not to tho contrary"
tho band has boon an appreciable elo
mont in contributing to tho victories
of tho toam and to tho inspiration of
tho crowdB on the bleachers and grand
stand. Good work has boon done bvery
yoar and wo thoroly believe that tho
band has fully earned all compensation
rocolved in tho way of free admission
to games and transportation to othor
This season, conditions aro hotter
than ovor before from a musical stand
point and, up to dato, tno samo old
Joyal spirit has been displayod. Thoro
i . - -- . m
' - ' I '-- -, - - ,. -II . I i i.i i. , .MM
Wo claim to bo tho host "CLEANERS and DYERS in Lincoln and
aro hero to prove it. Our mothodB and machinery aro the VERY
LATEST and our workmen tho bos that monoy can secure.
We clean the finest dresBes and robes without danger of fading
or shrinking and guarantee not to injure ttiom in any way. Wealso
cloan gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Goods called for and deliv
ered. All goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering and repairing.
Phono Boll 147 1320 N street. Phono Auto 1292
Call or write for price list. Lincoln, Neb.
J. C. Wood & Company
.has been a full complement of musi
cians on hand regardless of the Im
portance of tho game and reaTenthu-
-j siasm has be"en shown in working up
pieces for tho bleacherB to sing. Tho
parades around .the 'field between
- "halves have been triumphs and the
friendly rivalry with tho band from
Ames on October twentieth loft noth-
"ing to be desired. Our band was out-
numbered but, in no sense outplayed.
Several days ago, tho Athletic Board
voted $20 to help send the band
to Omaha for the Creighton game. The
Innocents at once started out to com
plete, by individual subscription on tho
campus, the sum required to defray
tho cost of transportation and, by yes
terday morning, were successful to the
extent of approximately flftoon dol
lars. The" total amount thus secured
still left a limited sum to be raised and
tho proposition was mado to the band
to help out to some small extent. Ono
member of tho band so approached
declared At once that he, for one,
would not furnish a cent and that If
tho full amount required wore not
raised othorwlso, he would pay his full
faro up to Omaha and leave his instru
ment behind.
Just how general this feeling is in
tho band wo aro not in a position to
say. If It extends very far wo do
pToro It exceedingly. Wo appreciato
to its fullest extent tho sacrifice that
a musician makes when ho surrenders
his time to tho calls of football. Wo
appreciato that ho loses some of the
most pleasant features of tho game ho
attonds when he is compelled to de
voto a large share of his attention to
tho work of tho band. Nevertheless,
wo do beliovo that the loyal band-
man will submit to all this gladly for
tho good that ho does.
Tho trip to Omaha is not a largo
reward In itself. Porhaps on a money
valuation it would not pay for tho
time of tho bandmon If all their ex
penses woro paid. However, a musi
cian, becaust of his membership in
the band, is none tho less a supporter
of football at Nebraska and it 1b Just
as suroly "up to him" as it is to any
othor mnn on tho campus, to con
tribute to legitimate football support.
It Is planned to send tho band to
Chicago and In that caso the roward
will bo immensely worth while. Wo
hopo that tho band as a unit will re
tain its loyalty to its fullest oxtonf
In tho present instanco, as it surely
will two weeks nonce.
Songs For Kansas Game Must Be In
Before Wednesday.
Manager Eager has announced that
tho contest for tho best words set to
tho popular air, "Waltz Mo Around
Again, Wlllo," and having a special
application to tho Kansas game, will
close at 6 o'clock on next Tuesday.
Much moro interest has been dis
played in this contest thah-ovas evi
dent in the one before the Ames game,
and tho contest Is closed a day earlier
than was previously announced that
tho band may have a longer time to
judge on the merits of tho verses
The prize for the winner of tho con
tost will bo the samo as ll was before.
TwoTOBorved seat tickets for the Kan
sas game In thd best part of tho grand-
sand will bo given to the fortunate
"poet," and It is intended to announce
tho winner thru tho columns of tho
Nobraskan at tho earliest opportunity.
There is still enough time for tho
winning versos to be written, and it is
oxpoctod that a number of contribu
tions will roach Manager Eager's
hands before Tuesday evening.
Leonard W. Turner, B. Sc. 1905, was
a campus yisltor yesterday. Ho left
for his home last evening. Since his
graduation Mr. Turner has had a posi
tion with the General Electric Com
pany at Schenectady, N. Y., and he
will return to Schenectady after a
short vacation., '
Department of Applied Mechanics
Makes Odd Sidewalk.
Tho department of applied mechan
ics is making an interesting test of
tho woathoring and wearing qualities
of various mixtures of artificial, stone.
Tho teBt is applied in a sidewalk that
is being built from the foundry to Scl
once Hall, and it is expected to use
the results of the test In future con
crete work upon tho campus or at tho
State Farm.
Tho sidewalk is being built In blocks
each of which contains a special and
unique mixture of materials. Tho
dotails of oach block are recorded and
aftor several years thoro will be re
sults that will indicate which combina
tion has proved most satisfactory.
A criticism on tho work has been
suggosted by Bomeono who has read
of tho construction of a long section
of roadway at tho University of Cali
fornia by the students themselves. It.
haB boon proposed that still better re
sults would bo accomplished by giving
tho students in applied mechanics tho
chance to learn sidewalk construction
at first hand. They would get valu
able experience and the University
would profit thereby.
Will Be Held November 24 Instead of
November 17 as Announced.
Owing to tho number of social func
tions that will be hold on the evening
of November 17 in honor of tho visit
ing Jayhawkers, it has been decided
to postpone the County Fair for ono
week. It was felt' that there would
not be tho attendance that tho Fair
deserves if the original date wore
maintained and It Is believed that tho
now date will meet the approval of the
Btudont body as a whole.
The Chicago excursion, if thoro is
one, will of course affect the Fair on
the' 24 th 'to some extent, but it Is- be
lieved that the effect will not be xlb
vital as It would bo a week from this
Academy Note's.
The November Issue of the Academy
News appeared this week under the
direction of tho new editorial staff of
students, of whom Miss Wehrs and
Mr. Bothwoll aro editors-ln-chlef. Two
members of the faculty, Messrs. F. W.
Park and J. C. Wadell, contribute ar
ticles, and Miss Elizabeth Hesler, one
of tho students, has an excellent arti
cle on "Hannibal." A cut of Chancel
lor Andrews appears on the first page
and short contributions from the
Misses Francos Miller and Cora Brown.
The reporters on social and personal
events have a column of Interesting
Items. This issue is wholly tho work
of students.
Tho basket-ball "teamB, both boys
and girls, aro making' excellent pro-
Lgxess under the coaching of Mr. Pin-
neo and Miss Caves.
The girls' b'a8ket-ball teams' gave an
enjoyable "feed" after last Tuesday's
practise to tho Instructor and mem
bers of tho "team.
Alpha Thota Chi entertained at the
chapter house last evening. Initiation
was hold last Wednesday and the fol
lowing men woro taken Into the chap
ter: A. Lynn Myers, 08, of Lincoln;
J. Roy Smith, '09, of Carleton.
Saturday, 10,
Forestry Club, N. 110.
Chemical Club meets.
Nebraska vr Crelghton at Omaha.
Football excursion to Omaha.
Rhetoric I mid-semester examina
tion, 8-9 a. m.
Comenius Club.
Monday, 12.
Freshmen meet, Memorial Hall, 11
a.-m. '
Professor G. R. Chatburn, "Tho
California- Earthquake." (Illus
trated.) Wednesday, 14.
Rev. Dr. Bayloy of- Denver.
Thursday, 15.
Chaplain: Prof. F. M. Fling.
Football, Freshmen vs. Sophomores,
2 p. m.
Saturday, 17.
Nebraska vs. Kansas, on Campus.
Tuesday, 20.
Football, Juniors vs. Seniors, 2 p. m.
Saturday, 24.
County Fair, Armory.
Nebraska vs. Chlcagovat Chicago.
Cross-country meet at Chicago.
Monday, 26.
W. J. Bryan. "
Tuesday, 27.
Football, final class championship
Wednesday 28.
Prof. G. E. Barber, "Roman Portrait
Sculpture." (Illustrated.)
Thursday, 29.
Vacation begins.
Nebraska vs. Cincinnati, on campus.
Chocolates and
Bon Bns.
"TV. Rru. Putltr. 10
The Dram CwtMr.
will soon bo here, and you will
need something to sootho your
tired brain. -
lstho only relief for you. Try
It. It you haven't a piano, rent
one. Bran now, high grade In
strument $2 to $10 a Month
Just as well have ono In your
All the latest 8heet Music
"Ross P. Curtice Co.
1125 0 STREET
Chapln BroB., Florists, 127 So. 12th.
Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk.
Cameron's Lunch Counter. 1238. 12.
Call up the Star Delivery Co., Bag
gage. Both Phones.
The Ivy Press is now located at 212
South Twelfth street. University work
especially solicited.
Green's barber shops excel all
others in tho west. Entirely modern
nnd the best work assured.
Hair Dressers.
Best soft, water shampoo in tho city,
124 .No. J2th St. E. Goodman Tanner.